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  1. Cannibal Cravings

    Observation post of the Observer.

    Kohaku is my fave kitsune ngl. Them thighs and sensitive ears get me every time.
  2. Cannibal Cravings

    Whats your music?

    Thanks for the contribution!
  3. Cannibal Cravings

    Help me choose my Champion's appearance

    As a fellow lover of the booty the people commenting here make me proud.
  4. Cannibal Cravings

    Preferences - Dark Night, BImbo or Champion? Why?

    Normally I play the bad guy because most games don't allow you to take that approach but CoC 2 is kind of the exception. Sadly there just isn't enough good content for Dark Knights at the moment to warrant fully committing to that route, of course that's just my own opinion on the matter. If...
  5. Cannibal Cravings

    Memeable Moments

    I fixed it.
  6. Cannibal Cravings

    Your gripes with CoC II

    This 100% I'm here to complete it all. I will witness the content the writers have created in its entirety and leave nothing behind. Friction burns are my greatest enemy.
  7. Cannibal Cravings

    Your gripes with CoC II

    This has been my head-canon for a grip so I'm glad someone else came to the same conclusion as me lol
  8. Cannibal Cravings

    Ahmri Update (and future village updates?)

    Totally agree with this sentiment. As it is the centaur village feels like a dead area after you clear the quest for it and I feel like it'd be the perfect place to sneak in more rutting/heat scenes
  9. Cannibal Cravings

    Has anyone else done playthroughs without Kiyoko and Kinu?

    You're missing the solution right in front of you! You're just collecting marriage partners on top of items, its all part of being the ultimate completionist.
  10. Cannibal Cravings

    Your gripes with CoC II

    So speaketh the Antler, so it shall be. Sorry I couldn't resist, I just thought this was sentence was funny.
  11. Cannibal Cravings

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Its the advancing a day part that gets me. Correct me if I'm wrong but in the first CoC the champ would pass out but then wake up a few hours later if they took the masturbate action right? Could you elaborate and be more clear about what you mean by this? Its pretty hard to know what you mean...
  12. Cannibal Cravings

    Your gripes with CoC II

    How hard would it be to add a gender toggle button in the appearance section specifically for clothes? We already have one for preferred pronouns so the feature already exists in the game, just port it over and you're good to go.
  13. Cannibal Cravings

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Its the description of the chest opening for me. I don't know many people who self identify as male who also run around with pec-cleavage lol I feel like this should be someone's own personal choice. If you wanna be a super ripped body builder guy in a chain bikini that's totally your right to...
  14. Cannibal Cravings

    Your gripes with CoC II

    This is a cool idea that's sorta already in the game. With the twin rings event when the player rescues Koko the catgirl from slavers she does end up sending the champion a letter later thanking them for their help and everything. The only issue is that she directly mentions that she's going to...
  15. Cannibal Cravings

    Your gripes with CoC II

    This killed me. Gold.
  16. Cannibal Cravings

    What content would you like added?

    Comments like this are I'm here. We're all sitting here having a rational discussion about subby butt stuff and I love it.
  17. Cannibal Cravings

    Icon Sharing Thread

    These are the icons I use for human noble turned kitsune. I liked the kitsune image because the tinges of red in the hair felt like a nod to his old human appearance.
  18. Cannibal Cravings

    Your gripes with CoC II

    I actually like this because to me it helps create the feeling that the area I'm in is actually a dungeon. It'd be different if there was a waystone or something in the dungeon itself but otherwise it makes sense that you can't just snap your fingers and change out party members instantly...
  19. Cannibal Cravings

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Noticed that for some combat encounters the "leave" button in the victory screen is in different positions. Sometimes its the lower right and wants me to hit G, other times its literally the third or fourth option in the top and wants me to hit 3 or 4. Is there a reason why its not uniform...
  20. Cannibal Cravings

    Memeable Moments

    Its the magic word apparently XD