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  1. JimThermic

    Pat on Shekkas's head option.

    Well, actually, I wasn't super bothered by the initial mention of Anno and Steele Sr hooking up. It was the follow-on dialogue that mentions Victor. Like, his kind ageless eyes, and how she'd give anything to hear his voice again, and literally comparing the two of your penises, and then you...
  2. JimThermic

    PSI/Psy/Space Magicks

    Parasites. I've learned parasites can do EVERYTHING.
  3. JimThermic

    Pat on Shekkas's head option.

    Shit. I didn't read the dialogue again. I, uh, was too preoccupied with the fucking her while she worked and obsessing over her hips. Something something shortstack breeder HNNG here we go.
  4. JimThermic

    Pat on Shekkas's head option.

    She's a horny short-stack with floppy ears who likes to be fucked while she works. Also, she comes from a breed-hungry race. Also, and this is important, she hasn't slept with my father. That... I know of.
  5. JimThermic

    Pat on Shekkas's head option.

    I used to really love Anno, but the more I actually pay attention to her talking and not to her tits, skin-tight suit, snowy hair/ears/tail, the less I find myself attracted to her. I never should have gone back and actually read her dialogue for realsies.
  6. JimThermic

    Pat on Shekkas's head option.

    I was like "Yes, finally Fenoxo's waifu gets some love!" Then the whole thread becomes about Anno. FFS. Typical.
  7. JimThermic

    Question regarding the Ezbeth Jungle

    For the uninitiated, it can be a real pain in the ass.
  8. JimThermic

    Vi, a V-Ko IV for Gildenmere [Writing]

    If my lore is okayed by Fen, the third version of the V-ko model line was a male nurse line. There's probably some kind of variant model to make either gendered robot look like a doctor, but they'd probably be functionally the same, since all V-kos are designed to work in communities where they...
  9. JimThermic

    Vi, a V-Ko IV for Gildenmere [Writing]

    One of these days, I'll get around to writing a tail-cock on tail-vagina fucking scene, while the two people also rub their loins together and perhaps use them in tandem.
  10. JimThermic

    [HYPOTHETICAL] Altered Ability Mechanics

    Another idea for those outliers is to have a few optional bosses with high difficulty, if they really want to put the system to work. People seemed to love the Doctor Lash 'challenge'. That said, that's post core-content building for sure. 
  11. JimThermic

    [SUGGESTION - NO HATERS PLEASE] "Don't underestimate the body's ability to maintain itself"

    OP, your "Don't Kick Me" sign makes people just want to kick you. So blatantly that I've got to wonder if it's bait.
  12. JimThermic

    Forced TF's

    I think forced TFs are fine either as a bad-end in a boss fight, or when given enough heads up that you're engaging in that kind of content, giving the players a proper out. For instance, a big sign that says "Beware: X lies ahead. Tresspassers will be X'd", or someone leaping out and going "Hey...
  13. JimThermic

    What's your favorite gap moe thing?

    Oh reeealllly—? I might have to finish the last of that game so I can play the Fandisk then, cuz busty subs are totes my thing. She wasn't really Domme to begin with, though, was she? As I said, the BDSM terminology thing is just my hang-up. Words are fluid, and it depends what circles you're...
  14. JimThermic

    The Clam Chowder mini dungion and Mark XXXIV Power armor project.

    If you want to hire me to review your doc, I'm happy to. Unlike writing, I never edit for funsies. :3 And I'm glad you're enjoying Bess!  
  15. JimThermic

    JimThermic's Project List

    Then someone goes and posts cute-ass fan art of Embry and makes me ungrumpy. +100 for side-tie bikini bottoms. :3
  16. JimThermic

    What's your favorite gap moe thing?

    I'm okay with some versions of Gap Moe, but it's got to be well executed. Others, like 'A dominant acting submissive', i'm dead against. Mostly because these terms have a more concrete meaning for me BDSM-wise, rather than the fast-and-loose definition used around these parts. I'm a fan of, in...
  17. JimThermic

    The Clam Chowder mini dungion and Mark XXXIV Power armor project.

    This looks kind of dauntingly big and complex. Are you going to be submitting this in small chunks or as one big thing?
  18. JimThermic

    JimThermic's Project List

    Folks who read my docs: Please, please don't leave comments on projects that are already in-game! I've set quite a lot of them to read-only now, because I'm sick of getting tons of e-mails about where you think a space should be, or where you think a word should be changed. Once it's in game...
  19. JimThermic

    Gerbilteam's project list

    Hipster much?