Making History (for floozer)[discontinued]


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika screamed as penny was smacked against the wall as her heart just about jumped out of her chest. but she then remembered that penny was just about immune to physical strikes. then Mika jumped a bit at the sound of Sala's grenade going off. "O-Ok! I'll try My best!" she said fearfully. As penny jumped in the way the statue looked to her and tried to smash her with a downward strike of its fist. Sala took this opportunity to grab Emily in her arms and she actually skittered away on her back mounted spider like legs. during this scuffle the statues seemed to completely ignore Mika and even seemed to take extra care not get to close to her as they lumbered around. "Ok so they're not after me.....are they trying to protect me?! but I'm not under attack! and with that barrier in the way we cant hit least i don't think we can....I need more information!"  Mika thought as fast as she could, but there just not enough for her to work with at the moment. "There has to be some way to get past those barriers! do you only pull up when they're under attack? or do they stay up all the time? If we can figure that out we might have a chance!" she thought hurriedly. "Penny! I-I need more time!" she shouted to her.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Again penny is sent sailing across the room with a wet splat on impact. "Not sure how much I can give you before these two gang up on me and splatter me across the floor! Maybe if both my gauntlets were working I could be more helpful the the right one is all funked up!" She springs back to her feet and goes for another one two combo, sadly meeting the same results as before. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Dammit! i need something! or someones going to seriously get hurt! Lets see.....we have some grenades but they block them too! but they wont attack me it seems.. I must be able to use that somehow. Maybe if I do something they wont stop me!", Mika thought as she watched the battle unfold before her. one of the statues was still focused on penny while the other was chasing Sala and Emily around as they skittered around. Attacks are proving insufficient switching to thermal mode  Mika herd in ancient squiliden. then suddenly, the statue penny was fighting threw another punch her way but this time its fist turned red as heat radiated off of it. "No! Dont get hit by that Penny!", Mika cried out in fear.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Oh shi-" She was mid jump when the punch was thrown, hitting her right in the shoulder, sending her flying across the room. She hits the floor and wails in agony as her gooey body sizzles and burns, horrid black marks where the attack touched directly. She writhes on the ground, screaming and clutching at her shoulder. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! It hurts! IT HURTS!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika cried out in terror as penny was thrown to the floor in agony. "Penny Noooo!", as the statue lumbered towards the downed penny. Mika knew she had to do something, anything! The statue closed on penny and raised a red hot fist ready to melt her away. But then Mika ran out in front off penny her arms held out to the side, blocking the way. Mika's heart was pumping furiously, she just wanted to run away and hide but penny was in trouble, and there was noway she was going to let her the women she loved die! Just before the thing's fist landed it stopped and moved its fist away form Mika. must not harm the Inheritor! Repositioning.  the statue then tried to move around Mika carefully but she wasn't having any of it! every time the statue moved so did she putting herself in the way every time. "ok i've bought some THINK DAMN YOU!", she thought as a few tears of fear fell down her face. She could see Sala running around with Emily doing her best to keep them both safe. She then remembered the grenades. "If they are only interested in hurting everyone else...the barriers might not stop me either!", she thought as she continued to be in the statues way. "SALA! A G-GRENADE GIVE ME ONE!", Mika shouted. "what?! Ok!", Sala didn't have time to argue so she threw her one as she passed by. Mika caught it and then began to move her way towards the statue, even though every part of her body was screaming for her to run away. at the same time the statue tried to move away from her but she kept on it. once she was close enough she placed the grenade quickly next to its left foot and armed the grenade. She then leap backwards as it exploded right next to the eerie things foot blowing it off! She then ran over to penny and tried to help her up "Penny Penny! are you ok!"
