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  1. JimThermic

    JimThermic's Project List

    I don't want to write it because I think it's unnecessary, on top of being a metric fuckton of work. I'm the king of sap, and not just the tree kind. Sap is so my jam, I spread it on toast. And yes, eyesight is a human's most useful sense. But it's not necessary to survive. There are animal...
  2. JimThermic

    JimThermic's Project List

    I, uh, just said they have eyes already because your statement implied they didn't have eyes. I didn't give any thought as to whether you were asking for them to be seeing or not. In terms of giving the vanae eyesight, you're probably not doing them a favor by giving them it. It's not like...
  3. JimThermic

    Pyrite Station, the gambling planet

    Dang. Disqualified due to job prejudice! Maybe. He's not a stereotypical twink, either, but it's closer than 'sissy' or 'muscle-man'. Maybe that means I hit my mark, since the mark was to have him somewhere in the middle. I dunno, Foxxling can probably give a definitive ruling on the matter.
  4. JimThermic

    Rut/Heat Mechanics?

    Huh, forgot I put that in. That's probably because I began playing with the idea at the Embry bust drawing stage with Shou, because she mentioned that monkeys (or at least some of them) have small protrusions or something on the tip of their cocks. As a pregophile, the idea appealed to me -- not...
  5. JimThermic

    Rut/Heat Mechanics?

    Asked about this the other day.
  6. JimThermic

    Vanae Milk application

    It was made to be a special attack originally, along with several other vanae attributes. Originally I was hoping to incorporate their cumvore and hyper-fertile nature into the player, like in CoC. However, it was decided that TiTs wouldn't follow the same route of having active abilities gained...
  7. JimThermic

    Pyrite Station, the gambling planet

    Vahn isn't a sissy or a manly man! I think. I mean, his two sex scenes are receiving and not giving, but he's no Cameron. Which, uh, debatably makes one. Maybe Dally or Ben? I dunno. EDIT: Also, in response to the first part, all those characters are needed to fill planets, rather than having...
  8. JimThermic

    Vanae Milk application

    Milk squirt was invented before the combat revamp. It could be it was overlooked, or alternatively not wanting to replace a person's base tease-type attack with a drug-based attack. If you think it's a problem, I'd report it under bugs.
  9. JimThermic

    JimThermic's Project List

  10. JimThermic

    Pyrite Station, the gambling planet

    I can wait that long. It definitely occurred to me that it would be best for space-shit to be in before doing pirate haven, since such a place would be an ideal location to have a % chance on entry of pirate/slaver/police ambushes. I had flashbacks of LukaDoc's and QuietBrowser's working list. :3 
  11. JimThermic

    JimThermic's Project List

    Clearly, I was not blunt enough the first time. That's my fault for being diplomatic and expecting it to work. Let me take a leaf out of Magic Ted's book. Your ideas are terrible. They're not happening. Period.  What Eva said. Vanae have vestigial eyelashes and eyes, because IMO not having...
  12. JimThermic

    Pyrite Station, the gambling planet

    Gotta remember not to take on another project. Must not start writing a whole planet for Fen's backlog. >_<
  13. JimThermic

    JimThermic's Project List

    I like how you put 'even for you' after that. :3 And yeah, I'd rather go to a ludicrous amount of effort to do the Octalia homeworld than do it trying to make a square peg fit in a round hole, so to speak.
  14. JimThermic

    JimThermic's Project List

    The whole point of having the genome transferable to one individual increases the specializes of it, and by extension, the feeling of awesomeness that you, PC Steele, can fix the problem with your dick. Which is the preferred route of solving shit that most players like. Alternatively, the...
  15. JimThermic

    JimThermic's Project List

    I guess there's no reason that can't happen, using a ton of Sky and Synth Sap, then obtaining the Vanae male genome via a future quest. Good way to get set up as some kind of god(dess)-being among the Vanae, the procreator. Grow some extra arms for good measure, what have you. Geez, my...
  16. JimThermic

    Pyrite Station, the gambling planet

    Can't tell if that's 'Jim Plz Do This' or 'Jim Plz Don't'. 
  17. JimThermic

    JimThermic's Project List

    Such as...?
  18. JimThermic

    JimThermic's Project List

    Fixed. Some of the links are a little funky since the forum shift.
  19. JimThermic

    Pat on Shekkas's head option.

    It's backer build only at the moment. That's probably good in a way, because she's a bit buggy. :3