Aren't you already handling too many? Hilda's Misadventures, Return to Mareth, Runefang Chronicles, Er... Sagas of Nysa, I believe. You're DMing three!
Yes, but two of those three are one on one games that take very little effort on my part to keep the story going, and Sagas doesn't exactly move at breakneck speed. I'm pretty sure I can handle one more multi-person game... If people are interested in the setting I have in mind. Basically, think Brothelmates Stranded, but set during the characters imprisonment. I know that setup may not appeal to everyone, so I won't hold it against anyone who isn't interested.
The thing that attracted me to the role play was the eventual openingness and adventureque feel it had if that makes since. Role playing during imprisonment wouldn't be my cup of tea.
Okay, maybe I should clarify a little bit. The kind of game I have in mind would focus around people who are forced into lives of servitude and have to find a way to escape; not just languish in prison. Don't know if that makes a difference to anyone, but just thought I'd clear that up. If you want an example of what I mean, I'm playing a similar setup with Floozer called Hilda's Misadventures, on this forum.
What would people think of a more traditional fantasy style game, where you start out as prisoners, not slaves, and have to escape during some grand upheaval; ala Skyrim? Like what Slem was doing here?
Honestly it's be easiest to set it in the TiTS universe, so everyone already knows what to expect. But, for now, I have to go to work, so see you all later.
Well then, I guess the next question is what kind of characters would you guys want to play? Space explorers, space truckers, space marines, space something else? One thing I would like, regardless, is for you to all know each other already.