Adventures in Mareth


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Hikari: *The cat girl nods in agreement accepting the scrolls as he hands them to her.* "We'd do well to never underestimate our opposition in the future, still a good effort was made by everyone. Though to answer your question, I see no problem with taking a short break before making our return. I'm actually sort of hungry after all the activity we've gone through thus far." *she opens the scrolls she's been given and briefly looks them over.* "Oh my, these would be good to have in a pinch." *she rolls them back up and puts the scrolls in her pack.*


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
"We're not in any particular rush, so a rest sounds like a good idea" Solum says as he accepts the scrolls and stows them in his pack.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Zahir nods "Very well then let's go back to the bolds " with that he and the other retrace their steps back to the the tribe of kobolds .


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
As they enter the kobold territory, the bolds follow their walk. The queen tilts her head. "Fighting the goblins?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Hikari: "Greetings, your grace. We haven't encountered goblins, but we did have a heated altercation with a mummified creature, the likes of which we've never encountered before."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Hikari: "Indeed your highness. *she nods earnestly* The monster has been vanquished. We've returned to get some rest after the engagement. We hope we aren't overstaying our welcome. I assure you we don't intend to trouble you further."


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Zahir nods to the Queen "we will deal with the goblins after a small rest" he smiles and waves to Meepo if he was there.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Meepo waves back while the dragoness frowns. The queen nods. "Takes as much time as you need"


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"thanks" he bows to the Queen before walking over to Meepo and gives him a hug "how is behaving buddy ? need me to help you out?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Hikari: *Also bows* "This is most appreciated your majesty." *She then heads over to the closest bench she can find and takes a seat to feed on one of her rations.*


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
Solum quietly follows behind the others, gives a small respectful bow towards the queen as she nods and proceeds to seat himself in an out of the way space of the room, tweaking and testing his bowstring, near-silently muttering to himself as he works.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Meepo nods. "She is fine if grumpy but thanks for asking" Time passes as they rest


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
As the party rests a female bold walks up. "Umm excuse me? We just finished a raid on the goblins and we got this" She holds out what looks like a wine bottle filled with orange liquid. "Her Majesty says we can't drink stuff like this with the goblin threat, says we need to stay sharp." The bottle has three servings in it. (If you wish to drink it please roll a d6)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Hikari: "Why thank you. Its quite kind of you to share this with us."

*she takes the bottle and sets it to the side.*

"Your Queen is wise to abolish strong drinks during a time of war. Though couping with warfare can be rather difficult for most who rely on them. Take this in exchange and share it amongst your most deserving."

*she hands the kobold a small sack of 15 gold coins*

"And if any other kobolds require council or need someone to talk to, please send them to me. I'd be happy to try to boost morale or help them ease the stress they endure."


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Zhair spends time with meep while he recovered.
He looks at the female kobold and smiles before walking over to her "thank you little one" he pets her head.
He looks over the bottle "I could go for a sip there is enough for all of us " He grabs it and drink a bit of it (d6 -> 3 )


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The best way to describe the taste would be orange wine, your ears feel tingly. The wolf's ears grow large and pointy. (Two servings left.)


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
The flutter of pages and the furling of scrolls is heard from a nearby room, followed by the clicking steps of a high-heeled approach. Once again, the gothic beauty of Iona graces the simple halls of the Kobold Queen, her porcelain expression as sharp and as haughty as always. Ruby eyes sweep across the simple kobolds, glance to their queen, ("How could such a base creature claim to be royalty?" she would muse to herself.) and finally rest upon the familiar faces of her somewhat strange allies. The resolved Solum and the mighty Zahir. A pale brow lifts as she looks upon the catgirl, taking note of her holy symbols and religious runes.

"So, now you return." The Lady of House Meredith intones, slender legs clasped in fishnets carrying her forward, making her elegant black-lace gown bob behind her as she walks. "I took it upon myself to look through the rubble the kobolds have managed to salvage from those green skinned degenerates." she sniffs, trailing gloved fingers through her ghostly white hair. "Now I see I must introduce myself to a newcomer...." she nods over to Hikari. "Know that I am Lady Iona Lenore De Meredith and..."

She narrows her eyes, an expression of disdain as she watches Zahir take a drink then suddenly sprout even longer ears.

"...what on earth are you doing? Have you been poisoned? Is this some sort of curse?" She crosses her slender arms over the tight clasp of her corset-clad stomach, smirking slightly. "I do dare say that the ears of a mule do perhaps suit you, stubborn warrior."


