Favorite/least favorite character

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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
To get Holli you kind of, you know, fucking corrupted the goddess of the planet.  I'm surprised you can have Amily in your party at that point.

She doesn't know this. It is likely that no one does.

Enigmatic D

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
She doesn't know this. It is likely that no one does.

Wouldn't Marble know since you kinda tell what you've done on your main adventure and she tells you what you need to do need for said adventure?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Wouldn't Marble know since you kinda tell what you've done on your main adventure and she tells you what you need to do need for said adventure?

Hmmm... Have no idea, never ever interacted with her.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
All I know is that if you have her in the party and choose a specific option, she'll tell you a hint or remind you of your main objective.

Maybe. But aside from her, the closest thing is when you tell Jojo about how you ended factory dungeon and nothing about Marae. And, again, tehcnically you've followed her own orders - shutdown damned factory for good. You have no idea which option is right when you are playing for first time.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2016
Maybe. But aside from her, the closest thing is when you tell Jojo about how you ended factory dungeon and nothing about Marae. And, again, tehcnically you've followed her own orders - shutdown damned factory for good. You have no idea which option is right when you are playing for first time.

This is why I make liberal use of the many save slots available lol.

Blackened Angel

Active Member
Mar 25, 2016
Yeah fuck Amily for getting in a tizzy with you siding with satanic elements that caused the apocalypse, pretty unreasonable. 

To get Holli you kind of, you know, fucking corrupted the goddess of the planet.  I'm surprised you can have Amily in your party at that point.

You don't really do so knowingly. In the long run, causing the factory to basically self-destruct is the go to move since it means a massive blow against the demons rather than breaking a single console that they can probably just replace with another one. Also, not like Marae actively does shit to fix anything after she's been saved. She gives you an insignificant amount of lust resist you can get from other perks and basically asks you to fuck off after saving her. "Hopefully we won't have need of each other again." Well thanks, bitch.

Amily's also kind of bigoted towards Izma at first, despite the fact that Izma's usually there first, and if she thinks the champion is a sensible enough person to move in with them, said champion must have A REALLY GOOD reason why there's a tiger-shark reading a book next to their bedroll.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Also, not like Marae actively does shit to fix anything after she's been saved. She gives you an insignificant amount of lust resist you can get from other perks and basically asks you to fuck off after saving her. "Hopefully we won't have need of each other again." Well thanks, bitch.

Actually, not exactly. She is powerless when saved, and can't help much. When you can only beg a newbie wannabe hero for help it is pretty desperate situation. But decision about her fate has major effect for aftermatch.

Blackened Angel

Active Member
Mar 25, 2016
Actually, not exactly. She is powerless when saved, and can't help much. When you can only beg a newbie wannabe hero for help it is pretty desperate situation. But decision about her fate has major effect for aftermatch.

Still, regardless of your choice regarding her, you're still the only entity getting stuff done. The Harpy Queen doesn't come to aid with a legion of phoenixes, the Sand Witches don't roll in in a sand tsunami, and for all the pent up aggression and desires for revenge, Kiha just kind of sits on her ass while you singlehandedly purge Mareth of it's greatest blight.

I know I'm sounding like a crybabyby saying this, but I kinda wish my choices in the dungeons actually mattered beyond just "Whitney's having a harder time now because the lake became tainted".

Speaking of which, fuck her too. Kelt is allowed to rape and enslave whoever he comes across, but you give him a taste of his own medicine, and it's the end of her farm apparently.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Still, regardless of your choice regarding her, you're still the only entity getting stuff done. The Harpy Queen doesn't come to aid with a legion of phoenixes, the Sand Witches don't roll in in a sand tsunami, and for all the pent up aggression and desires for revenge, Kiha just kind of sits on her ass while you singlehandedly purge Mareth of it's greatest blight.

I know I'm sounding like a crybabyby saying this, but I kinda wish my choices in the dungeons actually mattered beyond just "Whitney's having a harder time now because the lake became tainted".

Speaking of which, fuck her too. Kelt is allowed to rape and enslave whoever he comes across, but you give him a taste of his own medicine, and it's the end of her farm apparently.

Well, that's the one-hero-game convention for you.

That sort of funny, when Kelly says exactly this.

Before we just kept away from each other.  She knew about my wives and my aura but she didn't care, as long as I kept the imps and gnolls away and I didn't try it on her.  Of course it occurred to me, but... there's a cold edge to that woman.  Keeps it hidden, but there is - how else has she lived out here on her own for this long?  I didn't want to find out what she's hiding, plus I really needed the job.

