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  1. Cannibal Cravings

    Your Gripes With CoC2

    Okay yeah see this would have been acceptable to my brain, thank you lol
  2. Cannibal Cravings

    Why do a lot of people dislike the kitsune so much?

    I could make the argument that the only waypoints you lose are the den itself and kiyoko's home area in the old forest. Arguably both of which you won't be interested in if you don't like the kitsune content anyways. Neither of those locations are close to anything meaningful on their exterior...
  3. Cannibal Cravings

    Back to the game, Spellblade or mage? Or charmer?

    Hijicking this thread a bit because I also came back after a long break; Is there any content in particular that I, as a non-backer, should pay particular attention to? Without spoiling me on everything can we remove Ryn's cage finally?
  4. Cannibal Cravings

    Why do a lot of people dislike the kitsune so much?

    Did I just get asked if I was TOBS on a secret alt account or something? I'm gonna take it as a compliment lmao Ah, this is where we disagree. The only character in my memory that openly acts like they're better than the Champion is Takahiro and he's not even written by TOBS. The rest of the...
  5. Cannibal Cravings

    Why do a lot of people dislike the kitsune so much?

    Its my biggest pet peeve on the internet. If you're too short they just fill in the holes however they like and ignore whatever your main point is. The instant you actually write out a fully formed reply that leaves no room for misunderstandings you get hit with "I'm not reading all that lol" It...
  6. Cannibal Cravings

    Songstress Blade's charms locations

    Props to the authors for making the riddle easy to understand lol
  7. Cannibal Cravings

    Why do a lot of people dislike the kitsune so much?

    If I don't go into enough detail with what I mean I find that people often read into things and make their own interpretations. In order to avoid being misunderstood and waste time responding to people who missed my point I tend to go a bit overboard when making an explanation. Apologies if it...
  8. Cannibal Cravings

    Was best Girl Zhara this entire time?!

    Kiyoko is best girl and that opinion of mine probably won't change. She's literally the in-game manifestation of the breeding fetish (Brienne being a close 2nd) and that's one of my top 3 kinks so yeah she easily takes best girl spot. The only way to knock her off that spot would be to...
  9. Cannibal Cravings

    Redeeming Kasyrra

    I'm a weirdo and split up the content based on the character and their imagined backstory. I've also been known to delete saves with entire days worth of time into them just because I didn't like how one single choice panned out or because I accidentally missed an event that you can only see...
  10. Cannibal Cravings

    Why do a lot of people dislike the kitsune so much?

    This is the point of the kitsune. Rather than take the easy road and write content where everyone loves the champion solely for existing Tobs actually wanted to create characters with some depth that had stories of their own to tell. Another user on page one of this thread posted some old...
  11. Cannibal Cravings

    Your Gripes With CoC2

    In one of Aileh's pregnancy scenes we enter the tower to find her and Daliza talking. During this scene Daliza is described as sitting in a camping chair with a blanket while sipping from a bottle of vodka. The usage of "camping chair" and "vodka" broke the immersion for me. I'm not sure what a...
  12. Cannibal Cravings

    Etheryn's Cage

    One of the biggest reasons I wish I had money. I'm stuck waiting for the public version T^T
  13. Cannibal Cravings

    Champion's Weapon of Choice?

    You are aware that the "Thrown" tag literally states "Weapon can be used for both ranged and melee attacks." right? The only weapons that don't have any sort of melee attack have the "Ranged" tag. Your build idea is perfectly viable. Franciscas also have the "Light" tag on them which is...
  14. Cannibal Cravings

    Your gripes with CoC II

    I believe the lack of companion TF's is due to the difficulty that comes with coding/writing them. Not the transformation scenes themselves but all the extra parts afterwards. The biggest example that I see cited pretty often is Rin, due to her confidence/submission score on top of having access...
  15. Cannibal Cravings

    Champion's Weapon of Choice?

    Dual wielder here. Especially considering that some of the off-hand weapons can technically be "thrown" so the flying buff isn't as hard to beat if you don't happen to have spells and whatnot. I usually end up using the Sanctified Gladius for a good portion of the game cuz that holy damage is tasty.
  16. Cannibal Cravings

    Show off some art

    Seconded, would like more Ninian content or maybe a lady fairy who moves in with him.
  17. Cannibal Cravings

    What anatomy(s) do you play in CoC2?

    Primarily I play male characters as that is what I personally identify as buuuuut I'm also bisexual and a completionist so I usually end up playing around with different characters just to see the minor differences.
  18. Cannibal Cravings

    Oviparous perk

    Seconding what Orzo said. Pretty sure that Meira has access to lots of stuff to help with the champ's ever changing naughty bits.
  19. Cannibal Cravings


    The save editor is honestly the best method that I've found. Its very easy to use and as long as you don't enter any insane numbers where they shouldn't be you won't break anything. I've been using it to toggle virginity on different characters so that I can see the special dialogue from those...