CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I'm having trouble getting Bimbo Jojo to trigger as well.  I put the bimbo liquor in the stash as it says to and wait 3 days but it doesn't seem like the event ever triggers.  Is it necessary to have some corruption for it to do so or is there another condition I'm missing?

Nevermind, I'm dumb.

I've felt the same playing this game (and others). Welcome to the club. LOL


New Member
Oct 9, 2015
I'm having trouble getting Bimbo Jojo to trigger as well.  I put the bimbo liquor in the stash as it says to and wait 3 days but it doesn't seem like the event ever triggers.  Is it necessary to have some corruption for it to do so or is there another condition I'm missing?

Nevermind, I'm dumb.

What did you do, cause i cant get the damn thing to trigger no matter what i do


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
What did you do, cause i cant get the damn thing to trigger no matter what i do

What version are you using? Anything before the snapshots of 1.3 will not work. Bimbo Jojo wasn't added until 1.3.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
A new snapshot has been released!

Echidna TFs are now in and I've fixed couples of bugs.

As soon as a new CoC build comes out, I'll merge the codebase from the original to fix a lot of issues.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Trying to figure way of checking for largest cock on a multi cock individual to fit in orifice. Does [if (cockFit 100 <= ANAL_LOOSENESS_TIGHT) "text"] work for that purpose? If not, what will?

Thanx for your time.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Whats on the planning in between Kitteh?


Aug 30, 2015
Trying to figure way of checking for largest cock on a multi cock individual to fit in orifice. Does [if (cockFit 100 <= ANAL_LOOSENESS_TIGHT) "text"] work for that purpose? If not, what will?

Thanx for your time.

I'm actually curious myself, need some sort of gauge for scenes and such.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
its been a while since i looked at this mod and loving the new stuff i also looked at tello and say the savanna will have a cheetah tf looking forwards to that (love cheetahs) and was wondering like in fall of eadn(well in the planning stage) could a male pregnancy potion be made maybe as id perfure to have the mpreg perk with out being a satyr


Aug 27, 2015
I was seeing a lot of apk problems people were having.

You need to download Adobe AIR and Swf Player from the store. Works for me. 

To play the swf snapshots not the android*
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Oct 9, 2015
Sooooo... I skimmed over this and read some of the wiki and it has peaked my interest, but I'm still fairly confused about a few things... 

Can I load my own save into this?  Or do I have to start a new game?  And do I have to play offline or can I play in browser?  If it's offline only, is that save file no longer usable in the browser?

What has actually changed from the original?  I've seen a couple features laid out and a few specifics mentioned, but is there a comprehensive list somewhere?

What happens when Fen makes edits to the game? It's been suggested that he'll stop after the final dungeon, but nothing is official, right?  

Sorry about all the questions!  Just curious... you can ignore me if you want.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Sooooo... I skimmed over this and read some of the wiki and it has peaked my interest, but I'm still fairly confused about a few things... 
Long way to go on building the wiki. Any suggestions or critiques are welcome.

Can I load my own save into this?  Or do I have to start a new game?  And do I have to play offline or can I play in browser?  If it's offline only, is that save file no longer usable in the browser?
If you are talking about the original game saves, yes; you should have no problem converting from orig to mod game. There are changes scattered throughout the game, but you can experience them after you ascend when you complete D3. You'll have to download the game from github. V1.2.18 is the last complete version available; v1.3 is a snapshot, pre-release, beta, what have you, as it is continually having stuff added to it, bug-hunts are active, fine-tuning and such.

To use you orig game save, save it to file; download the game (either version 1.2.18 or 1.3); place contents of zip into directory you create (any name, any location); launch SWF file (it will load on browser but it is an offline game at that point; load from file save; you can then save / load as normal (not save file / load file unless you want to).

What has actually changed from the original?  I've seen a couple features laid out and a few specifics mentioned, but is there a comprehensive list somewhere?
Here is the Version History.

What happens when Fen makes edits to the game? It's been suggested that he'll stop after the final dungeon, but nothing is official, right?  
When Fen finishes D3 Kitteh will incorporate the final dungeon into v1.3. He is a great programmer and has my full confidence in merging the two.

Sorry about all the questions!  Just curious... you can ignore me if you want.
One of the best ways to learn is ask questions.  B|


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Yes, you can convert your original save to mod save. It should be a painless process. However, if you convert your save to mod, it will no longer be backwards compatible so I recommend you use separate save slots. (Slots 10-14)

You can also play the game offline. Download the SWF file and drag the file to browser tabs to run.

