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  1. Etis

    Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL)

    Actually, 99% of that things are attacking you first intending to rape Steele.
  2. Etis

    Uveto secondhand spaceship shop.

    BTW, it is stated that Vic has changed species and genders. So why not mention Vic as Victoria there?
  3. Etis

    Uveto secondhand spaceship shop.

    Shemale self-identifying as female with development towards herm... Maybe not masculine, but at least a boy who is not a hopeless sissy.
  4. Etis

    Uveto secondhand spaceship shop.

    We really could use some male kitty. Come to think, are there one? Lerris barely counts, and I can't name any another. And ship concept: "Stiletto", small, super fast, no weapons, very strong hull and shields, origin - boarding shuttle (just ram into target and all set for bloodbath)...
  5. Etis

    Quick question about a character

    She goes to prison for next hundred of years, AFAIK.
  6. Etis

    Question about future game mechanics.

    Hmmm... Nope, not the case. Unless there are time paradox involved.
  7. Etis

    CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)

    Just few minor fixes should do.
  8. Etis


    It's Xenogen camp which were used to capture "humanoids". It is interesting question who should be report's theme.
  9. Etis


    Comics Code Authority, anyone? Let's ask Joker himself... I'd agree with him.
  10. Etis

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    Trap Oil, Reptilum?
  11. Etis


    I'd say, there are no place where that bubble of happiness is stable enough. Even Mhen'ga has Xenogen with experiments on locals, Penny with her cumslut path, and massacre in jungle camp clearly done by Vanae.
  12. Etis


    You can't save someone if there are no option where they die. And, technically, you don't kill them.
  13. Etis


    Biopunk? Derivative from cyberpunk anyways. Well,you don't have to use magnifier to see that rotten dystopia. Any reason why Lash and Badger are not there, aside plot armor? And why no one cares about clearly incompetent bimbo Penny?
  14. Etis


    You know, there are difference between leaving with quote from Kill Bill and leaving because you are stupid. And if I have no option, I can't help but feel like I am playing as another stupid japanese schoolboy from shounen manga.
  15. Etis


    It's quite obvious cyberpunk with all "high tech low life", allmighty corporations and almost anarchy behind illusion of law. Where you can get out with anything, unless someone cares personally and has enough power to make others care.
  16. Etis


    If they make no sense. We have two criminals with quite a history openly living in Tarkus, but we only find authorities when plot demands. Any situation, when you can't control how said someone is being packed to jail. And jails aren't oftenly conveniently close when you are on frontier. And...
  17. Etis


    Tarkus pirates situation seems to be extremely out of place, and Gildenmere terrorsists are arrested by Myrellion local authorities. I'm 99.999% sure it would be. But we won't get option to prevent it.
  18. Etis


    That's because you don't have anyone arrested, except maybe Badger, who is openly living within UGC reach and no one cares untill you personally kick authorities to do their job. Sometimes it is a solution. Like, you know, when you are pretty sure that alternative would be that left behind...
  19. Etis


    Why, батька was only one who were not happy with what goverments are?
  20. Etis


    This is because of propaganda about government monopoly for violence. This requires goverment power to enforce such monopoly, which is not the case for frontier setting, second, legitimacy of goverment, shich is not the case for frontier setting, and it would be quite nice to see that goverment...