Brothelmates Stranded OOC (Woider, AubreyC, Ecnalab, and Khorne)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Heroes: folks of renown. Those who start as wide-eyed children, transition to aspiring fighters, and are remembered as nothing less than storybook legends. These could be the sorts of figures that someone such as yourself may look up to. Leaving home and traversing the world, whether or not by your own accord, you can only hope that your name may someday carry half the weight as those of your grandiose predecessors. With the world around you for the taking, this is your time.

...But then you got captured.

Maybe you could or couldn’t have held your own in a fair fight, but slavers don’t fight fair. Blow Darts, chloroform, trickster magic, et cetera, and et cetera were your downfall.

The Geeldes Traveling Brothel: an infamous galleon ship, known for its diverse and plentiful bounty of warm bodies, all at the ready for a client’s satisfaction. However, things aren’t nearly so peachy-keen for the workers, who’re nothing short of slaves to their captors, and are stowed below deck as the toys of scum who can only achieve companionship through such unwholesome means. Kept afloat at sea by petty mercenaries, paid a pretty-penny to keep the whores in line, land-dwelling clients, paying the pretty-penny in exchange for a tumble or twelve with said whores, reliable subordinates, trusted to keep the ship’s infrastructure intact, and the big man himself, Hatiith Geeldes, a sleazy tabby-cat noble who inherited three-fifths of his current fortune, and then made the rest directing the ship from coast to coast, stopping at the different shores around the world to let ravenous clients take their pick.

Having spent some time as a whore at the brothel, some time, your potential dreams of heroism may have fallen flat for the time being. Whether you be a timid virgin, a week or so new to the scene, with knots in your stomach as you anticipate with dread your first client, or a however-many-years present veteran, rolling your eyes and twiddling your thumbs within your cramped quarters, and possibly looking forwards to the slight excitement of the daily grind.

But hey, that’s not where the story starts either. Whether it be through a lucky or unlucky set of circumstances, you’re bound for new adventure in the wild, semi-primitive lands of Lachleva. Embellished with sky-high rainforests, rocky mountains, barren valleys, crystal-clear beaches, and everything in between, the continent is teeming with its own dangers as well. Every breed of individual, civilized or wild, good-spirited or treacherous, may reside within the melting pot of races among the shifting landscapes. With some areas more dominated by certain creeds than others, a rogue set of brothelmates-turned-adventurers are in for a time.


Hello and hi! That introduction was a bit of a rollercoaster. We went in like three different directions there, but now, here we are. Long story short, the universe that this roleplay takes place in is about as technologically advanced as that of Corruption of Champions. You’ll begin your tale aboard the Geeldes brothel ship. I’ll leave whether or not you’re with a client when you start up to you ;) Like I said, circumstances will occur, badda bing, badda boom, you’re on the island with your fellow RPs. PCs probably recognize each other by face, but not by name. If you and another RPer agree on it because you see potential for good chemistry, then we can say that your characters already know one another from their time on the ship. Also, anything goes relationship/sex wise. If your character has a hole, it’ll probably be getting filled/licked. If your character has a cock, someone’ll be sitting on it at some point. If you have both, better yet! M/M, F/F, Femboy/Futa, literally anything. As far as RPers go, I'm looking for 2-4 more players, but even four is a stretch. We’ll have to see, but either way, submissions are only open for so long.

Sounds neat, right? Here’s the character I’ll be using in the RP, and as an example for the character sheets.

Name: Milo Flynn

Gender: Male

Race: Cougar (You could be some sweet-ass hybrid race if you want to. I’m just being basic and sticking with solid cougar. Transformatives will probably come into play at some point.)

Age: 21

Appearance: Standing at a fair 5’8’’, Milo is covered in golden-brown fur, about the color of a toasted marshmallow, except for his chest, chin, snout, and stomach, which are all a fluffy, creamy white. His build is lithe, though he’s fairly soft where others might be muscled, including of course, his compact ass. Milo’s cute little rear has been used only a few times at the brothel, and though left gaping in those encounters, he’s still pleasantly tight, while his seven-inch cock is virgin territory to anything other than his own hand. A swaying cougar tail sits just above his butt, aiding his impressive balance atop four-toed paw feet. His hands, though coated with fur and tipped with sharp claws, are otherwise normal, while straight, shoulder-length auburn hair sits pulled back in a hair tie. Two fluffy ears, those of a cougar, poke out from atop his head, and to cover himself, he’s been granted a pair of tight black boxers, seemingly cut out of a pair of leggings, that accentuate his ass if anything, and do little to hide his bulge.

Personality: He’s a nice guy, but oblivious, and awkward as hell. In social situations, he tries his best, but lacks the self-confidence to really knock anyone dead with his personality. Timid and bashful, he’d like to think he can distinguish a friend from a foe, but in actuality, he trusts more or less everyone until they give him a reason not to. Not to mention, he’s forgiving, and is prone to giving second, third, and fourth chances to people who really don’t deserve them. He’d rather blame himself before anyone else, and his total lack of backbone means he’d choose flight over fight in an instant if it were up to him alone.

