Making History (for floozer)[discontinued]


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika was so happy to see her back to her old self again that she didn't care that she was naked. she hugged onto penny tightly as she cried just a little bit. Emily stayed next to Sala to watch over her. "I bet you feel much better. It was just the thing to help you unwind after a battle don't you think cutie?", Emily said with a wink. Sala looked back at her from the floor under heavy lidded eyes. "Sh...Shut it..........", she said tiredly. Sala then got up slowly, her hands over her junk as she stumbled around a little. she shook her head to try and snap out of her sex induced haze.".....please tell me I'm not going to have to.....stay like this..".
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny hugs Mika nice and tight, holding her lover to her breasts and whispering comforting words in her ear as they embrace each other. "Ssshhhh, I am fine now Mika. All better again." She keeps holding onto Mika while turning to look at Sala. "Sorry dear, but I don't think I could hold clothes for you if you just progress naked for now." She gives her an apologetic smile. "your cum is amazing though. I don't suppose you would mind bottling some of it for me? They would make great pick me ups."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika snuffles and looks back up to Penny with a reviled smile on her face. she then looks to the artifact still sitting snugly in the altar. It was glowing faintly now and it seemed that the designs on the inside had shifted to form a new message. "hmm....looks like a new message had been put into the artifact.....I'm going to go scan it...I-It should take more then a minute or so.....", Mika said as she gave penny a squeeze and then reluctantly left her embrace. she then began scanning the cube again. Sala gave penny frown as penny told her that she couldnt form any clothes for her, and then gave her an embarrassed look when she said she would love some bottles of her love juice. "Fuck...... this day is just my luckiest one yet.....", Sala said in both irritation and embarrassment. "Emily....can i have your pants or something?", The little herm-bug asked reluctantly. "oh I don't know...I really like the view I'm getting here...", she said as she looked Sala up and down. "I would, but sadly i don't think my pants could contain such a large and lovely assembly of parts." Emily said she stared at Sala's member. Sala turned around, she didn't want to be oogled.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny walks over to Sala and suddenly picks the herm bug up in a hug. "Oh stop being so grumpy! We really like you! Not just for your cum, but because you are a lovely person! you helped Mika deal with those nasty statues too!" She swings her around a bit. "I could just absorb you into my body, it would be like a big hug that never ends until I pull you back out." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Sala squirmed a little in penny's grasp as she was suddenly hugged from behind. Sala then gave a sigh as she looked back at the remains of the statues, she then spotted something shiny in the rubble of the statues. She squinted her four eyes at it as she saw that there was a golden orb inside the rubble of the statue she had blown up. "Whats thats?", she said as she eyed it intently. it seemed quite valuable to Sala. Penny could almost see the credit signs in her eyes. And even thought she was still a bit tired her cock stiffened up a bit, seemingly aroused by thought of something valuable. She then slipped out of penny grasp to look at the golden sphere. as she ran over her slightly stiff cock waged around lewdly as she fixated on the shiny thing. "ooooh~ what have we here." she said as she picked it up, her cock also throbbed a little painfully but she was too distracted to notice. Emily just titled her head to the side and smiled finding Sala's switch in mood very amusing. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Awww" Penny whined as her tasty cum dispenser ran away to get a boner over some gold orbs. Thinking fast she walks over to Sala, formed a horse cock with some heavy gold balls and plopped them on Sala's head. "How about these gold robs. They are just as good if not better than those ya know." She gives her a smarmy grin and wiggles her hips around.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Gah!" Sala jerked away for the heavy paiir. "Argh Penny come on! put some clothes on! just because I'm naked doesn't mean you have to be too!", Sala said annoyed and embarrassed. she saw the her own dick was bobbing up and down and and again vainly tried to cover it. "Dammit if only i still had my panties to keep this thing in check....its so distracting.....", Sala said as she stuffed the small golden orbs in her bag.