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Her right shoulder is black and charred, the slime unable to reform do to the super heated strike. Her breathing was heavy and her face a mask of pain. "It really hurts!" She pressed her head into Mika's chest with her eyes squinted shut. "Mika....grab the burned parts and rip them have to pull them off! please!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika gasped it horror as she beheld Penny's grizzly injury, while the stone monster fell on its side unable to stand properly. She didn't like the idea of just tearing at penny, but she trusted penny. So with a pained expression she grabbed at the burn area and pulled an tossed it aside she really hoped it wouldn't hurt her more.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
With another nightmare inducing scream of agony, Penny falls back to the floor, clutching her shoulder. Thin golden goo poured from the now open wound, falling to the ground with wet splats. however, the remaining surface of her body slowly begins to reform and the dripping gash in her shoulder slowly pulls closed as Penny lays on the floor panting and sobbing. 

"Ow....ow ow hurts...gods damn it that hurts...."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika was so worried for penny that she picked her up as best she could to make it so that there would be no way to attack Penny with out hitting her too. the one legged statue crawled its way over to her but stopped as it was unable to think of a way to get at penny. Mika then had another idea! "Penny!can you hear me!? please i need you! i cant do this all alone!", she said as she tried to carry her over her shoulder. "I-If you can hear me penny, I want you to become a goo suite for me!", Mika said as she hugged onto her injured lover tightly. At the same time Sala was darting this way and that eaily able to not only dodge around the slow moving guardian put also carry Emily around. The both of them were full of worry as they herd Penny cry out. Sala then said, " you have any more tricks Mika?!" as she dodged another blow.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny held on tightly to Mika as she tried to recollect herself. Surely to Mika's joy, she opened her eyes again and gave her a weak nod. Penny's form began to melt and fall away, her clothes falling off as well. She melted over Mika's body from the shoulders down to her feet. With a great straining effort she pulls herself around Mika into a tight golden body suit. Mika can tell though, she can't hold this for too long as the suit is not as tight and form fitting as it normally is. In fact, some areas sag and melt before Penny pulls it back together. "Hurry...Mika!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika was so relived when she felt penny go all gooey and form around her. she could feel her sag and that worried her a bit, but she new penny was with her still. She then grabbed Penny's gauntlets and put them on, all the while the stone guardian watched her with its blank face, unsure of what to do. Mika never liked violence but now was not the time to worry about that, she had to save her love and all her friends! with a scared but determined face she moved on the damaged statue, and let her now armored fist fly at the damaged statue. It did nothing as she used Penny's strength to smash it right in its featureless face! A loud CRACK could be heard as its head shattered into pieces as the poisons fired on the gauntlet. With its head destroyed it fell to the ground motionless. Look like they had done it! the monster was no more, but one still remained. As Sala continued to evade the slow faceless monster she felt a lot more wind blow by her as she moved. she looked down breifly to find that her cock was now swinging free in the open air. she gave a shriek as she stopped, wondering just how long had she been naked. but with the sound of the statue closing in on her she got back on track and quickly moved again as Emily clung to her tightly her face in Sala boobs as she shook in fear. "Penny! i need just alittle more from you ok?! stay with me please! don't pass out!", Mika begged.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny doesn't give a verbal response, she only continues to cling to Mika's body as best she can, but she is running out of time. More and more of the suit is fading away and sagging, the recovery of said sagging is slowing down as well.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika new she had little time as she felt penny begin to lose cohesion on her body. "I have to hurry or we're all in danger!", she thought, as she ran for the now naked Sala. Moving as swiftly as she could she leaped for the other statue slamming it in the back of head with piston powered punch. It fell to the ground as its structural integrity beginning to fail. Seeing her chance Sala tossed a grenade at the downed statue, with its body in stuck a state it seemed unable to use its barrier, so it could do nothing as its midsection took the full force of the grenade. The force of the concussion grenade shattered the body of the faceless statue finally ending their threat. the three girls let out a sigh of relief when they were sure that they were safe. "Penny! are you going to be ok?!", Mika said worriedly as she looked at the sagging goo on her body.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
With the dangers passed, Penny slowly slides off of Mika with a wet sloppy sound. Without her help, Mika finds those gauntlets to be really heavy. Penny sits on the floor, a gold and gray blob of goo.

