[Complete] Nilin, Nightmarish Tentacle Monsters (Uveto VII)


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2016
For what its worth, you have made a vary fun, vary creepy monster.  The problems with it are mechanical, not aesthetic.  Once you fix them, everyone will love this. 

Perhaps a contingency could come up where if it drains the PC's technology three times, it gets full and looses interest in the PC and drifts away.  This way, while a tech wouldn't be able to effectively harm it, all a tech would need to do to come out no worse for wear is survive three rounds.  Another solution is to take away its energy disables, and make them weak to one element and resistant to another. 

Judging by what the document says, this thing drains you real fast, and has a pretty big appetite.  Besides, Techs will probably be fine.  Just gotta see those stats.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Judging by what the document says, this thing drains you real fast, and has a pretty big appetite.  Besides, Techs will probably be fine.  Just gotta see those stats.

I'm pretty sure a space-wizard's toybox could provide more of a meal to this thing than ten minutes worth of body heat.  If it couldn't stuff itself on space magic, it would probably keep you in it until you starve. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2016
I'm pretty sure a space-wizard's toybox could provide more of a meal to this thing than ten minutes worth of body heat.  If it couldn't stuff itself on space magic, it would probably keep you in it until you starve. 

Techies have an energy problem, remember?  :smugdog:

On a more serious note, these things are voracious.  Toolbox might not be enough for them.


Having this thread split two with the second thread containing the large discussion about techs and the monster would be benefical. Carry on a valid discussion without derailing Frogapus' submission discussion  
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I'd consentacle with these things. I wonder if they can recognize a person through energy emitted by a person.


Champion Cocksucker
Feb 21, 2016
Okay, I've made some changes:

1. The nilin doesn't have blanket immunity to energy attacks. Instead, it has immunity and heals from attacks with the following markers: fire, electric, laser. If subject to an energy attack without those markers, it takes damage.
2. To specifically allow tech specialists an easier out, the nilin now attempts to leave after successfully draining ALL of the following: Shield, weapon, turret/hound.

How's that sound?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Okay, I've made some changes:

How's that sound?

1. Makes more sense while still covering the wast majority of energy weapons.

2. I, honestly, wouldn't have minded, if the first change was the only change.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Okay, I've made some changes:

How's that sound?
1. Seems good to me :)
2. Nr. 1 is a perfectly good compensation for tech specialists, but nr. 2 also seems to make sense from a "lore perspective". So I think it´s ok.


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2016

Either way its interesting, unique and has a cool transformative effect, gimme!
And tentacles. Always support tentacles.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Fun bonus references: "Who Goes There?" by J. Scott Campbell, John Carpenter's The Thing, Japanese legends of Yuki-onna.

What, no credit to Isaac Asimov's Lucky Starr and the Big Sun of Mercury? ;) At least you could get rid of his amorphous jumbles of sneaking tentacles by making your weapon overheat and tossing it away from your body to serve as a more attractive meal. :D

Speaking of heat-seeking and bait, how would these things react to flares? Because one can get a Flare Gun on Myrellion.

Night Trap

Oct 31, 2016
What, no credit to Isaac Asimov's Lucky Starr and the Big Sun of Mercury? ;) At least you could get rid of his amorphous jumbles of sneaking tentacles by making your weapon overheat and tossing it away from your body to serve as a more attractive meal. :D

Speaking of heat-seeking and bait, how would these things react to flares? Because one can get a Flare Gun on Myrellion.
Woo, Asimov!:allears:

That's a good question about the flares. I don't want to speak for Frogapus, and I imagine it would be pretty damn hard to implement into the actual encounter, but considering how hot flares are , at 1,600 °C (2,900 °F) (No I didn't Google that, why do you ask?) :catte: I would imagine they would provide a very effective way for inhabited areas to ward the nilin off. Just leave a breadcrumb trail of flares for it to follow back out into the wastes. It would make for interesting lore at the very least.
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Champion Cocksucker
Feb 21, 2016
Speaking of heat-seeking and bait, how would these things react to flares? Because one can get a Flare Gun on Myrellion.

That's a good question about the flares. I don't want to speak for Frogapus, and I imagine it would be pretty damn hard to implement into the actual encounter, but considering how hot flares are , at 1,600 °C (2,900 °F) (No I didn't Google that, why do you ask?)

Love it! Added it in--it's now a special attack that can end the encounter outright, sending the nilin skittering off after it.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Yeah but it hasn't been updated in a while.


New Member
Jun 3, 2017
Oh, this gives me so many ideas, so many exciting ideas:
You could add a way to tame one of them, maybe in a similar fashion to how you get the latex girl in CoC.
Once the player figures out that they want heat by losing to them with int>75%, they get/buy some kind of energy generator that they can activate remotely, toss that at the nilin, where it attaches itself to the mask, activate it and then use it to train them.
Even the whole wear as a suit thing becomes viable like that:
The energy gets dispersed through the body, meaning that wearing one like a suit would only give you a high resistance, but not a total one, because there is still some damage that bleeds through. The energy could also excite the nilin, causing it to writhe over the players body, causing lust damage.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2016
Just found this.

Hope you have submitted this.

And I hope this gets implemented. Lovecraftian Tentacle Monster going to town on the NPC...

Gnawing in anticipation, that this gets implemented sometime soon!

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
You should check out SoAndSo's Entite.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2016
It's Cold Here, Midwestern US
Spooky! This sounds like a lovely Halloween monster and a great year-round rare encounter! I hope someone codes and implements it for us to enjoy this October. Thank you for writing!


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
This is great fearboner potential, I kinda want there to be a "You nurse the monster back to health with your body heat after beating it" option just because it sounds kinky (though only unlockable after you figure out that they feed on heat).

Also, how do you get rid of the face transformation after getting it? In case you get tired of having it.
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General Drayfox

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2016
Sorry you didn't win the contest, even if this isn't really my thing!
That said, I think that there may be too many mask types, and many are a bit too complex? Simplicity is key!