Bubble's CoC2 Hub

What would you prefer I work on after Sugo's submission/approval?

  • Sugo's Expack: U Go 4 Sugo - Caparison Quest (small CYOA quest + 1 scene for Sugo)

  • Unnamed Fairy Male: Size-Fetishes and Old Forest Encounter

  • Marked Merk Mercenaries: An early multi-typed set of combat encounters, with two unique NPC leaders

Results are only viewable after voting.


Jun 24, 2016
While work continues revising/handling the submission of Jen and the touching up of Sugo, I wanted to stop everyone for a moment and talk about Sose.

As you know, I mentioned before that Sose was going to be one of my biggest content pieces. He still is. But... well... I wanted to let all the folks out there who enjoy a special someone know...

Sose The Cloudmancer is not the document and file's TRUE name.

I know you must be asking; so what the fuck does that even mean, you big gay? EZ.

Sose The Cloudmancer is shorthand for Sose The Cloudmancer: The Trap Pair's Adventures

"But you didn't mention anyone else, you FUCKING BIG GAY." Because I needed to finalize who it was; and I did just a bit earlier.

Sose and... Zanza.

Some folks know Zanza as a character created by DCL - the artist for CoC2 - that has been a big part of Sav&D. Months ago, I talked to DCL about the idea that I wanted to do Zanza; this was back when I was still very new to the scene and still doing a lot of planning and schedule fixing. Even when I originally made Sose, I didn't think much of the idea of pairing him up.

But Zanza contributes a lot personality-wise to contrast Sose and equally does a super-justice to the main artist for CoC2. Not to mention that while Sose's dick is average, Zanza will sport a THICC TRAP DICK and further empower the effeminate big cock pool that is further ensuring that traps aren't incapable of pleasuring someone with more than just their buttholes.

What this means is the following;
  • Zanza will comprise 1-2 traditional sex scenes of the document, as well as featuring in the events and working alongside Sose.
  • Zanza plays a part in Sose's side-storyline; specifically with Sose's survival and history as to how he obtained his cloud-wool.
  • Zanza continues playing a part through all Sose content, acting as a third wheel, love rival competing for Sose, and a sex partner for the PC. Basically; his presence is part of the dynamic of Sose's content to promote it being actively engaging, further interesting, and eventually fundamental when one thinks of Sose's adventures.
I look forward to keying everyone in more in the future, but the confirmation of this idea has me treading back a bit and ignoring my back-up plans. I hope everyone looks forward to a pair of GOOD BOIS, though, as well as hopefully getting hyped for what the possibilities of this will allow. There's a lot of things still in the air (such as if Zanza will bear the same name or change it up), but the core idea as well as Zanza's part in Sose and vice-versa will be good, I promise. You're all gonna love seeing the MOST JUMPERINO LADDO in all the land leaping around in CoC2.


Jun 24, 2016
Had a talk today with one of the writers I enjoy reading stuff from and realized that my writing is still... not quite where I want it. What this means is that I'm hopeful and still fairly certain my writing still works but will likely receive rewriting in the future.

As far as I can tell, this shouldn't be the case for a few things; the rate of development gives me leeway to edit documents even though they're approved (for some length of time). It's likely to have an effect on Sugo and the Mercenaries, maybe even Ninian. I'm going to try and get back to them before implementation but am certain that Jen will be absent of this older quality and format (as well as the dream scene) if/when she's approved.

The main reason I wanted to share this, however, is because I feel that it's an important lesson for more than just me to realize that anyone's writing CAN be better. Even with a simple re-write that took a matter of minutes, I feel that one scene went from a C+ or B- piece to easily an B+ or even A-. It had more detail, better phrasing and more prim grammar taken into account that elevated the original writing and flow very nicely. And although this is just my opinion on it (the writer I mentioned did say that it was the best they'd read so far from the document), it's important to realize that noticing was proof enough that all writers can learn something valuable. I've never seen my work as that but rather a constant work-in-progress and such an idea will only help you from getting crushed on something.

So to new writers, try to learn from the point I'm trying to make. Nothing you'll write is truly perfect nor should it be anytime soon. Even the best work can be improved; and even that further (within finite standards of course), a character can be fleshed out and made so much better with one scene. Then that scene made better with stronger paragraphs and better sentence structure. It always leaks back up to eventually make the whole project better.

