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  1. Lucky_I

    Your preferred male body type

    I prefer to play as male with what I could only describe as, because I'm terrible at describing shit, a Ryan Reynolds esque body type but with a healthier amount of body fat(not the dehydrated look Hollywood has been pushing on male actors in recent years). And males I'm sexually attracted to...
  2. Lucky_I

    How do you have sex with the Cheetah pirate?

    I can't for the life of me find the answer.
  3. Lucky_I

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    So I wanna ask, whats the deal with that dragon boy from the hidden caves? Does he ever show back up or is that like a dead end "storyline"?
  4. Lucky_I

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    Yeah, that resolved itself with that scene.
  5. Lucky_I

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    I think I got the Amily Urta date bugged. It's telling me that I can't do it cause I don't know Urta well enough despite her being Lover+, going through all her dialogue(as well as being pro polygamy as far as I can recall), and already having a kid with her. Anyway to fix it or atleast have it...
  6. Lucky_I

    Where do you find the new Uveto characters?

    You have to walk in the tiles in front of Anyxine a couple times to proc the characters appearing.
  7. Lucky_I

    Why do a lot of people dislike the kitsune so much?

    Yeah, her. She's great, can't wait to get more content with her.
  8. Lucky_I

    Why do a lot of people dislike the kitsune so much?

    I'm personally indifferent to the whole matter, or if anything I lean more towards liking it. There's some stuff I like and engage in, and some stuff I don't and ignore and thankfully there happens to be more of the former. I do wish it wasn't so wordy, I have a problem where if a "page" of text...
  9. Lucky_I

    A little evil question to the Writers:

    One of the worst things FF14 ever did was introduce time travel to the main story. When it was confined to the Alexander raid quests, it was dope cause it led to cool mechanics for the fight. And as interesting as the area said time travel introduced was, the quality of the story really...
  10. Lucky_I

    Which shrine maiden are you knocking up?

    You could just turn off Takahiro scenes and they'll never happen.
  11. Lucky_I

    What items did you sacrifice to Kalysea?

    Funnily enough, shit I would've had no problem giving to her I had actually already gotten rid of to make space in my storage. So yeah, pain.
  12. Lucky_I

    Favorite Non-Sexable Hawkthorne character

    If my memory is correct, Garth was into getting pegged by his wife. That man has earned my respect 2 times over cause of that.
  13. Lucky_I

    What content would you like added?

    Since it's pride month, I'm hoping for some juicy gay content. Particularly some male on male content.
  14. Lucky_I

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Probably epilogue. That seems like a BIG deal and is the BBEG's endgame. Itd be weird to resolve that at any point that isn't the ending of the game.
  15. Lucky_I

    What content would you like added?

    And in case you didn't notice, look REAL close at her portrait, particular around the neck area
  16. Lucky_I

    Xadaron word chest

    If Im thinking of the right one,, it should be advice
  17. Lucky_I

    Icon Sharing Thread

    If someone could help me make this a good icon, I'd appreciate it. I suck major ass at cropping and what have you.
  18. Lucky_I


    I like being a basic bitch human and would prefer to keep ownership of my soul so no soulbinding for me. I would've been tempted if Mallach was an option but they aren't unfortunately. Plus, there doesn't seem to be any inherit benefit to soulbinding like extra content or scenes or...
  19. Lucky_I

    So, let's talk about...alissa...

    I let Ryn handle it. Not my place to decide as I'm not the afflicted party, she is. Plus Ryn's a big girl and suppose to be Queen, so now she has to put on her big girl pants and make decisions. And whatever happens happens. My Champ will be there ready to help should anything come from it. Had...