CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
You uses contraceptives?  o_O

And I realize I said brown pill when I meant pink pill reverses it, but it's basically the brown pill effects. I've only had one char ever get far enough with the farm to actually get one legit, any other I've resorted to save scumming to get them. They'd be more convenient if you didn't have to go to such lengths to get them, but then only so that you don't have to be leveled enough to clear out the sand-which dungeon. It just seems like an awfully troublesome item for one obviously meant to be more convenient than the pills which you cannot take with you or stock up on for later use, but then your still need the pink one to reverse it anyways. Since it's on the official wiki, it's from the classic game, though I don't remember when or what version it was added; likely when or after the farm became corruptable (not really a word, but whatever).


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Oh I understand that their are contraceptives. Just the use of them in this smutty, rapefilled game like this. 'Tsall.  ;)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
As someone who isn't into pregnacy, the brown pill came as a blessing when it was implemented.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
For me, it's mostly due to the myriad of stat changes and side effects, some temporary during pregnancies and some permanent. They are not huge or debilitating, but are a) changes to some things people like myself tend to want to keep a certain way and hate having to constantly save scum to correct them, and b) changes no male char has to fear at all, where as female and herm chars are subject to. Maybe it's my OCD, but I find it on par in some ways as any other TF and a lot of things go up and down (PUNS!). Call it personal preference, if anything else, to me it's on par with having the choice in sexual position (except when you lose a fight, for obvious reasons) rather than the game randomly selecting the scene for you anyways, or whether you want to have your way or walk away instead. Not quite sure why, but I'm sure some players may even find them a bit of a turn off.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not against them. Hell, there's even a couple advantages, especially if you like the idea a bunch of little "yous" running around. For instance, player pregnancies offer an interesting alternative to often much slower NPC pregnancies and herm players can double that effort. I'm pretty sure Amily even has a scene whereby she in fact brings that idea up about herms working both ways.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Hah! CoC may actually be getting an official ending...possibly this week! This could be interesting...

(I had a youtube vid that I was gonna link, but for some odd reason, this site is being a douche and won't actually let me paste as a hyperlink. It's the "Everything is awesome" song, for the curious.)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
For me, it's mostly due to the myriad of stat changes and side effects, some temporary during pregnancies and some permanent. They are not huge or debilitating, but are a) changes to some things people like myself tend to want to keep a certain way and hate having to constantly save scum to correct them, and b) changes no male char has to fear at all, where as female and herm chars are subject to. Maybe it's my OCD, but I find it on par in some ways as any other TF and a lot of things go up and down (PUNS!). Call it personal preference, if anything else, to me it's on par with having the choice in sexual position (except when you lose a fight, for obvious reasons) rather than the game randomly selecting the scene for you anyways, or whether you want to have your way or walk away instead. Not quite sure why, but I'm sure some players may even find them a bit of a turn off.

I feel you there, even if I don't have OCD: it's a matter of keeping the character the way *you* want it to be. I don't feel it's worth or fair to end up savescumming because I wanted to have a romp and now I have to deal with the likes of breast swelling, for example. Personal interest aside, when I get into Champion roleplaying, I feel I don't want my children to grow up in such postapocalyptic world.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I leave procreation to Marethians until the place is safe. Hell, even after Urta Quest, I told her to knock Edryn.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Can you be more specific? What OS and browser are you using? Does the open/save dialog box appear after clicking on load or save file, it could take a few seconds? Can you save using a save slot and load from that source? I can save and load from and to files on my end just fine (Win7 64bit Home, Chrome/Firefox).


Aug 27, 2015
Y'know here's an idea.. might be too big but..

The Farm the way it is pretty awesome!

Wouldn't it be pretty wicked if you can if you're corrupt enough or maybe pure(maybe).. take over the salon and turn it into a brothel and pimp your lovers/slaves?

Now corrupt or pure, could work as if your corrupt say.. it keeps the gloryhole concept but say minotaur schlongs look the same to say a equine morph, the hellhound dong looks the same as a dog-morph, the incubus and imp would .. be obvious but whatever it's probably dark..  ? Hehe

So whoever your people are and whatever they do there they won't exactly know who they are pleasing. When it comes to lovers they will because it's your fetish and they would.. experiment? slaves well obviously.

Just an idea I thought of thinking of Rubi.


Aug 27, 2015
Can already whore Rubi out, for the rest it doesn't really fit into their schedules, would you find them at their original location and then the salon as well, in the case of Urta, she has responsibilities to keep. It just seems it would need a hell of a lot of additional writing and probably coding to do something not very useful, you can already have your slaves pop off a shot for payment, but I mean, the place runs based on essentially, semen donations. You can't spend it anywhere else. You can only use it for yourself based on player sex as either I'd assume lube or baby batter. If you wanna get pregnant you have a ton of options already. If it switched to just being a brothel, why take over the salon, you wouldn't want semen as payment and I doubt you'd keep any customer base if you asked for gems. I could keep on but you get my point.


