CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)


Aug 30, 2015
Thank you so much! This is perfect!

It seems I need more followers to (potentially) trigger it! However, I can find no references to corruption... As far as I can tell, it's a random 1/3 chance to trigger a prank *if* one of the chosen followers (Izma, Helia, Marble and Amily, I think, though Amily seems to be commented out right now) are also bathing... That is definetly doable!

Say, is it possible to write scenes and then submit them to you guys to be included in the mod? There's a *distinct* lack of female watersports in there... there's some if you're a female yourself, but there seems to be just make watersports otherwise. Well, and one herm, as far as I could tell.

This, of course, should be corrected post-haste... I got a little bit of programming experience, so if I am allowed to, I might try to make a scene myself. Assuming I don't just procrastinate until I forget <.<

I've had it proc without any followers, I think you need to have Fetishes turned on in your settings, I had it on one time by pure accident and haven't been able to reproduce it since turning it off.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
I've had it proc without any followers, I think you need to have Fetishes turned on in your settings, I had it on one time by pure accident and haven't been able to reproduce it since turning it off.

I dunno man... The code doesn't seem to support that. Maybe I read it wrong? As far as I can see, when the swimInStream() function gets called, it rolls a number from 0 to 2 and assigns it to "prankchooser"... Then, if you roll a 0, and at least one of the listed camp followers exist in your camp (I don't think they actually need to be bathing at that point... Might be wrong here though), then you will get the opportunity to prank them.

That calls the  swimInStreamPrank1()  function, which seems to roll a random dice, where the max number is equal to the amount of people currently swimming with you... If the roll is 0, then it will go through the list and pee on the first available companion, in order as such: Izma, Hel, Marble, Amily (commented out).

As far as I can tell, if you have no followers, this function would not really do anything at all, as it requires a lot of "If companion exists, do this". So if no companions exists... nothing gets done.

And also, I do have watersports turned on in my settings. It was the first thing I did :p


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2016
Don't need watersports fetish on actually. Only time I've had it proc though was after getting someone in camp that was a lover (Izma was the one it procced for me).


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Say, is it possible to write scenes and then submit them to you guys to be included in the mod? There's a *distinct* lack of female watersports in there... there's some if you're a female yourself, but there seems to be just make watersports otherwise. Well, and one herm, as far as I could tell.

This, of course, should be corrected post-haste... I got a little bit of programming experience, so if I am allowed to, I might try to make a scene myself. Assuming I don't just procrastinate until I forget <.<

Either mod owner wouldn't look down on someone writing scene and giving them to code as long it's decent quality. Just some mod owners are harder to cantact with then others. So for Revamp you jsut writing this scenes and when you feel it's god enough you by any way you wany giving this to Kitteh so he can review it and if he find it worthy code it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
How about an option for taking Vala to your camp as a mind broken sex slave if you don't fix her?

it honestly makes far more sense for you to take her to camp as is even if you fully intend to fix her. just abandoning her alone in the cave until you can find a way to cure her is incredibly irresponsible.

Why so cereal?

New Member
Jul 17, 2016
it honestly makes far more sense for you to take her to camp as is even if you fully intend to fix her. just abandoning her alone in the cave until you can find a way to cure her is incredibly irresponsible.

"Well, there's a horribly mind broken slave here, should I try to bring her to my camp or leave her in a cave completely alone with no food...

Cave it is then!"


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
"Well, there's a horribly mind broken slave here, should I try to bring her to my camp or leave her in a cave completely alone with no food...

Cave it is then!"

what could possibly go wrong? I mean, its not like a random imp might find her and start breeding up an army or something.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
Either mod owner wouldn't look down on someone writing scene and giving them to code as long it's decent quality. Just some mod owners are harder to cantact with then others. So for Revamp you jsut writing this scenes and when you feel it's god enough you by any way you wany giving this to Kitteh so he can review it and if he find it worthy code it.

Sweet! I might think up something then... If I can stop procrastinating long enough.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Sweet! I might think up something then... If I can stop procrastinating long enough.

Just not forget to look for either mod list of big No-No kinks. It would be a shame to write something that later not gonna get in cuz it was blacklisted stuff. As for this blacklisted things either first post of thread for mod or mod trello should have this info.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
@Kitteh6660: With that being finished I'll start working on a PR to add new reptilic eyeTypes for dragons and lizans later today.

Phew. Finally finished with it: Pull request #278 @GitHub

Some of the texts I wrote:

In the player appearance tab:

Your eyes are prideful, fierce dragon eyes with vertically slitted pupils and burning orange irises. They glitter even in the darkness and they come with the typical second set of eyelids, allowing you to blink twice as much as others.

