CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Jun 25, 2017
I'm sorry, but I just don't understand what I need to equip and offer to make Fox Fire good. Nor Comet or Many Birds. I have nine tails, I have Kitsune of Balance, I have the kimono, hairpin and shield equipped; my soulskill multiplier is at 780% -- I'm fully maxed up until Overlord, even. But Corrupt Fire hits for 1.3k against the golems; Pure for 13k, and Combined for 11k. Comet hits for 20k, with criticals. Many Birds isn't even worth mentioning. I've already spoken about the power of Triple Strike and Draco Sweep, but I'd also like to note that when I press attack, my autos hit for between 600k-1m. Spells in general cannot compete due to none hitting for even 50k, this is despite having 1380% spell modifier. Even if spell damage was roughly comparable to the average auto, they can't be cast multiple times in the same turn, thus their final damage is pitiful and it's a massive waste to spend fatigue on them instead of Triples/Hexas even though fatigue stops being a concern extremely quickly. For my money, I just don't feel as though skills that scale off INT/WIS/SOUL work well on the higher NGs due to higher HP, and when you start factoring in buffs, simply because of Might/Blink and the lack of an equivalent for those stats. Also I'd like to mention that for some reason Monk/Unarmed hits for a shitton. I was at full bow skill with the tainted bow doing 6x 20k-30k attacks with 2.5k speed but my unarmed triples could hit for 300-400k with just one attack, up to 700k with criticals. The only time bows were stronger was when I didn't have Brutal Blows or the other skills that make physical attacks strong,

Fox: Kajya?dl=0

Bow/Fist: 7 - Level 78?dl=0
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Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2016
For me firefox hit between 70000 and 100000,many bird hit hard without the kitsune equipement and my soulskill effect multiplier is at 330%,my spell hit between 23000 when the ennemy have a resistance and 50000-70000 normally,and auto hit between 14000-18000 and my goes for str 675,int 615 and wisdom 555 and it's my NG++,it's bizarre the damage that you dealt.


Jun 25, 2017
I think that may have been the issue, to some extent. I've thought the soulskill multi, 1400% spell mod and my int stat would show me some decent numbers but it turns out I need to add quite a bit more to WIS. Funny thing, Fox Fire and Comet are affected by brutal blows as well. At 257 INT and 354 WIS, Comet can do about 350k damage. Combined Fox Fire does around 30k and 70k crit; Pure does 40k on golems. Corrupt does around 2-3k. Triple Thrust, I've realized, has a way higher cap than I thought before. It can actually do 6m-7.8m with crit. Draco can do 10-11m. It's a little bit academic at this stage though since nothing on XIANXIA mode has anywhere near that amount of HP. Kajya?dl=0

FWIW, I have 11 in Kitsune and 12 in Incubi. Maybe that's the issue?

EDIT: I'm at 457 WIS and 350 INT and doing just under a million damage against golems with Comet. I'll just assume it does damage comparable to Triple & Draco at 1-2k WIS and INT as well. I'm not about to buy all the pills and INT potions necessary to confirm it though.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Buffs are an omnipresent balance headache. Soulskills were vary underpowered before. Were having difficulty making skills good/useable, but not overpowered as stats climb above life one endgame levels. Join discord! We could use more potential testers to help us muck through balance issues like this


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Not much Spike. We have disscussion here about balancing things like Might and toher buffs been so hard overpowered or FoxFire been so underpowered when Many Birds or ther soulskills evenw ithout maxed out stats and spell/soulskill multipliers are way over middle point between been too strong and too weak.

On discussion above aside all that can sum up sentece: Balance is a bitch so not hate me people that play this mod I saw thing about Brutal Blows affecting somthing that it shouldn't in theory. And about buffs powers I think would work something close to middle gorund between current normal version and with debug on.


Jun 25, 2017
It would be nice if hair dyes affected tails and other non-fur/non-skin TFs like Manticore hands/feet. Because as it is now, I can have white hair and green tails and I can't even imagine what kind of mess that is. Also are you considering adding wood/nails/stones to places outside of the forests and desert?

EDIT: How do you increase the int stat/caps? I'm at -25 INT cap.
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Active Member
Mar 16, 2016
Arena golems in Solo and Group arena are those that PC can meetin wildness (in exception of fire/ice one versions). So on they balance I take that early one golems are too tough and need some nerfs while they strongest cousins need some buffs to not look too weak for their lvl range?

I think that the high level Golems are just fine, by the time you meet them at around level 25 you should be prepared enough to defeat them.
My complain is about the fact that you can meet the golem groups in the random wilderness at low levels and with their massive hp pool and very, very high stats overall they mess you up at the point that it just frustrating.
Solo golems at low levels are fine, they are perfectly balanced, but groups i think should be arena and high level area only


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2017
EDIT: How do you increase the int stat/caps? I'm at -25 INT cap.

Stat caps are for the most part tied in with current racial score, and most perks give some positive stat caps depending on perk orientation (mage-y perks give int for example).

However... negative score... Did a little testing on that - high Yeti score, combined with little offset in perks, and at new game 2+ resulted in hilariously broken interface. Seems that when max stats go negative, the red "bars" gauging stats literally explode making it unclickable with mouse, resulting in hotkey-only gameplay. Peeeeeerhaps a safeguard against negative stat caps is needed for Xianxia...

Also, balancing is really a bitch, as now it's apparent having high negative stat scores from racial bonus is something that needs reconsideration as well - at least for high ng+ levels.


