[Implemented] Muffstick - Mouthgina TF


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Due to this thread https://fenoxo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/4567-idea-literal-pussy-lips-tf/, for some reason or another I started writing a TF.

The idea is simple enough. It's a lipstick which transforms your vagina into a mouth shaped one. Just look at this https://static1.e621.net/data/3a/b0/3ab06409791d3b46c82d7a5f0ca828f1.png. It will also be able to change the colour of your pussy the first time, or on repeatable uses.

But this is my first time writing for T.i.T.S. and I have most likely bitten more than I can chew, with the addition of probably having made several mistakes with the parser. That's why I'd love some feedback.

Google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_TImToBhtz7QSjAUvJbMaT5oUx0XHvnGrBab0ABqrdw/edit?usp=sharing

If you find one name for the TF you particularly like, or come up with a better one, feel free to share it with me :)

The same goes for the parser tags...

Update 09/20

I've done some major changes this time.

First of all I've rewritten the original transformation sequence to support the addition of having a tongue. Yes you read correctly a tongue. Whenever you use the lipstick you'll gain the tongue flag, just like the "pumped" and "nubby" flags.

Secondly I've added a secondary item, which will let you remove that flag at anytime. It will always be added to your inventory after the usage of the lipstick. Just like immuno boosters are added after using foxfire. The plan is that it will also be sold separately as it's an excellent lust source, should you not have a tongue in your nethers.

As usual feedback and corrections (should you find any, which you most likely will...) are very much appreciated.

IMPLEMENTED (04/11/17):
Muffstick is implemented :D
I hope you all have fun with it :)

Now, the way to unlock it became a bit round about to promote exploration in the game, which I personally find to be a good thing. But some people might struggle with it. So that´s why I think adding this short guide would be nice if people struggle.

1. Buy FizzyFix (Currently sold at one of the new J´ejune dispensers, might be changed to a different one later)
2. Read it´s Codex so that the Muffstick Codex gets unlocled
3. You can now buy it at Sera´s. Have fun :)

This may change on devs discretion.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Luv it <3


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Oh like this idea a lot. I do remember that people already had something like this in mind, but kudos to you for actually writing it falcon!

A question though: Does the transformation also include a tongue? The Vanae variant does have some kind of little tentacles or such IIRC (for reference)

The original idea was to replace the clits with tongues, but I'm not entirely sure whether or not that's possible...

I modeled the pussy lips  a bit after the lipples which gives no indication of actually having tongues inside of them. But I might revisit the idea of having a tongue (feeler) inside of the mouth-gina.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
The original idea was to replace the clits with tongues, but I'm not entirely sure whether or not that's possible...

I modeled the pussy lips  a bit after the lipples which gives no indication of actually having tongues inside of them. But I might revisit the idea of having a tongue (feeler) inside of the mouth-gina.

Dont feel forced to work towards including it. I mean, I would certainly be glad if you did, but its entirely your thing.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Obligatory reference to Ted's magical resource. Which is the goldmine for all of submissions.

I truly appreciate your help in this. I won´t be able to fix the issues today however, I might not even be able to fix them tomorrow due to irl stuff. 

I´ve actually read through that topic, but as you might have guessed I haven´t understood everything. And I´ve come to understand that the authors you try to use as reference might not always do it 100 % correctly themselves.

But I´ll take an even more thorough look at it when I get time, most likely on thursday.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
If you find one name for the TF you particularly like, or come up with a better one, feel free to share it with me :)  

Saw an advertisement for lipstick today and was reminded of this. How about some play of words on "smooch" and "cooch"?...smoochycooch?

...sadly Im bad at bastardizing words together.


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
I truly appreciate your help in this. I won´t be able to fix the issues today however, I might not even be able to fix them tomorrow due to irl stuff. 

I´ve actually read through that topic, but as you might have guessed I haven´t understood everything. And I´ve come to understand that the authors you try to use as reference might not always do it 100 % correctly themselves.

But I´ll take an even more thorough look at it when I get time, most likely on thursday.

Yeah it can get kinda dense. I don't think that I've even read every word. But there's a lot of general style stuff that's pretty easy to pick up pretty fast. Again the key is NOT following all the "rules". It's better to do it wrong consistently than to follow all the rules for half the document then do everything three different ways over the other half. I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have, if I have an answer. I will always tell you something even if it's, "I don't know."