Sep 2, 2015
Can you be more specific? What OS and browser are you using? Does the open/save dialog box appear after clicking on load or save file, it could take a few seconds? Can you save using a save slot and load from that source? I can save and load from and to files on my end just fine (Win7 64bit Home, Chrome/Firefox).

win7 64 bit without sp1,cyberfox browser,after clicking to load file instantly comes up words attempting to load file and nothing happens

Ok nevermind its something with cyberfox end but i get standalone flash projector problem solved
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Yeah, sounds like your browser was being cock-blocked by your firewall or something, Lord. Sometimes browsers and security systems tend to butt heads like that. Glad to hear you've got a work-around going. Have fun and go nuts!


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
this is an idea i've had in my head for awhile

goblin rave club

with minos in the back room (or hell hounds)

drinks that transform you

and maybe a possible male recruitment.....


Aug 27, 2015
Like most tauric body type fans, I'd assume wanting all content to have alternatives just for one fetish subset. Though it might actually be a centaur looking for help groups here.


Sep 30, 2015
In what way?

When a npc see you they look at you like a humanoid or a person with two leg I wish they see you like centaur or taur and sex scene there so little of that. 

p.s sorry for my english
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
When a npc see you they look at you like a humanoid or a person with two leg I wish they see you like centaur or taur and sex scene there so little of that. 
Know what you mean. Early on, before I got busy with Savannah, the thought bubbled up on doing sex scenes for taur and other non-biped critters. Then all hell broke lose with Savannah and the multitude of other projects I keep assigning to myself.

p.s sorry for my english

English is a-okay. Understood perfectly.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Hello all! I made an account just because of this mod! I am having issues with some of the content and can't for the life of me figure out what i am doing wrong. I can't get the process of Jojo into Joy started. I have taken the steps as the wiki has said but nothing happens. If someone could tell me a step by step process of how to get Joy that would be great! Thanks in advance!
Sep 14, 2015
Hello all! I made an account just because of this mod! I am having issues with some of the content and can't for the life of me figure out what i am doing wrong. I can't get the process of Jojo into Joy started. I have taken the steps as the wiki has said but nothing happens. If someone could tell me a step by step process of how to get Joy that would be great! Thanks in advance!

There is a bug where everything in your stash(the chest you get in the desert) is just deleted from the game and you have to collect the stuff again. Only work around I have found is to never leave camp and sleep as little as possible. That may not be your issue, but it's been mine every time. Or you could just CoCEd your stash to have the bimbo liquor in it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Hello all! I made an account just because of this mod! I am having issues with some of the content and can't for the life of me figure out what i am doing wrong. I can't get the process of Jojo into Joy started. I have taken the steps as the wiki has said but nothing happens. If someone could tell me a step by step process of how to get Joy that would be great! Thanks in advance!

When I got Jojo cum Joy working for me, here are the steps I did: 

  1. Place bottle of Bimbo Liquor in chest.
  2. Go on exploring or the like. (Might take a couple runs, I forget, slept since then.)
  3. You'll return to camp and Jojo will tell you of a possible thief was rummaging through the chest. You will get two options: Jojo to chase after thief or Jojo set traps and wait. Doesn't matter which you choose (I did the set traps angle, didn't want Jojo to get hurt), the end result will be the same.
  4. Go on another adventure or three, you will return one time where Jojo will approach you after drinking the liquor. Walla.
What is your corruption btw? Not sure if corruption may get in the way of having Jojo drink it on his own or not, but if it is high enough, the Champion can force Jojo to drink it.

Hope that helps, if not, send word to me and I'll ask around and update the wiki page as needed


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
This is to anyone who knows the proper order and such for transformative priorities. The list is taken from the original wiki. I'll be looking for more info elsewhere. Need priority of Mod-races as well.

The list I have on the page linked to is not going to use the same format as the one I'm working on. Just a rough layout is all.

Brain misfiring right now. If you are confused about what I'm saying PM me, leave a post here, on the wiki, where ever. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Rycharde, I just noticed that the "Champion's Lovers" template lists Nieve as a female, when Nieve can be either a male or a female.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
There's also Ember. You can choose if they are male, female, or a herm.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Rycharde, I just noticed that the "Champion's Lovers" template lists Nieve as a female, when Nieve can be either a male or a female.

Yeah, I saw that before I made the template. Wasn't keen on putting new group labeled "flip a coin" or "your choice", but yeah, I gotta fix that I suppose. Was REALLY hoping no one would see that. BUSTED! LOL

There's also Ember. You can choose if they are male, female, or a herm.

Ditto on my response to Kesil. Busted again. OK, I'll go fix them. *grumble-grumble* LOL


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Honestly im still waiting for when salamander morph and pheonix morph will be added but i guess the lack of base text for them make it harder
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