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  1. flying_moustache

    [Submitted]Self-realization/The God of Gifts

    I contacted Fenoxo about my submission and he responded with the following: So with that I'd like you to know that the submission is...on hold? It's not approved, but also not rejected entirely? It's a somewhat bitter pill to swallow for me, but I need to admit that the original concept was a...
  2. flying_moustache

    Celebrating with Free Art

    I'll throw in two scenarios too. A Steele with a belly bulging with eggs, gets anally stuffed with even more by Taivra from behind. Her arms are bound behind her back by tentacle tails. Taivra holds her closely from behind and keeps her chin up with one hand so her throat is straight and she...
  3. flying_moustache

    Who is your favourite character, and why?

    The girl had thousands of years to plan ahead and prepare herself. Who could have imagined she'd forget her pill in that ONE decisive moment?
  4. flying_moustache

    Who is your favourite character, and why?

    When you ask me which characters I like best as characters Ivris, Leorah and Berwyn come to mind. Leorah and Berwyn also have pretty nice sex scenes. I'm also interested in knowing more about Etheryn, but her current content is still too little for me to get hooked. Looking forward for more...
  5. flying_moustache

    What content would you like added?

    Well, that does sound promising. Still...would be nice to have more access to her scenes :) They're really good, so it kinda feels like a waste.
  6. flying_moustache

    What content would you like added?

    I'm kinda sad we can't repeat Kasyrras scenes...Could we have some sort of simple nightmare blurp and have the PC relive the Kasyrra encounters as wet dreams? Would also fit pretty nicley with the corruption theme, come to think of it. Kasyrra taints the PC and the PC dreams of her tainting...
  7. flying_moustache

    Parser list

    Is the official parser document out of date? Or did you just need a better overview? I always refer to the official one when I am uncertain.
  8. flying_moustache

    [Submitted]Self-realization/The God of Gifts

    I seem to have forgotten to update the thread accordingly, but I re-submitted the scene through the regular submission form somewhere around the 4th of January. Here's hoping it can still get into the game. Also, I added an optional way to trigger the event, because there were concerns about...
  9. flying_moustache

    Wsan writing

    How about ordering her online from some shady online shop? Maybe someone tried to "upgrade" a regular Siegwulfe, but messed too much with her settings and then tries to resell her.
  10. flying_moustache

    Bothrioc Quadomme Suck

    @Nonesuch @QuietCoyote I have a lot of respect for each of you and that is why I am certain, provided a cool head, you would both know that this discussion has passed what should be discussed publically on the forums. There is clearly more reason to talk, but I want to urge you to do so in a...
  11. flying_moustache

    [All Implemented] Even More Bored Jumper Love

    Swell(ingly). . . . I presume. Not that I'm involved in any way.
  12. flying_moustache

    Shock Hopper?

    The Shock Hopper is in the ship. The interior of the Sidewinder is public content by now, it's just...a little roughly implemented is all. You can access the ship where you fought Feruze. Although there is no visual representation, you can choose to head "North" there, I think. Not sure if that...
  13. flying_moustache

    That guy, uh, WhatsAName, SoAndSo? Yeah, them.

    I see. Thank you for clarifying. I'm asking because I'd like to write a parasitic/symbiotic transformation some day, that would also impregnate/eggnate its host and grow every time the PC gives birth to one of it. Hearing about your content just now is a bit disheartening but I suppose there...
  14. flying_moustache

    [CONTEST] Merry Jizzmas Writing Contest Entries Thread

    Self-realization/The God of Gifts A PC with an unoccupied womb can have this dream after receiving a dubious e-mail mentioning a "God of Gifts". The content has some very niche things, like infestation, losing control of ones own body and growing new vaginas. Also impregnation. And other...
  15. flying_moustache

    [Submitted]Self-realization/The God of Gifts

    I'd still like to write one or two last-minute additions (extra blurb for having tentacle wings) but I think it is pretty much finished. I'm going to submit it now before I end up forgetting. Thank you for everyone who showed interest, especially Petscop Youtuber, Thebiologist and, of course...
  16. flying_moustache

    That guy, uh, WhatsAName, SoAndSo? Yeah, them.

    May I ask: How did that armor work that the new incest situation lead to it being scrapped? Was it supposed to be grown from the PC himself/herself? And therefore it was considered part of her/his body?
  17. flying_moustache

    [Submitted]Self-realization/The God of Gifts

    Thank you. Much too kind.
  18. flying_moustache

    [Submitted]Self-realization/The God of Gifts

    Hey everybody! This is my submission for the halloween writing contest! Hope you like it! sauce Jokes aside, I originally brainstormed a similar scene for the halloween contest but work kinda got in the way. So, just as I started writing it regardless, Fen announced the christmas writing...
  19. flying_moustache

    [Editors Wanted] The Horror from Beyond

    So, I only skimmed through it but noticed something that I'd like to offer a suggestion on. I'm a sucker for sexy Eldritch horror (as long as the horror is kept in moderation), but as eager as I am for this content thematically, I would never put that necklace on my PC. a) Statwise it is just...