CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
@Ravie It wouldn't BE THAT difficult. There is already a counter in game for the number of perks. The only thing that would need to be counted are event/item perks, or perks that are not attainable through perk points subtracted from the total amount of perks, and then it would be a simple matter of making a true false statement based on whether or not it is equal to; perks points given by ascension perks + (player lvl)-1 + number of jobs granted by new game + starter perks the player is allowed. It wouldn't HAVE to check EVERY PERK. It would just have to make sure the amounts match up.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
It may be possible to make way to prevent form adding new perks but even meantioned perks counter...can be cheated/edited in save. Only thing that actualy people that would heavy modify saves is...hurting themselfs. As if they come to me to tell they found bug and then meantion it was edited save then...I telling I can't take it 100% seriously those reports since any of these edits they made may be as well reason of bug happening.

0.8e would be out either sunday (less than 50% chance) or somewhere in next week.

I looked now at code and not see Guided Bow added as one of buy options in Soul Arrow shop. Tainted Bow is there but not Guided Bow.

About gender desc and stats that would be good to see them without need to go to CoCED I would look and see how many of them will add in 0.8e. As for Femboy thing will go back to talk with aimozg on this one.

With so many stats showed I thinking about making something like TiTS have aka making few subtabs to look throu instead of one huge and long list of various stats. Is it: Good/Bad/Not idea?


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
It may be possible to make way to prevent form adding new perks but even meantioned perks counter...can be cheated/edited in save. Only thing that actualy people that would heavy modify saves is...hurting themselfs. As if they come to me to tell they found bug and then meantion it was edited save then...I telling I can't take it 100% seriously those reports since any of these edits they made may be as well reason of bug happening.

0.8e would be out either sunday (less than 50% chance) or somewhere in next week.

I looked now at code and not see Guided Bow added as one of buy options in Soul Arrow shop. Tainted Bow is there but not Guided Bow.

About gender desc and stats that would be good to see them without need to go to CoCED I would look and see how many of them will add in 0.8e. As for Femboy thing will go back to talk with aimozg on this one.

With so many stats showed I thinking about making something like TiTS have aka making few subtabs to look through instead of one huge and long list of various stats. Is it: Good/Bad/Not idea?

I understand that, but it would at least limit their capability to do so to an extent, unless you want to do something more extensive. I was also thinking of the idea of adding hidden flags, or shifting some flags around so that the can't be edited and would remain unlisted in the save editor. The only flaw with the system I presented would be that if were a person edited the level of their character it would allow them to be able to edit their level and therefore add more perk points. It would be a good Idea to make a duplicate, unlisted reference to the PC's level that is separate from the rest of the code and will not be affected by save editing and use it in the formula I mentioned. People CAN still go in and edit everything but it makes it asinine to do so and not worth the effort. The coding would be relatively separate from everything else and should technically not cause any real issues despite CoC being buggy as hell. It would only be referencing the values that are already present and determining if they have been altered. A simple solution to cock blocking them from playing the game if they've added perks in order to make their PC OP is to just have a banner or something appear and cover up the button so they can't click on it, or w/e is simplest for you. The easiest way to prevent people from accessing even perks like marae's gifts and etc. would just be to make more truth false statements and unlisted flags that reset everything when the save is loaded instead of tampering around with the code, juggling everything and making everything bugged. It would require writing more but it would also give you less of a headache for having to play whack a mole with the bugs.

You could probably just do something similar with kitsune as well and other such troubling bugs. Since CoC is spaghetti code from what I understand, that means everything is all over the place and you basically have to hunt something down and analyze everything in order to find the issue in separate sections of the code. At least that's how I interpret from my understanding. Adding in extra logical equations for temporary fall backs would be the best solution until you can jerry rig everything back together.


