Hi everyone! Frogapus here with a terrible, terrible monster that should not have been conceived:
Meet the nilin--they're a monster encounter for Uveto VII. They're not sexy babes or beefcakes striking poses in the snow. Rather, they are ambulatory masses of tentacles that wander the drifts in the spookiest manner possible, looking for heat and energy sources to drain. If they encounter the PC, they will attempt to engulf the PC in tentacles and wrap them up tight from head to toe to feast on their heat. In the process, they'll push their tentacles up into the player's various nooks and crannies to better absorb heat.
They're not particularly sentient, and they're WAY alien--so bonus for those of you craving some truly alien critters. They don't speak--they just repeat sounds that they hear. No bodies, just heads with a forest of tentacles stuck to them. Oh, and their heads are terrifying noh masks.
Oh, and the masks can fuse to your face if you harvest them and try to wear them.
Enjoy! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BA6pKGa46n6tPeBl2YsMUzgFiPvykOz-jaoymJ4hlHw/edit?usp=sharing
Fetishes covered: Full-body restraint, tentacles, immobilization, Lovecraftian Nightmares?
Fun bonus references: "Who Goes There?" by J. Scott Campbell, John Carpenter's The Thing, Japanese legends of Yuki-onna.
plus this http://imgur.com/gallery/okBj8ms
Meet the nilin--they're a monster encounter for Uveto VII. They're not sexy babes or beefcakes striking poses in the snow. Rather, they are ambulatory masses of tentacles that wander the drifts in the spookiest manner possible, looking for heat and energy sources to drain. If they encounter the PC, they will attempt to engulf the PC in tentacles and wrap them up tight from head to toe to feast on their heat. In the process, they'll push their tentacles up into the player's various nooks and crannies to better absorb heat.
They're not particularly sentient, and they're WAY alien--so bonus for those of you craving some truly alien critters. They don't speak--they just repeat sounds that they hear. No bodies, just heads with a forest of tentacles stuck to them. Oh, and their heads are terrifying noh masks.
Oh, and the masks can fuse to your face if you harvest them and try to wear them.
Enjoy! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BA6pKGa46n6tPeBl2YsMUzgFiPvykOz-jaoymJ4hlHw/edit?usp=sharing
Fetishes covered: Full-body restraint, tentacles, immobilization, Lovecraftian Nightmares?
Fun bonus references: "Who Goes There?" by J. Scott Campbell, John Carpenter's The Thing, Japanese legends of Yuki-onna.

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