Backstory: Milo grew up with several brothers and sisters on a farm back home. Though he loves his family to pieces, they’re total hicks, and he tried to detach himself from that fact the best he could by pursuing his own education. After spending a few days broke on the streets, he was offered sanctum in a shelter by a shady figure, and you can probably guess the rest.

How Long They’ve Been on the Brothel Ship: Three months

Weapon of Choice: Sling (You won’t start with it, but let’s just same you may or may not come across a starting weapon in time)

Stats: (For characters, you start with a base of four, with twenty stat points to distribute as you please)

STR: 10

AGI: 14

INT: 7

CHA: 5

As for stats, we’ll be using an easy and efficient system, with all credit to and permission from Reptillicus, while I’ll roll a d6 for RPers to determine a player’s success in certain actions. System looks a little like what follows:

STR: Your ability to deal damage, tank hits, and perform tasks that would logically require strength.

AGI: Your ability to outrun foes, dodge attacks, slither out of a grapple, and land ranged attacks.

INT: Your understanding of the world around you, as well as the stat that will be used to calculate for magic damage.

CHA: Your ability to persuade or deceive others, detect the genuineness or lack thereof in their statements, or interact socially with NPCs and PCs in certain situations.

Note: There will be scenarios outside of combat where I might make roll for a character out of the blue. Perception rolls, for example, relying on intelligence, may pop up from time to time. Will your character notice the sudden shift in the wind? What about those faint footsteps of an assassin behind them? Who the fuck knows? I sure don’t.

Note 2.0: I put it down for strength, but didn’t want to be repetitive and copy-paste it for each stat. Stats apply logically to out-of-combat situations as well.

Oh yeah, kinks. Gimme your fav kinks. What kind of corrupt perverts am I working with here? I need to know, so I can ensure they’re all happy perverts who get their sexy-roleplay-kink fix.
Finally, this is my first time as dungeon master for a roleplay. Please, and I mean please do not be shy when it comes to contributing ideas or pointing things out.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Would it be too much of a stretch to assume clients could spend extra to put some transformatives into a whore? *wink wink nudge nudge*


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Hence the not-so-subtle prodding.


Name: Jade Craft

Gender: Herm (born female)

Age: 23

Race: Human/Fox Hybrid (Born pure human)

Appearance: Jade is 5'1 tall with a stocky, thick build. Her skin is brown and smooth, with light-brown eyes and soft facial-features, with plush lips and a small nose. Her hair is overlapped by a pair of perky, canine ears with soft, black fur on the outside, and white on the inside. She has a pair of soft, lactating E-cup breasts, and two extra pairs of nipples further down her torso. Her arms and legs are smooth, and her feet and hands are tipped with claw-like nails. From above her generous rear, a fuzzy black fox-tail sprouts. Her vagina and asshole are both stretched, and her footlong dogdick and apple-sized balls have all seen their share of abuse, too. She's forced to wear a bondage suit, collar and sheath-cage.

Personality: Jade is remarkably strong-willed, and has a sense of camaraderie with her fellow whores, especially the new ones who are brought in. It's her personal duty to make sure they do not break under the abuse, but considers those who are broken not worth dealing with, as their minds are long-gone. She is generally suspicious of people outside her circle of trust, and does not welcome change easily. She enjoys alone-time, and likes to read books during that time.

Backstory: She grew up in a fishing village near the sea, and was orphaned at a young age due to a storm wiping out the neighbouring community. At age 18, she was sold off to slavers to make sure the orphanage could continue functioning, and caring for everyone else in it. Since then, her body has been molded to be a slave-pet, though her mind proved much harder to break.

How Long They’ve Been on the Brothel Ship: Five Years

Weapon of Choice: Arcane Magic


STR: 6

AGI: 8

INT: 14

CHA: 8

Kinks: Consentual sex, hand-holding, intimacy, cuddling.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2016
Name: Xerlai Mint

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Race: Wolpertinger

Appearance: A 5"5 tall Wolpertinger. Xerlai looks like any member of his species with his rabbit like features, antlers, and wings. Starting from the top of his head his hair is the same slate color as his fur. The hair is short and shaggy. His large rabbit ears are swept backwards and nestled at the base of each is an antler that look like those of a Eland if a bit smaller. His short muzzle has a nasty scar on it. His overall physique is slim and his body is covered in short form fitting slate colored fur. The fur covering his chest, stomach, pelvis, inner thighs, fingers, and toes are black. His hands and feet are very much human like save the form fitting fur covering them. From a distance he may look like a femboy for his cock is very male in appearance but is hidden behind a genital slit and his testicles are within him but very large. And finally are his wings which are a mixture of slate and black in coloring. Due to the inconvenience wings can be for a bipedal creature when walking, Xerlai keeps his wings small through druidic magic unless they are needed for flight or display.