Active Member
Mar 16, 2016
I don't think if this is a bug or something i just don't know.
On my demonic character, when i star a battle, i have auto-Might activated, my health gets doubled as well as my stats, and so far so good.
But when the fight's over, i always find my health reduced by a third when auto-might deactivates, it's like ''Double health-health retuns normal MINUS a third''.
It really makes the gameplay much more annoying than it should be, does somebody know what's happening?

Also... it seems that kitsune's path has been changed yet again and my nine-tailed kitsune got back to having only one tail... and i can't seem to progress further than two tails, and i'm level 54.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Kharn it's possible to get Mara Fruits now as drop for any of three Alraune enemies (Deepwood, Glacial Rift, Vulcanic Crag).

@Zakanard96 How high is your PC Intelligence and Wisdom? should be somewhere around 120+. Also I heard other meantions about weirdness when using Might (noone yet said but similar thing may be a case with Blink and fatigue bar). It's as many other things on my to-do list.

@Wicas If it would be possible for game to somehow know if loaded save was edited or not it would be the best solution but now anyone can take save, edit it and put back in the place it was taken and game will not see a difference. As Ryii said such editing hurts only people that edited save as it may cause all weirdness on what I will only be able to reply: Sorry man/woman it's probaly due to your save been edited.

Also testers can get perks sorta "half-legally' due to having test menu accesable. As long someone know how to edit code then compile it would be not an issue to access that hidden menu.
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Active Member
Aug 31, 2015
As Ive been playing for the past few days, reaching level 52 through the power of Zavos and battle mage, I noticed 2 things. 1) Valaria seems to keep appearing in the Glacial Rift even though I have her back at camp or am wearing her(which leads to other weirdness). 2) I think the next arc of ATG will finish before I get a grey scroll. Giacomo doesnt sell them and I havent gotten a single one from a valk who I encounter after facing hoards of Ice Golems, Trolls, and Giants.

Edit:While writing this I got a grey book. wtf lol


Mar 10, 2017
Hey, I've followed the mod for a bit, and am really enjoying it, but right now, continuing with the Might/Blink problems, there's two major bugs with it, which makes the game much less enjoyable for me since I almost always play a kitsune mage.

First, like Zakanard mentionned, when Might ends, your current HP drops, even if it's not higher than your regular max HP; the drop seems to have some relation with the difference between your regular and with Might max HP. In combination with the second bug, it almost always brings my HP to 0 unless I cast an heal during the fight; it doesn't kill the game for me only thanks to Body Cultivator's regen. I didn't really notice about Blink and Fatigue, but then I'm using a level 42 9-tailed kitsune mage with spells costing 10%. I don't really look at my fatigue gauge at all anymore. On this note, though... maybe Wizard Endurance should be multiplicative with Spellcasting Affinity? Making the minimum cost of spells about 14% (Medius Signet+Spirit Focus+Ebonweave Robe additive, with 50% Spellcasting affinity multiplicative and History: Scholar multiplicative)

Which brings me to the other point, right now, all buff spells seem to be way stronger than they should be and have some weird interactions. For example, on my level 42 characters, I get to a whopping 1000 on Str, Tou and Spe with Might and Blink, and to something like a 200 on weapon attack and armor defense. Even if I use a Bimbo Liqueur or a Bro Brew, I still get about 400 on the stats, didn't check for weapon and armor. This absolutely trivializes any fight I get into; even Marae I can easily defeat with that.
And for the weird interactions... This effect is DRASTICALLY reduced if I activate debug; instead of 1000 in stats, I get to only about 150. Additionally, even without debug activated, if I level up greatly (btw once there's more enemies between level 50 and 100 you should maybe implement an instant level up instead of choosing when to, cause after a while it's super easy to just farm the lvl 51 challenge golems and get hundred of thousands of XP), the buffs provided also start to lower; at level 100, I get something around 600 to my physical stats post-buff.

