CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I'm refering to the dragon/lizard submods made by a different dev, As far as i know there hasnt been a base mod update in months,

That Stadler mod that despite been grown out from revmp slowly becoming stand alone. Ofc piece by piece Stadler is making PR for Revamp so aside some more radical chanes all of those from Dragon Mod will ends up in Revamp. But sadly even Stadler not able to figure out what happening with revamp mod creator.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm sure he's okay. Kitteh's usually kind of quite when it comes to just hopping into a conversation unless he has something to say about progress on the Revamp. This wouldn't be the first time we've gone on for a while without a post from him. Especially with classes and other RL and all that jazz being priority. There's just probably not much to report on yet.


New Member
Sep 19, 2016
Prolly is RL stuff, I notice on Github Kitteh's last push on it was on the 4th, So he has been working on it!   Also off subject, Was curious was the incubus stall owner outside of Zetaz's cave after defeating him ever going to be expanded upon? 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Ah, that would be Mr. Sean. No plans that I was aware of for him, no. If you have something in particular in mind, you could suggest it on the Trello and give that a shot.


New Member
Sep 20, 2016
Hi, I'm new here so I'm really sorry if I simply missed something that could easily answer this! I've been playing CoC (and in particular this mod) for a while now. But just recently whenever I start up the mod/game, it doesn't recognize my saves as existing. I checked in the Appdata path and they are all there, (most recent save is from the 16th of this month, which is the last time I played) but clicking "Load" within the game itself shows all my saves as empty. I tried using the load file feature instead to directly load one, but that doesn't work either. I've no clue what has happened.

I don't use the 14th slot, so I started a new game and saved it there, and I can load that one just fine. But my other, more time-invested saves still aren't listed :/  Any help would be very appreciated.

Edit: Doh, I feel dumb now. I managed to fix it myself by searching within AppData for the CoC_14 save file, and found that for some reason Chrome decided to just randomly start using a new folder for CoC saves. I moved my saves into the new one and they work like a charm.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Edit: Doh, I feel dumb now. I managed to fix it myself by searching within AppData for the CoC_14 save file, and found that for some reason Chrome decided to just randomly start using a new folder for CoC saves. I moved my saves into the new one and they work like a charm.

It's not your Chrome but...Flash that recently changed folder for keeping files like CoC saves. So not worry yourself too much in last days more than few people are confused on where their saves go now. And it was the same reason of need to move save files to different folder to solve that issue.

(Weidly enough I recent also updated flash it hink and for me saves not changed for CoC....TiTS ones saves changed by not CoC...well maybe that some mod related reasons).
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Sep 18, 2016
Hello guys, I have a problem,  I dont know why but my saves are not downloading, and there is nothing here: no errors, no message about errors, nothing. What is it could be? 

I tried different browsers, but it is not helping


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Nvm. Local saves no longer in my "localhost" folder, now it's in a folder called "#localWithNet".

Wow! God knows why that was needed.


New Member
Jun 30, 2016
anyone having issues loading from file?  save to file is fine, but for some reason I can't load from file.  Using mozilla, but also tried chrome
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Yeah, loading from file is not working for me either. Did someone from Google/Mozilla/Adobe make a booboo? It's not on Revamp or Kitteh, this version's worked before with saves without fail for me.

In fact, it's not even working for TiTS or CoC vanilla. OH, SOMEONE'S DYING TONIGHT!

Edit: TiTS is working with load from file, but CoC vanilla and CoC Revamp still glitches out when trying (name is "You", all values stay zeroed out, and time/day shows "NaN" and "NaN:00" respectively, basically file does not load). Apparently I was trying TiTS with a buggy save file that Minerva most have jacked up at some point.
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Sep 22, 2016
anyone having issues loading from file?  save to file is fine, but for some reason I can't load from file.  Using mozilla, but also tried chrome

Ive been having this for a few days, I moved my CoC save files to a different folder, and even the shockwave application to the folder as well. Tried that and nothing. i downloaded firefox (because beforehand i was using google chrome.) and it worked, though i got an error about an out of date adobe flash player. so i updated that and now it wont work anymore. when i went to load the files, it directed itself to the firefox folder on my computer, but i changed it to my custom folder for CoC. maybe its flash? maybe i need to change it back to that folder? I dont know, I need answers!


Active Member
Sep 18, 2016
I'm sure he's okay. Kitteh's usually kind of quite when it comes to just hopping into a conversation unless he has something to say about progress on the Revamp. This wouldn't be the first time we've gone on for a while without a post from him. Especially with classes and other RL and all that jazz being priority. There's just probably not much to report on yet.

I definitely know all about classes and sometimes.  I'm in school for Architecture at 36....with five kids and three dogs.....Talk about a full plate right?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
So has anyone figured out the whole "load file" bug, or is that avenue no longer available to take? Would be a shame to have to go off of a limited number of saves and hope my browser doesn't murder them on close.


Jun 24, 2016
So, is this next update taking a long time to get here due to these reasons?:

  • Fenoxo and his group are planning a big update to the mod.
  • Fenoxo is busy with other projects.
  • Fenoxo is also busy with life.

