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  1. argenten

    JimThermic's Project List

    Gotta love the detail you give to your various works. Kinda makes me with I could help with coding, but honestly I'm barely a step past "hit it until it works or has valid reason for not." so I'll abstain from creating code soups of Cthullu.
  2. argenten

    Favourite Character!

    Looks good too.
  3. argenten

    Favourite Character!

    1: Syri+Bess tie. Gotta love hot bibliophiles. Not to mention Syri is a gamer and Bess has a well done  character growth arc. 2: Shade, hot milf who enjoys lactating, can kill you with her pinky, has runes and respects a faith not to dissimilar to my own. 3: Reaha for both her hotness and...
  4. argenten

    Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL)

    I feel this proves the dangers of the fertility based power structure of the Gold society. Irellia makes it clear that it is really easy for a new queen to get in over her head if she expands her family/powerbase too far too fast. Now while this is true of any system of governance, with the...
  5. argenten

    Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL)

    Add to that the fact that power=fertility with golds and nothing else, one doesn't have to have any redeeming features or skills beyond moderate attractiveness and fertility with a Gold queen for her to literally rocket up the ranks as our own Irellia shows us (hope I spelled the name right.)...
  6. argenten

    JimThermic's Project List

    "Why are the mommies all beating Daddy over the head and yelling about 'delusional sitter choices?"
  7. argenten

    JimThermic's Project List

    Maybe Anzhela could be convinced in a similar manner to Lys and Briha, especially if Steele is responsible for peace between the 2 races. I do agree she has a strong sense of duty but all that needs is a valid reason and I think it would combine with the connection the player establishes to get...
  8. argenten

    JimThermic's Project List

    I have to guess that an X-pack is an extra something or other, the TiTS version of DLC perhaps? but thanks for the response and it does confirm a few of my suspicions about her feasibility in such a role. My question was more for confirmation than anything else. You make a good point about...
  9. argenten

    JimThermic's Project List

    To Jim here, I have a question about Briha. How out of character would it be for Steele to offer her a chance to look after the nursery? If she will eventually have the option of being taken from No Myr's Land, and she has her own babies with Steele to look after, would it be too much of a...
  10. argenten

    Polygamy in TiTS

    That's me right there when I found out Shade will be royally pissed.Not to mention I'm ironically working against someone with a belief system similar to my own...I feel like an asshole now. I do also think a part of it is bias because we have gotten to know Shade, literally on an intimate...