Making History (for floozer)[discontinued]


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily screamed as she was swiftly stuck onto two fuck sticks, thankfully for her she was quite found of them. her body was super sensitive right now, so being double fucked was more then enough. She gives penny a shaky "ok" sigh with her hands as she was too busy feeling to be able to talk. Emily's body felt like it was so hot it could bust into flames so she eagerly pumped her hips on Penny's cocks, desperate for release. Mika looked away as penny knew she would. but then she held Sala in her gaze. she saw as Sala sat cross-legged starring at her penis, deep in thought. Mika didn't want her to feel so alone and confused so, she got up and sat next to her. Mika then slowly grabbed Sala's hand in her own. Sala looked at her and their eyes met. They both then suddenly looked away. With Mika looking embarrassed and Sala looking looking confused and conflicted, but she let Mika keep her hand there on hers.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny moaned and quickly began thrusting into Emily's hot insides, her gooey cocks throbbing almost instantly. She rests her hands on Emily's breasts to grope, squeeze and tease them while she pounds away with her hips, driving her cocks in as far and as fast as she can to try and please her lust drugged friend. "Oh Emily! You are so hot inside! This is crazy! I feel like my cocks are going to melt away inside you!" Over and over she slams her cocks into Emily's welcoming holes, lost in the bliss of her body. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily was moaning like an animal in heat! she was going wild with the pleasure she was getting. she then lifted her head an slurped up one of Penny's nipples in her mouth sucking and licking all over her grey gooey teat. She continued to thrust with penny's timing her own so both of their hips smack together in sync. It occurred to Mika that she was the only person wearing clothes right now.....but she tried not to let that bother her, and instead focus on making Sala feel better about herself. " Sala......just so you k-know....I um....mostly agree with penny a-about you. So don't worry you're not ugly o-or a freak.", Mika said as she tried to look Sala in the eyes. Sala looked at Mika then her dick. "I.....Well thanks I guess.....So, you all have basically said that now. I wish more people could be like you guys....most people that find out about....this.....", she points to her dick, " are usually disgusted. and they push me away...." Sala said sadly. Somehow Emily could still hear them and penny could feel her smile on her gooey tits. "Listen to Mika....AH!~.... trying to help Sala......AH!~ she's really is trying too!...Oh god!~  isn't it just adorable?!" Emily managed to say before she fell back into her hot soup of pleasure.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny looked up at her two awkward companions, one a long time lover and one a fresh team mate. Now that she thought about it, they were both in the same boat. Constantly doubting themselves and unsure about their physical appearance. The fact that they were not comforting each other brought a smile to her face as she continued to savagely pound the over stimulated Emily beneath her, shoving her teat back into her mouth.