[Visual aid for those finding it hard to imagine Wolpertinger or something similar.]

Personality: Xerlai is a seemingly friendly sort but not quick to trust. From the moment you open your mouth he is analyzing you and changing his opinion of you. This is due too hard learned lessons that the little details count. This can sometimes cause him to believe too strongly in his conceptions of people but enables him to pick up on minute details. The Wolpertinger is not afraid to go off on his own and is very much independent in thought. Finally he tends to follow a live and let live sort of mind set though he can be very opinionated at times.

Backstory: Xerlai grew up in the main city of the continent with many a people. As a young adult he took quite the liking to druidic magic and the natural world in general. He learned the ways of the druid and made that his profession or class. It was while on a mission found on a notice board that he ran into his first bit of trouble. Firstly the message read "interest of druid," which should have been his first sign something was up. Anyway the mission took onto the grounds of a Duchess, or trespassing rather. He was discovered and escaped capture. It was while hiding out in a coastal village the traveling brothel came about. At first he didn't know that it was a brothel and pleaded his case for needing to be a stow away to the ship's captain. When it was too late he was hauled on the ship under the pretense of understand. His feathers were clipped and his magic kept suppressed with a potion he has been forced to drink monthly.

How Long They've Been on The Brothel ship:
1 year and a half.

Weapon of Choice: Druidic Magic


STR: 8

AGI: 10

INT: 10

CHA: 8

Kinks: Dominant Futanari. Water Sports. Vore. Last 2 are minor and not necessary but I thought I'd mention.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Name: Rebecca Corvo.

Gender: Female.

Race: Magically altered human.

Age: 25

Appearance: Rebecca stands at five foot nine, with a soft curvaceous figure, wide hips and four F-cup breasts that sport large areolas and prominent nipples that leak milk when squeezed. Beyond her extra row of teats, she is human in appearance, with flawless ivory skin, full pouty lips, and sparkling hazel eyes that peek out from under a wild mop of chocolate brown hair that reaches to her shoulders. Her legs are long and shapely and lead to a pair of well used holes as well as a large soft ass that sways to and fro when she walks. She also possesses several exotic piercings, including a small sapphire stud on the side of her nose, a silver bolt through her tongue, a golden barbell in each of her nipples, and most notably five delicate golden rings in each of her labia which cause her pussy to jingle whenever she goes without underwear.

Personality: Rebecca is pleasant company when she needs to be, and a real bitch when she gets mad. A natural at kicking out the strengths and weaknesses of others, she is always ready with friendly advice, and vitriolic insults

Backstory: The daughter of wealthy parents, Rebecca was groomed for the high life from birth; receiving the best education in learning, social etiquette that money could buy. As their daughter began to blossom into womanhood, her parents began to notice her considerable wit, and decided to send her to a prestigious wizard's college to continue her higher education. What her parents didn't realize was that wit did not necessarily equal intelligence, and while Rebecca was bright enough to learn a few utilitarian spells, her real strength was in charm and wordplay; the fact that she was the most attractive woman in the school didn't hurt either. In short order, she had a cadre of admirers, well-wishers, and lovers ready and willing to do her assignments for her, carry her books, and otherwise cater to her every whim and desire. This, however, didn't help her much when it came time to take a practical exam in her transmutation class. After a horrible botching of an advanced spell, that left her and her instructor with four milky breasts apiece, she was quickly expelled; without receiving a counterspell to remove her extra teats.
Rather than go home in disgrace, Rebecca decided to set out on her own as a traveling minstrel/magician, using her rudimentary knowledge of magic in conjunction with her natural allure to charm, tease, and sleep her way through any settlement she came to, and leave with a pretty penny for her efforts. Unfortunately, during one such excursion to a seaside village, her luck ran out and she ended up waking up aboard The Geeldes Traveling Brothel after a particularly drunken night with a few sailors.
While on the GTB she quickly became one of its most popular girls, thanks to her natural beauty and talent for small talk. Unfortunately, she also earned the attention of a few notable crew members; the most prominent of which was Xian, the minotaur oarsman. He claimed that her four udders reminded him of the women back home, and her daily routine quickly came to include taking the bull-man's massive rod twice a day; once at sun up to help him deal with morning wood, and once at sun down so he could get to sleep easier.
The other crewman that took a liking to her was Lily. At one foot tall with a body like Barbie Doll, and dark purple skin and bat-like wings, the little imp was one of several that flitted about the ship keeping an eye on guests and whores alike. Unlike the other imps, Lily was well versed in magic; including healing magic. She was usually on hand whenever Xian stopped by for a rut to make sure that Rebecca wasn't too hurt to continue working that day. She also cast a few spells on Rebecca, including one to increase the elasticity of her pussy, ensuring that despite how often it was ravaged by Xian it always returned to near-virgin tightness by the time the next guy came along; giving her one of the tightest, and most accommodating, pussies on the ship.