Take criticism well and try to improve. I know these last few months that I've been one of the fastest out the gun on CoC2; but I do not view myself as "prolific" by any means. Don't mistake the speed I've had as "good". It gets my content out, but I've been going back and working on things (including Sugo, who has sat in the firing tube since basically the announcement month) almost non-stop. Writing is commitment, regardless of how good you are. Whether it's over months for ONE GOOD SUBMISSION or in a flurry of submissions you steadily grease up. In a way, consider all of this as me telling you that even after a "final draft" that it's okay to keep working on and improving your work. I'm sure Drake will hate me if I do a big rewrite and he's gotta replace something, but I'm more than willing to put in the work so that my content continues evolving and - maybe - becomes memorable writing that can match some of the stuff that inspired me to take cracks at TiTS (unsuccessfully) and eventually CoC2 (I guess successfully).

Oh and Jen's Facefuck scene got a rewrite. I think it's very strong now if folks want to go take a look at what I think might be some of my better writing. I'm going to continue polishing up the rest of her content, though, and take it well beyond the "3rd draft". I hope you all stick by and continue dropping likes and giving positive (and critical) feedback like you've been doing. :toot:
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Jun 8, 2016
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Jun 24, 2016
It's been a while since I used/broke up a proper pipeline projection; going to be updating everyone in... maybe 3 days with what I plan to work on, when I plan to do it, and so on for now. These things normally change, but I've got a few things lined up/intended to be tackled first so it's worth updating erryone.

Also, the Mercenary's Part 1 is now in; it features the goons of the mercenaries only. Go try it out and tell me all the things you dislike, report my awful typos and bugs you find, and so on. :negativeman: I don't mind; whatever helps make things more fun for everyone.


Jun 24, 2016
The Scheduling Update
It is here.
  1. Prioritizing some additional scenes/small stuff I'm doing that is not listed; this stuff is more important to me as it's helping out in different ways than my own greed.
  2. Begin work on something I promised @N.W. - once I have the outline done, I intend to share it. There will be buns.
  3. Work will begin on Sose and Zanza.
  4. Beefolk Introduction
  5. Bask (Corrupt Solar Bara-Bee)
  6. Leofric (MMM Part 3)
These could still change, but this will likely be my lock-in for a lot of this stuff. It also does not cover the oddball idea that I get commissioned, that I'm asked to go back to update something or if I'm asked to take on a smaller project/do something on the side to supplement work. But this should give people a good idea of what's coming.

The main reason I decided to intercede Sose and Zanza, however, is that there's a trend right now that is leaning to put a lot of males into the game. The thing I promised Nik will provide a female and somewhat help alleviate this, while also providing a bunny species. Look forward to a dommy MILF who is a shy single mother when she's not in the bedroom with her submissive PC pet; romance optional. More info coming soon on them and hopefully this gives people an updated guide to look forward to as I continue working on content.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2017
this pleases me.
(will do trade for buns)


Jun 24, 2016
Ninali the Dom-By-Night Bunfolk MILF
"Is that all you have to give me? That simply won't do... cum harder or I'll just have to punish you harder."

The secret project, fully outlined (I think). Ninali the Bunny MILF was something simple... but evolved into a rolling snowball of great opportunity after only a bit of discussion. So before we begin...

I felt obligated to make sure this was posted, as this idea evolved from something I felt obligated to do into something I really want to do and others are really hopeful for. If you have an idea for CoC2, please talk about it and discuss it within the Discord! It can take an idea you think is bad and make it better, stop you from doing something dumb, or just in general get you feedback that might inspire you! But that's enough sappy/serious/responsible discussion.

Ninali is a huge multi-fold character; she's the mother of Zanza (from my Sose and Zanza content), a closet dom (she's gentle and shy by day but dons her dom persona/fetish at night), and provides preg content that will give players a route to making Cait nice and milky and eventually dominate her. There's a LOT going on here, so I'm going to bulletpoint the main things about her.

