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  1. JimThermic

    Polygamy in TiTS

    Pfft. 50% correct. I spend what time I have not writing smut, writing not-smut, so I can actually take my writing someplace. Romance novels are so, like, last month though. There's like, 100 different things Gedan has fixed since 0.6.2, and that's one of them. It's super generic, though, since...
  2. JimThermic

    Polygamy in TiTS

    That reminds me, I've got to write some kind of scene where Bess/Ben flips out if you're dating another follower and you said you'd be open but not poly. She's got a miniature flip-out scene for sleeping next to folks and not her, but nothing on the Dane boning scale. Maybe also a scene where...
  3. JimThermic

    Polygamy in TiTS

    Agreed. No yanderes, though.
  4. JimThermic

    Ship Size

    In all seriousness, a floating harem ship would be kind of neat, large enough to have spacious penthouse-type rooms for each of my gals complete with ensuites, living rooms, and an added room each for something custom. Because fuck it, it's my fantasy.
  5. JimThermic

    Scruff's doodles

    This art is sexy as butts. SEXY butts.
  6. JimThermic

    Height serum

    Edit: Look, there's even a thread for this already!
  7. JimThermic

    Vi, a V-Ko IV for Gildenmere [Writing]

     > Jim finally gets his JoyCo robot waifu into game.> People ask for two JoyCo robot waifus.;_; Thanks for the catch with the box. I'll fix that. I'm Australian, sometimes I forget to write like the master rac... I mean, ahem, U.S. Style. Will fix. And as Ormael said, I gave that shield 10...
  8. JimThermic

    Fair warning about Shade? (Spoilers ahoy!)

    Nobody is actually arguing that, if you were paying attention.
  9. JimThermic

    Angus, A Potential Male Follower from New Texas

    Speaking from experience, don't do this. Just go with one of them. Release the rest as other characters, or if you have to, X-pack expansions.
  10. JimThermic

    Fair warning about Shade? (Spoilers ahoy!)

    Nope. Your dad shot his hot, creamy load in your new doggy GF before you even got there. Just try not to picture how you're blazing all over your dad's old trail when you slip it in next time.
  11. JimThermic

    Vi, a V-Ko IV for Gildenmere [Writing]

    Halfway done with this, figured I'd throw it up if folks wanted to read. Vi, a V-Ko IV for Gildenmere
  12. JimThermic

    Fair warning about Shade? (Spoilers ahoy!)

    That's because it's random chance and stats affect it, you silly goose. Unlike DB, who is outside the system. It's not that hard to write a five second variant where you can turn things around (or something more complex).
  13. JimThermic

    Fair warning about Shade? (Spoilers ahoy!)

    ... Exceeeept you've got no choice but to go with being insta-pinned against a wall by a chubby badger, no matter how agile, strong, or smart you are. 
  14. JimThermic

    Fair warning about Shade? (Spoilers ahoy!)

    I try to put that thought in a box and crush it.
  15. JimThermic

    Fair warning about Shade? (Spoilers ahoy!)

    Steph has now entered... the Doc Badger Zone. Where a controversial project is neither dead nor alive, suspended in indefinite animation, because killing it or letting it live are both unpalatable options. It's also where Sera lives.  EDIT: And Bess used to live, until Gedan liberated her from...
  16. JimThermic

    Fair warning about Shade? (Spoilers ahoy!)

    I love this quote from the Brother-Sister Incest TV Trope:
  17. JimThermic

    Fair warning about Shade? (Spoilers ahoy!)

    Just repeatin' what the man said when I asked a few months back. Fetishes aren't necessarily permanent things. I know half of mine have shifted about at some point or another.
  18. JimThermic

    Fair warning about Shade? (Spoilers ahoy!)

    Man, if people don't like incest, they're going to have srs problems with some of the Vanae endings.  I recall Fen saying he has distinctively different levels of squick depending on the kind of incest, ranging from sister-on-sister at the 'hnng' end, to father-on-daughter on the 'ugh' end.  
  19. JimThermic

    Fair warning about Shade? (Spoilers ahoy!)

    It really depends on if a heads up or an out could have been realistically given with no effort on behalf of the writer, or doing so would have endangered the plot in a way that would do more damage than the twist was worth. For example, the incest thing with Shade is a big story twist that...
  20. JimThermic

    Fair warning about Shade? (Spoilers ahoy!)

    Or turn the game off and throw it away. Which is usually what people do if developers take that lazy approach. Fen's opposed to anything that involves take-backsies. He's even admitted many a time what a stubborn guy he is. And cutting already coded-in content? That's like, utterly against the...