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  1. argenten

    Couch's Submission Listing

    That sounds like an interesting mid-late game mechanic to add in if possible. Steele getting to choose to expand or change Steele tech's goals and focus and seeing what happens because of it. I know trying to do that completely in depth would sink the plot progression to "molasses spill in...
  2. argenten

    Couch's Submission Listing

    Now that I like, slay the dragon and use its corpse to be even more awesome! I also like the idea of Steele Tech getting more into TFs, giving you wider base of company spheres of influence. Ironically, had a customer at work today with the last name Steele, was a funny mental moment.
  3. argenten

    Couch's Submission Listing

    I think if I tried to even imply anything angelic about my exes would all kick it from laughing to hard :P
  4. argenten

    Couch's Submission Listing

    Looks like that's one from the Space Elevator sized pile of "to do" and I like the Dove Balm but I'm personally holding out for Dragon Wings. Not knocking or pushing in any way, just saying that's my fav. Still, bet there's a lot of Mino players out there giving the squee of joy.
  5. argenten

    Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL)

    Fair point, most Shekka might be able to get out of it would be how the Myr got the same results but with different fiddly bits due to their anatomy differences. Probably wouldn't help her long term. Ah well, worth a thought at least.
  6. argenten

    Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL)

    Using the "people do it anyways" response will not make you any friends, least of all among those who are actually working on the project. In the end, it is still their time, effort, and choice on how much or any of what is written is coded and implemented. That makes them gods as far as the...
  7. argenten

    Couch's Submission Listing

    Yeah, less is more in this regard. Trying to detail everything would bog down even the cunt snake fights to slog fests. KIS exists for a reason.
  8. argenten

    [TiTS] PC Character Bios!

    Hope I get this right, as I've never used hidden contents before. Name: Edrick Steele Tech head and tinkerer of shiny things. With this game, I never try to plan too much what my guy looks like, but what I ended up with is...interesting I think. Although I protest the classification that I...
  9. argenten

    Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL)

    I can sympathize, I just feel my brain bleed under the attempt to code it. Could even have an in universe explanation being that a person that has grown up using only 2 arms would be confused permanently trying to use 4. The naga tail thing would be different since you'd arguably be using the...
  10. argenten

    Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL)

    Considering the length you can make your schlong in that game, spearing your opponent can be...rather more literal than one would initially think. And it could translate into when she settles down with the sprogs, showing her one hasn't forgotten her and so on. I was mostly imagining her going...
  11. argenten

    Ramis the Jaguar Amazon

    I think one of the things I like most about her is that if you meet her standards, while very high, she will respect you and that takes her away from the abusive/contemptuous level that most "tsunderes" occupy. She will have no issues sparring with you or fighting back to back with you...and...
  12. argenten

    Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL)

    I figure someone was curious about it in connection to some insect or arachnid TF and there went the slippery slope. But on with the thread. Will we ever have the option of giving Belle our shiny rocks we find? She does collect them and it'd be rather adorable to see her get all bubbly and...
  13. argenten

    Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL)  for TLS and for NN, but let's just end this diversion now. I was only intending to reference them as examples of H-games with good stories like TITS. 
  14. argenten

    Anal Inconsistency with Anno & Syri

    I personally love the possibilities this shows for their (potentially, don't think they've been written yet) 3some scenes. 
  15. argenten

    Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL)

    Yeah, this TLS, Bonehead, NN, and FOE are porn games I can enjoy...sans the porn. Yeah there's plenty to tap my buttons, but TITS is rich enough that I can go "days" in game not looking for sex beyond lowering the lust meter while pursuing my own self-made goals.
  16. argenten

    Ramis the Jaguar Amazon

    I'm sold, she kick ass, drink a river dry, and is gorgeous, curvy and blunt. HNNNNGGGG warrior woman. The bed will suffer and fuck it if it isn't worth it!
  17. argenten

    JimThermic's Project List

    And I'm not arguing with you in that regard in the slightest, just commenting on how deep that understatement was. I feel genuine sympathy for their coder bottleneck...but I'd be more useful adding to said bottleneck than anything else. So most I can do is throw my money at them via Patreon. ...
  18. argenten

    Aphrodisiac Storm Planet.

    I third it, could even tie it into the breeding habits of the natives, who use the storms as either seasonal "heats" as it were, depending on the lightning strikes to raise them to the needed levels to procreate, or using them as endurance/reflex tests, a group running through the storm and the...
  19. argenten

    JimThermic's Project List

    That's like saying a con needs Mountain Dew.
  20. argenten

    JimThermic's Project List

    I agree, I'm not too much of a Taur fan but she does have a certain "girl next door"/"eager artist" that makes her interesting and yet not as innocent or pure as Embry.