Now when she sees me, she just gives me this really disgusted look.  Fucking bitch.  She thinks I'm so terrible now but thought everything was just great back when I was her pet demon-tainted rapist?  Bitch!


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
I like Ro'Gar and Akbal.

I dislike Jasun. Not gay enough (and by "enough" I mean "at all"). Also Arian is a total pussy.
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Blackened Angel

Active Member
Mar 25, 2016
Well, that's the one-hero-game convention for you.

That sort of funny, when Kelly says exactly this.

When you go through all her talk scenes(in the mod, at least) she explains she was in the Tel'Adre watch and that her hubby went missing, probably captured by demons, which is why she left and why she does those thousand-yard stares while she talks like she's having flashbacks from 'Nam.

But still, she's been shown that she supposedly knows how to handle that crossbow of hers. And she doesn't seem in the least phased when your PC bad-ends using the breast milkers. She just goes "Welp, more milk is more milk" and sticks you in the pens like it's routine checkup. One has to wonder what other skeletons there are in her closet.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'll list some of my favourite and least favourite characters in base CoC game.

Some of my favourites.

  1. Minerva. Loved her so much that I've even took the time to code in purification path.
  2. Ember. Especially more fun if she's a herm!
  3. Helia. Truly the most badass of all. There are the fun adventures. Especially the exciting quest where you get to infiltrate the Phoenix Tower.
  4. Arian. The only male lover that can stay in your camp indefinitely. I'm happy for him.
  5. Jojo. I loved him and even got to spend time training. Too bad there isn't a pure alternative to corrupting Jojo. I wanna tap his ass.
  6. Kiha. Ah, Kiha. Truly the most tsundere of lovers.

Neutral but cool.

  1. Ro'Gar. Sometimes I'd enjoy some sexytimes with him.
  2. Rathazul. Ah, the classic. Very useful and I rely on him to make armour.

And my least favourites.

  1. Kelt. He's an asshole who insults the champion. In fact, I even took some time to add the option to outrightly kill him if you hate him that much.
  2. Tamani. She's always demanding you to knock her up. If you like, I could throw in the option to kill her.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
If you like, I could throw in the option to kill her.

I'd be happy with a way to reduce the rate you encounter her, similar to the worm event. But I am sure there are people who'd like to go further.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Tamani. She's always demanding you to knock her up. If you like, I could throw in the option to kill her.

An option to be able to run away from her before fighting would be nice, like a normal encounter.
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Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
I know it's a completely fictional character, but the response of "I don't like them." being "LET'S FUCKING KILL HIM" is p messed up.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I'll have to agree with Ted here abit on this one. As much as I hated Kelt, this is no reason to kill him when you have an option that flat out removes him for the game afterwards, it's when you tell him no if you didn't know.

Now as annoying as Tamani is, I don't think she warrants a kill option. At the most she warrants an option where you tell her to leave you the hell alone or you beat her enough times and afterwards gives up on you because you're too much trouble for her.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'll have to agree with Ted here abit on this one. As much as I hated Kelt, this is no reason to kill him when you have an option that flat out removes him for the game afterwards, it's when you tell him no if you didn't know.

Now as annoying as Tamani is, I don't think she warrants a kill option. At the most she warrants an option where you tell her to leave you the hell alone or you beat her enough times and afterwards gives up on you because you're too much trouble for her.

The one thing I liked in some old RPGs like Fallout 1/2 is that you can do anything. Even screw plot and just kill everyone everywhere. Only an option can make your decision matter.


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2016
Favorite monsters are easily the Goblins and the Harpies; it would've been the Labova (or "cowgirls", bluh) too but they got cut out, so silver and bronze respectively goes to the slimes and bee-girls. I still wish there was more to do with them.

Favorite character's would be:

  • Scylla: The whole corrupted nun motif was already interesting, but morphic body with her lipples was just icing. Why her character was never explored, I'll never understand.
  • Tamani (and all goblins, really): It's too rare to see a monster (fuck, even a female monster entirely) be a gravidophile and actually want to get pregnant have their daughters fuck the fathers. usually it's ALWAYS human/elf women and it's ALWAYS with monsters. so to see the reverse side is pretty awesome, sucks that it's so goddamn rare.
  • Minerva: whole story-arc was great, and though we didn't get corrupt!minerva as well, both neutral and pure Minerva were great additions.
  • Marble: She's a cow-girl... that 's basically it. Well her purification quest was interesting too so kudos for Darkmaster for finishing that at least.
  • Urta: At most, at least she's sympathetic. Furries and dick-girls have always been low on the end of the fetish poll, but she makes want to get invested in her struggle.
  • Loppe: For no particular reason other than at least she can have chemistry with the PC, and is NOT Urta.