When you gain dragon eyes:

You feel a sudden surge of pain in your eyes as they begin to reshape. Your pupils begin to elongate becoming vertically slitted and your irises change their color, too.
As the pain passes, you examine your eyes in a nearby puddle. You look into your new prideful, fierce dragon eyes with vertically slitted pupils and burning orange irises. They glitter even in the darkness. With a few tears remaining, the look is a bit blurry. Wanting to get a clearer look at them, you blink your remaining tears away and suddenly you realize, that you just did that with your second set of eyelids. You now have fierce dragon eyes.

When you gain lizard eyes:

You feel a sudden surge of pain in your eyes as they begin to reshape. Your pupils begin to elongate becoming vertically slitted and your irises change their color, too.
As the pain passes, you examine your eyes in a nearby puddle. You look into your new eyes with vertically slitted pupils surrounded by green-yellowish irises. With a few tears remaining, the look is a bit blurry. Wanting to get a clearer look at them, you blink your remaining tears away and suddenly you realize, that you just did that with your second set of eyelids.
You now have lizard eyes.


  • If you think, that one or more of the texts need to be rewritten, then please help me :)
  • To get them as a lizard, it requires, that you already have a lizard face, while dragons can have them even with a human face. I guess, that some people might want them, although they chose, that Ember has a human face by adding their blood to Ember's egg.
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Active Member
Sep 12, 2015
To respond to the comments about Vala, I don't think it's necessary to add an option to make her a camp follower. It would require a considerable amount of work to simply reallocate her to the camp; and new sex scenes would need to be added or the context of her existing ones would have to be modified. It's a bit much for a character whom already has a decent amount of content. Even if it would make sense to have the option, it's probably not worth the trouble.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
To respond to the comments about Vala, I don't think it's necessary to add an option to make her a camp follower. It would require a considerable amount of work to simply reallocate her to the camp; and new sex scenes would need to be added or the context of her existing ones would have to be modified. It's a bit much for a character whom already has a decent amount of content. Even if it would make sense to have the option, it's probably not worth the trouble.

that is a practical reason why such a thing wouldn't be coded.

but from an internal logic standpoint of the game, she should have been moved to the camp in the first place.

That being said, I don't think a complete scene rewrite is necessary so much as just minor modification to indicate you are not inside a cave.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Ok, my PR was accepted and merged. In upcoming verions at least dragons and lizans get their very own set of eyes :)

PS: Heres, how the eyes are described, when you are a dragonne with dragon eyes:

You have a cat-like face, complete with moist nose and whiskers. Your fur is orange and white, hiding your black skin underneath. Of course, no feline face would be complete without vertically slit eyes, although they come with a second set of eyelids, which is somewhat unusual for a cats face.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
Just not forget to look for either mod list of big No-No kinks. It would be a shame to write something that later not gonna get in cuz it was blacklisted stuff. As for this blacklisted things either first post of thread for mod or mod trello should have this info.

Thank you for mentioning this! I was not aware the mod had a no-no list, so it was good I had a look at it.

Say, what language is CoC/mod actually written in? I cna't recognize it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Oh btw: "Futafication of Helia (Savin's watching!)"
I've googled for it. I've searched several german-english dictionaries for it. I even searched the urban dictionary ... nothing about what futafication is ...
So for gods sake, could anyone please explain this to me?


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
Oh btw: "Futafication of Helia (Savin's watching!)"
I've googled for it. I've searched several german-english dictionaries for it. I even searched the urban dictionary ... nothing about what futafication is ...
So for gods sake, could anyone please explain this to me?

"Futafication of X" means "making X into a futa", where "futa" is short for "Futanari", which is the japanese word for "dick-girl".

So "the futafication of Helia" means removing Helia's vagina and replacing it with a dick. (Presumeably also balls, but I dunno if that's technically required to be a futa)

EDIT: Sidenote, does anyone know if Stones are actually used for anything yet? I've built up my entire camp, but I haven't found a use for Stone yet.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"Futafication of X" means "making X into a futa", where "futa" is short for "Futanari", which is the japanese word for "dick-girl".

So "the futafication of Helia" means removing Helia's vagina and replacing it with a dick. (Presumeably also balls, but I dunno if that's technically required to be a futa)

EDIT: Sidenote, does anyone know if Stones are actually used for anything yet? I've built up my entire camp, but I haven't found a use for Stone yet.

Well actualy futafication would rather mena here making into herm as vag into cock+balls would make Hel then shemale not futanari. So it was idea about giving her cock and maybe balls too but as it's Savin it's not to be done.

As for this mode we talk now there isn't any use of them. But if we talk about others there is one mod with use for stones.

As for what language is CoC written...well I would say in english but if you mean coding language I not know either exactly how it's called. @Stadler could probably know more what this coding language is named.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
Well actualy futafication would rather mena here making into herm as vag into cock+balls would make Hel then shemale not futanari. So it was idea about giving her cock and maybe balls too but as it's Savin it's not to be done.

