Are there any plans for Honey?


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
So, another update on my current hellscape... I mean, google doc. Yeah, that's what I meant...

Got about a 3K sex scene done after the player watches the initial strip show, then tries to stall after seeing her dick. This leads to a fork where you can A)Worship her cock, B)Friend-zone her, or C) Make her feel like shit for having a dick.

The scene took up most of what I did yesterday, and I still need to edit it. It has very little to do with the PC's own attributes, and instead sucking on honey dick, but I need to do double checking and makes sure I didn't fuck up a [parser text somewhere.

I then deleted a 2K scene I spent all of Sunday writing, where you tell Honey to fuck off, cause it was horrible and didn't sound good. I want to include the option so you can stop interaction with Honey if you don't want to have anything to do with her, but I cant make it sound good outside of "ewww, dick." (Which is hilariously hypocritical concerning what the PC can be...)

She's currently sitting at about 11K as I get her boob descriptions right. Then I'm gonna tackle her talk scenes.

In terms of her dick, I envisioned it as (relatively) short and very fat and foreskin-y due to her Zil transformations.

Right now shes two inches flaccid, eight inches erect, and three inches thick. I haven't done anything with her foreskin yet, but I added a note to tell me to remember it.

So she has microsurgeons of her own? (or at least cheap ones)

There was significant push back against that train of thought earlier in this thread


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I hadn't fleshed it out but her parents were working on a few gene therapy technologies and it was supposed to have  accidentally made her a bit more malleable and reactive to transformatives. Then she left home arrived on mhenga still very much a man. But fell in love with a Zil, they had a bunch of sex and the zils fluids turned her into a big booty trap with honey cum

Oh, that answers alot, actually...


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
I hadn't fleshed it out but her parents were working on a few gene therapy technologies and it was supposed to have  accidentally made her a bit more malleable and reactive to transformatives. Then she left home arrived on mhenga still very much a man. But fell in love with a Zil, they had a bunch of sex and the zils fluids turned her into a big booty trap with honey cum

That's actually pretty close to what I have in small notes in the doc. I do have her getting the honey cum from Kelly instead, though. Entering Me'henga tends to get you fucked. A lot. And I don't think we need a third Zil-lover (Burt and Kelly are kinda enough already...)


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
Whoops. Always double check your typing guys. I meant 2 inches. I multiplied her 8 inches by the 1.5 thickness multiplier gained from zil rations (assuming the mod she used was based on zil) using the equations on the wiki and TiTsEd to test it, and got 2 inches. Then, when I was typing, I hit 3 instead. Not that it isn't a funny mental image, but I don't think she'd be able to sex the player without stretching them. Every time.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Whoops. Always double check your typing guys. I meant 2 inches. I multiplied her 8 inches by the 1.5 thickness multiplier gained from zil rations (assuming the mod she used was based on zil) using the equations on the wiki and TiTsEd to test it, and got 2 inches. Then, when I was typing, I hit 3 instead. Not that it isn't a funny mental image, but I don't think she'd be able to sex the player without stretching them. Every time.

So the precisely exact measurements as Syri, I see...  :smugdog:

(I just checked on GitHub)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
So the precisely exact measurements as Syri, I see...  :smugdog:

(I just checked on GitHub)

Honey...long lost half sister of Dorna sisters...or actualy this ausar that gave Syri his cock during this accident ;)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
[...].or actualy this ausar that gave Syri his cock during this accident ;)

Turns out, the micro warp gate incident not only take Valden's ausar-cock but also give him a new one and turned him into a hot, trappy human! :p  


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Turns out, the micro warp gate incident not only take Valden's ausar-cock but also give him a new one and turned him into a hot, trappy human! :p  

Well..if in future turns out that Honey is in fact Valden after this incident with micro warp gates...I will not be suprised at all :laugh:


Corrupter of Tainted Space
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Three inches girth is fiiiine. You gotta remember that Honey is more of a grower than a shower, so it should be easy to tuck.

So according to this logic, sucking off Kiro would give Honey 'nuki nuts and make her dick even fatter, right? (Also boobs)

*Stamp of Fenproval*


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
So according to this logic, sucking off Kiro would give Honey 'nuki nuts and make her dick even fatter, right? (Also boobs)

I think he meant by "her getting her honey cum from Kelly" that she used the same mod as Kelly to get that...


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
Three inches girth is fiiiine. You gotta remember that Honey is more of a grower than a shower, so it should be easy to tuck.

