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  1. JimThermic

    Fair warning about Shade? (Spoilers ahoy!)

    Huh. I recall Savin mentioning he was going to go and change it from the Treatment to just a drug that made her lactate etc, or was going to go back and write it at some point. I don't dig Steph enough to check. New Melbourne totally kicks the ass off New Brisbane, pssh. I don't think it was...
  2. JimThermic

    Fair warning about Shade? (Spoilers ahoy!)

    I can't tell if you're being sarcastic, because it was seriously big. Not quite as big as the whole Badger blowout, but close. So much so that I think Steph's treatment content was pulled in the end, wasn't it? When it comes to people who don't post on the forums, blog, or chat... I mean... how...
  3. JimThermic

    Fair warning about Shade? (Spoilers ahoy!)

    You just need to look at the people clamoring for Jack/Jill fucking or the people butthurt about never getting to screw Helspawn to realize how big the incest boner around here is.  There was semi-legit talk about how related Celise may be to you at some point.
  4. JimThermic

    Fair warning about Shade? (Spoilers ahoy!)

    Not round these parts, it ain't.
  5. JimThermic

    Fair warning about Shade? (Spoilers ahoy!)

    But dude. It's like you're saying not everyone in the community has a massive incest boner. Plz. Also, let's avoid talking about Doctor Badger; that's a different kettle of fish.
  6. JimThermic

    Ship Size

  7. JimThermic

    VI emergent AI?

    Pfft, I don't have time to read, I'm too busy writing! Which is a terrible habit. I've got a stack of eight books next to my computer screen that remain unfinished, all suggested to me for research purposes. @_@  I can only speak of my perspective on it. I imagine part of it is VI's and cost --...
  8. JimThermic

    VI emergent AI?

    They just thought she was an AI or VI—silver skin, other mechanical bits and pieces—they didn't really care which kind. My personal opinion is what when someone is trying to be speciesist/racist towards a denomination, they don't tend to care about the technicalities, just what they look like...
  9. JimThermic

    VI emergent AI?

    Huh. You know, I never wrote that scene (Dust to Dust) with the thought she outright committed suicide, but there you go. I guess this is an example of interpretation differing from authorial intent? Either way, I'm fine with it being seen as such, because I left it intentionally vague. But...
  10. JimThermic

    Ship Size

    Subtle joke was too subtle.
  11. JimThermic

    VI emergent AI?

    Not if they're Coded AI's, according to the Bess storyline, and I doubt most people know the difference between Coded and Grown AI's. According to that content, Coded AI's can't really own their own bank accounts, and most folks are unwilling to give them employment as a real person. Instead...
  12. JimThermic

    VI emergent AI?

    Except there was a story written that detailed the treatment working exactly as described on Cass. So yeah.
  13. JimThermic

    Space cannabis

    Well, I think the potential applications of "it makes body senses sharper (Smell, touch, sound etc)" speak for themselves... Also, I did add "Probably add 'totes get horny' to that" to the end. :3
  14. JimThermic

    Ship Size

    Can't wait until we get the Centennial Eagle. 
  15. JimThermic

    Space cannabis

    Sure! Just change the name to something other than 'Sacce'. It cuts way too close to 'Sacae', because apparently I have a very distinct trend when it comes to naming shiz.  
  16. JimThermic

    Space cannabis

  17. JimThermic

    Space cannabis

    You say this like it's a scene we'd be afraid to write. :3
  18. JimThermic

    Space cannabis

    I actually wrote something like this back when QB and LD were still about. We were talking about writing a hippy catgirl named Skye. Lemme drag up muh notes:   Probably add 'totes get horny' to that.  
  19. JimThermic

    VI emergent AI?

    B-but they don't always have a large vocab... vocalb... vuh... y-you know, using your mouth for things other than dicks!
  20. JimThermic

    Reworking from class/level to an ability tree system

    Yeah, now that Decanter mentions it, it would tick me off if I had to sit and indulge certain waifus I don't like just to get an ability tree. At least in Dragon Age: Inquisition, three folks just show up and are pretty much 'Want Skillz?"