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2016
Yeah it can get kinda dense. I don't think that I've even read every word. But there's a lot of general style stuff that's pretty easy to pick up pretty fast. Again the key is NOT following all the "rules". It's better to do it wrong consistently than to follow all the rules for half the document then do everything three different ways over the other half. I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have, if I have an answer. I will always tell you something even if it's, "I don't know."

:damn: Onyx droppin tha help bombs in here


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
:damn: Onyx droppin tha help bombs in here

I do try to be helpful everywhere, even when it comes across as arguing :p That's just me thinking I'm better than everyone else and showing them how to see things correctly >.< But this is something I had a handful of really hard times with and don't want anyone else to have those if I can help it. I doubt if my help would be any good for say . . . couch or nonesuch, other than perhaps as a reflection of how something they put out is interpreted.

@shadefalcon BTW if you feel the need to find my errors (fair play right) here's the link to my WIP: Bootylicious/Pertylicious.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Although going a bit slow, I'm currently trying to put in the correct parsers, with great help from my lovely assistant @OnyxDrakkenblade ;)

My main problem at the moment seems to be the clits.

Onyx mentioned that the PC can have up to 12 clits, I knew that, but I kinda just glossed over it...It seemed bothersome...

However after reviewing the doc not only did I find it troublesome when trying to find a way to accomodate my idea for coding, I also have some inconstancy issues within my own head. Which is why I'm thinking of forcing a reduction of the PC's clits, much like the zil-ration and horse pill does. Making it so that you'll end up with two clits regardless how many more you used to have.

Of course galomax and future tfs can easily increase the numbers again, which kinda ruins my corner piercing fantasy. Because of that, if possible I want to add a small blurb in the appearance screen. Something akin to "On first look it seems like you have several studded piercings adorning your lip cunt, but if one looks closer they will realize they're actually gold/silver/black metallic colored clits". This would trigger if your clit count ever rose over 2. No idea how I would make this possible though...But I feel like this would make the immersion a bit better for others when/if they get additional clits.

I've also been pondering over the idea of having single clit PCs always end up with two corner piercings instead of just one...But for now I've kept it as is.

Just writing this was pretty tedious as I have so many buts and ifs when it comes to the clits...I knew from the very start that those would be the main problem...


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
So . . . clits. For the coding you can easily use conditionals like "pc.clitCount>2" which would return "true" for any pc that has more than 2 clits. It's, unfortunately for some and fortunately for others, a lot like algebra. Visually it's kind of like you have 12 possibilities for each vagina. To be thorough you have to account for a pc that has ANY of those possibilities. But you have to do this within your sanity levels. Keep in mind that Fenoxo, Gedan, Savin, and all the crew have been dealing with weenies like us for a long time :p I'm sure that the number of people who HAVE 12 clits on each of their 3 pussies who are willing to complain about your TF messing with them are minimal. Even if they aren't, even if I'm all of that except the complaining, the thing that is gained by managing these things is that the coders don't have to do something about it. and the players maybe get a kink fed. If it were me, I'd think in terms of clits turning into tongue, which I believe was brought up at one point elsewhere. It's your TF so decisions are obviously yours to make. Like do you have one tongue that's bigger for each clit "eaten" by the TF or maybe one tentacle like tongue for each clit "eaten". You've got this. You have all the creative juices needed. All it takes is some grammar and a wee bit of coding magic. Then the big code monkeys come in and turn it into gold.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I'm stuck again. I want people to be happy with this product, and have it be something I can feel somewhat proud of, instead of constantly reminding me of my lack of ability. Wishing someone more capable had written it.

Which is why I decided to let this TF give you a tongue. But, I'm not sure how I'm gonna do it.

Alt. 1 Remove my current piercing idea, and write up a new tongue clit one. (Some people might not want to have a tongue inside their vagina though...and I'm not entirely sure it's even gonna work code-wise...)

Alt. 2 Make the tongue a product of incorrect use of the item, and have it become part of the appearance flag. (It won't be a clit in other words)

Alt. 3 Make it possible to either get the piercing clit or the tongue clit. (The latter can still be achieved even after you've gotten a mouthvagina)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Personal opinion here:

Let the TF remove all clits and block them. Let's not talk about logic but flesh turning into metal/gem makes not too much sense and a piercing-system might be included in the game someday (low priority afaik.).

