Bad idea brainstorming center


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well, for pasties gecko glue was used. Why not for tags?

Gluing something to skin can have some long term or short term sideeffects. Better to keep it as another type of peircing. And add that all stuff agreed to voulntary small scale piercing when they been accepted in this job. Sme like one of req. for this job: agree to have pierced skin over left coralbone.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Gluing something to skin can have some long term or short term sideeffects. Better to keep it as another type of peircing. And add that all stuff agreed to voulntary small scale piercing when they been accepted in this job. Sme like one of req. for this job: agree to have pierced skin over left coralbone.

Or just stick it to slightly different places.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Haha use nipple piercing to use as hanging point for nameplate or any other peircing at other places at the body? :D


Active Member
Jun 9, 2016
- More average/ugly characters so that the hypersexuality of the player character stands out more. What's the point of being mega hung when everyone in the galaxy has a cock equally as big or bigger?

- A race of onahole creatures (not cuntsnakes) that are built for hyper sized endowments.

- An injection that you inject into your butt to give you a firefly butt, made by xeongen biotech from juice extracted from sexy firefly people

- A race of sexy firefly people whose butts glow.

- A super nuki cookie that really boosts your balls even more

- A lot of ball boosting items, actually.

- Ball bras for your bigass balls

- A wisecracking AI for your ship that's always giving you the business.

- A storyline about the upcoming election of the president of the UCG, including depraved sexual encounters with the candidates.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
- More average/ugly characters so that the hypersexuality of the player character stands out more. What's the point of being mega hung when everyone in the galaxy has a cock equally as big or bigger?


I'd say that this is not a bad idea. Hyper is not appealing for everyone, after all.

- A lot of ball boosting items, actually.



- A wisecracking AI for your ship that's always giving you the business.


Hand So?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Gluing something to skin can have some long term or short term sideeffects. Better to keep it as another type of peircing. And add that all stuff agreed to voulntary small scale piercing when they been accepted in this job. Sme like one of req. for this job: agree to have pierced skin over left coralbone.

Don't think industrial glue, think more arts & crafts paste or sticks, definitely not hot glue though!
[SIZE=5pt]unless you're into that[/SIZE][SIZE=5pt][/SIZE]


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2016
Don't think industrial glue, think more arts & crafts paste or sticks, definitely not hot glue though!
[SIZE=5pt]unless you're into that[/SIZE]

That would be kind of cool (I was considering a lanyard-like necklace to hang the nametags from or a temporary tattoo), a temporary organic glue that can hold the nametag on the chest for roughly the length of your shift.


Active Member
Jun 9, 2016
Suma Cream can already give you a bad end.

Ok maybe not size but cum volume. It takes forever to get it super super high.

That would be kind of cool (I was considering a lanyard-like necklace to hang the nametags from or a temporary tattoo), a temporary organic glue that can hold the nametag on the chest for roughly the length of your shift.

When your name tag pops off that's how you know your shift is up.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
That would be kind of cool (I was considering a lanyard-like necklace to hang the nametags from or a temporary tattoo), a temporary organic glue that can hold the nametag on the chest for roughly the length of your shift.

Well if that company will be futuristic version of McDonald or smth like that we all know how shifts looks there ;) So that glue would probably last way longer than shift period. Not like it will actualy make nametag fall off at the "real" shift end.

@Karretch Well messing around with glue can get sticky and well knowing it's future when alsmot all fuck others what if some accidentaly spill the glue in middle of "relieve" session? xD


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Well if that company will be futuristic version of McDonald or smth like that we all know how shifts looks there ;) So that glue would probably last way longer than shift period. Not like it will actualy make nametag fall off at the "real" shift end.

@Karretch Well messing around with glue can get sticky and well knowing it's future when alsmot all fuck others what if some accidentaly spill the glue in middle of "relieve" session? xD

That's why I said not industrial strength. Take some liquid paste glue, whatever brand it is you have (US has Elmer's for example) and glue your hands together. Pulling hard works, but also running water over them dissolves the glue. For health and safety reasons, using glue that doesn't come off easy is a hazard, they won't use that shit.
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Active Member
Jun 9, 2016
SynthSheathe instantly gives you something like 50 liters instantly.

I haven't encountered SynthSheathe yet and can't find it on the wiki (I'm on mobile rn). Is it a new item? 