So according to this logic, sucking off Kiro would give Honey 'nuki nuts and make her dick even fatter, right? (Also boobs)

*Stamp of Fenproval*

I agree that being a grower would let Honey hide a three inch thick cock pretty well, but I worry about any PC she tries to put it into once shes ready to go. I mean, splitting a PC in half is all well and good, but you've gotta be able to walk away after she's done.

Yep. A Honey x Kiro scene would indeed be loads of fun. Would also give another person in Kiro's 'Friends' sex option when she's on Me'henga.

Wooh! Now to type the rest of it up in a timely fashion. Variations in parser text are going to be the death of me.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Yep. A Honey x Kiro scene would indeed be loads of fun. Would also give another person in Kiro's 'Friends' sex option when she's on Me'henga.

Now, as much as I would like to see that happen, you should also be weary of "feature creep", in a presentable and submitable state before deciding to add more scenes and interactiones to your table. :/

Maybe leave it, for now, for a later addition. 
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
Now, as much as I would like to see that happen, you should also be weary of "feature creep", put this in a presentable and submitable state before more scenes and interactiones.

Maybe leave it, for now, for a later addition. :)

Of course. Honey is already fairly complicated, and I can add more to her over time. Right now, I'm trying to get her into a serviceable state using what Alkahest already has written, and tying up loose ends. So far, I haven't written much more than whats already there, simply expanded it. And things I have chosen to change are simply variables that can be tweaked in preexisting content.

Writing a whole new Honey x Kiro scene? Fun, but not at the top of my list. Particularly since it would be under her menus instead of Honey. So it would fit better in a different X-pack than this one.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Of course. Honey is already fairly complicated, and I can add more to her over time. Right now, I'm trying to get her into a serviceable state using what Alkahest already has written, and tying up loose ends. So far, I haven't written much more than whats already there, simply expanded it. And things I have chosen to change are simply variables that can be tweaked in preexisting content.

Writing a whole new Honey x Kiro scene? Fun, but not at the top of my list. Particularly since it would be under her menus instead of Honey. So it would fit better in a different X-pack than this one.

That's good to know. Feature creep was the death of many a project here.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
lol you still walk away from the Venus Pitcher and Gene scenes pretty well seeing how they both got massive slongs.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
lol you still walk away from the Venus Pitcher and Gene scenes pretty well seeing how they both got massive slongs.

Well, the venus pitchers have a bunch tentacles with various purposes and in the scene text it didn't seem as the ones that penetrate go deeper than needed. Gene, on the other hand, while his main dick is tapered it doesn't matter that much, however you are forgetting that he also has a smaller human dick that he uses if his dragon-dick doesn't fit.

Also Captain Steele is kinda special with her/his top-of-the-line nanomachines(,son).

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I'm forgetting that Celise scene that you walk away from bow legged if you let her go to town on you lol even if you have high stretching capacity.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016

SO! Update: I have not finished Honey's talk scenes. This is because I have spent the past week editing everything I had written so far, because I was seized by the thought that it was terrible. Thankfully, it allowed me to rework a few bits that I had formatted incorrectly, and I am now actually writing more stuff.

As for what I have added since the last update: SEX SCENES. Goddamn. I had to write several variations of Honey's repeatable strip show, since I changed how Alkahest's boob sizes worked. Now, there are at least 8 different scenes that can happen, depending on Honey's breast size and her denial counter. I will re-work several of these to be her standard sex options once she is in lover mode, simply for sanity's sake.

Now, questions for you people: parts of Honey's dialogue are written with something hinting at a southern accent (American Southern), similar to New Texas' accent. Basically, Y'all, ta, and -in' instead of -ing. So, the question is: do you want this to be increased into a more consistent accent, or purged from her dialogue? I'd like to know what people's feelings are.

Oh, and I have not yet finished writing the first strip show. All that remains is a single scene. Currently, if you stall instead of letting Honey cum or denying her, there is a choice for an acceptance scene, a gentle rejection, and a harsh rejection, and its the last one I am currently struggling with. In fact, I wrote it two different ways and still hated it. Anyone know a good way to tell a character you don't want anything to do with them and fuck off? Cause any way I write it seems... blurgh...

But yeah, other than that, full steam ahead on the Honey Trap Express.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Now, questions for you people: parts of Honey's dialogue are written with something hinting at a southern accent (American Southern), similar to New Texas' accent. Basically, Y'all, ta, and -in' instead of -ing. So, the question is: do you want this to be increased into a more consistent accent, or purged from her dialogue? I'd like to know what people's feelings are.