Jun 25, 2017
I'm at 12 Yeti and somewhat regretting not having bought a few mage perks before having chugged the TF items down. Then again not really much they would've done against -480 INT. It's interesting that your stats are the way you described. For the record, I'm on NG7 and have all the basic classes due to Past Life/History except for Seducer, which is the one I picked for this playthrough. I'm not sure how I'm to unlock Allrounder at this rate, honestly. But it's probably for the best since buffs always end up trivializing my game and pushing me to the mage route. Might be interesting to see how a Sentinel/Monk combo could work.

Also how do you unlock the cat morphs/perks and the Deep Sea area? Lastly is there a way to remove cocks and vaginas/change gender? Selectively, I mean.


  • Stats.PNG
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Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2017
Also how do you unlock the cat morphs/perks and the Deep Sea area? Lastly is there a way to remove cocks and vaginas/change gender? Selectively, I mean.

Cat tail, feet and ears give you Flexibility next time update, which in turn is the requirement for Catlike Nimbleness perk. (as always, be careful with too many racial special perks, as each gives negative hp regen and there's only so many chimera/hpregen perks to offset it - yet)
Deep Sea is still unavailable. No content there yet, and even Ocean is barely populated with content yet as well. Mainly it's a mechanical thing to make deep ocean work like Ormael desires it to, from what I've understood.
Gender selection... well, there's always the vairants of Pink and Blue eggs for removal/switching. For growing spesific equipment there's purified incubi/succubi drafts.


Jun 25, 2017
Could I just add that it would be good if Iron Fists gave more than just +10 to fists each NG+. Like on the first level it could give ten, the second it could give twenty and so on until NG5 where it gives 50. As it is, it feels kind of unnecessary to keep investing in it since I'm only getting +10 per perk point. On an unrelated note, is the Kitsune shrine the only place where you can buy agility potions? Because right now fights are a little bit bullshit. Especially golems; I can only do around 6k-10k per hit without running fists as a mage-build skin (i.e full buffs) like all my other playthroughs. And I have to spam attacks which rarely land due to my 220 speed, and burn through my fatigue with a quickness. This is against XIANXIA enemies and the only way I'm really competitive here is with Soulforce skills. I'm at 332 STR already and things are not looking good. If there are no other sources for pills or potions, how do you grind speed? I've been dumping every point I get from level ups into it, but I'm just not catching up at all. I can barely land hits at all and it's basically a crapshoot if I can land Triple or Draco at all.

Bug report: when I'm fighting golems unarmed, I can't select the perks that would let me decide whether or not to stop triple attacking in favor of singles or doubles. There's just no text on the Melee/Spells/Range page. It's blank.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I would probably make stat minCaps too (especialy for cases in NG+ and higher one games as in NG is not so easy to get to negative). I think... 25+ any bonus from Transhumanism asc perk (if capped at each ascension it adds 25 pts each ascension and in total 100 pts - well I thinking about possibility to add new ranks for rank asc perks to cover mroe than up to NG4+ games).

For stones aside asking Phylla I have plan to make some sort of quarry place that PC can find in mountains/igh mountains to mine stones. For wood some sort or x-pack for onw of npc to make them timber (wo)man or totaly brand new npc that would deal with gathering wood/stones instead of PC (still PC would then be able to get stones and wood the way it's done now). And lastly - ruind that Amily was using and hideout x-pack to allow nearly literal clean it up from materials in somewhere on horizon.

Agility and Libido rising item aside Ayane which is in shrine or in PC camp can be bought also from Sean the Incubus found in Zetaz Cave after beating this dungeon.

Group golems are a early taste of how would group fights looks like - well if that a huge trouble I think I cna make them all sorta.. "moved up" 6 lvl's to push for later lvl's encountering enemies that are goups (now it's lvl 6 for golems and lvl 9 for Phylla intro that also have fight with group of demons)

Update will be out in this week somewhere in weekend.


Jun 13, 2017
@Ormael what did you make the requirements to gain tails at the kitsune shrine and how to you gain the vendor there as a follower?


Active Member
Oct 12, 2015
I remember Liadri had mentioned a little bit ago that you could get the desert naga in camp, is that in the game or will it be implemented later?


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I remember Liadri had mentioned a little bit ago that you could get the desert naga in camp, is that in the game or will it be implemented later?
Not yet. Its in the ever growing pile of stuff to code.


Active Member
Oct 12, 2015
If you have Corrupted Kitsune permed, seems like you can enslave Ayane before you've even seen her in that run.


Jun 13, 2017
need to get past five tails. for uncorrupted kitsune i have the jewels and all but libido capped at max how to I gain the last four tails?


Apr 10, 2017
probably you only need to level up a bit, you can become a ninetales kitsune around level 35, if I'm not mistaken


Active Member
Mar 16, 2016
Just a little question.
To become a nine tailed corrupted kitsune i just need to spam Mystic Jewels, right?


Jun 25, 2017
Yes. It's not actually hard to go to 9 tails if you have the requirements done either tbh. More RNG than pure fox if you only meditate at the shrine when going down that path, to be sure, but mystic jewels seem to be biased towards giving tails in my experience. Maybe I was just lucky. I never really felt the need to savescum like when I was first going for pure tails and didn't know about meditating at the shrine.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Mystic Jewels per se was meant to have slim chance to give 2 tails at once then only one new so yes that the reason it looks like getting tails with them is easier. Also when PC got both path perks permed all is need is getting all 9 tails either way so then using Mystic Jewel would be sort of shortcut to get 9 tails faster.

Naga npc turning into camp waifu is part of Project 8 I would eventualy finish for one of 0.8 builds. And that mean 8 new npc's recruitable to camp going live in one build (some of them may still end up been quite bare bones that will be expander in next few version after the one they were added). Atm I can tell if all odds will be in my favor there would be in this 8 naga, unicorn, glacial lacta bovina (so far only female ones got high chance but I want get 2-4 of those npc's to be males).