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  1. argenten

    JimThermic's Project List

    Waaaaitaminute, where did Steele live before...Does the fact that the ship the PC have now is considered kinda junkie and the fact he lives in it make him the space version of the dude/chick that lives out of his van by the river? Are we a space hobo? Why does everyone want to boink us if that's...
  2. argenten

    Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL)

    And on that note, I'd like to compliment the addition of the Fungus Queen to the content. It was a nice bit of battle and background that added dimension to the Myr fungus without dragging the story down or making it a hot issue. 
  3. argenten

    Bess vs Gianna?

    Never played that so I'm not surprised I didn't make the connection.
  4. argenten

    Bess vs Gianna?

    Thanks, that's what I meant, but I was also trying to compare the way the Quarians reacted to the emerging Geth and the way the Bess-13 models that were abused went rogue.
  5. argenten

    Bess vs Gianna?

    I did enjoy the Sera enslavement doc and look forward to it being finished whenever there's time. Not sure what logic holes needed to be filled in but it's been a bit since I read it so I might have missed or forgotten it. As for Bess and Gianna, I like them both as their own separate...
  6. argenten


    I'd like to apologize for those yahoos, because while I enjoy those 2 main fetish types, they don't consume what I think should be the focus of the gameplay and those that try to shove it down the throats of the creators really ruin for the rest.
  7. argenten

    Favourite Planet

    I sit corrected...but it's still my favorite life supporting body of mass.
  8. argenten

    What do you like the most about TiTS?

    This and the way it feels open and expansive to explore. The combat is never a drag on the game and the characters are fun to interactive with and boink into comas.
  9. argenten

    Favourite Planet

    I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure it's a planet. Leastways thats what I got from the doc.
  10. argenten

    What did you name Bess/Ben?

    Why thank you, gotta pay homage to the silver lady of COC. Add the glasses, long red hair in a pony tail and the katana and *umph* Sexy silver, preggo bellied dragon archivist. Who was able to say no to her getting more books? I tried...but I had to admit in my heart there is no such thing as...
  11. argenten

    Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL)

    I'm not a creator so my guess is worth less than spit, but I'd say somewhere around Halloween to give everyone a chance to enjoy that spooky goodness they have been bubbling up. 
  12. argenten

    What did you name Bess/Ben?

    Gave her the dragon aspects and called her Ember, 
  13. argenten

    JimThermic's Project List

    Not to mention, that there's much to be said to no bust and using the text to form your own mental image. 
  14. argenten

    JimThermic's Project List

    I was just about to say that the whole "make her look how you like." negates a bust period. and about Cheshire not doing anymore busts, awww, sorry to hear that. Still, Shou does good work too and glad to see those will still be incoming.  I'm looking forward to Briha and the doc myself.
  15. argenten


    And now I'm off to find a liquor store...and drink it.
  16. argenten

    JimThermic's Project List

    When in doubt...both *sage head nod*
  17. argenten

    JimThermic's Project List

    More pudding for me! Come here ladies and let's feast!
  18. argenten

    JimThermic's Project List

    WHAT! No pudding wrestling...or do we eat it off the women involved...hehehe
  19. argenten

    JimThermic's Project List

    But, I just gathered the tributary chocolate pudding for the wrestling pit D:
  20. argenten

    JimThermic's Project List

    Different style but still adorable.