Finally, another, less common bug I found about Battlemage, Battleflash, Spellsword and Spellarmor. In two instances, to my knowledge, those perks will proc without a battle starting. This leads to you having Charge W., Charge A., Might and Blink be permanently applied to your character, and it reapplying when you enter combat. The only way to remove this is to disable the perks, enter a battle and finish it; it'll bring back your stats to the regular amount. The two instances in which this happens are: the fight against Valeria in the Glacial Rift (it procs when you get the choice to fight or surrender, then again if choose to fight, and doesn't goes away if you surrender), and when you approach the Sand Mother after subjugating her.
I have to say, however, that those two encounters also are bugged; like Physicaldamage said, Valeria keeps appearing as an encounter even after you recruit her, and for the Sand Mother, if you subjugated her, sometime a "battle" will start, which ends immediately and then gives you the option to either rape her or to talk her down, like after the original battle with her.

Sorry for the text wall.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2016
I request a slutty version of Marae's Armor and have the Pilgrim's Bounty perk permable.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Physicaldamage Grey spells not have many options aside 1 fire and 1 ice aoe spells. Book for them can be added to more enemies drop tables aside Valkyrie but it need to be at least lvl 24-30 enemy. Also yeah that sudden drop of book was thing I sometimes getting too. After long time when I give up something proc ingame.

@Inirias Yes I will put Might/Blink thing higher on the list now. About buffs: it was said in changelog that turning on debug will make game apply change that aimozg made to re-nerf them when I re-buffed them. Also at higher lvl when PC getting more of non mage perks buffs will also get weaker due to some perks. THere is only planned atm p. job that will let PC not have those perks negatively affect buffs power. Matter of balancing how much buffs boost PC stats are still not closed matter and will at some point in future change again. Of your expirence you prefer default version of buff power or with aimozg modification?


Mar 10, 2017
@Ormael Guess I should have read changelog better ^^; Well, in any case, I think it's better with aimozg modification, although it may be just a bit too weak. However, I'm not much of a fan of buff power getting weaker with more perks? Although, maybe it could be adjusted specifically so that buffs to Str/Tou/Spe get weaker when getting perks that boost the equivalent playstyle so that overlaps aren't too overpowered? Don't know how feasible that'd be to code


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah that what it's now. When PC getting mage related perks buffs get stronger but if PC get perks that are making PC better archer or melee fighter buffs will get weaker (but still there is base value that will be always kept). That is direction I went with spells buffs. As all white or black spells can be learned by any PC not ony mage tpye there got to be smth to make it different when full Berzerker PC cast Might and Grey Archmage cast Might. Balancing it all to not make it too weak or too strong in the end is real challanging part of it.


Active Member
Aug 31, 2015
Just a thought but adding more investment with the jobs to specifically one line of combat adding increased effectiveness. Something in the sense where you could invest 6 perk points into all rounder to get access to every ability and enhancing the buffs to every ability OR you could invest those perks into a mage/melee or mage/brawler or lustmancer/berz(ok these are not 6 perkpoints and you can kinda do this already but not in a meaningful way). I found a lot of fun essentially going the Coiling Dragon way, becoming a powerful mage who then could support training as a warrior and rather greatly enhancing said ability dealing tens of thousands of damage a hit where I realized Im suppose to be a goddamn mage who almost constantly snapping his fingers and filling the world with raging infernos.

What I'm getting at is your first perks should be your foundation, kinda like a backstory. You could change and add to your foundation but that would either be done early on or through very costly methods. Or when you reincarnate(New Game plus). Although I don't want characters to get wicked strong early on, adding some benefits and restrictions to what jobs you take influencing your play style and make your selection different not only in the perks you have access to but in what perks would be effective is a good method of balancing op characters with numerous overlapping skill trees. A good example already in the game is a decision between a perk like spell sword or raging inferno. Do you invest in buffs or magical attacks. Furthermore are they buffs tailoring towards making yourself more durable or a being of pure destruction. Adding options like cold fury and perks that cater and enhance different types of playstyles and special management(which I feel is the only thing lacking from the jobs) would probably be the way to go.

