Is... is that real? Did I write that? I have absolutely no recollection of it.
I've been rummaging through her code to get a better understanding of her speech patterns and mannerisms for the xpack, yeah, when I found that it cracked me up.
Turns out Nova, for how small of a character she looks, she has nearly 200 pages of code and over 30k words.
there is a metric ton of behind the scenes, unique and variant dialog.
case "discard":
case "drop":
msg = msg + ParseText("<i>“Well, if you don’t have any place for me, I’ll just pack my things and go...”</i> [] materializes a faux suitcase and fills it with various self-created items, closes it, and cartoonishly stuffs the case between her cleavage. <i>“Have a nice day!”</i> she finishes as she leaps into the nearest trash chute and ejects herself out of your ship.");
She has unique dismiss text depending if you discard her in public, in your ship, in the wilderness, if you sell her, etc. There are tons and tons of variations on various different things (conversations, transformations, etc.). It's quite impressive.
for example there is a ton of dialog and comments if you put Nova in the storage. She keeps talking and talking to you (or herself) every-time you check the storage.
There's even a blurb for buying her from a vendor or replacing her for an item:
case "buy":
msg = msg + ParseText("<i>“Guess who’s baaack... It’s me, []!”</i> Your gooey partner springs out and gives you a great big hug, excited about her return.");
case "sell":
msg = msg + ParseText("<i>“O-oh... okay. I hope I was worth the price.”</i> [] looks at you with a wimper in her lips and watery eyes. When she notices your reaction, she tries to perk up before quickly disappearing with a final farewell, <i>“Goodbye now!”</i>");
case "discard":
case "drop":
msg = msg + ParseText("<i>“Well, if you don’t have any place for me, I’ll just pack my things and go...”</i> [] materializes a faux suitcase and fills it with various self-created items, closes it, and cartoonishly stuffs the case between her cleavage. <i>“Have a nice day!”</i> she finishes as she leaps into the nearest trash chute and ejects herself out of your ship.");
else if(InPublicSpace())
msg = msg + ParseText("<i>“Out here? With all these people?”</i> [] appears very overwhelmed. <i>“Maybe I should make some new friends? Do any of them like blowjobs? I wonder...”</i> She continues thinking out loud to herself and disappears into the distance.");
msg = msg + ParseText("<i>“Out here? All alone? By myself?”</i> [] appears very scared at the thought. <i>“I-If you say so... I mean, I can make new friends... maybe?”</i> Saddened at losing a friend, she wanders off and disappears into the distance.");
case "replace":
msg = msg + ParseText("<i>“No way! You wanna trade me for... for </i>that<i>?!”</i> [] exclaims. <i>“That’s like... like... argh!”</i> The goo is so flustered that she can barely come up with any more words. Giving up due to the futility of the situation, she just melts into a silver puddle and speeds off and away from you, never to be seen again.");
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