How long has she been on the ship: Two years.

Weapon of choice: Dagger (Preferably well hidden).

Spells known: Minor telekinesis (five pounds, tops), Refresh (cleans one person including their clothes of dirt and filth), light (think flashlight), and charm (allows a person to appear attractive to another species, regardless of vastly different biology).

STR: 4

AGI: 4

INT: 8

CHA: 20

Kinks: If it wasn't obvious, lactation is a big one. Others include, but are not limited to: public use, gangbangs, exhibitionism, knotting, tentacles, and sexual curses.

I hope this is all acceptable. I tried to keep her abilities in line with her backstory, but please let me know if anything would need to be changed for her to work in the game. Hope to hear back from you, this sounds like a fun adventure.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Alright, to the three who posted their characters: accepted! Everything looks great, and I'm really digging this cast.

To Khorne: Welcome! Drop your character into this thread whenever, and then you can be our fourth.

Woider, it would definitely not be a stretch. Get fucked on transformatives to your heart's desire! Ecna, your spells are great. Audrey, Xerlai looks dope as well. The creativity I'm seeing here is top notch!


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2016
New Jersey
Name - Drakon Goldblood

Gender - male

Age - 25

Race - Drago-kin

Appearance - Drakon is a 6'9" dragon-kin. His is like the rest of his people except for his golem scales and violet eyes. He has no hair, and he has two smal holes in his head which are ears covered with a thin layer of scales. He has a muzzle full of razor like teeth. He is very broad in the shoulders and very muscular. His golden scales cover his whole body but for three latge scars that go from his left shoulder to his right side. Here the scales are light white in color. His hands and feet are human like just with large talons on each finger/ toe. His tail comes out above his ass and goes to the floor. He has two dicks and a set of testicals inside of a genital slit.

Personality - Drakon is kind to people he knows but to everyone else he just doesn't trust them. He is very quite because of his past and all of the crap he's been through recently. He's an all around a nice guy when you get to know him and earn his trust.

Backstory - Drakon had been born into a powerful family in the drago-kin kingdom but he became an orphan when his parents were both killed by one of his power hungry cousins right in front of him. Before turning to him. He was saved by a drago-kin royal guard of dragon prince named Vortox. Who then raised Drakon and trained him to become a royal guard. On his last month of training Drakon had been in a quest with several other drago-kin. During his quest the party was attacked by a bandit warband. Drakon was gravely injured while the other drago-kin were killed. Drakon was left to die but the brothel ship found him at the site of the battle and he was taken in and healed but in exchange he was forced to work on the ship as a whore.

How long has he been on the ship-
8 months

Weapon of choice - Great sword

STR - 10

AGI - 9

INT - 8

CHA - 7

Kinks -I'm fine with anything but here are my favorite Dom, group.

Thanks for having me hope it will be fun.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Welcome to the roleplay Khorne! We're all set to begin. Unfortunately, I've got school right about now, as well as most weekdays, until late afternoon by time. I'll work out a first post by tonight, and then we commence!


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2016
[Updated Xerlai's sheet with kinks]

Great peeps! I'll probably be on early mornings and late nights.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'll be on mostly in the daytime (European), and might not get to post on the new thread until tomorrow (because work).


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2016
Won't be posting today peeps but I will keep up to date on what has been posted.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Course, my apologies. I'm currently sitting on a bus, and it's a little rough to get too creative and in DM mode when there are 3 drug dealers just hanging out a few seats over. Genuinely though, I'm always worried about everyone getting a chance to respond. Would you guys prefer more shorter posts if they come out faster?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Nah, it's fine. I think it's more to do with posting habits and time zones, anyway. (European here.)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
I'm gonna have to say no. Don't want him too have too big of an advantage over others due to race.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
A kindly heads up to anyone running into the canteen: I'll be making dexterity checks depending on the actions you take to determine whether or not you'll make it out without issue.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Aubrey, how about we just say the magic is nullified by ingredients in your food? That way, your inability to cast spells will wear off on its own. Also, hate to shut you down here, but as the DM, I think I do have to say there's no potion unless I say there's a potion. You get me? By all means though! Drop suggestions for things in this thread beforehand!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Nah man, it's totally cool. Now that Ecna's done it with the gems, I don't really have a reason or the heart to scold anyone ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Plus, I did say you could grab anything from the canteen. Abandoned goodies that were left behind in the rush make sense.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I have to agree, it's not very to useful to say "grab anything you want" when you don't actually know what's there, and you have to invent something plausible (like a healing potion, or some change.)