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  1. flying_moustache

    Nonesuch's Catalogue of Smut

    *raises both hands* I didn't mean to spark some new Riya discussions on why some people dislike her, Nonesuch doesn't deserve that in his thread. Let's just say, she wasn't my personal first choice for new content.
  2. flying_moustache

    Nonesuch's Catalogue of Smut

    On one hand: new Nonesuch content On the other hand: having to deal with Riya
  3. flying_moustache

    Your gripes with CoC II

    I wasn't the one being asked, but I see howlbenders point. Being shown sexy dreams at random, will cause for some dreams to "miss" the taste of the player and that is annoying, because those dreams will continue to show up. On the other hand, there's a certain excitement to dreams as you don't...
  4. flying_moustache

    Yorna: Monster Girl's Secret [Monster Girl, Yuri, Straight, Female Hero]

    Let me start by saying that I only played the public builds on both Yorna and Ouro. I was, however, interested enough to follow Yorna throughout its development, whenever a public build was released. In my opinion the step to animate the H-scenes in Ouro was a risky one, that ultimately...
  5. flying_moustache

    Codices for new races?

    The codex would be for the new race the NPC belongs to. I'd like for it to be a race that uses unintelligent tentacles instead of machinery or weapons. The golems would be made out of those unintelligent tentacles and sent out as scouts to map and patrol the area.
  6. flying_moustache

    Codices for new races?

    Thank you all for taking the time to answer. The reason I brought this up in the first place is because I wanted to try writing a specific enemy encounter (a golem made out of tentacles) with 3-4 sex scenes. Would that count as full-featured or is there more to it? I don't know if I can pull...
  7. flying_moustache

    Codices for new races?

    I read the event writers guide but couldn't find any specific regulations about submitting codices for new races. Are community writers in general discouraged or banned from introducing new races? Or do the TITS standards apply? I haven't written or prepared anything yet. Just thought I should...
  8. flying_moustache

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    Could call themselves "Linkin Bark".
  9. flying_moustache

    Open Bounty: Manticore Tailpussy Scenes

    I tried my moustache at it. @Savin On the blog you said any sexable character in CoCII is fair game, so I hope it's okay that I borrowed your Ryn for this. If not, please contact me and I will change/retract the submission. Bully the pale elf (a little): tailgina flavour
  10. flying_moustache

    [Submitted]Self-realization/The God of Gifts

    Well, nothing left but to take it with a smile.
  11. flying_moustache

    [Submitted]Self-realization/The God of Gifts

    I resubmitted the scene today.
  12. flying_moustache

    What content would you like added?

    It works exactly how it says in the codex. I read it. It says that it works based on chance with higher levels of threat indicating a higher chance. That's also why I said I try to keep out a summon at any time, because they generate high threat. Like I wrote above. Please don't be snarky to...
  13. flying_moustache

    What content would you like added?

    I can beat her, but only if she spreads her damage somewhat evenly on my party which is...largely luck. As a charmer my PC does have low toughness, I'm clear on that but I don't really see a way to work around that more than I already do. I keep a summon out at all times, heal with "Heal Group"...
  14. flying_moustache

    What content would you like added?

    An entire rebalance? Looking forward to see what you'll do. You do know that the only way for things to "pick up more steam" is for them to one-shot me in round 1? Preferably before I get a turn. No, jokes aside. Every other enemy I encountered, including everyone else in the Frostwood, isn't...
  15. flying_moustache

    What content would you like added?

    Speaking of the Drider Queen: I'm aware that people tend to bitch and moan about the difficulty of combat all too easily, but I geniunely think that the Drider Queen is too powerful. She can almost one-shot me, if my PC is poisoned by her attacks in round 1, I'm pretty much doomed. Whenever I...
  16. flying_moustache

    [Halloween] The thing in the ice & A Clash of Titans

    Is there any confirmation that a Halloween writing contest will happen this year? Or are you just taking the initiative here? Last I heard, TITS is still not open for new submissions but it's possible I'm not up to date.
  17. flying_moustache

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    Week 537: *Kasyrra keeps tapping her foot in the final dungeon while watching a magical clock tick away* Where. Is. That. CHAMPION!? Somewhere far, far away... *Champion is looking into in a mirror* Hmm...bunny ears or cat ears? Or maybe floppy dog ears?
  18. flying_moustache

    who has the best boobs?

    I will gladly join the row that cheers for small breasts. Sure, D cups may sound tempting but personally I think breasts start looking ridiculous beyond DDs. Somewhere between B to C is my favorite and I wish we had more characters with that kinda size.
  19. flying_moustache

    Ship Modules and Crew Capacity

    As for ships, I initally wanted the biggest freighter that can be bought, bullshit my way through combats and party all the way. Then I got introduced to the Clydesdale, saw its stats and thought better of it. It's really just not worth the trouble. The MS-XI is a solid second choice and barely...