"Awww, that is really cute! List to her Sala, Mika never lies, not since the day I have met her has she with held the truth from me. We also agree with her statement, your body is amazing! Forget all those people who called you a freak or pushed you away, obviously they don't know quality when it slaps them in the face! You will....holy crap so hot....always have a place with us! Sure we just met, but someone like you can't be bad, I refuse to think that you are!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily Reached out and hugged penny closer on to her as she pumped her hips as fast as she could. Emily figured that the drug would leave her body faster if she came. it didn't take long for her orgasm to build, over simulated as she was. So she began to suck hard on penny teat, hoping to get more of the sweet goo milk. after that a few more heated cycles of thrusts, Penny felt Emilys ass and pussy clench as she sprayed quite a bit of girl cum oh her. It was quite a bit more then she could normally muster. She just about screamed on penny tit as she came oh so very hard witch sent ripples all throughout penny's gooey body.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny lets out her own lewd moan as her nipple was attacked by Emily's mouth. She smiled down at her cyborg lover and gave her what she wanted, a steady stream of sweet goo milk fresh from the source and ready for the drinking. She could feel Emily's release coming on fast and picked up the pace to make sure she got the most of it. The clenching of her ass and pussy drove Penny over the edge, hosing down Emily's insides with thick, hot and gooey cum. Blast after blast of the stuff filled her up, giving her a delightful squishy sensation inside her. Emily's increased load was a wonderful treat to Penny's still recovering body, soaking up her girl cum as fast as she could put it out while he golden body rippled from impact.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika and Sala looked off to the side as the sounds of orgasm played out behind them, both of them blushing, with Mika turning kinda purple and Sala's dick popping up a bit. Emily felt amazing! all that hot goo inside her felt oh so good! after swallowing that lovely goo milk hse laid there breathing heavily. "oh....oh god.....that was....something else", Emily said as she hugged onto penny tightly, loving the feeling of her gooey body pressed up against her. "that should....leave me with...maybe a minute of so? i didn't see.....the dosage....". Sala looked at the nude sniper in front of them. "Are we leaving her here?", she asked her face still flushed.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny pulls Emily into her lap as she sits down, absorbing her into her gooey body like a full body hug, leaving only her torso out so she can play with her breasts with her own hands. "No, that wouldn't be right...and maybe she has some answers for us as well. I may be mad at her for insulting you Sala, but I am not so cruel as to leave her naked on the floor, tied up by her own jump suit!" She is slowly thrusting her gooey cocks in and out of Emily while peppering her cheeks with kisses.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"OH!...Round two?" Emily asked lustily. " don't mind if....oh god~... i let you do all the work this time...Ah!~ do you deary? i'm just a bit tired now....." Emily said a little weakly. Being within such close proximity of penny and Emily's love making was starting to get to Sala, Her long lovely peen was standing up straight now. "C-Cant you guys do that somewere else!?", Sala said as her peen throbbed. Mika was looking around nervously her face turning purple.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"But this is the best place to do it! If you are feeling hot, just use that ball I gave you!' She winks at Sala and begins thrusting into Emily honestly now, no more light teases as her cocks slide in and out at a moderate pace. She pinches her nipples and captures her soft synth lips in a kiss, pushes her tongue into Emily's mouth. As she carries on she grows two more cocks and slides them into Emily's holes, giving her a good stuffing as she thrusts away.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily moans loudly as penny amps up the intensity of her sexing, content to just let penny do what ever she wants. She especially liked it when penny went for her mouth. she swirled her tongue around in penny's mouth, always loving they way she tasted. She would have said as much but she didn't want to stop kissing her. Emily's head was still hazy and lust filled so her hand just rested them selves on Penny's knees. Sala gave a frustrated grunt as her peen throbbed more. She really wasn't a fan of the idea of getting herself off in front of everyone again, her penis throbbed again as if to accentuate her problem. "....Dammit....", she said angrily as she reached into her little bag. She pulled out the little goo ball and held in her hand eyeing it warily. Her big thing always made her feel so weird when it was handled, but she was getting hotter then she could stand. "Fuck.....fine....But only cuz I want to use it got it? Not because you said so!", Sala said as she looked away from penny. she slowly and carefully placed the golden orb onto the end of her dick and gulped unsure if so was ready for this.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny breaks from the kiss and replaces her mouth with a gooey tentacle cock for Emily to suck on. Her pace gets even faster, pounding into the girls holes over and over again, gooey pre leaking from her cocks and slathering around her insides. Her fingers pinch and tease Emily's nippless, trying to caress every sensitive spot she can find. "Come on Emily, just let go, give in to my tentacles, I know you want to and it will feel so good." She slides her goo tongue into Emily's ear, toying with it.

The goo ball slides down Sala's cock, quickly enveloping it and her balls, in a hot gooey embrace. It starts to vibrate softly and she can feel the insides sliding up and down her cock like hand job before the entire thing starts to swirl about, adding a lovely spinning motion to her cock while her balls are rolled back at forth.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily was glad penny was around, she always knew what she wanted. Not to mention she was one of the few people that was just as mischievous as she was. Even though she felt kind of tired, Emily lifted her hands up grab onto the tentacle cock that penny had given her and began sucking and licking it as best she could. Her breasts were giving her all kinds of blissful feeling as Penny went to town on them all of it enhanced by the drug. her inside were on fire, but in a good way with the drug amplifying every thrust she took. Just as penny oozed into her she oozed right back, her wetness giving penny a tiny bit of a contact high from the drug.

"AH! OH FUCK!", Sala cried out as her lovely peen was given all kinds of love and attention. "oh solous! oh solous!", she hugged onto her slf tightly with both her arms and her extra limbs. she shuddered and squirmed as the pleasure worked its way into her brain. She was at a complete lost of what to do with her self as her body began to flush with heat. Mika, who was still sitting next to her, was at even more of a lost for what she should be doing. She looked back and forth nervously her face a decent shade of purple and red. Sala and Mika met eyes again, with Sala breathing heavily and a strained expression. Suddenly Sala's hand began to move on its own, grabbing Mika's and then shoving it onto her lovely blue la'cotum breast. They both gasped, Sala looked just as embarrassed and surprised as Mika was! Mika then looked to penny with a very unsure expression.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny was railing Emily with every she could without hurting the cyborg girl. Her cocks thrusted, her hands teased and her gooey body massaged and groped everything else. With a happy smile she looked up at Mika and gave her a nod. "go ahead love, I have been having my fun, it is only fair that you have some of your own. I know where you heart lies dear, might as well treat your body right?" She goes back to whispering into Emily's ear, pushing her further and further into lust.