You can check the change log in CoC Revamp Mod wiki to see what's new and changed.

Any changes made to CoC will be incorporated into the mod. The mod may even make use of the changes. It's very likely that D3 will be the final update to CoC unless there might be any bugs left over.

I'll see if I can get around to adding Vixen & Cream. That scene is VERY long so I might end up having to break the scene into three or four parts. Some people have ADHD, you know.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Roll Call (poll on Revamp Mod's official wiki site's main page) has hit 100 corrupted souls! 

Thanx. It is good to see I haven't been spinning my wheels for nothing.

BTW: Got a small page for those who want to do the dew.

BTW 2: Have 272 pages so far, and some are Revamp Mod oriented. LOL


New Member
Sep 10, 2015
Quote said:
Long way to go on building the wiki. Any suggestions or critiques are welcome.
Long time player, first time poster in...uh, anything CoC related at all. Not sure if it's relevant to the actual topic at all (probably not), but as far as the wiki goes, there's a Gargoyle tidbit I want to get off my chest before I up and forget about it.

A few months back, I went through the old forum posts where all the Gargoyle material was first created trying to figure out how to get the rumored GF speech option to pop. After a fair bit of trial and error I started thinking it simply never got implemented,  but I dug a little more and finally figured out the discrepancy. It's supposed to be that having Marble and Izma in camp procs it, but that just triggers "Marble only" comment . Turns out the flags label Isabella and Izma as necessary to make it pop (might still need Marble too, not 100% sure, just know I had all 3 in camp when I finally got it). I never saw any of this on the old wikispace back in the day, nor the Orain one, and definitely not the new wiki.

So...yeah. I'm too much of a bum to register for the wiki too (took ages for me to finally break down and get a fen account), so there's a thing I've found in zero other places on the net. I hope I helped somebody.

Also: D'ya think Fen will release a download link when D3 is finished? I got lucky and snagged 0.9.4c before all this crazy stuff happened with the site, but I'm concerned if CoC's ever finished, I'll have to start a entirely new file online just to access Lethice. Nevermind, I'm an idiot. Can't believe I forgot about right-clicking. Idiot.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Quote said:
Long time player, first time poster in...uh, anything CoC related at all. Not sure if it's relevant to the actual topic at all (probably not), but as far as the wiki goes, there's a Gargoyle tidbit I want to get off my chest before I up and forget about it.

A few months back, I went through the old forum posts where all the Gargoyle material was first created trying to figure out how to get the rumored GF speech option to pop. After a fair bit of trial and error I started thinking it simply never got implemented,  but I dug a little more and finally figured out the discrepancy. It's supposed to be that having Marble and Izma in camp procs it, but that just triggers "Marble only" comment . Turns out the flags label Isabella and Izma as necessary to make it pop (might still need Marble too, not 100% sure, just know I had all 3 in camp when I finally got it). I never saw any of this on the old wikispace back in the day, nor the Orain one, and definitely not the new wiki.
I'll go ahead and post this then. Glad for the info. Thanx.

So...yeah. I'm too much of a bum to register for the wiki too (took ages for me to finally break down and get a fen account), so there's a thing I've found in zero other places on the net. I hope I helped somebody.
Yeah. Was thinking that would keep vandals at bay. Kinda thought better of it since only have 2 other registered members on the wiki, one being Kitteh. I'll go and disable that right now.

Also: D'ya think Fen will release a download link when D3 is finished? I got lucky and snagged 0.9.4c before all this crazy stuff happened with the site, but I'm concerned if CoC's ever finished, I'll have to start a entirely new file online just to access Lethice. Nevermind, I'm an idiot. Can't believe I forgot about right-clicking. Idiot.

We all are idiots from time to time. Even me.  B|

Apparently I was absent for the poll. mysterious.

It's cool, and I was absent as well (first voter too). LOL

Haven't disabled any polls save for the ability to dye hair and fur separately cause that has been implemented in snapshots of v1.3 (v1.2.18 is last full version till Fenoxo drops D3).


Just rebuilt a couple tables to condense their size (make them collapsible.) Take a look, see what you think. If you guys like I'll do the same for other templates as well.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I'm slow (I forgot) to disable the "login if you want to edit" feature. It is now turned off. Edit away. Just remember, I'm here watching you. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!


Oct 9, 2015
A new snapshot has been released!

