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  1. argenten

    Lagon fight

    It's a brutal fight or at least the first half is, but cheer plus using MC an Kia to heal and letting Terry be the main hitter seems to work best.
  2. argenten

    Effective Duel with Krawitz

    Wow, I completely missed it, thanks for the heads up.
  3. argenten

    Effective Duel with Krawitz

    Ok, I've gotten the actual mansion part of the quest down pat but I cannot figure out how to humiliate Krawitz in the plaza duel. Am I missing a step from being told what to do or is there a level cap?
  4. argenten

    Do you prefer melee or ranged combat and whats your favorite weapon?

    Less on the charm for me as I try to end battles quickly but otherwise same for me, Range first with Emmy's supped up rifle and vamp blade.
  5. argenten

    So what would you do with Jack/Jill in the event you got him/her all to yourself, sexual or otherwis

    Treat her and let Yammi use her as a willing food girl/kitchen helper, can make a cake of her(milk that is) and eat it too.
  6. argenten

    'Multiple Crew Members' Sex Scenes

    Well she could be into it for the conquest factor, maybe even taking down Alpha's could be a draw. I think the main point would be that she'd be doing it with the mate that she sees an equal rather than needing any betas in and of itself. 
  7. argenten

    JimThermic's Project List

    This actually makes me happier than if the backlog was being worked off, the game is fun and playable now...but better to have the fixable bugs worked out now rather than add  more work later. As for Jim, he's one of my fav writers here but if he needs a break, all the more power to...
  8. argenten

    Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL)

    Okay, lets take the road less traveled...i.e. the main thread...threat. I personally am curious as to whether or not there'll be good or bad repercussions for helping the spore queen survive the attack. It's firmly established the spore aren't malign but will genuine coexistence be possible...
  9. argenten

    'Multiple Crew Members' Sex Scenes

    Taking Tavria out "hunting" for betas and coming across the Queen of the Depths? That's the first one that comes to mind.
  10. argenten

    'Multiple Crew Members' Sex Scenes

    Too many tentacles at once, knots will happen in that situation.
  11. argenten

    'Multiple Crew Members' Sex Scenes

    What have I done? hahaha, It seems this thread has branched off rather severely. 
  12. argenten

    Embry X-Pack Wish List

    Exactly! Exact-freaking-ly! They already had characters with history in the game itself and Shepard in particular, that adding to the Normandy would have shown both continuity and skill in story telling to weave the return of said character...instead we have this random person who looks and acts...
  13. argenten

    'Multiple Crew Members' Sex Scenes

    Thank yew, thank yew, you are too kind and I agree. I think it's fair to say COC was skewed in favor of the smut and we saw what happened there, with TITS, yeah the game is developing slowly in terms of content written vs coded...but I actually like it, it's giving both devs and players plenty...
  14. argenten

    Embry X-Pack Wish List

    Sorry, self reference to the mental image I have that she's slept around enough to have enough space STDs to qualify as such. She was an entirely superfluous character and I would have rather had the Khalisa on board, at least the hate sessions with her would have been interesting.
  15. argenten

    New Texan Bar Idea

    I'll admit this idea is a winner for me, and can easily be fit into NT with the idea that some locals want their milk "Fresh from the nip" as opposed to from a bottle. That being said, it would require a lot of work, so no rush but much kudos if anyone can do it.
  16. argenten

    Embry X-Pack Wish List

    Mention not the priestess of Nurgle of the Normandy here. That is a subject I can easily rant on but in the interests of not digressing, I can't really say I had any comparisons in mind when I thought the idea. I just remembered that at the end of talking about Embry's writings, it says she has...
  17. argenten

    Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL)

    Any one-sided victories would open up a can of worms no one could hope to hook. It's just not worth it. I'll admit I'm more biased to the Reds than the Golds but even a total conquest would be a bit much for me.
  18. argenten

    'Multiple Crew Members' Sex Scenes

    I haven't had any issues with the game in regards to RPG elements vs smut. As I have posted before, the game is sandbox styled enough that I can entertain myself for hours with self made goals or quests that either have plenty of sex or put my Steele through a month of abstinence. The smut is...
  19. argenten

    Embry X-Pack Wish List

    How difficult would it be for Embry's writing to be influenced by experiences on the ship while she is there? depending on what she sees Steele do and choose, can see her writing go in different directions or if she even wants to write at all.
  20. argenten

    Ramis the Jaguar Amazon

    I have to agree, yeah having pan-sexual characters is fun, but too many feels...bland. With Ramis, she has definition (ripped definition :P ) and a hot ass Welsh accent, honestly that's one of my favs right there.  I think she'd be a blast to have on board if only because of the chaos she'd...