As for this mode we talk now there isn't any use of them. But if we talk about others there is one mod with use for stones.

As for what language is CoC written...well I would say in english but if you mean coding language I not know either exactly how it's called. @Stadler could probably know more what this coding language is named.

Yeah, I meant programming language. I don't know this one, and I gotta know the name to look up tutorials so I can actually start writing code for a scene :p Though thankfully it's close enough to good old Java that I can still understand it. (I could probably just start coding and look at the github to see how the syntax works, but... that's a bit too inconvenient for me to bother)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah, I meant programming language. I don't know this one, and I gotta know the name to look up tutorials so I can actually start writing code for a scene :p Though thankfully it's close enough to good old Java that I can still understand it. (I could probably just start coding and look at the github to see how the syntax works, but... that's a bit too inconvenient for me to bother)

As you see Stadler is reliable guy that you can count on to come and tell all the cool stuff ^^

First off: Thanks for explaining futafication. :)

CoC is written in ActionScriptActionScript 3.0 to be precise.

Heh you wanted to touch it or just been curious what Savin forbid from doing in any mod? xD


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
First off: Thanks for explaining futafication. :)

CoC is written in ActionScriptActionScript 3.0 to be precise.

Thanks! Time to read up on ActionScript! :p   

EDIT: I got a bug report for y'all; When my female kitsune fox-morph (That is, kitsune with fox head, fur and fox legs... No other TFs) tries to get consentually buttfucked by the Lizan Rogue, it for some reason calls an outputtext that contains a cock description.

The result is this:

"Then he shafts you, embedding his entire length into your butthole while pulling you back, his strong arms firmly holding his entire length inside of you as your body instinctively squirms. You can feel his free dick release a pearl of hot sticky pre onto your split large, brawny ass.ERROR: cockDescript Called But No Cock Present At your instance he picks up the pace. Soon he is pounding your backdoor with reckless abandon, even pulling you into his thrusts as you grab fistfulls of grass and hold on for dear life. You arch your back and he begins to drill even deeper, each slam into your substantial, toned butt causing your body to quiver in pure ecstasy."

Entire section given so that you can retrace what line of code exactly gives this error. If you want to, that is, because I already tried to do it for you; I believe this line is the culprit:

outputText("\n\nThen he shafts you, embedding his entire length into your [asshole] while pulling you back, his strong arms firmly holding his entire length inside of you as your body instinctively squirms.

You can feel his free dick release a pearl of hot sticky pre onto your split [ass].[cock]

At your instance he picks up the pace. Soon he is pounding your [asshole] with reckless abandon, even pulling you into his thrusts as you grab fistfulls of grass and hold on for dear life.

You arch your back and he begins to drill even deeper, each slam into your [ass] causing your body to quiver in pure ecstasy.");

Specifically, line 267 in

In the middle there, there seems to be a "[cock]" tag for no reason whatsoever that's likely not meant to be there.

EDIT2: Formatting the code a bit. Jeebus, I think I broke the forum by having it all one one line.
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Mar 26, 2016
hi all, before continuing clarify them speak Spanish, and use the google traslator to express my message, if I make any errors of wording or spelling, I apologize while I appeal to your understanding and patience.

why I give this message is to warn of a bug that occurs for some reason in the 1.3.25 version of this mod, the bug occurs with Raphael, which repeats indefinitely quest, without being able to finish, coming to spend 7 and up to 8 times doing training with the sword without winning anything.

is not the only mistake he has, but if the most notorious, however once you find more bugs and confirm the dire on this channel

Oblitus Nix

Jul 17, 2016
I saw that the change log only went to 1.3.23, while the current version current version is 1.3.25.

At least from what I can determine from the title of the topic anyways.

Am I to assume that plus 2 is from bug fixes and the like?


Jan 23, 2016
Hello. Have a bit of a problem here. I wanted to make a chakate character (felitaur, herm) but ended up with catfaced centaur. Mainly - i can't get rid of hooves (need catpaws instead). I distinctly remember being able to do that in previous versions but at this point i start to doubt everything. Any idea what am I doing wrong? Basicaly i need 


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
You can TF your feet to be cat paws and then use Taurinum from Rathazul to add another pair of legs.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I saw that the change log only went to 1.3.23, while the current version current version is 1.3.25.

At least from what I can determine from the title of the topic anyways.

Am I to assume that plus 2 is from bug fixes and the like?

Click on the "Download" link to go directly to the Github to get an more accurate list of changes for that release. You can then also click on "Releases" once on the Github to see patch notes for each release in order. Since the "Change Log" is hosted on the Wiki rather than kept by Kitteh, it can sometimes lag behind updates.