I don't mind a character having a Southern Bell accent; I find it endearing, even. However, the accent is kinda associated with the natives of New Texas and/or Omorii (the wild west monkey planet) and or whatever the planet there "Freedom Beef" comes from. Considering Your intended upbringing for Honey, maybe a Mid-Atlantic/Trans-Atlantic accent is more appropriate? It's the accent used in movies from the 40s and 50s, the way Katharine Hepburn talked.

Oh, and I have not yet finished writing the first strip show. All that remains is a single scene. Currently, if you stall instead of letting Honey cum or denying her, there is a choice for an acceptance scene, a gentle rejection, and a harsh rejection, and its the last one I am currently struggling with. In fact, I wrote it two different ways and still hated it. Anyone know a good way to tell a character you don't want anything to do with them and fuck off? Cause any way I write it seems... blurgh...

As for this, I'm gonna guess the the harsh rejection is the "hard" personality option. As far as I can tell from the discussions on the forums about it, "hard" is supposed to be more like a hardened pragmatist (just a bit of a jerk if anything) than straight up asshole. Rude, not much for sparing the feelings of others, but not going out of their way to to be hurtful.

Maybe something along the lines of "...for fuck sake! i'm not into ladyboys." or "Great, a trap! I'm not having any of this shit!" ?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
I feel like a slug for not replying to people. Gah...

Nori, thanks for the feedback. It sent me down a couple hour search into Wikipedia. Still, it was informative, and I'll see what I can do with Honey's accent.

As for the harsh rejection, gating it behind the hard personality is an option, but that prevents people who don't want anything to do with Honey from avoiding her. Right now the soft rejection still has Honey pop up in the game, and you can reverse it. Figured the Harsh would be a little more permanent "NOPE" option.

Update stuff: managed to get a good chunk of her talk scenes written. Have to plug in parser text that I missed when I re-read it, otherwise its good. Next is item giving scenes, thankfully there aren't that many (Boobswell, Anusoft, and Honeydew/Honeyizer).

Other stuff I've been working on: I drafted an outline for Honey Quest, which I'll poke at to prevent burn out on Honey. It will not be in base Honey X-pack. Basically, Honey's parents are visiting, and she wants you to meet them. Stuff will proceeded! As for her parents, both are Human, and I haven't decided on their genders. Feel free to comment your feelings on them.

There are no brakes on the Honey Express! Until it crashes and burns...


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Nori, thanks for the feedback. It sent me down a couple hour search into Wikipedia.

Sorry...  :$

As for the harsh rejection, gating it behind the hard personality is an option, but that prevents people who don't want anything to do with Honey from avoiding her. Right now the soft rejection still has Honey pop up in the game, and you can reverse it. Figured the Harsh would be a little more permanent "NOPE" option.

I didn't mean for it to be something exclusive to the "hard" personality, but something that would move Steele's personality a few points towards "hard". As an action that channels the "hard" personality. Kinda like that MeanDickFuck scene you can do to a Female Zil if you win in combat.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Alright, have not been here for a while now and oh boy did this grow and in the right places, too! Just wanted to say that I like what all of you have done with this so far. Looks pretty enjoyable is all and it is great to see that discussion and (constructive) criticism are still alive.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
Sorry...  :$

I didn't mean for it to be something exclusive to the "hard" personality, but something that would move Steele's personality a few points towards "hard". As an action that channels the "hard" personality. Kinda like that MeanDickFuck scene you can do to a Female Zil if you win in combat.

Haha, its fine. And yeah, I hear you. Giving you a few points towards Hard makes sense, and it can have the same structure as soft rejection. I was just overthinking it! HOORAY!

Alright, have not been here for a while now and oh boy did this grow and in the right places, too! Just wanted to say that I like what all of you have done with this so far. Looks pretty enjoyable is all and it is great to see that discussion and (constructive) criticism are still alive.

Indeed. I'm glad people are interested in the character. I'll try not to disappear off the face of the internet for two weeks again, but I make no promises. If I manage to get everything at least typed out, I should be able to upload the doc soon.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
Thought I should probably put a feeler out there: are there people that are interested in collecting the panties of the female NPC's? I remember there's like 10 others that support it, wondering if I should add a blurb for Honey as well. I dunno, just wondering. *Shrug*.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
If people are interested in collecting other npc's panties then if Honey would support it I think for those hoarders it will be even more reason to try her content.


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2016
Looking forward to more content on the giant bee and naga planet. Is there any other characters like Honey who had been abandoned?