While I deeply enjoy the idea of an added tongue other people won't, make it a rare TF. I highly doubt it itself will see support in most scenes. With some luck it could end up as vagina tag like 'aphotisiac-laced' etc. if not perhaps as flavor text or perk.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Personal opinion here:

Let the TF remove all clits and block them. Let's not talk about logic but flesh turning into metal/gem makes not too much sense and a piercing-system might be included in the game someday (low priority afaik.).

While I deeply enjoy the idea of an added tongue other people won't, make it a rare TF. I highly doubt it itself will see support in most scenes. With some luck it could end up as vagina tag like 'aphotisiac-laced' etc. if not perhaps as flavor text or perk.

The game needs the PC to have at least one clit. It's been made that way. If I removed all the clits, it would create scenes where your clits are mentioned, while you don't actually have any at all.

And yes, it would definitely only be an appearance flag. Just like the vanae vagina is. It's just there to add to the experience.


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
I'm in favor of the both directions, I know that's more work. I'd very much dislike seeing you NOT get the piercing thing that you love when you're making the TF. I just think there needs to be something to manage the excess if there is such. If it were me I'd make the first to be piercings and the rest go into being a tongue. That way if a person were informed they could actually decide to some degree what they'd look like. You might want to put in an all tongue option but of course all of this is up to you. I find the more coices you give the pc the better.

As far as the science of piercing goes . . . there's nanobot involved which have already performed the scientific magics of: producing matter out of "apparently" thin air; making surgical connections between nerve, muscle and various other tissues seamelessly; removing cellular structures again into "apparently" thin air. I should think a measly matter of turning cellular structure into something that at the very least appeared to be a metal would be child's play for such machines.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Small update:

I have no idea how long it's gonna take before I submit this, might be within two weeks, might be a month, might be two. It really depends on the workload I get at the university and whether or not the new changes I've come up with are gonna be final.

Seeing that most people, on this thread in the very least, was for a tongue option I decided to make one...It ended up replacing the original one. But still uncertain whether or not you could actually have a tongue clit I actually ended up mixing the two together. Now the clits will be the piercings as I originally intended and I've added an extra variable in case you've got three or more clits before the transformation. They will actually stay in other words, in comparison to my original idea.

Now back to the tongue. The tongue is now gonna be an appearance flag, much like being "nubby" or "pumped up". You'll always gain the flag if you don't already have it when using the lipstick, but for the people that might not want a tongue, much like the immuno booster for foxfire, the tf will drop it's own additional tf. You'll be able to use the other one to simply remove the tongue flag. If you don't have a tongue flag, it'll just increase your lust.

What do ya think? Ok? Doable? Not doable? 

Btw. I've already made rough drafts of parts of the new idea. It's ended up bigger than the original doc.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Update time :D

Check the first post for details.

Looks at post count...the Stitch update xD  
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Would be cool if this included vagina dentata.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Would be cool if this included vagina dentata.

I don't think the idea of sticking a dick in a hole that has TEETH in it is arousing in the slightest. That sounds more of a bonerkill imo.  o_O


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I don't think the idea of sticking a dick in a hole that has TEETH in it is arousing in the slightest. That sounds more of a bonerkill imo.  o_O

Well, normal mouths have teeth and people seem to like blowjobs...


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I don't think the idea of sticking a dick in a hole that has TEETH in it is arousing in the slightest. That sounds more of a bonerkill imo.  o_O

One man´s trash is another man´s gold and all that.

Would be cool if this included vagina dentata.

Sorry to disappoint you, but I´m not gonna include that. I think this TF already has a lot going on as it is. Adding another appearance flag might be overkill. (Besides, imagine the damage those things could do when you have a tightening orgasm...)


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Sorry to disappoint you, but I´m not gonna include that. I think this TF already has a lot going on as it is. Adding another appearance flag might be overkill. (Besides, imagine the damage those things could do when you have a tightening orgasm...)

Too bad but understandable.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Well, normal mouths have teeth and people seem to like blowjobs...

Okay you got me there. But then there's this bit:

(Besides, imagine the damage those things could do when you have a tightening orgasm...)

So Blowjobs I get entirely, but teeth inside a vag is a completely different story. At least with the former they have control of their mouths and a less of a chance biting your dick within orgasm. >w<'
(Not kinkshaming at all, to each their own as they say, just the thought of it makes me shiver a little, that's all)
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