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  1. flying_moustache

    Nonesuch's Catalogue of Smut

    I hope you'll forgive me for saying so, but that is not how it came across to me at all. It didn't feel like some sort of "risky", flirty pretending or roleplay. I just found her, a stranger, and walked straight to her table. She told me who she was, what she was and what she wanted. She gave...
  2. flying_moustache

    Suze and Steel's relationship STINKS!!!

    Allow me to summarize: 1. You steal a product. 2. You walk up to the manufacturer+a group of customers at the manufacturers public place and complain about the stolen product being unfinished/badly made. 3. Admittedly, you give in on your complaint after an explanation. You concede that you...
  3. flying_moustache

    What content would you like added?

    But put "(Please bully me, though)" on the back.
  4. flying_moustache

    Your gripes with CoC II

    I have also been frustrated with the combat system, but I have found my peace. I play a lust/tease focused "non-lethal build" for my own headcanon and have been frustrated many times with bossfights in the past. Whenever I would speak up about it, the answer seemed to be a polite "git gud"...
  5. flying_moustache

    Out of all of the cities/villages/settlements that have been shown so far, wich one do you think Kasyrra would have the easiest time corrupting?

    My wayfort. She'd burst in through the door, take a look left, take a look right, give her demon pencil a lick and put a checkmark down in her demon notebook.
  6. flying_moustache

    [Submitted]Self-realization/The God of Gifts

    Thank you. Much too kind. I had more planned, but I count myself lucky to even get this in. I wouldn't get away with stuff like that outside of dream content. Besides, submissions are still closed from what I know and even if they were open, I'd just tinker away at it at a snails pace like I...
  7. flying_moustache

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Recently I have started playing Tales of Androgyny and although it's combat system is not exactly perfect, I really enjoy how it implements stances into combat. You start in a neutral stance that gives you options to start almost any action. Many actions not only do damage to an opponent, but...
  8. flying_moustache

    /r/ feedback: Syri Recruutment

    Fake pregnancy doggy sex. Hear me out. Prerequisites: Steele has a vag+owns the Egg Trainer, Syri has become Hellhound Syri Syri forces the artificial, ovipositing tentacle of the egg trainer into Steeles butt, while taking her vag doggy style on the bed. Steele is filled up to her limit...
  9. flying_moustache

    Content like Evelyn's?

    In addition to the already mentioned Orlaith, Kasyrra and Ardia you can also check out Sera and the Nyrea. Especially the Nyrea Bad End comes to mind. Take your time and see what is to your liking. The girls and guys over at FenWorks&Co churned out lots of great stuff over the years.
  10. flying_moustache

    Nonesuch's Catalogue of Smut

    New post because you can't edit pics into posts: Use this one. Didn't do much. Just smoothed it over a little so I'm not embarrassing myself too much.
  11. flying_moustache

    Nonesuch's Catalogue of Smut

    Ah!...You're welcome to it, it's just that I quickly slapped it together for shits n giggles. Gimme 5 min.
  12. flying_moustache

    An Evelyn Poll

    I am very sorry. I understand perfectly well, that you are specifically asking to choose between two predetermined scenarios but I cannot help but try to combine the best of both of them. As I see it, the main points are A) be Evelyns maid B) be CoC2 protag on an alternate timeline In both...
  13. flying_moustache

    How to beat Queen Alissa?

    Some fine suggestions here already. Basically, if you take that much damage, you want to check your equipment. I also use a charmer and struggled in the early days of CoCII until I got Quin onto the team. If you don't mind me adding my own 2 cents, let me add a few general tips for charmers...
  14. flying_moustache

    Ice Palace Thread [SPOILERS, OBVIOUSLY]

    "...and what's really cool about me: I can just snap my fingers like a boss and have somebody orgasm on the spot. Heh." "Wow! That's REALLY cool! Hang on, hang on, does it look like this?!" *SNAP* Quin looks at his unsnapped fingers. Then at you. Then at his fingers again.
  15. flying_moustache

    Ice Palace Thread [SPOILERS, OBVIOUSLY]

    @Savin You know...THAT option, after giving chase for half an eternity through lands far and wide, saving, befriending and learning to love your companions, changing the world and making a difference to it, promising to stop the diabolical, demonic tyrant seeching to destroy and enslave...
  16. flying_moustache

    Wsan CoC2 content

    It sounds weird saying this, but hearing this is an incredible relief for me personally. Your content is usually a straight 10/10 for me, despite you saying that the process is messy. That reassures me greatly, because whenever I make a small attempt at writing myself it's nothing short of...
  17. flying_moustache

    Kasyrra getting MC pregnant a second time

    Wow, you're actually not half bad at this. I gotta say, it's... ...imp-ressive.
  18. flying_moustache

    Confessions of champions

    Tried it. The hair on my left moustache is still singed.
  19. flying_moustache

    Confessions of champions

    I remember that we had a short chat about that quite a while ago. Not to talk badly about her content, but it somehow feels reassuring to know that there are others who feel the same. Reading the blog can be strange when others cheer for her content, while I can only shudder while remembering...