That or Im totally misunderstanding the like 3 posts Ive read lol. Also I kinda feel bad for enjoying the communities hard work and then telling you to work harder to make it more fun for me, so sorry in advance and thanks for breathing life into the game. Rant over.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
@Physicaldamage Grey spells not have many options aside 1 fire and 1 ice aoe spells. Book for them can be added to more enemies drop tables aside Valkyrie but it need to be at least lvl 24-30 enemy. Also yeah that sudden drop of book was thing I sometimes getting too. After long time when I give up something proc ingame.

@Inirias Yes I will put Might/Blink thing higher on the list now. About buffs: it was said in changelog that turning on debug will make game apply change that aimozg made to re-nerf them when I re-buffed them. Also at higher lvl when PC getting more of non mage perks buffs will also get weaker due to some perks. THere is only planned atm p. job that will let PC not have those perks negatively affect buffs power. Matter of balancing how much buffs boost PC stats are still not closed matter and will at some point in future change again. Of your expirence you prefer default version of buff power or with aimozg modification?

The sand witch coven could potentially teach the PC some 'Gray' spells. It could also open up the potential for some mini quests for the PC to do in order to gain the trust of the coven and be taught the spells. A single cast spell (the vibrating ball) that lasts for several turns and can stack to increase the enemy's lust, an earth shield that forces enemies to smash through it or go around it if they have high enough intelligence to do so, a Sand storms that does a small but constant amount of AOE damage but blinds enemies. It would also introduce a new element into the game at the same time. Maybe a few new support spells to boot... 'diamond edge' to increase the damage of bladed weapons only... 'sand armor' to increase defense, but it degrades over time or leeches away at the PC's fatigue each turn. Something like that.


Active Member
Mar 16, 2016
@Zakanard96 How high is your PC Intelligence and Wisdom? should be somewhere around 120+. Also I heard other meantions about weirdness when using Might (noone yet said but similar thing may be a case with Blink and fatigue bar). It's as many other things on my to-do list.

It's the max allowed, around 200.

@Inirias explained this way better than i did, i lose health with all of my characters, but with my main one (dragon) i only lose a tiny bit, so i always assumed that was the damage of the other monsters.
This Might bug really screws up everithing, i need to heal constantly and because of this my fatigue is always enormously high


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Physicaldamage I had in last 1-2 days thoughts similary like you about some sort of limiting till certain lvl choice of perks that req. specific one of base one job perks. There is things like ascension when History perk can be made pernament and that leads to getting some of job perks at start automaticaly so after few ascension PC can get all 6 base jobs perks and still getting one more additional perk point to spend on any perk. It could be limited for such cases to limit access to next tier of job perks that req. those 6 base ones so aside let say base mage or warrior perks PC can't get those like Dervish or Barbarina or Hunterr Enchanter without picking path as early game.

It's interesting idea for make all rounder perks somehow negate negative effects from mixing different pay styles. So far only mages got this with lowered buff spell effectivness when having other non related to mage perks.

And I not think it's stupid what you said. It giving me new insigns and some ideas or food for thoughts to make this mod better. Ahh Coiling Dragon...that is good novel and it have dragons there ^^

@Wicas I could add new non element based spells but about new elements...I must think over since I trying to not make element dmg system too huge. And to show it I need to have each element type simple dmg spell for white or black magic so it can make spell meny overcrouded. If it would be just without affinity to any of existing elements spell that use other elements it's much easier to add it. ALso I writing dwon your thoughts on Sand Witches. Something can come out of it. Atm I got urge to make some new enemy for Vulcanic Crag (since GR is lil corwded atm) that could drop Grey Books too like GR Valkyria.