The goo around Sala's cock was working like a living Onahole, pleasing her sensitive peen as best it could. It suddenly started to slide up and down her length, feeling like the inside of Penny's mouth as it drags along her cock.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily was on cloud nine at this point, all the different feelings she was getting was flowing into one single mass of pleasure in her mind. Emily would have loved to dirty talk right back to penny but she was busy enjoying the taste of her tentacle cock. she did her best to contribute, but she was just about lust addled at this point. Her cyber eye starting rolling up and her as she started losing her grip on reality as a whole. (Damn this drug is strong shit!).

Sala straitened up at the change from felling like she was getting a hand job, to a blowjob. her tongue hung out of her mouth as the blaze of fire pleasure inside her sparked. Mika bit her lower lip softly as she watched sala squirm in her pleasure. So Mika began to pinch at Sala's black nipple and roll it around in her fingers hope she was remembering what penny had shown her before. this caused Sala to moan loudly. she then looked back at Mika. "I-I'm sorry! was that to much?!" Mika said as she looked at Sala apologetically. " fine......Argh!~.....its just......its've got such soft hands AH!~", Sala then looked at mika's breasts then back to her face. "Mika.....can...can....Oh to hell with it....can I touch you too?.........." sala looked like she was having trouble talking about this stuff just like she did. "Um well.....ok.......", Mika said very softly. then Sala slowly as she could, moved her hand under Mika's shirt and under her bra to get at her breasts groping and squeezing at it. Mika gave a little jump but let Sala continue. it no doubt was very cute see the two girls try to make each other feel good. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penn quickly became distracted by the display in front of her, but she kept her tentacles and cocks pounding away at Emily. She even conjured several more and had them thrust between her breasts and rub against her body in various places. "Actually, you deserve something tastier!" She pulls the cock out of her mouth and quickly replaces it with her nipples, both of them. "Drink up cutie! I got plenty to give you!"

Meanwhile the golden ball continues to suck and rub over Sala's big cock, locking it into constant blis. It slides down lower, past her balls and and begins teasing her pussy by covering it and moving the lips open and then closed. Only a minute of that and Sala can feel a goo cock slide nice and deep inside her, thrusting up and down.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily gave a happy little sound as she got hold of penny's nipples in her mouth. she immediately when about trying to suck her dry, desperate for more of that gooey milk. her was a world of feeling and pleasure right now nothing else seemed to exist. 

Sala was totally getting swamped by the good feelings in her groin, when the goo when into her pussy she spurted some girl cum onto it. her Lovely wang oozed pre in response. this also made her go after mika's big lovely boobs with a little more vigor. This made Mika gasp and turn her head, she kept kneading her beasts wanting to help in anyway she could. "Mika....I-I want......more...." Sala said as she slowly pulled Mika's shirt off along with her bra. this of coarse caused Mika's nipples to stand up. "......please..." Sala said as she stared at mika's lovely pair. "I-I-I......ok......." Mika said as she stared at Sala's breasts in turn. sala let out another lusty moan as she started grabbing at Mika's pants pulling them off along with her panties. they were now on equal terms. They both blushed very heavily (with Sala giving another moan due to penny) as sala hugged onto mika tightly, her peen sticking up between them. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny's breasts practically flooded Emily's mouth with sweet goo milk. She kept one hand on the back of her head to keep her sucking while her assault on the lusty cryborgs body continued.

