CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
The idea is great, but i find some of the "difficulty increase" pretty much "cheap", going full Trump and build walls to make Mareth great again? Would be preferable to follow someking of "miniquest" to unlock such places rather than "spam explore until you actually can do anything"


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2016
This is probably a dumb question, but it will be far easier if someone could just answer it quickly :): I played CoC and like it very much. Its a great game. I also like and admire the rework done with the mods but seem to miss a certain aspect of it? What is NG+ and how do I unlock it? I am pretty much stuck on a certain level (depending on the mod) and cant really advance anymore (after beating the demon queen in her stronghold).

Also: The prison mod, that got added to the revamp and xianxia, has been abandoned by the the original creator as far as I can tell. Any chance someone else might work on it and give it a more finished look in a future update of a mod?


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
After you complete the game you unlock an option on the camp called "ascension" or something alike, like that you get a few bonuses and you restart the game making everything way harder, thats the NG+ (new game +)
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Clearly you didn't. There is also an apk download link on the page you clearly didn't read.

Its at the very end of the page below those oversized pictures. I've almost overlooked them, too. I'd suggest, that you use a lightbox for these pictures and reduce them to thumbnail-size.

[Edit:]Clickable thumbnails, of course.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Ok. after yet another nightly coding session I think I've implemented and tested most of Basilisk Eyes Phase 3!

@MissBlackthorne and the others: Could you take a look at the comments and the description to check, if I missed something or made a mistake? An RC build will be released soon.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Isabella shouldn't switch from her german accent to english accent either in base game or any of mods without: A) accent coaching her B)somehow like by accident editing flag that is responsibile for tracking how far PC gone with coaching her.

For flag try check in editor if flag named ISABELLA_ACCENT_TRAINING_PERCENT isn't by chance set at 100 as it mean coaching ws completed and she speaks without even hint of german.

I not recall anyone writing new scenes for her that made her from start speaking fluent english only. So there is also chance something bad happened with this save you got or game file you use to play on. THen again there is tiny chance something even I not meantioned above happened.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
B)somehow like by accident editing flag that is responsibile for tracking how far PC gone with coaching her.

Checked the code of and her accent is only disabled in scenes, if her accent training is at 100%. There a flag, that you could turn on to enforce her accent

The method definition is here:

override public function isabellaAccent():Boolean {
if (flags[kFLAGS.ISABELLA_ACCENT_TRAINING_PERCENT] < 100) return true;
if (flags[kFLAGS.ISABELLA_ACCENT_FORCED_ON]) return true;
return false;

Anyway you can always reset her accent training to 0 without editing any flag.

On the other hand: You could just point us to the scene texts, where she doesn't talk with her german accent and we could look into it. Just telling us, that there are certain scenes is like telling us to find a needle in a haystack you've hidden there ;)

Well, anyway: Before you do that, check that the upper-rightmost button in the Isabella-menu doesn't read 'Accent Uncoach' first.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Curently on my work desk is Cathedral revamp, this will include the fellowing options

Cathedral rebuilt (under construction)

1: Blessed Altar of Marae: The blessed Altar of Marae which had formerly been damaged beyond repair is a tool for religion focused PC that allow player to pray. After praying player will be given a +10% bonus to its magical power (white magic only) for a week. The player can come and pray again to regain the bonus once the blessing is gone. Cost 50 stones work time of 8 hour
2. Statue of Marae: The sacred statue at the bottom of the cathedral had been debased and damaged beyond recognition. Having met Marae it is in your power to repair the statue. the statue of ,Marae increase the sacred power in the church increasing the altar blessing to 20%. Repairing the statue will.

Cost 400 stones and a work time of 3 day, has to be done over several steps (require the Blessed altar of Marae to be repaired first)
3. Prayer bench: Repairing this will allow monks and priest in pilgrimage to regularly visit the cathedral again. Monks and clerics chanting their prayer will increase the potency of the Sacred blessing adding an extra +5% (25%) to magical power when praying.

Cost 200 woods 200 nails (require the Statue of Marae and the  to be repaired first)
4. Repairing the gargoyle on the walls: While there will never be any more gargoyles but you and your friend it is possible to add new gargoyle-like statue as decoration. Those statue are purely aesthetic but improves on the church outlook. As part of this maneuver you can build yourself a temporary piedestal to rest in the cathedral instead of the camp. Sleeping in the Cathedral grant the Sacred blessing effect as well as an additional +5% boost for a total of 30% (Yep gargoyle can feed on the ambient magic of the cathedral). While it's been clearly stated player needs a piedestal to rest player as part of the way he/she worded his ritual isn't linked to a particular piedestal but to any piedestal suitable for him/her to sit upon.