@Zakanard96 I'm thinking on some tricky ways to make game add some HP when using Might but not suffering from syyndrom of "omg fight ended so HP must drop cuz there is lowered Tou all of sudden". Got 1 or 2 ideas that I will try put into testing.


New Member
Jun 9, 2017
Does the Seduction perk actually replace the Tease command with Seduce? I unlocked it but my lust attack is still Tease, not Seduce. Or is this simply a back end thing where the button still says Tease but it actually boosts lust attacks?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I gotta to look at code to see if game jsut apply seduction bonus without letting know PC with changing button name or not. Should be fast so if it smth wrong here will be fixed for 0.8e (and if not then will make game show diff named button to notify player that this perk working).

Other news: I made hopefully working properly grey spell Mana Shield. It makes all enemy attacks been takin mna pts ont hp points as long attack itself is no higher than current PC mana. If it too high PC will still take HP dmg. Also that spell either need to be ended manualy or ends up at the end of fight.


Jun 25, 2017
On the subject of balance, Soul Force -- in general -- is a mess. Draco Sweep alone is completely broken. I went for a Dervish/Enhancer combo on my last Extreme play through and by the end, with Brutal Blows + Berserk + Draco sweep, could three turn kill corrupt Marae. Three turns. The shit hit for 3 million damage. Also Many Birds can't even hit for more than 1k, if that. Triple Strike seems to cap at around 80k as well though it's an extremely cheap way of killing off minor bosses and enemies easily. Lastly, it might just be my game but if you go to the sand witch cave and approach the queen with enough lust to auto trigger blink and might, your stats get stuck there. If you go to another battle, the buffs are applied to those stuck stats. For example:

Say you have a base strength of 100 without might; and after you have 400. If you go to the cave, your strength will be stuck at 400. If you fight an imp after, you even end up with 700 strength after might triggers again -- but only in new fights you join. This bug trivialized that playthrough for me :!. Less so than Draco Sweep, though. At least the golems and the stronger enemies posed a challenge. Until I realized that Archmage boosts the strength of buffs anyway. 50k HP and 100k * 6 autos are just too broken. My stats end up well past a thousand with buffs, though spell damage leaves a fair bit to be desired I must say. In particular Pure and Corrupt Fox fire don't do much damage-wise. Terror is fine though. Also when I leave a battle with less than ~10k HP, I even sometimes have 0 HP in any new fights I join when my HP without buffs is recalculated -- this lasts until I heal myself up or lose and end up with a couple of points.

My save is at https:// www. dropbox. com /s/ 5xepa8 rzuvsxwwl /My%20 Map?dl=0
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
For soullforce skills you mean they too strong in general when PC is at max stats or they alreayd makes PC feel too strong even with not fully maxed stats and best eq?

On HP droping due to Might ending I put new test build for testers to test it (when I made few fast tests it looked it now not lowering HP on purpose only doing it if current HP was over default max HP value for PC without Might active). Fox Fire req. few items to be weared/used by PC to be strong not to meantion been 9 tailed kitsune.

For other points you made I take note and would think about changes to make mod more balanced on mechanics side.


Mar 10, 2017
For Foxfire, I noticed the same thing; it's extremely costly on both fatigue and soulforce, yet its damage is about the same as I would do with a magic bolt without staff channeling, and its lust is about the same as a tease. And that's as a 9-tailed kitsune, with spirit focus and the fox hairpin, a kimono, and max int and wis.


Active Member
Mar 16, 2016
So... i have started a new game just for fun... and i have to say that the Golems are not balanced enemies.
You find them everywhere at random, they ignore all of your defenses and, for example, at level 12 they have a ridiculous health bar (3,300 hp, it's brutal) and they hit you for 220 damage regularly (and keep in mind that at level 12 your health bar is around 600), not to mention that their overall defenses are pretty high too, and you can't ko them with lust.
They're perfectly fine at high level places like the Glacial Rift and in the city arena, but in my opinion they are way too op for early to midgame.