"Oh! I have an idea!" the goo around Sala's cock shrank down to a paper thin coating, the rest sliding into her pussy and some into her ass, wiggling around teasingly. "There! Goo condom! Be gentle with my Mika though, I won't forgive you if you hurt her!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Sala jumped a little when penny filled her up in both holes. Sala looked very unsure about this and so did Mika.  "Mika, is this ok? would you really let me.....put it in?", Sala said as she looked into Mika's eyes. she seemed to be doubting herself again. Mika seemed to struggle with the words in her head before she said, "Y-Yes Sala.....I would let you...d-dont sure i can.....handle it...". "but Mika, I'm so big down there are you sure?" Sala said slightly concerted. "I'm squilliden remember.....I'm.....f-flexible." they both looked at each other again.....unsure of were to go from here. "how should i.....position myself...i dont know. Mika?" she looked up to her.  oh god was she really asking her what to do?! "O-oh my i don't know how to go about this either...." mika thought for a moment, she then remembered the few porn vids she did watch. "W-Well i know an easy one...just l-lay down and I'll t-try to help...". Sala then did as she was instructed and laid on her back, her peen pointing straight up. mika gulped was she really doing this right now? shook her head trying to build up her nerves. she then laid on Sala, their boobs squishing together. mika was so purple right now she looked like a grape. "Tr-Try now..........", "really?", "Y-Yes" Sala braced herself as she positioned her dick on mika's pussy. their eyes met...Mika nodded slowly. Mika then sucked in sharply as she felt sala's long goo wrapped member pushed into her slowly inch by inch. sala was gritting her teeth as she stifled a moan. even through the goo condum, it felt really good to push inside of Mika. she finally hilted in side of her and they both moaned in pleasure. "Oh! I'm-I'm in. C-Can i move now?" mika nodded slowly. then sala started pumping slowly, as she did they both shut there eye as they were both hit with arousal. 

Emily was just....Fucked well and truly fucked and enjoying evry secound (more or less, she wasn't exactly there in the head). she drank up Penny's milk like it was going out of style. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny was so focused on Mika and Sala that she didn't notice when she completely absorbed Emily into her body The entirety of Emily was submerged in golden goo that violated every inch of her body. Oddly enough, she found herself able to breath inside of Penny, but completely unable to move or take any action other than have every hole filled with goo and every inch of her sensitive skin stimulated by the golden goo girl.

The goo around Sala's member exteded small tendrils with licks and prodded at Mika's insides while also vibrating softly around Sala's cock, briging them both pleasure. Every time Sala thrusted in, the cocks in her ass and pussy would also thrust, basically making it so Sala was fucking herself.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily wasn't going to last too much longer, drugged as she was. it all so overwhelming she could feel one hell of an orgasm coming on, it was only a matter of time.

Sala hugged Mika tightly as her pumping was amplified by penny. her dick felt absolutely amazing! Mika was so soft and gentle on the inside, she now had some idea why penny loved her pussy so much. this was a new experience for Mika. She had never had solid dick in her before, only Penny's soft gooey ones. This one was so much more rigid, it was really hitting her hard, even though both of them were going rather slow about it. Penny got a very lovely view of mika's ass and pussy as she slowly bounced her hips on Sala. she could feel Mika getting all nice and moist on the goo condom. Sala in grips of her soft pleasure, put her arm around mika's neck, pulled her face in and started giving her mouth a tongue lasting, swirling around in her cute little mouth.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
For some reason, watching her lover fuck such a cute little herm was really driving Penny up the walls into pleasure town, her goo working over time on Emily as she was trapped inside. So much goo had flooded into Emily she could feel it pooling in her stomach and continuing to squirm about inside of her. The goo in her pussy had breached into her womb and was sliming up the walls in a way Emily has never experienced before!

Penny kept her eyes glued to the two awkward girls, watching them slowly fuck and kiss while her own goo acted as their condom. Feeling slightly envious of someone else fucking her Mika, she slide a gooey tentacle over and wiggled it into Mika's ass while the slime inside Sala suddenly started vibrating harder and moving faster inside of her.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
There was so much, so very, very, very, much. so many blissful things happening all at once. For Emily that in her mind it was like star gaining more and more mass. it grew and grew and grew as penny just absolutely fucked every single part of her, finally the star that was her building orgasm compressed, then the next moment her orgasm exploded like a super nova. She gushed heavily inside of penny, she pussy spraying an even bigger load then she had before (though she couldn't trump Mika in that regard.). Emily squirmed and jerked about as the force of her orgasm struck. Then, that was it. She was out like a light and floated there completely spent. in some part of her mind she hoped penny got something out of all that, but she couldn't have held out any longer for her, the drug was just too strong. With that orgasm she was freed from the effects of the drug so she looked quite content.