  • Introduction to Zanza, one of two characters in my upcoming content, as well as providing backstory for him.
  • Harvest Valley Content; she lives in Harvest Valley, but will start her encounter randomly in Hawkethorne (this will encourage players to visit Harvest Valley outside of the story means).
  • 6-ish sex scenes; 3 standard, 1 where the player watches her and Cait, and a one-time only scene to impregnate Ninali. A sixth scene was talked about with Savin involving Cait and the PC, but there's not a whole ton I can share on it since it was only mentioned as something he might do. There's also some content that might be questionable/some might consider sex scenes.
  • Dating/Romance/Pregnancy; You will have to win her over before you can have a kid with her. Once knocked up, you can visit her and have some light interaction with her.
  • Milking/Nursing/Domination-Breaking; To have a child with Ninali, you'll need to get Cait nice and milky! She provides breastmilk for your child and Ninali slowly bends and makes Cait submit over the course of it.
This giant content pack is intended to be a "final" piece; as of its creation, I do not plan to support more content for Ninali unless ideas hit me, I make trades, or I am commissioned. However, Ninali is by far my biggest project yet; the only thing bigger might be Sose and Zanza or maybe my future content plans. There's going to be a lot to do, with tons of events and dialogue and random scenes; this will be a big piece with lots of variations that unlock as you progress through her.

It's complex and might be a bit hard to make-out on the document - I apologize for this - but this is something that had a lot of attraction. It might not be everyone's cup of tea to make Cait big and milky; that's perfectly fine. She still has a lot of content that's accessible even if you don't. You only miss out on the impregnation, Cait & Ninali only and the possible scene written by Savin; you still get 3 guaranteed scenes!

I hope people are excited; I know I am. I'm setting to work on finishing up my other, smaller projects that I've been wrapping up so that I can hit this full tackle. I assure you that Ninali will be the curvy, busty MILF dom you never knew you wanted. Unless you're just too anti-dom or anti-I AM A BIG STINKY BRAIN (you have to bring Cait to Ninali, so you're opting in to offer your slut; but it's technically cucking if you're in the mindset you somehow own Cait or some weird shit) that you can't get a boner from this stuff. If you're in this group, just uh... don't try to impregnate her. Thanks.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2017
Oh, hell yes,


Jun 24, 2016
Dropping by to give people an update; I've finished a hefty rewrite over the original Sugo content just the other day and have begun work on revamping Ninian's content. I'm going to be starting/chipping away some more of Ninali before I really dig into the pixie's stuff. I believe I'd finished only the first meeting with Ninali but hope to start kicking up speed on my main projects. I've been (behind the scenes) working to try and churn out some other things and help out beyond just my content, so hopefully you guys will get to see some of the fruits of that soon.

Also; there's a concept I shared the other day about a character I pitched towards Observer a while back. I'll share it here but only because it's a neat look into how I generally have done my projects so far; I make a concept document (or have a giant conversation in Discord) to outline my plans/discuss it with the folks who have knowledge I need, then I draft up a large document. It's a very simple work ethic that has helped me eliminate issues on my stuff and fixed a problem I had back in the day when I tried submitting things for TiTS.

So basically, I'm sharing it to provide a guide point for people to try and consider working with others to concept out their ideas before just starting the doc... and because it might hype people up and encourage them with the idea that content can be expanded in CoC2. Observer is making a really cool setting piece with the Floofhaus and since I wanted to be a part of it/help out it has the potential to make more expansive content with more people who fit together to make a better community... and therefore an authentic setting.

Here he is; Takahiro the Seeker. And a reminder; I am not working on Takahiro at this moment. I can't start new projects until I bust some of these out of the woodwork and finalize 'em @_@

A Random Guy

Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2015
He sounds great and all, but the real question is will there be headpats?
Other than that, good stuff my dood


Jun 24, 2016
He sounds great and all, but the real question is will there be headpats?
View attachment 8068
Other than that, good stuff my dood
Takahiro will have headpats. But expect it to not be as wholesome/well-received as the other kitsune might find it.


Jun 24, 2016
Re-did the Harpy Dream scene; I think it's better but it has changed a bit. It's going to get some light touch-ups but otherwise I am focusing on the more important update (Ninian). I'm also hoping to finish making Bask's "skeleton document" soon; from there I'm going to do a bit of work on Ninali (s'more obvz) and then turn back to get Ninian up-to-scratch.

You can find the Harpy Dream scene's link in the OP/use the old link; it's the same document.
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New Member
Nov 11, 2018
Re-did the Harpy Dream scene; I think it's better but it has changed a bit. It's going to get some light touch-ups but otherwise I am focusing on the more important update (Ninian). I'm also hoping to finish making Bask's "skeleton document" soon; from there I'm going to do a bit of work on Ninali (s'more obvz) and then turn back to get Ninian up-to-scratch.