Also... the Sky Poison Pearl... what are its uses? you just sell it or use it like another stash of things or it hase other uses?


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
On the subject of balance, Soul Force -- in general -- is a mess. Draco Sweep alone is completely broken. I went for a Dervish/Enhancer combo on my last Extreme play through and by the end, with Brutal Blows + Berserk + Draco sweep, could three turn kill corrupt Marae. Three turns. The shit hit for 3 million damage. Also Many Birds can't even hit for more than 1k, if that. Triple Strike seems to cap at around 80k as well though it's an extremely cheap way of killing off minor bosses and enemies easily. Lastly, it might just be my game but if you go to the sand witch cave and approach the queen with enough lust to auto trigger blink and might, your stats get stuck there. If you go to another battle, the buffs are applied to those stuck stats. For example:

Say you have a base strength of 100 without might; and after you have 400. If you go to the cave, your strength will be stuck at 400. If you fight an imp after, you even end up with 700 strength after might triggers again -- but only in new fights you join. This bug trivialized that playthrough for me :!. Less so than Draco Sweep, though. At least the golems and the stronger enemies posed a challenge. Until I realized that Archmage boosts the strength of buffs anyway. 50k HP and 100k * 6 autos are just too broken. My stats end up well past a thousand with buffs, though spell damage leaves a fair bit to be desired I must say. In particular Pure and Corrupt Fox fire don't do much damage-wise. Terror is fine though. Also when I leave a battle with less than ~10k HP, I even sometimes have 0 HP in any new fights I join when my HP without buffs is recalculated -- this lasts until I heal myself up or lose and end up with a couple of points.

My save is at https:// www. dropbox. com /s/ 5xepa8 rzuvsxwwl /My%20 Map?dl=0
Might is in a weird place. Also, Many Birds isn't underpowered within my tests. It's meant to use soulforce, spellpower and intelligence for full power.
For Foxfire, I noticed the same thing; it's extremely costly on both fatigue and soulforce, yet its damage is about the same as I would do with a magic bolt without staff channeling, and its lust is about the same as a tease. And that's as a 9-tailed kitsune, with spirit focus and the fox hairpin, a kimono, and max int and wis.
Foxfire is a soulforce skill. Invest in soulskill multiplier to do damage.
So... i have started a new game just for fun... and i have to say that the Golems are not balanced enemies.
You find them everywhere at random, they ignore all of your defenses and, for example, at level 12 they have a ridiculous health bar (3,300 hp, it's brutal) and they hit you for 220 damage regularly (and keep in mind that at level 12 your health bar is around 600), not to mention that their overall defenses are pretty high too, and you can't ko them with lust.
They're perfectly fine at high level places like the Glacial Rift and in the city arena, but in my opinion they are way too op for early to midgame.

Also... the Sky Poison Pearl... what are its uses? you just sell it or use it like another stash of things or it hase other uses?
Sky poison pearl is an extra inventory area. Its also your primary way of transfering stuff into new lives since your chests get cleared unlike revamp. Also, dimensional inventory!
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Jun 26, 2017
Ok just got a corrupted nine tails and everytime I run into a drider it messes with my racial scores to the point that I lose my insane amount of intelligence and speed


Jun 25, 2017
For soullforce skills you mean they too strong in general when PC is at max stats or they alreayd makes PC feel too strong even with not fully maxed stats and best eq?

On HP droping due to Might ending I put new test build for testers to test it (when I made few fast tests it looked it now not lowering HP on purpose only doing it if current HP was over default max HP value for PC without Might active). Fox Fire req. few items to be weared/used by PC to be strong not to meantion been 9 tailed kitsune.