Also 50 liters is not near enough. I don't think you're grasping exactly how much cum I'm talking here.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I haven't encountered SynthSheathe yet and can't find it on the wiki (I'm on mobile rn). Is it a new item? 

Also 50 liters is not near enough. I don't think you're grasping exactly how much cum I'm talking here.

Synth Sheath is old, it's a bio-mech horse dong on Tarkus found around the trash heap just outside and right of leaving NovaHome


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
That's why I said not industrial strength. Take some liquid paste glue, whatever brand it is you have (US has Elmer's for example) and glue your hands together. Pulling hard works, but also running water over them dissolves the glue. For health and safety reasons, using glue that doesn't come off easy is a hazard, they won't use that shit.

Yeah I too think if we got this it would be as you said...too deep I went into our lil crappy world reality and so far away of fuck-happy reality of TiTS ^^

Now that I think there would be interesting to see if there could be scene where PC visit some brothel and afterward some mad pimp accuse PC about raping his "property". I mean like the joke come one can rape a prostitute?


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2016
This is an idea I've had for a bit, but I wasn't sure where to put it... until I remembered there was a bad ideas thread.

Treated Steph.

When I initially started playing TiTS, there was an episode of Steph's show where she visits New Texas and receives the Treatment from a stud (which may or may not have been Brynn). This scene was later replaced with a scene where she receives Bovinium instead. I can see why this scene was changed as the Treatment has a permanent effect and Steph seems  unaffected in subsequent 'episodes' of her program (presumably since New Texas is an optional planet).

I was hoping to see an option that restores Steph's Treating (possibly for Silly mode or something the player can manually trigger) and modifies her following episodes to reflect this change to her, maybe even her being absent for an episode as her producers try to 'cure' her of bimbo-ification.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
This is an idea I've had for a bit, but I wasn't sure where to put it... until I remembered there was a bad ideas thread.

Treated Steph.

When I initially started playing TiTS, there was an episode of Steph's show where she visits New Texas and receives the Treatment from a stud (which may or may not have been Brynn). This scene was later replaced with a scene where she receives Bovinium instead. I can see why this scene was changed as the Treatment has a permanent effect and Steph seems  unaffected in subsequent 'episodes' of her program (presumably since New Texas is an optional planet).

I was hoping to see an option that restores Steph's Treating (possibly for Silly mode or something the player can manually trigger) and modifies her following episodes to reflect this change to her, maybe even her being absent for an episode as her producers try to 'cure' her of bimbo-ification.

Too much content and work for an entire silly mode branch. Silly mode is for small, quick, one-off things or things that don't affect anything else.
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Active Member
Jun 9, 2016
Lol at everyone pointing out the flaws in the bad ideas posted in the bad ideas thread.

There are no bad bad ideas guys. Instead of telling everyone why their idea won't work, maybe it would be more fun if you imagined how an idea might work.

Or just leave it alone, but you don't need to point out the flaws in every idea posted. If it's posted here it's already been acknowledged to be unworkable at best.

More bad ideas:

Cave dwelling glow in the dark condom creatures

Jabba the Hutt only a giant, disembodied penis.

A hyperdrive malfunction that accidentally sends you to a sex dimension

A sex dimension

An actual sausage festival

A hyper long (but thin) dick lasso contest on New Texas.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2016
As Dong said, this is the bad ideas thread. If I thought there was any merit to it, I'd post it in "content you want" or start its own thread on Ideas.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2016
Here's a bad idea:
A quest to rescue someone's daughter from a Dzaan alpha's interspecies (but most comprised of Dzaan Betas) harem.
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Jan 8, 2016
Here's a bad idea:
A quest to rescue someone's daughter from a Dzaan alpha's interspecies (but most comprised of Dzaan Betas) harem.

Reverse Nice Time for Roo with tongue-in-cheek Steele gallantly dicking down the daughter to break the mind control, only to accidentally end up with the daughter wanting Steele instead. Client is confused but at least the daughter has chosen a better mate
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Here's a bad idea:
A quest to rescue someone's daughter from a Dzaan alpha's interspecies (but most comprised of Dzaan Betas) harem.
Reverse Nice Time for Roo with tongue-in-cheek Steele gallantly dicking down the daughter to break the mind control, only to accidentally end up with the daughter wanting Steele instead. Client is confused but at least the daughter has chosen a better mate

... That's not actually a bad idea, though.