You can find the Harpy Dream scene's link in the OP/use the old link; it's the same document.
Please tell me that ninian is not only going to be dom because it really bothers me, include an option for others who do not like Brint ...


Jun 24, 2016
Please tell me that ninian is not only going to be dom because it really bothers me, include an option for others who do not like Brint ...
First of all; do you mean Ninian or Ninali? Because Ninian is almost exclusively a bottom given the fact his dick is so small it couldn't ever satisfy even the smallest of PCs. The only topping he may do is in a deep planning future stage of his content where he meets another pixie.

If you mean Ninali, she's a dom but that doesn't mean she won't catch. There is also a scene that is in her document skeleton that specifically involves breeding her.

Now, on a side note? Considering I'm writing my content for free and you definitely aren't helping fund me, I could realistically choose to ignore you just for trying to assert that I have to care for you. If you want a scene for Brint did you consider maybe speaking to Wsan and commissioning it? Don't come here whining about dom states and the like for other people's characters; I didn't write Brint and I'm not currently doing anything for him.

TLDR: Don't come begging or nagging my content because of other people's content is not satisfying your goals/desires. You won't like me when I get ANGERY over it.


Jun 24, 2016
It's been a while so I'm dropping an update for everyone.

Bubble's Big Gay Update
  • Jen's rewriting mysteriously happened to a large degree earlier today; it's about 40-50% complete.
  • Ninian's rewrite is progressing but slower than I'd like; maybe at the 20% mark.
  • A few TF bits I worked on are bearing fruit; keep an eye out for those.
  • Sugo's expack is weirdly not complete but will probably be finished in December
  • A commission was recently completed involving a new scene for Sugo; it has been submitted and will likely be shared on the Discord/added to this hub soon.
  • Ninali, Zanza & Sose, Bask and Takahiro have made little to no progress recently or are still not being publicly shared; likely to remain the case for a while until I knock out some rewrites.
Apart from this, I've also been doing some stuff for TiTS albeit not very publicly or very "offical"-like. I made a Yancy doc and have largely completed a revamp of a maleherm. Now you might be asking "Well what the fuck does this have to do with your gay shit in CoC2?"

Easy.The time I spent doing a bit of prep and side-work around TiTS has helped loosen the gears a bit and is partially responsible for a quick turnover on Sugo's commission, had a hefty chunk of Jen's rewrite belted out, ironed out TFs with Drake, and overall just handle a lot of other shit that isn't even on this list writing-wise. It's hard to imagine me doing a good job with the patreon I've had (active, as I had it for much longer than I've actively used it) when I don't do a great job of keeping secrets but rather am fairly open about sharing my work. As is, it's more or less largely a way to support me and not a way to see things early; I plan to keep it that way with it being mainly for updates on my writing life as a whole. They come far more actively than these thread updates do (consistently once a month + more if I do feel like it) and will often help you understand why I hop around when writing.

But yeah, this is a big CoC2-related update. It's very likely December will see me turn over quite a few rewrites and maybe a submission or two with my current writing pace but as always? No promises.


Jun 24, 2016
Swinging in to let peeps know that Jen’s rewrite is wrapped up; this leaves primarily Ninian and some bits of the Sugo Expack as the last things I can go back over and improve.

We’re getting where I need to be to start big boye projects like Ninali or Sose boi. Keep an eye out for more info... but likely not until after the holidays.


