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  1. WolframL

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Yes, and you ran into the edge case where your preferred setup apparently doesn't work as well as it normally does. It happens, just the same as characters who play Tease-centric builds have to deal with when they run into the limited number of encounters that can completely no-sell their...
  2. WolframL


    Her writer hasn't gotten around to giving her more content yet. That happens a lot, whether it's a character or a quest or a plot hook and doesn't mean nothing will happen, it just means it hasn't happened yet. Now, sometimes a writer leaves and their work is in limbo unless somebody wants to...
  3. WolframL

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Spying on the turn order is an effective trick but not what I meant. Whisper is insanely weak to Tease attacks
  4. WolframL

    Alypia's Content Corner

    That promises to be interesting, whatever it turns out to be. I'd speculate but you say it's not something you normally do so I'd probably be totally wrong. Loved Annika's introduction, especially with Bimbochamp (who had Bimbazzy along for extra sweet bean-ness). Of course they'd call the keep...
  5. WolframL

    Your gripes with CoC II

    If you're having trouble with Whisper, you're either failing to notice that he has a crippling weakness that you can take advantage of, you're playing a build that's too dependent on Powers with the Weapon and/or Spell tags that you don't have any options when you're hit with his debuffs (note...
  6. WolframL

    What content would you like added?

    There will be more storage expansions as you progress, but the devs really do not care for inventory gremlining as you can see in the linked post. While TF-based Powers are a no-go for reasons that the devs have stated repeatedly, these ones deserve some special commentary because flight and...
  7. WolframL

    Build for my first playthrough?

    For the early-ish game, one of the best one-two combos a mage can do is Grease-Fireball, since the first spell dramatically boosts the power of the second and a lot of companions have Fire-based attacks that synergize with it as well. It wanes in effectiveness when fighting enemies with multiple...
  8. WolframL

    What content would you like added?

    And what exactly does a tomboy look like, that you can't already create a character using the existing system and say to yourself 'this character is a tomboy'? Because that's all a tomboy is, objectively; mannerisms based on societal norms that are beyond the scope of the character creation...
  9. WolframL

    Does Guldring apply multiple times to effects that damage multiple times.

    I don't think it would apply to Blue Flame Blade when using a regular attack while it's active since those shouldn't count as spells for triggering purposes (it adds bonus damage and scales off Spellpower but it's not doing damage directly) but it would apply to something like the activation...
  10. WolframL


    Congratulations, you bumped a topic that was over a year dead to say nothing new and ignore the evidence that there are plans for her, but they're not on the priority list. That happens sometimes and content can be signposted but not implemented for a year (or more sometimes) but that doesn't...
  11. WolframL


    Thief to take advantage of Twist the Knife is popular but hardly the only way to go. Mine's actually a Warrior, but I play her with a very idiosyncratic build for RP reasons so I wouldn't recommend imitating me. xD
  12. WolframL

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Enemy powers recharging per action instead of round is entirely by design to compensate for the fact that enemies who get multiple actions per turn tend to be outnumbered three to one. This applies to enemies recovering from debuffs as well.
  13. WolframL

    How do I access the Dream Palace?

    It's a tile just north of the Foothills. You need to have cleared the Palace of Ice to be able to see it and be on Kas' Romantic path to be able to access it.
  14. WolframL

    What content would you like added?

    Chastity as a mechanic isn't happening ever, though writing individual scenes involving it that don't end with the Champ with inaccessible genitals is okay. For example, the recently added scene with Evelyn or Sandre and Caera's Bad End.
  15. WolframL

    What content would you like added?

    Take another look at and you might notice something interesting.
  16. WolframL

    What content would you like added?

    If you pay attention, you can see evidence that Kasyrra is already doing something to the city. Given the precedent of the hive and centaur village, it wouldn't be surprising if it's possible to allow her plan to succeed by inaction, though the form that would take is anybody's guess...
  17. WolframL

    What content would you like added?

    Thinking that maintaining a companion is 'basic'. Yeah, no.
  18. WolframL

    What content would you like added?

    Dunno if it will meet all of those things (because she's been mum on exact details) but Aly has a character in the review process she's described as 'valkyrie musclemilf' who has "a warm disposition, quite a lot of muscle, and a big honkin' dick". So... like this pic? :D He has mentioned...
  19. WolframL

    Any plans for more Ryn outfits?

    He's nicknamed them Valkryn and Druid Ryn, with the former having light/sun-themed powers. I don't think he's given details on the latter set.
  20. WolframL

    Any plans for more Ryn outfits?

    Savin has talked about two future gear sets for Ryn on Discord, so yes.