The rest are all meh so skip that.

Least favorite? Straight up, Excelia, but since she's just getting into the game and avoidable, think I can just let it slide off my ass.

You'd be doing the world a favor, but I wouldn't want you to open the flood gates. https://youtu.be/2aNWjFda-rM

If your could do that for Excelia I'd be forever grateful (and Indebted wink wink.... I'd pay you)

But for real:

  • Helia: It's mostly for her design than anything else, her character is okay and kind of refreshing in a world of shamed sluts, so I'd put all that aside
  • Shelia: Again design wise over any actual characterization, but least is least
  • Gargoyle: kind of useless and uninspired; kind of wished there was more to her whole thing.
  • Shouldra: just a constant annoyance, once you've learned all there is to know about her she's just a lust boost and creepy fuck scenes. I'd strike her from the game but hoped there'd be more to her than this.
  • Ember:.... GODDAMN IT, I want to love her so much but she is such a boring character. Mostly because she's incomplete, so I can't say she's a bad character on her own but she's kind of a slog to get through I can't really care any more. I really wish her author would've finished her. I'd pay them to.

So yeah, this is pretty much it right here.


Mar 27, 2016
I'm in the minority as a gay male, and again in the minority that I enjoy the satyrs and mpreg scenes. Whoops.

Favourite Characters:

  • Ro'Gar - He's honestly decent, and he has a lot of sex options. Would have loved to see more content written for him, such as him moving to the camp and becoming a lover there. Perhaps he could be an Orc TF, something similar to Kid A, or have an actual backstory. Oh well. There's always the CoC revamp mod to do it.
  • Arian - Cute buttslut, though I will admit the buttsluttiness is kinda needy. Thus I only entertain the oral/docking (damn, that's hot)/catching scenes, unless I really have an itch.
  • Male Ember - Ain't no Kiha for me, so he's my tsundere dragon.
  • Satyr encounter in plains - He has no name. Wonder what kind of backstory he has, and there are no satyr lovers in game. Perhaps he or the CoC revamp Andy could be one. Plus there needs to be a satyr sons stat, like you do for children with Tamani

Least Favouriite Characters

  • Tamani/Venus - Same reason. Damn repeatable encounters with sex, one with a weird bad end, and one that just doesn't stop wanting to be pregnant.
  • Kiha - Her tsundere thing is more annoying than Ember's, and she's not a "real" dragon.

The others I do enjoy at minimum, even if I don't necessarily always recruit them into my camp.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who likes the musical satyr. Now that's someone I'd like to have around as a follower/lover. As for Ro'gar... I wish there was a "just friends" path for those who don't play as a male. It could be a good way to introduce a TF item, you know!


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who likes the musical satyr. Now that's someone I'd like to have around as a follower/lover. As for Ro'gar... I wish there was a "just friends" path for those who don't play as a male. It could be a good way to introduce a TF item, you know!

It is actually strange, when on initial encounters in swamp he is quite freindly to female characters, but once he got to Tel'Adre he suddenly goes cold.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Here is my list.  It took a while writing this, but I got it down.  Granted, a few of them don't need to be explained though xD
Some of my favorites:
Isabella: I have a thing for cow girls and accents.  I also like the fact she was once an off worlder like the champion.  I thought it was a nice touch, and seperated her from just being a cow-girl.
Maddie: She is more of a guilty pleasure, I will admit that.  Her concept was so adorable to me.  A living cake monster with a mystery Eclair.  That even sounds adorable. 
Akbal: I love his scenes and the perks he gives.  I have used Fire Breath so much, and it is so handy! 
Brooke: I am in love with her personality along with her backstory.  I thought she was a really well done character. 
Cotton: Easy going personality, the fact you can have children with her, and the breakfast scene she does with lactating players sealed the deal for me.
Sean: I also have a thing for demons in suits, and I found his personality to be really refreshing compared to the other demons in game.
Sand Witches: Multiple breasts, constant flows of milk, and magic users?  Count me in! 