"Um....guys.....excuse me!", Mika said as she waved her hand to get their attention. there's a new message in here and I-I'd like to read it. It more or less says: If you are reading this you have passed our test. We have predicted that you, our inheritor, would bring companions. by showing quick thinking and caring for you comrades, friends and most likely lovers.", Mika blushed heavily at that point. " you have shown us the compassion necessary to keep our gifts for being use for selfish gains. We are not your people but we guided them in their earliest years. We knew among your people are legacy would be safe, so we seeded your people with a genetic marker that only a chosen few would manifest. Know that you and you alone will have to decide what our gifts will be used for, we are confident that your kind heart will know what to do when the time comes. take the golden orbs with you, they will prove useful.", Mika was really unsure of what to make of what she just read. she stood there deep in thought.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny was ecstatic! She grabbed Mika in a hug and nuzzles her face. "See! you were supposed to save my me! To save us all with quick thinking, putting us above ancient guardians! I am so proud of you Mika! Oh, I just want to take you again right here and right now!" She then turned to Sala with a smile. "Sorry you, but we are going to need those orbs back." She holds her hands out for them.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika held onto penny for support as she tried to work through just how important she might actually be. "It.....It sounds like so much i really up to such a task?" she asked, unsurprisingly lacking confidence. Sala may have grumbled about it but she handed over the orbs with no delay. "Just take 'em. they probably aren't worth much anyway.....". "Wow this is super cool stuff! its like movie or something", Emily said as she looked at Mika with smile. "Who knew archeology would be such a fun job!"

Mika grabbed the orbs and put them in her own pockets hoping whatever they could do would be worth all the pain penny had gone through. Just then the door behind them opened up again allowing them to exit.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny makes a golden ball from her goo and casually slips it over Sala's cock where it stats to suck and vibrate. "Here, a bigger golden ball that actually serves a purpose! Please use it a lot! I will come by and give you a fresh one every day so I can have your tasty cum!" She walks back over to Mika and wraps an arm around her " just destroyed an ancient guardian to save me...that thing would have fetched such a high price and boggled so many minds...but you threw that all away, ignored your fears and saved me." She takes Mika's chin in her head so they look at each other. "You are rady for such responsibility. I know you are. I would stake my life on it."

She then winks at Emily. "Everything is fun if Mika is involved!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Sala gasped out as penny oh so casually stuck a goo ball to her penis. When it began to stimulate her peen it shot back up its is full length again. She fell to her knees her body quivering. She then tried pulling it off while stuttering, "Ah! W-Wait! N-No! I-I'm getting sore h-here! I-It's too much! I C-Cant walk like this!", she gave penny a pleading look

Mika looked to penny uncertainly but she nodded anyway, "O-Ok I'll do my best.....". when she herd Sala stuttering away she looked to Penny. "Oh-Oh...uh Penny i think you might want to ease up on her......she.....doesn't look like she can handle allot right now......", Mika said as she tried not to stare knowing it might set her off more.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny frowned but nodded all the same and pulled the goo ball off her penis. She then gently set it down in her hands. "That was just a teaser, now you know what it can do for you! Once those balls get nice and full, stick you lovely cock in here and let it all out ok?" She pats Sala's head and turns to Mika. "So, I guess we are ready to leave now right? where to next? Did you get a new location?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"well, I-If memory serves, there was another passage back at the m-main chamber. M-Maybe we should check that out.", Mika said as she began back through the passage. but she stopped for a second and said, "Oh! uh, penny don't forget your your clothes....It just wouldn't do if you lost your duster here." Sala Looked at the gooey ball in her hands for a moment, her antennae twitching in thought. She then put it carefully in her little bag and  stood back up. Her cock was still hard but she could manage, but she looked down at it with a sigh. Emily then came up behind her again, and this time she gave her poll a few playful strokes then swiftly moved away before Sala could do anything about it. Sala stared at Emily with a mix of irritation and embarrassment, Emily just just strutted away looking as innocent as possible. Sal then moves to join everyone with a hand on her cock to prevent it from swinging all over the place an followed behind everyone else.