Clementine Pregnancy Expansion [Summitted]


Active Member
Jun 16, 2023
There could still be reasons you could have her in a scene at Hawkethorn, such as her visiting her family (or kids) at the time
NGL, I'd love to assist with a scene where both Clem and Drifa are hanging out, doing an activity with champ. They're both shy yet sweet beans that live in Hawkethorne.

That sounds great, but I'm not sure how it would work. Maybe both women drag the PC on a date? Clementine hanging out with other people would really build her character, but I don't think a threesome would fit Clementine's nature (I could be wrong about this, not to mention all the preg variations). Plus, I still have to get all my work reviewed.

This does sound fun. I'll message you about it when I get done editing my main doc.