Mika screamed as penny was smacked against the wall as her heart just about jumped out of her chest. but she then remembered that penny was just about immune to physical strikes. then Mika jumped a bit at the sound of Sala's grenade going off. "O-Ok! I'll try My best!" she said fearfully. As penny jumped in the way the statue looked to her and tried to smash her with a downward strike of its fist. Sala took this opportunity to grab Emily in her arms and she actually skittered away on her back mounted spider like legs. during this scuffle the statues seemed to completely ignore Mika and even seemed to take extra care not get to close to her as they lumbered around. "Ok so they're not after me.....are they trying to protect me?! but I'm not under attack! and with that barrier in the way we cant hit them...at least i don't think we can....I need more information!" Mika thought as fast as she could, but there just not enough for her to work with at the moment. "There has to be some way to get past those barriers! do you only pull up when they're under attack? or do they stay up all the time? If we can figure that out we might have a chance!" she thought hurriedly. "Penny! I-I need more time!" she shouted to her.