Jun 24, 2016
The Almost New Year Update
So just dropping by before the new year to fill people in on what's been going on. I know I'm excited for some things I've been wanting to mention.
  • I got some Jen artwork. It's not the DCL-official artwork or anything but I assure you that it's good stuff. More from this artist coming soon (hopefully) but not of Jen. Hopefully this holds all you horse-riding girl-lovers over until/when Jen is approved and implemented; it's going to be a while thanks to the holidays + current queue of content coming.
  • I began working on Takahiro earlier today; his document isn't fully-created as a skeleton document but I really wanted to do some groundbreaking on him and successfully did so the other day. Expect to hear more about one of the male kitsune in the future as I continue working with Observer to flesh-out and create personalities for some of the under-planned foxlings + expand on them in the process of making Takahiro bigger. Going to just put it out there that Takahiro's drinking problem will be a core of him. Totally not stealing from Urta though so no need to worry that he's going to grow massive tits and turn into a herm with an alley-rapist affliction.
  • Some small work on Ninali has been bubbling up - primarily in a bit of text I wrote today for her grid. This isn't excitable for some of you but as the wheels get greased I tend to speed up and write faster; it's possible bunMILF may have some good news in the near future.
  • Ninian & Sugo's expack are currently in a writing hold. I plan to return to him after writing some other things. I don't plan to abandon him but the constant bog of rewriting has been stiffling my creative edge too much lately; I need to write so I'm going to write... instead of read, read, read and then write a sentence or two. Sugo's expack is in a similar state but I might still work on that in my spare time since there's still content I need to write versus just rewriting.
  • The Harpy TF got added and I'm currently working on others - I spoke to Savin about doing two (that turned into 3) of the official TFs and will likely be tackling that later. While I can't share what those are, I can share this - I'm currently creating 2 additional TFs for the taeleer (bunnyfolk) and the sheepfolk. The two of these transformatives will help flesh out a solid "race standard" that I can then turn around and pad Ninali (bunnyMILF) and Sose (sheepboi) with and cover them. It also lets everyone else benefit so stay tuned for this fat pack of TF's in the future when they're finished... and then a bit later when they're implemented.
There's some more things under the surface as well but I'm going to be holding off on these as I'm trying to avoid promising the moon (Ninian was supposed to come earlier but now he's coming later). But as you all might expect from me, I'm still aiming to be as utterly transparent in my work as possible for forum-dwellers. If you like my content and want to continue supporting all of the things I'm working on, you can support me on Patreon or directly through PayPal. I'm aware the prior has some issues going on and I respect anyone who drops off there by providing the option to contact me via PMs to send funds through Paypal. I would prefer if you went through Patreon as it makes collecting my payment records far easier but I'm also trying to compromise for the supporters out there who want alternatives. I'm looking into ideas for opening up new means in the future but currently have no viable alternatives to either of these.

Until next time, you big gays :toot: and Merry Almost New Year.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
I just looked at the picture of jen and must say she looks good
Though for the bunny tf will there be lop ears not just ears that stick up?


Jun 24, 2016
I just looked at the picture of jen and must say she looks good
Though for the bunny tf will there be lop ears not just ears that stick up?
There will be both; there's already bunny ears/sticking up ears in the game. My focus with the TF as well as the bunnies I have plans to make have lop ears so they were included in the TF bundle I wrapped up the other day.

In other news, I wrapped up a bundle of 5 TFs the other day.

They need to be reviewed and accepted but look forward to that in the near future. I'm also going to chunk more away at Ninali in the coming week or two before turning back over and wrapping that Sugo expack up that I left basically finished ages ago as well.
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Jun 24, 2016
Got some updates sooner than I expected.
  1. Sugo's Expack + Commissioned Scene are approved. This happened relatively recently and might be a nice surprise since I mentioned the expansion was going to receive little work. It looks as if it was more or less solid however and should be coming at some point in the future.
  2. I recently got back some artwork featuring Ninali and a few other characters; look forward to it being in either a new blog post or shared here soon.
  3. I'm working on a small content expansion for the Herald. This shouldn't be much of a surprise given the fact that I made the BongoPlant gif that was included in a prior blog post. The plantgirl flute tooter is a character I enjoy and the overall project is a simple "in-and-done" compared to my other work so it should be done relatively fast.
  4. There is now broken ground on both Bask and Takahiro. Although I've not talked a ton about them here, I'm likely going to share their documents once I've made more progress.
  5. EDIT: I forgot to mention I've been speaking with @N.W. about another character. I'll fill people in more once the idea + art accompaniment fills out more.
Nothing too exciting but it's still overall large steps across the board especially for how short the amount of time has been. If you'd like to support me or commission me, check out the OP for my Patreon or message me :toot: Lord of the Bubbles, signing out for now.
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Jun 24, 2016
Been many moons since I dropped an update here but that's because I've been so busy! Check the first post for a giant update on documents and implementations! I've also been doing some commission work in the meanwhile that has been nice. Just felt right to make sure the Forums knew I wasn't dead.
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Jun 24, 2016
Hey bitches, slimes are done and in the code pile.

Oh, and I'm making a wholesome elf girl + a few standalone sex scenes.

Oh and I wrote a thing about a centaur fucking an elf in your sleep.

Glad we all were here for this special update, you guyz. C u next time.


Jun 24, 2016
Herald is submitted and now there's a wyld elf deergirl + some misc scenes comin'.
Lusamine enters the fray, coming to town early to share some sweet deets with the champ.
