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  1. H

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    I'm a little bit late to this but just so you know, you absolutely can use the console in the downloaded backer version. Just hit ctrl+shift+i when in-game.
  2. H

    Android - "Save to File" Does Nothing

    I've had this happen before too. There's no rhyme or reason to it, sometimes a build gets released that just won't let you save to file. It was completely broken for me from like 9.015 to 9.030 or so and then started working again, then stopped, then worked, etc. No changes to the device or...
  3. H

    what the frick tits windows cant move bug in v0.9.051/v0.9.052 (storage then stats) still a Isshu why not fix!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    On a laptop, you probably need to hold the function (fn) key and then press f12. That will make the key actually work like an f-key rather than toggling your airplane mode.
  4. H

    [0.9.047-PUBLIC#3201] Transparent flag not working

    And just to be sure, I tested with some other transparent items as well: The transparent zipsuit also counts as "clothed" with nothing visible, despite me taking off all undergarments. The hardlight undershirt appears to count as not clothed at all, taking off armor and lower undergarment and...
  5. H

    [0.9.047-PUBLIC#3201] Transparent flag not working

    Here's a save, along with some more info. Using Flash version 0.8.158 (I know that's not technically the newest, but it's what I had on hand) I made a quick character and gave them something transparent. As you can clearly see in this first screenshot, the Hardlight Anti-Grav Thong (which has...
  6. H

    [0.9.040 Android] Ummm... where's my navigation buttons?

    I see, thank you. This definitely needs some tweaking, the old navigation buttons are much better imo and expanding the map eats into the main screen area, which not good. As much as I disliked the old layout for not allowing you to see all your stats, I have to say that the way it handled the...
  7. H

    [0.9.040 Android] Ummm... where's my navigation buttons?

    See title: What happened to the buttons for navigation? Please don't tell me we're meant to use only the map controls now, the buttons are far too small on a mobile screen for that to be feasible.
  8. H

    [0.9.038-PUBLIC#2915] Minor Chaurmine bug

    When conversing with Chaurmine in the bar on Tarkus, picking any talk option will grey out the "appearance" button (with the tooltip saying "You just did this") until you back out of the conversation entirely, even if you haven't touched that button.
  9. H

    [0.9.047-PUBLIC#3201] Transparent flag not working

    This has been a bug for a while now I think, but I only really noticed it today. The transparent flag just doesn't... do anything. For example, wearing panties with the transparent tag should mean that my Steele's groin is exposed whenever I remove my armor or wear armor/clothing that also has...
  10. H

    Interplanetary Cryogenic Teleportation? (Cold Bug)

    I experienced a similar bug. I randomly noticed the uveto status effect was still on my character despite leaving the planet. I think I might have gone through a pregnancy event or something that took me back to my ship without going through the space elevator and then I left the planet...
  11. H

    [Public Android 0.9.028] .apk not installing

    I now know of at least two other people who are having this same issue with updating from old versions. The only way to get the .apk to install is to completely uninstall the previous build and install 9.0.28 from scratch, which is less than ideal as it wipes all save data.
  12. H

    [Public Android 0.9.028] .apk not installing

    Plenty. I have a good forty-odd gigs on the phone. The tablet only has about 5 gigs free, but that's more than enough for a 200 meg .apk to unpack and install. Again, every previous .apk worked fine and nothing has changed on my end since then.
  13. H

    [Public Android 0.9.028] .apk not installing

    Additional info: I still had the old 9.023 apk in my downloads so I did a clean installation on my phone to test. It installed fine, then when attempting to update with the 9.028 .apk it errored out. So I've now tried it with a phone and a tablet by two different manufacturers running two...
  14. H

    [Public Android 0.9.028] .apk not installing

    I have played the android app ever since it came out, every .apk has worked fine. I stopped at 0.923 for a while since there was a string of buggy releases and I didn't want to screw up my saves (since saving to file in the app is apparently broken. it works for some people, but not for others...
  15. H

    [9.016 Android Build] Button tooltips not staying and other minor issues

    Just to note, enabling tooltips is as simple as opening up the main.(hashcode).js file inside the .apk archive and changing two instances of onMouseOver to OnTouchStart and two instances of onMouseOut to onTouchEnd. This enables the player to tap and hold on a button to display the tooltip. It...
  16. H

    Anyone remember this old encounter?

    facepalm SILLY MODE! DUH! I can't believe I forgot to enable that. Thanks!
  17. H

    [9.016 Android Build] Button tooltips not staying and other minor issues

    Oh, something else I should mention: saving to file is broken. Loading isn't but saving is.