If there are any reasons I'm missing or misunderstanding, please let me know. I'm just asking because I'm curious; there is no shame in having multiple projects and living in my opinion.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
So, is this next update taking a long time to get here due to these reasons?:

  • Fenoxo and his group are planning a big update to the mod.
  • Fenoxo is busy with other projects.
  • Fenoxo is also busy with life.

If there are any reasons I'm missing or misunderstanding, please let me know. I'm just asking because I'm curious; there is no shame in having multiple projects and living in my opinion.

.... you realize Fenoxo and Co. have literally nothing to do with the mod, right? 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
So, is this next update taking a long time to get here due to these reasons?:

  • Kitteh6660 and his group are planning a big update to the mod.
  • Kitteh6660 is busy with other projects.
  • Kitteh6660 is also busy with life.

If there are any reasons I'm missing or misunderstanding, please let me know. I'm just asking because I'm curious; there is no shame in having multiple projects and living in my opinion. should replace any use of work Fenoxo with Kitteh6660 (actualy in quoting I fixed your unintended type on nick in al three places). And on side not...yeah Fenoxo is busy...with making TiTS ;)


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
FenCo is officially done with CoC1, revamp and such are initiatives by community folks


Jan 1, 2016
Anyone have any idea what Adobe fucked up to destroy the ability to load saved game files from "Save to File" format? Also anyone have any idea how to get the game to save using the in game save tabs? I for one have never been able to get them to work. (Using Firefox 47.0.1 and Flash plugin (which fucking broke the game's "Save to File" and "Load from File" feature's). I have a beautiful Dragon/Demon/Kitsune morph at level 50 that I'd hate to loose.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The saves that use save slots: The folder where they are normally kept is no longer used by your browser. Those are now kept in the folder "#localWithNet", which fortunately is in the same directory as your "localhost" folder. You just have to manually move any old saves from "localhost" to "#localWithNet" and they will work from there. Subsequent saves using save slots will also begin using the correct folder, so you don't have to do this more than once. While I use Firefox to browse, I run games like CoC in Chrome, so this all assumes you use Chrome. I've been told however that the "#localWithNet" folder applies to Firefox as well. Running a search for it in Explorer should work. You can also make a new normal safe in slot 1, then look up "CoC_1" to see where it saves now.

You should also check your browser(s) to ensure they are not set to clear or delete data. For Firefox, for instance, you need to go to "Tools", then "Options", then click on the "Privacy" tab and make sure it says "Firefox will remember history" rather than "Firefox will never remember history". Don't know about Chrome, but it will likely be a similar setting. Programs like CCleaner and the likes also are known to deleting your saves. Make sure that's not doing it.

"Save to File" and "Load from File" issue is still an issue without known solutions. It's likely something specific with CoC itself since other flash games/programs I've tried, including TiTS, don't seem afflicted. Revamp is also stuck with that since it's built around CoC. Either that, or it's on Adobe's end entirely. It's not likely to be fixed unless it's super easy to do and something Kitteh can manage.
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Jan 1, 2016
For myself, the Save Slots NEVER worked. I asked about this in the past, however no one had any real insight as to why I was unable to use the save slots. The APK version for android, from Fenoxo's final version before he abandoned it completely in favor of TITS, worked both ways to save my game.

I recall Kitteh6660 mentioning that he was going to look into moving the entire game's code to HTML5 and abandon action script completely as that would mean the game work pretty much universally without any conversions required for differing platforms. Anyone know what happened to that idea?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Sorry to hear that. To be fair, Kitteh didn't have the same luck with compiling APK's for Android devices since he doesn't know how to do so as well as Fen (or who ever does the Android files on Fen's crew), so issues with saves not working on Android would have simply been expected results of unfortunate circumstances. Sucks it was you, but not many could get any of the APK's for Revamp working right to begin with either. Some couldn't even play it on their devices. And since no one's come forward offering to help compile them more properly despite being asked for repeatedly by Kitteh and others, Revamp's never been very stable on anything past desktop/laptops. That's both why Kitteh gave up on compiling them and why they just worked better for CoC vanilla.

As for the HTML version, Kitteh's probably still working on it as time permits. Maybe try watching the actual thread for more specific updates...


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2015
Can anyone help i'm in the location with localhost but i don't see  #localWithNet folder anywhere.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Can anyone help i'm in the location with localhost but i don't see  #localWithNet folder anywhere.

If you not able find it you can try do lil trick. Start game, create new chara and save it. Then since you know which slot it was using search for it. In the end if you had before save in this slot too you will get this file found in two dfifferent places...if not hade save in this particular save slot then only file you find should be the new one you mde in that #localWithNet folder. (I hope this tip will be usefull to you)


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2015
When I click to save it doesn't do anything at all. No save file shows in a folder or on the game page.


New Member
Sep 27, 2016
I wonder... I really love that new mod and I am fascinated by the WIP prisoner-scene (Mistress Elly). I noticed some bugs and there are a lot of placeholders. English is not my main language, but still, I might find some time to write some text. But where do I start? Who can I communicate to? How do I know which texts are needed or already written? :)