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  1. Etis

    Booty TF?

    There aren't much vanilla items which can give more than 10. Bovinium, MinoCharge.
  2. Etis

    Debunking the arms race: data on TiTS measures [help requested!]

    Now character is "wetness 4 looseness 2". Some (not every) characters with far too non-human anatomy can also have elasticity or/and bonus capacity. You offer it to be "magic number 60".
  3. Etis

    Debunking the arms race: data on TiTS measures [help requested!]

    The capacity nerf with current system was literally one changed number in one place in code. And there are literally little-to-no math in capacities. You are approaching it from the wrong end. It is "set character's stats and let function do math", not "do the math and set stats".
  4. Etis

    Kitsune in TiTs?

    And combat abilities or dialogue options are even less likely.
  5. Etis

    Debunking the arms race: data on TiTS measures [help requested!]

    Except when they do. Like with recent capacity nerf. And it actually makes more sense to just set few params and let formula do the math rather than use magic numbers.
  6. Etis

    Debunking the arms race: data on TiTS measures [help requested!]

    You are not alone here. Orfice capacity is calculated by formula from elasticity, looseness, wetness. body type (specifically bonus for taurs) and capacity bonus.
  7. Etis

    Kitsune in TiTs?

    Even if added, it would be something vaguely kitsune styled.
  8. Etis

    Kitsune in TiTs?

    For now - only with mod. In future - barely, since TiTS is a game about alien monstergirls.
  9. Etis

    Favorite/least favorite character

    Yes, she is much more annoying. And clearly retarded, being knocked out by single hit and left behind each time and still trying again.
  10. Etis

    Intersex pc

    Reducto and Gro+ can fix that.
  11. Etis

    Alternate gender-neutral vine equipment?

    Layla is fem herm, Terry is a trap even if not TFed.
  12. Etis

    Ability to name our ships.

    it is not a ship's name, just manufacturer/model name, no? Though I usually prefer not to give names to my gear.
  13. Etis

    Kui-Tan Cum Cascade??

    Not sure that it is good idea to have output here. In long scenes it tends to create outdated messages after scene, like oftenly happens with alcohol. Also, FLUID_TYPE_CUM is not only valid cum.
  14. Etis

    Stuck in a quest

    They can't. First, stun is only applied to robot/automaton race, second, Prime is stun immune. Actually, Prime is extremely difficult to beat by damage, lust is much more effective.
  15. Etis

    Stuck in a quest

    You can also try easy mode, btw.
  16. Etis

    Stuck in a quest

    They have same damage, only difference is that Lava Saber deals half burning, and Vamp Blade deals half electric. Crit/evasion/accuracy does little difference.
  17. Etis

    TiTS 0.6.48 Question

    It's offbeatr exclusive.
  18. Etis

    TiTS 0.6.48 Question

    it is for those who sponsored TiTS.
  19. Etis

    CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)

    Longest one from those not longer than 1 ft. But there are bug: line if (smallCockIdx != -1 && player.cocks[smallCockIdx].cockLength < player.cocks[i].cockLength) should be if (smallCockIdx == -1 || player.cocks[smallCockIdx].cockLength < player.cocks[i].cockLength) since that condition...
  20. Etis


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