Echidna TFs are now in and I've fixed couples of bugs.

As soon as a new CoC build comes out, I'll merge the codebase from the original to fix a lot of issues.

Where is it? Is it just an updated version of 1.3?

Also, who do I talk to if I'm interested in writing for the COC mod?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Where is it? Is it just an updated version of 1.3?

Also, who do I talk to if I'm interested in writing for the COC mod?

You don't really need to talk to anyone, but considering Kitteh6660 is the coder for the mod, he would be your best option.


Aug 29, 2015
Question, did the quick bug fixes help with the Android download? Still can't get that to work, and I'm not home long enough to play on PC.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Where is it? Is it just an updated version of 1.3?

v1.3 is currently a snapshot, beta, prerelease, what have you. The latest full release is v1.2.18. v1.3 has been updated as time allows. v1.3 is currently has bug hunts, content updates, etc. Your call whether you want to use v1.2.18, use v1.3 ignoring any future releases until the full release is available, or stay on the bleeding edge like myself (not really bleeding such as prerelease version of Windows or alpha or beta testing for online games). Your call. 


We are waiting for D3 from Fenoxo before Kitteh drops the full version. Suppose it would be easier to keep track on what is a snapshot if the version was followed by an ss or b: v1.3ss or v1.3b; until the full version is available. *shrug*

As for where the downloads are, go to the wiki's main page. Along the right side there is a link to the appropriate page where downloads are located.

The reason I'm not giving a direct link, on the very unlikely thing were to happen and the Revamp Mod had to move to another location, that link will always point to the downloads site. Easier to recall wiki's address as well. LOL


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Question, did the quick bug fixes help with the Android download? Still can't get that to work, and I'm not home long enough to play on PC.

Those bug fixes are for the snapshot, but sadly not the latest Android release just yet -- latest .apk version is still 1.2.18 from July, as the snapshot has no .apk file associated. Once 1.3 releases, it'll likely have an updated .apk file with all the additions since 1.2.18 included, but I've seen no indication that specifically a fix for Android use is part of that.

I wish I had something better to say, but if the .apk fails to work for you and you're waiting for a fix to eventually come around, you'll likely see D3 get finished and fully incorporated into the mod far sooner. We really need an Android wizard for that to ever change. Sorry, bro.


New Member
Oct 13, 2015
A question about playing it in SWF Player.
The game itself runs smoothly, but I'm having trouble in using save/load from file. (in case i want to edit the save on PC)

I can use save to file option and create the save, however when I try to load the file, SWF player doesn't seem to allow loading files types that aren't images, sounds or videos, which is really annoying.
Is there a way to get around this?

Or maybe does anyone know where the normal save location is located when using SWF player on android?


Sep 4, 2015
I just watched Jojo become Bimbo Jojo aka Joy. On game version "Corruption of Champions (0.9.4C_mod_1.2.18 (Last Fixes)) Release Build"

And it was a funny read. But when I went for sex, things got a bit strange :p

"You remove your clothesdescript" WTF I removed my clothesdescript=Goo armor..  programming showing?

"Joy wastes no time, she removes her prayer beads and sheds her robe; then she turns her back towards you and bend over, removing her tight shorts and exposing her glistening virgin cunt and hardening mouse prick. Knowing that she has no patience for foreplay, you don’t waste time with any, striding towards her and pushing her insistently to the ground." Ok. this is just me being picky but this is her first time, so how do you know. ???

"With a grin, you do as she asks, squeezing the JoyBreastDescripts and feeling their firm yet soft weight in your hands." programming showing again? JoyBreastDescripts= tits, funs bags, baby feeders, something to suck when sleeping.


I was seeing a lot of apk problems people were having.

You need to download Adobe AIR and Swf Player from the store. Works for me. 

To play the swf snapshots not the android*

That only sometimes worksfor me.

The apk installs but the app hangs 100% of the time after launching it. The swf is, I'd say %80 successful when launching.

If anyone wants to know I'm running Android 4.4.2 Kernl 3.4.0-3215511.

Please keep up the good work with the mod


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Hi everyone! I'm alive...more or less.

While editing the pages of Anzu doc, I decided to split the doc on two parts, one containing the regular scenes, and another containing the sex scenes. The second doc, with the sex scenes, is this:

And for Bsword, you can already start editing the main doc. I'll change permissions to allow you do the changes that you seem necessary. I'm busy doing the size play scene, and with some luck, I'll (finally) finish Anzu doc soon.