Silence hangs in the air for several painful minutes before Penny's tired voice speaks up from the blob. "Sorry....Mika....really....tired." Another pause, most likely to breath or collect her thoughts. "Can't...take...solid form...right now. rest...need...fluids."
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Sala was sitting with her back turned to them, her hand on her breasts and groin (but she just cant hide that dick of hers with out pants). Emily awas stitting next to Sala her breathing heavy. "What in gods name happened there...." Emily said as she caught her breath. Mika had just about fell over from the weight of the gauntlets, so she carefully took them off. mika run over to penny and threw her arms around what was considered her body at the moment tears streaming down her face. "Oh Penny! i was so scared I-I thought you might DIE!", Mika said as she cried into her goo.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
A gooey tentacle reaches out and pats Mika on the back several times. "It's fine...I careless...told you...I was...weak to energy....based weaponry." The blob known as Penny wiggles a bit as she slowly collects herself. "Lost a...lot of...mass to that. Stupid...statue...things."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika managed to stop crying a little, "I'm-I'm so sorry.........If only I could of thought faster." She said sadly. "Don't be stupid! did the best you could.....", Sala said her head turned away from them. Her expression was really worried but she didn't want them to see that. "Emily your a doctor right? what should we do for penny!" Mika asked worriedly. "Penny already told us, she lost mass and needs fulid. Now i may of have never had to dealt with galora as they mostly heal themselves, but i do know that hydration can fix most of a galora's problems." Emily said as put a hand on penny's body. "Fluids? Is that right? will that help you penny?", Mika asked with a small snuffle.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
a long deep breath slowly sinks out of the blob. "Yes. That should do it. The pain has mostly faded but I am stuck in my primal form right now. Fluids, food, anything organic really! We galora convert organic matter into bio mass by eating it! That biomass is used to maintain our bodies and as an energy source. Normally I would use this as a cheap way to get into your pants again...but I am so hungry I will just take rations if we have them." As it to confirm her point, they hear a deep rumble from the blob. "Sorry, stomach growling." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Hey Sala since you're already showing off the lovely penis of yours, maybe you can give penny a pick me up!" Emily said as she reached over and gave the bug girls nipple a pinch. "Hey! C-Come on!" she said as she smacked away Emily's hand again. "You really think I have t-that much in me?! just take some of the meat snacks i have and give it to her ok! They're juicy and full of protein....And I'll give you some...but don't take it the wrong way or anything got it!", Sala then reach into her bag and pulled out so round balled up rations and handed them to Mika. She then saw Sala's dick waggling around as she moved and swiftly adverted her eyes. Mika then placed the round meat snacks on penny hoping that this would help her.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The blob known as Penny absorbs the snacks inside her. They quickly disintegrate inside her and the blob wiggles about. "Ah, that feels much better. But Sala, why are you being so stingy?" The blob scoots over to her. "Come on, stick that dick in me, it will feel great and make me feel better! Please? either that or I slide up into Mika's pussy and womb until she leaks enough girl cum to feed me!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Mmmhmhmhmhm~ you cant fool me Sala~ i know all you la'cutom have loads of stamina and that you cum many times before you run dry~", Emily said with a lewd smirk. She grabbed onto Sala and spun her around making her face towards Penny. "As the attending physician, i am recommending you take one full dose of la'cotum cum for you injuries penny, and I'm aslo recommending one stress relief session for you Sala. Its unhealthy to be so uptight all the time, and a good girl like penny is just what you need!", Emily said as she pushed Sala into penny. She then fell onto the "blob know as penny". Penny could feel her large dick pressed against her.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny quickly grabs onto sala, absorbing the la'cotum girl so only her feet and shoulders are exposed to the air. She quickly slides a cock into Sala's ass and pussy, though they are more like goo tendril than anything else. The real focus is on that lovely cock though, what feels like Penny's mouth wrapping around it and sucking vigorously.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Sala gave a short yelp as she was absorbed into Penny's body. she struggled against Penny as her ass and pussy were quickly filled. "Ah! wait a minute! I'm not ready for this!" Sala cried just as her cock started getting sucked on. her nipples shot up as well as her clit (yes she has that too) Then her dick soon followed suit shooting up to ts full ten inches in a matter of seconds. "T-To soon! To soooon! ah~ ah~ ah~ ah~!" Sala said as she squirmed vainly in penny's goo. meanwhile Mika had moved back to the altar a sad look on her face. "I really wish I didn't have to destroy those statues.......things that old don't deserve that kind of treatment....." she said solemnly