For other points you made I take note and would think about changes to make mod more balanced on mechanics side.
It's both, honestly. In the early-mid game Triple Strike can easily deal like 20-50k damage with meh stats and almost no armor as long as you have Might up -- I know this for a fact because I've used it to speed through the game with the group He'Xin'Dao golems long before I was really strong enough to fight them for real. Just kill the lower golems until you have all the perks that automatically trigger the buff spells, and spam heal and Triple Strike as needed. It's a simple routine of Triple > cultivating > Triple and increasing the difficulty level until the exp finally tapers off a bit at around level 50. By that time, if you've been investing in the mage + dervish tree, you'll be so powerful it's not even funny. Halfway through, Triple Birds falls off a little bit so you'd probably start using Draco just because it's quicker than grinding down 1-2m HP 80-100k at a time. My recommendation here is to reduce the amount of soulforce you can get from Thoughtful Insights from 5x WIS to 2-3x. Also make it purchasable only once. It's a little bit meaningless to only be able to use Draco once per fight since you shouldn't need to use it more than that after a certain point though, but that's an issue of how it scales more than anything. Before the point where Might and the mage buffs break the game, it's just a very expensive Triple Strike that does marginally more damage. The real problem in the early game is being able to spam Triple Strike to bruteforce fights. It just hits too hard, and it's too cheap for its power. Furthermore, spread out the exp farming areas a bit as well. Just racing to He'Xin'Dao is a bit boring but there's no other way of reliably farming exp except by beating gorgons at the beach with lust, but it's nowhere near as quick or efficient.

Lastly, the perks that add flat bonuses to HP and fatigue should be changed to being percentage based. They're fine in very early games but they're totally worthless once you get Might or even start adding a little bit to toughness or get the perks that scale fatigue to stats like speed or INT.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Soulskills and spell buffs is matter of...well constant balncing while keeping in mind to not unbalance it that gonna make too many people complain about it brokeness. Well that in nutshell without so hopefully noone will get offended with that.

Draco Swep and Tripple Trust are soulskills that relay on PC having high str stat rather than int stat like with Comet and Many Birds.

Mushrame - do you had same feeling Might was making early game too easy when you had debug on and using buffing spells?

Generaly I would like to see any of you that is willing to share thoughs on this: using buffing spells when with and without debug mode on. Is one of this buff version fitting or it should be somewhere in between those two extremises (and eventualy if not right in middle then closer to which effects power?)

Arena golems in Solo and Group arena are those that PC can meetin wildness (in exception of fire/ice one versions). So on they balance I take that early one golems are too tough and need some nerfs while they strongest cousins need some buffs to not look too weak for their lvl range?

And yes around lvl 45-50 ends enemeis that can be used to grind. For new higher lvl nes there is need for new areas been added (and that eman not 1 or 2 enemy end but at least 3). Since I hear not so rarely this I would lok to make something new for current lvl range of lvl 45+ enemies.


Jun 25, 2017
Soulskills and spell buffs is matter of...well constant balncing while keeping in mind to not unbalance it that gonna make too many people complain about it brokeness. Well that in nutshell without so hopefully noone will get offended with that.

Draco Swep and Tripple Trust are soulskills that relay on PC having high str stat rather than int stat like with Comet and Many Birds.

Mushrame - do you had same feeling Might was making early game too easy when you had debug on and using buffing spells?

The difference is absurd. I always knew Might was strong, but the difference is that without debug mode, my strength jumps from 290 to 1000. With debug on it's only to 390 from 290. Honestly, I think this version could be scaled up a LITTLE bit higher, to like 500 or something, but it's definitely on the right track. I think the best thing for the buff would make it last on a turn counter like Terror. With each successive cast making its effect weaker and weaker. You could nerf it in half from the current stage but it wouldn't be as game breaking, maybe.

>Generaly I would like to see any of you that is willing to share thoughs on this: using buffing spells when with and without debug mode on. Is one of this buff version fitting or it should be somewhere in between those two extremises (and eventualy if not right in middle then closer to which effects power?)

It should be much closer to debug mode's. It's not even close imo.

PS: How do you unlock Kitsune of Balance?
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