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny nods and gathers up her clothes, getting dressed as she walks and quickly catches up to Mika, resting an arm around her hips as they walk together. "I sure hope we don't run into more trouble like that. I can bounce back once but a second time is pushing it, even for me. Maybe the next room will be 'giant orgy where everyone must cum buckets' room. I would be really good at that one!" She laughs and walks along with the others.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily chucked at penny's little joke, Sala rolled her eyes, Mika blushed slightly as the image was put into her head. she them looked back at Sala as she walked, something about her face had seemed familiar. Mika had noticed it some time earlier back when they saved her from the giant slug. "Um....hey you...have a sister?" she asked as she tried not to stare at her breasts. Sala stopped for a second, "Huh? Yeah I do, why do you wanna know?", Sala said flatly. "Her name....was it Nala?", Mika asked, as she looked at Sala's face intently. "What the?! how do you know about her?", Sala said a look of genuine surprise on her face.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The gears turn in Penny's heard for a minute. "Oooooooooooooooooooooh! That makes sense it does! Sala...Nala...similar naming scheme. I just wasn't thinking about it! We met your sister a while back when we first got that ancient cube device! She found it in her mine which got everything sealed off. So Mika and I did a sexy dance on stage for her and she gave up passage into her mine! It was thanks to her that we even made it this far!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Sala shook her head and sighed, "Of course...she would make you do something like that....that freaking' perv......I hope she's ok now...." , Sala said as she looked off to the side. Emily just looked back and forth between and shrugged. "A sexy dance you say?~ Do tell~", Emily said with a big grin. Mika turned bright red again as she looked of to the side rubbing her hands together nervously. "B-But anyway! its quite a glad we met you.", Mika said with a little smile. she hoped this kind of talk would make Sala more comfortable. After all she knew what it was like to be forced to run around naked, she felt that Sala was in an even worse position having that long sensitive shaft waving around. Sala still was holding onto her peen with her right hand. It had gone back to being flaccid, but it was quite long even when it wasn't hard so she was doing her best not to let it swing around. Mika wanted to hold her hand and tell her it was ok but she wasn't sure she would except that. Emily was keeping a watchful eye on Sala the whole time, it seemed she really liked her, even if the feeling wasn't exactly mutual.

Soon they got back to main room with the too goddess statues. looking down the othe doorway they saw that it would lead them upwards via a spiral stair case. it seemed that it would be some very tight quarters from there on out.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Well, we needed a way into the mines, so we found Nala. She said if we went up on stage in this club and danced good enough, she would lets us in. So Mika and I went on stage and shook what our mama's gave us! Things go pretty heated by the time we were both naked and it just ended with me plugging Mika's sweet pussy and ass in front of an entire club. Either way it got the job done!" She stopped in front of the stairs. "Hmm, Mika, you head up first. I will follow behind, then Sala and finally Emily. Sound good?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika nodded "Um ok...". Emily smiled, "I like this arrangement.". Sala frowned "What? you want Emily behind me? no. way." she said, acting aloof. "oh come now, I won't mess with your pecker, I promise.", Emily said with an innocent smile.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny just rolled her eyes. "the more you try to hide you delicious penis the more we try to get at it. Fine. Emily you go first, Sala you take up the rear" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Awwww, your no fun....." Emily said as she lined up behind Penny. "Thank you......", Sala said slightly relieved. "O-Ok now that we are sorted out lets go." mika said as she started up the stairs. As the rest of them followed she took peeks back at them. "Gee, its almost like I have my very own expedition team....maybe they actually were......" Mika though as little tiny smile snuck its way onto her face. "Oh hey, do you know why stairways like this always spiral up clockwise? its a design that favors defenders in the case of an attack! most people fight with the right hand leading so people coming down the stairs will have the advantage over those coming up." pretty n-neat right?", Mika explained sounding more like teacher teaching a class then anything else. "Hmm, well then i really hope no one is waiting for us as we go up eh?" emily said as looked back to sala taking another chance to look at that glorious penis of hers. She still was trying to keep its steady as she walked. "meh,,,," Sala said, sounding indifferent.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny smiles and listens to Mika talk, knowing her lovers is happiest when spouting lore and history. "That is a very wise design! Also very sublte so the enemy won't know what it means until it is far too late! I like that! Wouldn't help against me though!" She throws a few fake punches to the side and smiles up at Mika "Not that I would attack or anything." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