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny focuses a bit more on Sala, pinching her nipples lightly and teasing her clit. Penny moves her mouth faster over Sala's cock, eagerly sucking on it and rolling her balls around, desperate for the seed she carries. "Don't worry was that or....bad things." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Sala moaned loudly as all her bits were played with at once. Her extra spider limbs grabbed on to penny reflexively as Sala lost control of her hips again bucking hard into the gooey mouth. "!", Sala said as she let out another moan. "La'cotum cum is full of all kinds of sugars and proteins! its actually very healthy stuff. If memory serves, its produced that way so their mates will always have a nutritious snack on hand for the females while they carry their young." Emily explained. Normally Mika would be getting very embarrassed and what not at this point, but instead she stood there looking sad. "I can't help but this is all my fault...." she said as she looked down ward, her color changing light blue.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
A small blob of Penny breaks off and slides over to Mika. It jumps up onto her lap, then onto her chest and gives her chin a mock hug. "Mika...stop it love. You are the most important woman in the world to me. It was not your fault, how could you have known? If you didn't act, i would be dead, a charred heap on the floor. So please, don't beat yourself up....please."

The larger blob of Penny is fucking Sala's little brains out. The tendrils in her ass and pussy thrust rapidly, grinding against her prostate and G spot with every thrust. the mouth around her cock sucks harder and moves in tune with Sala's thrusting. It squeezes and rubs her breasts while tugging on her nipples.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Sala grit her teeth as a spark of pleasure shot through her body, "So-Solus! Oh!", she cried! this was driving her crazy! she didn't like the fact that penny could so easaily manipulate her through her body like this. So in some attempt to show penny up or something Sala's spider limbs wrapped themselves around the blob tightly as she trusted even harder into penny's goo. She shut her eyes tightly as she tried to "out fuck" Penny. Mika hugged the little goo blob back and gave it a kiss. "I-I......thank you Penny....", she said as she continued to hug the little blob like a teddy bear.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
the little blob hugs her back nice and tight, trying to convey her love through the embrace.

Sala is so out of her league it isn't even funny. All her extra limbs do is give the blob a better grip to suck her cock with and eventually causes her to sink up to her neck in th blob, her feet following her in. Penny sucks her cock so hard it feels like she might just pull the cum straight up out of her and her tendrils work even faster, eager to please the la'cotum and claim you tasty cum. A gentle sucking feeling starts on her clit as well.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Sala moaned out even loader this time as her eyes snapped back open and rolled up and her tongue hung out of her mouth as she was enveloped in the flames of her pleasure. "Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!", her moaning got higher and higher pinched as penny easily overwhelmed her, but she continued thrusting hard. pre-cum oozed as her cock throbbed to the beat rapid of her heart. finally she could take no more as her cock sprayed a huge load of sweet blueish cum into Penny. she cried out and a her whole body shuddered in orgasm. as she began to float there limply, drool coming out of the little bugs mouth. Mika had finally noticed what was going on around her and she turned red and looked to the side saying, "....oh.....oh my....."
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The golden blob around her holds Sala perfectly still, the mouth sucking her cock like a straw, drawing up as much cum as she can possibly get. Once Sala is dry she pulls out of her holes and gently sets the girl down. The blob in Mika's arms jumps back down and combines with the bigger blob. Penny shifts and changes, slowly taking her normal appearance once again! Penny now stands naked in the room and quickly hugs Mika. "I'm back!"