Repairing the gargoyles will cost so far the biggest amount of stone 1000
5. Tending the gardens: You can ask one of the pilgrim/cleric to attend the garden in front of the cathedral. doing so will improve the outlook of the cathedral entrance slightly.
6. Placing Marae Pearl and the blessed sword in the Cathedral: A holy relic such as Marae pearl or the Beautiful sword can massively empower the sacred power housed in the cathedral. The Beautiful sword once placed on the Altar will allow player to purge corruption at the rate of 10 point per day while having both the sword and Marae pearl will make it 20. Each artefact increase the magical bonus by 5% for a total of 40%. It is possible to retrieve the beautiful sword from its resting place and upon being charged with the holy power of the goddess of Mareth the blade will have improved into the Sacred sword, an empowered version of the Beautiful sword of which the base damage is equal to scar blade (yes this long quest allow to actually forge out Excalibur for pure characters. Beautiful sword main issue was in its terrible base damage. while it was intended as a low level weapon i find it sad that a weapon blessed by the goddess of mareth itself is weaker than the jeweled rapier let alone the scarblade which is its evil aligned counterparts)

You can retrieve a holy relic and place it back at any time in the game especialy of course for the ending.
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Well-Known Member
May 28, 2016
Okay. I love the idea of rebuilding the Cathedral, I love the idea that it does require grunt work and getting stone, and I especially love the idea of upgrading the Beautiful Sword into a more powerful weapon.

But... I feel like its too simple, just, getting stone and rebuilding everything. Not to mention its too focused on Magical Empowerment, instead of simply being a way to buff and empower yourself for several different ways of fighting. Like, rebuilding the altar, rebuilding the statue is great and all. But how exactly would that return the magical power back to them? And fine, making the benches gives clerics and monks room to sit when they get there. But it doesn't make the journey to the cathedral any easier.

Like... we have an apprentice monk at our Camp. Have him come to the Cathedral and learn from Gargoyle, learn from ancient tomes within its depths that can teach you how to rebuild it. Got to Minerva's home, and take water from the Nexus of Purity to use in a rite. Especially useful if Maere had focused her power into the waters to make them even more powerful. Take plants and seeds from the forested area in order to purify the gardens, and fight back the corruption of the very land itself.

Having it just be stone and hard work that rebuilds the Cathedral is dull, and it cuts Gargoyle herself out almost completely. Mix it up a bit.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
You know, I never thought of it before, but the idea of visiting the Cathedral with Jojo in tow would make for an interesting scene. Maybe every once and a while you return to find Jojo and Gargoyle peacefully meditating or him making a comment about being there once or twice when you talk to him in camp.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Jojo visiting wouldnt be a bad idea however i cant touch the gargoyle npc at all save for a slight mention witheout Savin going berserk. Keep in mind the gargoyle tf/cathedral overhaul has avoided the unamed gargoyle on purpose because Savin doesnt want anyone messing his npc. I can write about gargoyle creations/rebuilding the cathedral and even monks and cleric visiting but anything touching the main original garg npc is next to unprobable.

the reason why this is so highly focused on a white magic blessing is because cathedral was by its origin designed as a receptacle of power for prayer. As such anyone praying at the altar should get sacred bonus to magics/healing and or corruption purge. Physical/speed/thoughness are stuff not very well linked with the church i want before all to put an emphasis on purity.

The place used to be a focus of divine power it can be again with proper maintenance. The place doesnt produce magical power on its own it never did it draws it like a catalyst. Marae as a god bless those that worships her and like any divinity tend to focus her powers in holy places where she is worshiped actively such as the cathedral.  Such is the normal working for divine magic. In other therm if Marae is corrupt the church wont have any effect therefore making rebuilding the cathedral useless  (unless you plan making a black sabbath there but thats something defrent)

I mainly intended this place to serve as a boost for paladin/white mage/Religious pure characters. Of course i could add the option to make holy water in the cathedral to use as a temporary consumable buff in battle enhencing weapon damage against the corrupt by a good amount. 

Note: Of course my writing is prioritising CoC Xiangxia but that doesnt mean Kitteh has no access to it. Hes free to adapt stuff ill write in the future through I dont plan on actualy prioritising conversions from wuxia to revamp I have enough work writing all these new stuff in the first place x.x (through at the rate I write them ill end up having the right to a break). Gargoyle tf for instance was designed to have stats score way above what regular revamp provides due to xiangxia standards allowing for total accumulated tf score reaching above 100 bonus points sometime better.
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New Member
Mar 27, 2016
What is the latest version of the revamp mod and if there is a new one where can I find it?


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
The latest release version is in the title and is 1.3.25 and it can be downloaded from the [Download] button in the first post.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Well, I made long ago a suggestion, buy since I was busy, I didn't made my myself until now:

Callu (male version)

Not unlike Lane on TITS. I simply replaced the female pronouns by male ones, and made quick fixes and edits on the body parts and sex scenes in the text. Though a bit cheap and easy, this could help a little with the underwhelming lack of male NPC in the game.

So how will this trigger exactly? I'm all for more males, the more the merrier, but not sure how this will work.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I haven't modified the code in any point. My guess is that should be placed on the lake, as always. 

Instead of the regular intro scene, we'll have a previous one with the player seeing an ambiguous shape on the distance of the take and deciding its gender (male or female) and then aproacching. Not unlike Lane.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Just to tell Cathedral revamp text is now completes it only needs to be coded


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
In gargoyle of course cathedral revamp is part of Gargoyle tf documentation althrough it isnt required to obtain the tf to do the cathedral repairs
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