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
Solum watches from his chosen space in the room as the female kobold leaves and merely raises an eyebrow in curiosity at the bottle left behind. His head turns to the sound of clacking heels entering the hall, before giving a chuckle and the slightest shake of the head at Iona's entrance. His eyes follow her as she approaches Hikari before he turns to see Zahir take a drink from the bottle. He laughs uproariously at the effect of the drink and Iona's jab at Zahir's expense.

(Long time no see. Wb Rahkara)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
As the party shares a laugh at the wolf man they over hear some kobolds talking about how the goblins have taken a new human prisoner, maybe they should help?

Rebecca was out exploring the woods when she was surprised by a swarm of small green women. They held her down and tied her up before carrying her all the way home. Now she's in a room locked in a cage that's almost too small for her along with a small man also in a cage and three small lizard people tied to an iron spike.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Hikari: *She somehow manages to turn her gaze from her long-earred companion toward the woman. For a brief moment, Hikari pauses. Her blushing and cheery expression quickly dulls. She stands up slowly, tossing away the remains of her rations and politely nods toward the Victorian doll. The scent of undeath crosses Hikari causing the fur at the back of her neck to stand. Tense, but courteous, she curtsies before the royal.*

"Greetings Mrs. Iona, I am Hikari Mewberry, Priestess Crusader of the Followers of Purity. It is no curse. I can only guess it to either be a practical jest, or simply a case of the kobolds not knowing the substance they gave us. You need not insult our comrade."

*As she over hears about the captive human, Hikari frowns picking up her mace and shield, equipping them to prepare for the next crusade to come.*


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
Iona looks over to Hikari, nodding in response as the catgirl introduces herself. Indeed, the chill of Death and the gloom of dark magic hangs heavy over the gothic witch, yet it seems that Iona does not seem steeped in the hate and madness that tends to devour those who tamper with such things.

"A pleasure Crusader." Iona nods, quietly pleased at the cat's manners. "Well, let us hope for the best that it is but a temporary hex."

The girl tilts her head as she hears the muttering and whispering about a new captive. "I fear our rest may have to wait. Just when I was going to share some interesting things with you all..." Iona affects a sigh as she strides towards the doorway, steepling her fingers across her brow. "Let us rescue this poor soul from those disgusting vermin, only when the peasants are safe, shall those of noble soul sleep easy."

(and hey, thanks!)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
(Nice to meet you Rahkara, its a shame you couldn't participate in the battle with the undead monster. I look forward to playing with the dynamics of Life and Death with you.)
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Hikari: *Hikari's features soften and her bright smile returns. Despite the grim features and haughty tone of the necrotic acquaintance, she acknowledges the lack of malevolence in Iona's aura.*

"I agree. I'd rather not remain idol if others are in need of a bit of intervention. Luckily for them our intervention comes with a hint of divinity." *she chuckles*


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
(Same! Hope Iona is a fun experience for you all)

Iona smirks and flicks her gloved fingers through her moonspun hair. "Acts of men are greater than acts of gods." she sweeps her arm out in a commanding gesture, her voice filling the hall with it's thunder.

"Did you not hear? The wretched greenskins have claimed another victim! Let us sally forth and punish them for their wicked deeds!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Hikari: *Hikari almost whispers* "I heard quite well." *she massages her ears briefly before stepping toward the exit.*


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Rebecca sat in the small, kennel-like, cage that the goblins had stuck her in, grumbling in annoyance. Well, this is just grand. First adventure outside the dessert, and you let a bunch of goblins catch you with your pants down. As she mentally berated herself, she took stock of what she had. All she had brought with her, equipment wise, was her traveling pack, and the clothes on her back; both of which the goblins had taken. They had spent an hour arguing with each other over who would get her dress, before scurrying off; and leaving her naked with a bunch of strangers in this makeshift jail.

As the last goblin disappeared out the door, Rebecca let out a relieved sigh. "Finally. I thought those little bitches would never leave," she muttered to herself. "Now, I can work on getting out of here." Kneeling at the door of her cage, she held out her hand to the lock. "Roil, boil, and burn." As she spoke in a low dark tone, Rebecca could feel the either around her being bent to her will, and a ball of acid formed in her palm. She couldn't get over how much easier magic was to control in this world than it was back home. All you had to do was talk to it in a firm tone, and it could be made to do all sorts of things. Now, she just had to hope that she could muster enough potency to get the job done.

[Casting Chromatic Orb on the lock. Don't know if I need to roll to hit an unattended object, but if I do, I got a 20 to hit, and 19 acid damage.]


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The lock melts like a snowball in lava. The small man winces back from the acid and lizards look over interested.