with appearance of the little tentacle in her ass Mika moaned and forced her hips downward reflexively pumping down on Sala's shaft hard. This in turn caused Sala's hips to go up, and so their hips smacked together hard. this caused them both to go "mmmph!" into eachothers mouth. This turned Sala on even more causing her thrust that hard again. "Solous, that felt even better! oh Mika!" Sala thought as they opened there eyes again and held eac other in there gaze. Sala gave Mika a look that said: was that too much? mika's eyes shifted around then stared back at her again. She then shook her head as if saying: No, it was ok....I guess.   so Sala started fucking Mika faster then, and holy crap did it feel good! with every pump they both made a cute little noise, one that penny knew well.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny suddenly let out a gasp as she felt Emily absolutely explode inside of her gooey body, shocking her back to reality that she had absorbed her friend! Quickly reaching into herself and pulling Emily out, she rested the exhausted girl in her lap, letting Emily rest her head against her soft breasts as she recoverd from her drug induced lust attack. "Oh geeze! I'm so sorry Emily! I hope I didn't scare you by absorbing you like that! I would never harm you! honest!"

Despite her distraction, the tentacle inside Mika's ass only moves faster with their increased power and pace, as if trying to remind Mika who her real lover was. The goo condom over Sala's dick was doing all it could to please them both, twisting about and vibrating, but compared to Mika's pussy, it was just so much noise at this point. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily just gurgled a bit in response, her mind not really there at the moment. She would most likely only have a vague idea of what happened later when she woke back up.

The tentacle in Mika's butt was certainly adding to the experience, not much unlike when one seasons a steak with salt or pepper. But, they all knew that the "meat" was the main taste of the "dish". Sala was burning up at the feeling of Mika's lovely pussy undulating on her dick. As penny knew this trick well, though for the most part it was always something Mika did unconsciously. Sala was buring up, while mika was swimming, both of them swamped by the feelings of the each other lovely equipment. at the same time mikas hair tentacles reached out and wrapped around Sala's antennae and began stroking them. This made Sala cry into mika's mouth as she increased the speed of her thrusting even more, witch in turn, made Mika bounce even faster. Looks like they found sala's other weak spot: her antennae.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny just sits there and watches the two of them go at it while petting Emily's hair, a smile on her face as the two of them discover new pleasures together.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily, still mostly asleep snuggled into penny hugging her gently. Penny then just barely hear her say "...I love you...." softly she might be talking about penny but there was no way to tell right now.

Mika and Sala were going at it proper now, each fueled by the others lust. Mika supple butt cheeks jiggled around as Sala's heavy balls bounced around with them. owing to there inexperience, they weren't able to do much else but hold themselves steady and focus on the thrusting. Sala's dick was wonderfully hot in mikas pussy, she could feel every throb as it began to leak allot of pre into the gooey condom. soon they began to gain speed, their hips smacking together faster and faster. so they could even kiss as they held onto each other for dear life as there needs took hold of them. They moan louder and louder as they began to reach their peek. sala's balls lurched as she finally reached her orgasm filling up the condom inside of Mika's. mika gasped and moaned as she felt it grow bigger inside of her and began pushing on her insides this was all she needed to cum herself sparying allover the floor, her legs and Sala's legs aswell. and right on que mikas ink sprayed out too adding to the sexy mess on the floor. they both cried out quite loadly as they reached they both released there respective loads, with Sala even squirting a little with her pussy.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny just kept patting Emily on the head as she watched the two of them climax together, licking her lips as she thought about the condom full of tasty cum all for her!

"Good job you two! that was really hot! If I hadn't just finished witih Emily here I would be all over you two! so I guess you are spared my gooey embrace...this time." she chuckles and gives them a wink.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
mika and Sala just laid there for minute, snug in each others arms. Sala's big prick went limp again its load spent. Sala tried to pull out but her cock was kind of stuck thanks to the bulge full of cum stuck in the gooey condom. "Arg! Um mika I'm...kinda stuck..." sala said embarrassingly . "eep!......yeah...i can....feel that..." as she looked back to penny. "P-Penny...i think we're a little stuck......can" Mika asked, her face oh so adorably embarrassed.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"I would love to!" Penny gently set Emily down and walks over to the stuck lovers. She grabs the goo around Sala's crotch and slowly absorbs it back into her body, pulling the large bulb out in a strange, yet pleasant feeling suction that makes it slide against Sala's cock and Mika's insides. With a lewd slurping noise (Which probably wasn't needed) penny sucks it all out of them. "Mmmm! you are even sweeter when you mix with Mika's girl cum! Should make you guys do this more often, make a lewd cocktail!"