Where are mimics? Don't think I found any yet.
Forgot to mention that this was on the same playthrough. I haven't tried the other races though to compare. Also funny to note I keep Dragon's Breath even after going from full dragon-morph to another race so I have Dragon Breath and Akbal's fire breath.
What is your character? And how tall us he?
Stat cap increases by 25 every new game + up to four for a total increased cap of 100. Not sure to the extent different races raise or lower the caps though.
I think base stat cap stops at 200 after NG+4, since I'm on NG+5 right now and My current character (Look at profile picture) has max stats at STR 205 TOU 210 SPE 210 INT 200. But yeah, combining physical attributes of 2 species generally increases the cap rate of 2 or 3 stats, but can also decrease 1 or 2. for example, my character is a dog morph, so speed gets a 10 pt. cap increase, but at the cost of pulling that from intelligence, so I would have 10 less points in the INT cap. However, because I also have dragon body parts, I don't suffer from any stat loss, but I have a 5 point cap increase to STR and a 10 point increase to TOU, leaving INT neutral.
I think base stat cap stops at 200 after NG+4, since I'm on NG+5 right now and My current character (Look at profile picture) has max stats at STR 205 TOU 210 SPD 210 INT 200. But yeah, combining physical attributes of 2 species generally increases the cap rate of 2 or 3 stats, but can also decrease 1 or 2. for example, my character is a dog morph, so speed gets a 10 pt. cap increase, but at the cost of pulling that from intelligence, so I would have 10 less points in the INT cap. However, because I also have dragon body parts, I don't suffer from any stat loss, but I have a 5 point cap increase to STR and a 10 point increase to TOU, leaving INT neutral.
Didn't word that clearly enough I guess, but that was what I meant, that the bonus would cap at an increase of 100.
BTW, I just did some species crossing for stats/skills, and HOT DAMN...
So, basically, dragon parts are a saving grace for INT and occasionally SPD, but help in abundance towards STR and TOU crossing body parts with Minotaur parts. This is what I look like to get STR+25 and TOU+20, with SPD and INT neutral, thanks to draconic body parts
It's cool.
BTW, I just did some species crossing for stats/skills, and HOT DAMN...
You are a 3 foot 8 inch tall hermaphrodite kitsune, with a somewhat lithe body and a fair amount of definition. You are currently wearing your black leather armor surrounded by voluminous robes and using your wizard’s staff as a weapon. Girding one of your fingers is ring of life. You have a tapered, shrewd-looking vulpine face with a speckling of downward-curved whiskers just behind the nose. A coat of silver blonde fur decorates your muzzle. It has an androgynous set of features that would look normal on a male or female. The obscenely long, silver blonde tentacle-hair atop your head is parted by a pair of large, adept fox ears that always seem to be listening. Your mouth contains a thick, fleshy tongue that, if you so desire, can telescope to a distance of about four feet. It has sufficient manual dexterity that you can use it almost like a third arm. A pair of eight inch horns grow from the sides of your head, sweeping backwards and adding to your imposing visage.
You have a humanoid shape with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers. Magnificent wings sprout from your shoulders. When unfurled they stretch further than your arm span, and a single beat of them is all you need to set out toward the sky. They look a bit like bat’s wings, but the membranes are covered in fine, delicate scales and a wicked talon juts from the end of each bone. You have flared thighs that sway to and fro, emphasized by your trim body, and your muscular, toned bottom molds closely against your form. Nine swishing silver blonde fox’s tails extend from your muscular, toned ass, curling around your body - the soft fur feels lovely. Your two legs are crooked into high knees with hocks and long feet, like those of a fox; cute bulbous toes decorate the ends.
Yes, it is quite fun thing to fiddle with stat-affecting thingsOne thing CoC is much better is how you can shape your character.
Level 12 kitsune battlemage character, 121 str, 146 tou, 115 spd, 120 int in combat, 85/110/115/120 out of combat.
Ur a cute little thing, aint'cha?![]()
Where are mimics? Don't think I found any yet.
Edit: Never noticed til now that your race changes your stat caps.
I must have missed them, where do you find mimics in this game?
Edit: Never mind, found it.
Edit2: Actually the game still seems to be locking up when you lose to one, at least for me.
You don't have to be large when you have raging inferno on hold![]()
So is it supposed to describe my character as lactating if masturbating with D or higher cup breasts (despite having no milk at all)?
"Thin squirts of milk spray from each nipple, spattering milk onto your legs and crotch."
I tested this with a completely fresh character and it still displays this line.
I think that's just a written in scene, whether female/herm/dick-girl-males have lactating breasts or not...
Ah, I think it should be written then. In vanilla CoC it doesn't have that line.
do you need to be in newgame+ to get the benefits of race? I've got several racial traits and it doesn't seem to affect me in standared NG nonplus
You are a 4 foot 2 inch tall hermaphrodite human, with an average frame and soft, untoned flesh with a tendency for jiggle. You are currently wearing your inquisitor’s corset and using your vulpine rapier as a weapon. Your face is human in shape and structure, with aphotic blue-black skin. It has a beautiful, feminine shapeliness that’s sure to draw the attention of males. Your flowing locks of white hair looks good on you, accentuating your features well.
You have a humanoid shape with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers. You have well-formed thighs, and your soft, squeezable bottom has the barest amount of sexy jiggle. A thin, scaly, prehensile reptilian tail, almost as long as you are tall, swings behind you like a living bullwhip. Its tip menaces with spikes of bone, meant to deliver painful blows. Two normal human legs grow down from your waist, ending in normal human feet.
Your stomach is painfully distended by your pregnancy, making it difficult to walk normally.
You have two perky breasts, each supporting one 0.7-inch sable nipple. You could easily fill a B-cup bra.
Your long, dragon-like dick is 7.3 inches long and 0.8 inches thick. With its tapered tip, there are few holes you wouldn’t be able to get into. It has a strange, knot-like bulb at its base, but doesn’t usually flare during arousal as a dog’s knot would.
From what I've just read, you don't have enough physical transformations to be considered a morph, you only have a tail and a non-human penis. You need a morph score of 4 or higher in your desired species in order to get any species stats.
I've got the dragonfire so I definitely have a morph score over 4 for dragon. I can't be sure for the dog but I believe I've had that without bonuses as well. One moment. I'll do some testing. edit: I stand corrected. when it classifies me as a dragon morph I get the bonuses. either your score is off or the site is off for what you need to get dragonbreath because I have one but didn't get the other until just now.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaait a second...
Are you trying to be a dragon or are you trying to be like me?
xD I just happened to HAVE those flowers on hand. I decided to test and scarfed down a bunch and got my score up then reset because draconic isn't where I want to go. I stopped in for the dragonfire and a tail I'm still debating if I'll keep it because of the bony bits. at the moment I'm just working on killing lethice, not even terribly concerned with my looks.
What are the stats for a Satyr-Drake?
So just Daconic stats or no stats at all?
What are the possible stat bonuses for all races? Listing them here would be a bit much, basically where do you find this info?
Is there any way to make the save editor compatible for Mac like it used to be 3 years ago?