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  1. Etis


    Or yous should read less shitty manga about "heroes" who let a villain go with a frown and finger wag after another mass massacre again and again.
  2. Etis

    Is it really that rare?

    Looks like people prefer to write submissions rather than fanfics. Which makes sense for me.
  3. Etis

    Question about future game mechanics.

    She consider herself a scientist (mentioned in Kara quest). Though I personally see her more like supercargo.
  4. Etis

    Unique Scenes based off certain body modifications?

    Actually, there are a problem here: those scenes oftenly assumes that you have parasite tail without actually checking type, so if once you'll get non-parasyte genitails... Very lame one, BTW. It's quite literaly "oh I had not DPed taur before, I'm sticking it in" instead of long and detailed...
  5. Etis


    Yes, and family in other country, no less. Or a country where WW1 didn't happen or ahd different ending.
  6. Etis

    Debunking the arms race: data on TiTS measures [help requested!]

    Another problem - effective dick volume is a formula too. It depends on it's shape and flags, not only length and girth.
  7. Etis

    Debunking the arms race: data on TiTS measures [help requested!]

    FYI, "magic number" is a term in programming. It means a constant which has ambigous origins. And use of magic numbers is a bad practice. For instance, how would you calculate said number?
  8. Etis


    I'd say both. Which actually means that you would have neither problems nor help most of the times.
  9. Etis

    Intersex pc
  10. Etis


    And still no one would investigate your disappearance in wilderness?
  11. Etis

    Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL)

    I don't hate them enough to do it myself. Just enough to not interfere with them doing that themselves.
  12. Etis


    Even if so - war never changes. As long as there ase resources to fight for, there would be people willing to.
  13. Etis

    Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL)

    I'd say Nyrea is no more likable. Keep POWs as drugged sex slaves or sell them? Same things for me. My opinion? Leave them behind to let them screw each other in nuclear holocaust.
  14. Etis


    And first thing they would do is call Max and ask if he would like to pay more.
  15. Etis


    Again, corporate distopia... After all, no one cares should you disappear in Tavitra's dungeons.
  16. Etis


    Tied up without first aid after being beaten to unconciousness... Likely.
  17. Etis

    Intersex pc

    Yes, just have femininity and genitals mismatched.
  18. Etis


    Caring about family is not strange, it's classic double standards. There are we and they, if it is good fot us it is good, if it is bad for them we don't care. And about punishing bad people... She is just filtering which stories to tell and which to keep. Yes, this is something I really want...
  19. Etis


    Follower Anno and Colenso are two merchants who gives you best price.
  20. Etis


    It seems like uncle is not actually in raptures about rival's plans, but after some moans gave some pocket money and said "do whatever you want just leave me alone". But this doesn't mean that he would take kindly excessive violence.