Neutral characters:
Marble: I used to list her when I first discovered CoC, and then I had a time where I disliked her.  Nowadays I am neutral about her. 
(Pure) Amily: Same thing with Marble. I used to like her, than I used to hate, only to grow neutral of her nowadays.  
Helia: Believe it or not, I never really liked Helia.  Her personality didn't seem all that appealing to me.
Ember: Sadly due to her not being completed, she is under developed.  She probably would have been my favorite if the pure route got in the game. 
Shouldra: Irritating personality and the fact she spikes up your lust if you ever dare ignore her.  The main reason I keep her around is to screw around with whatever hostiles I face xD
Urta: I have always been neutral about Urta honestly.  I find her a great character, but still getting overshadowed by the other characters I have listed on the favorites list. 
Raphael: Same thing with Marble and Amily, instead my hatred for this fucker sed to be immense.  Over time, his character became so underwhelming to me.  I usually do his quests to get the perk, the outfit, and the sword, only to drop him like a hot potato when the law chases him.

Least Favorites:
Khia: She acts like a caricature of a Tsundere, and it is cringe worthy to me.  Not only because I dislike Tsunderes, but Khia's backstory just seemed like it was there to garner sympathy for ALL the rage inducing battles she put you through.  And when you do complete her path, it doesn't really feel like you won, because she is too Tsun.  Her romance path is the least cathartic for me. 
Kelt: Everything that is wrong with this asshole has been stated by countless other people.  There's no need to explain with him.
Tamani: Same thing with Kelt.
Heckel: She is so full of herself, it is enough for me want to have the PC put a muzzle on her.  I know that she is supposed to be a character used to show off the "Futadom" cliche, but it is still aggravating as hell reading through her scenes. 
Clara: She is nothing more but a spoiled brat who is uses her species as an excuse to steal whoever she feels like.  When I got the chance, I had her purified ASAP.
The Gnoll: In general, I have never liked Gnoll.  CoC caused this dislike of them to grow to irrational levels when they were introduced in the game.  I still remember vividly of the time I had the displeasure of running into a Gnoll, and have them mock and laugh as I tried to hit them...
Excellia: I'm somewhat afraid of stating why I don't like Excellia, but it mainly has to do with her lore for right now.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It is actually strange, when on initial encounters in swamp he is quite freindly to female characters, but once he got to Tel'Adre he suddenly goes cold.

My thoughts exactly. It feels as if you were trying to interact with a radically different character.

The Gnoll: In general, I have never liked Gnoll.  CoC caused this dislike of them to grow to irrational levels when they were introduced in the game.  I still remember vividly of the time I had the displeasure of running into a Gnoll, and have them mock and laugh as I tried to hit them...
Excellia: I'm somewhat afraid of stating why I don't like Excellia, but it mainly has to do with her lore for right now.

Amen to both. Even today, every time I come across a gnoll I go all LOLNOPE and flee. I say the same concerning the drider. Concerning Excellia, make sure you won't be the first person who is vocal about not liking her ;)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
My thoughts exactly. It feels as if you were trying to interact with a radically different character.

Amen to both. Even today, every time I come across a gnoll I go all LOLNOPE and flee. I say the same concerning the drider. Concerning Excellia, make sure you won't be the first person who is vocal about not liking her ;)

You are better than me.  Nine times out of ten when I see a Gnoll, I just go into "spam the attack button" mode until they are defeated.  I did say my hatred of the Gnoll is irrational.

As for me stating I don't really like Excellia, I'm pretty sure I'm not the first.  At least I hope I'm not the first person, because I don't want to be blamed for summoning Excellia's creator here. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I've grown past that stage, I'd say. And here I am, ready to advocate for a mod gnoll TF for those who want it.

And no, you're not the first person, hence the wink. So feel free to rant for as much as you want.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I've grown past that stage, I'd say. And here I am, ready to advocate for a mod gnoll TF for those who want it.

And no, you're not the first person, hence the wink. So feel free to rant for as much as you want.

I wouldn't mind a Gnoll TF either.  It could at least open up new (and strange) scenes for those who want to try the pseudo penis.

As for my explanation for disliking Excellia: Well, my main reason I really don't like Excellia is because she is executed as a mark sue.  I still remember that one fic that was written about her in the old forum, and I remembered there were a good amount of inconsistencies.  

The biggest was when the champion in the story freezes in place when they see her, yet we are to believe this champion has fought countless monsters prior to meeting Excellia. And the less we talk about the inconsistencies about her Minotaur-cum addiction, the better.

That is I have heard that the creator isn't the best person to chat with.  
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Mar 27, 2016
Hmm. Where's the CoC Revamp Mod submissions section? I'd gladly write something for the musical satyr in the plains.
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