As they continued to ascend the reilfs and carving on the walls got more and more elaborate. At one point the wall even started to be inlaid with gold. Mika snapped pics as she went being quite happy with what she was finding. Emily felt a sudden tap on her butt. when she looked back she saw that Sala's cock had shot up and as pressed up against her butt. "There must be some pretty good stuff up there! just look at the walls! all this gold!" Sala was then painfully aware of her dick and swiftly tried to get it under control. ".....Gold....does that to me....... I don't know why.....its really fucking annoying!" Sala said as her cheeks turned dark blue. Emily just gave a chuckle and continued on the way. it was really tempting to just grab that monster and give it a good stroking, but Emily was actually trying to let her rest.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny looked around in awe. "What is all this stuff Mika? It is all so elaborate and well preserved given how old it must be. gold inlays certainly don't come cheap either! So many questions with so few answers! Ugh, this is getting irritating!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Well was a temple dedicated to a goddess after all! My people have always been great builders and architects, so it only makes sense that they would go all out on a temple for a goddess. This Also means we're are coming up to another chamber i bet.", Mika said informatively. It took maybe a few more minutes of climbing before they got to the top. As they arose form the stairwell, they beheld a glorious sight! A whole room covered in gold! sliver statues and embroidery! Large stone pillars adored with gold and jewels! And to top it off, a large golden statue of the fertility goddess sitting in a golden thrown. She of course being nude with her large tits and pussy on display while somehow still appearing regal and composed.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny slowly enters the room, her eyes wide in aw as she takes in such an immaculate sight. "Woa...look at all this gold, silver and jewels! Is this the offering room or something? Maybe a room for worship over the fertility goddess?" Penny walks over to the statue and looks it over, taking it the immaculate details. "Everything down to her naughty bits are in perfect order...that is dedication!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika was similarly in awe of the sight with Emily joining them. "My....goodness! We must be the first to set foot this for.....thousands of years!", Mika said as she quickly began snapping pictures. Emily was wordlessly admiring the place, never having seen such a lavishing set of decorum. Sala was standing there, her mouth open and drooling slightly. Her lengthy penis throbbing and hard, pre drooling from its slit. a tiny drip of wetness even fell from her pussy. She just about feel over but caught her self on a wall. Looking down at her self she cursed, "oh dammit..... every freakin' time......" she said quietly. "just look at this place! there's gotta be some kinda specal loot!", Sala said with stars in her eyes. As penny examined the statue she noticed that it had to small holes in the eyes.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Mika....Mika there are holes in this statues eyes!" She tried to get a closer look at it. "Is she watching us right now? Is there some sort of trial to be had here?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika looked over to the statue her hand under her chin. "Hmmm......lets see...if the statue has holes in the eyes then maybe something can be placed there.", she said as she dug into her pocket. Mika then pulled out the golden orbs from before. "Maybe these fit there.....Penny give me a boost." Mika said as she moved over to the golden goddess. Mika blushed at the statue she really did have a nice body... "...You think there might be a reward in it for us if we tell some museum or something about this?", Sala asked as she cock continued to throb at the sight of so much gold.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny lifts Mika up in front of the statue's face. "I am not sure Sala...I mean, we have no idea what else could be in this temple right now. Think if someone else triggered that altar trap below. without Mika they would all get squished! It seems rather dangerous."