Could someone explain to me the appeal of Male to Female TF for me?


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2015
Personally, being a femboy myself, I don't get it at all. I could see it being interesting to genderfluid people or people who are experimenting with gender and I know there are transgender people who'd obviously fantasize about just waking up in the body of the opposite sex one day but they usually aren't sexual and are usually born from the frustrations of, y'know, being transgender.

Any FtM stuff I see mostly has Sub/Dom elements. If the viewer (you know what I mean, the main character stand-in placement for the viewer) is supposed to be getting turned into a girl it seems to me that it has more to do with escaping traditional masculine roles in an exaggerated way* or it's a way of dealing with their own homophobia (As in if I'm forcibly turned into a bimbo then I have an excuse to suck cock, also it's technically straight now.) But I've seen a few occasional ones where the viewer turns their childhood bully or asshole boss into a girl and fucks them, obviously a domination fantasy type thing.

Honestly it mostly seems to me that their's an underlying theme of objectifying women in these fantasies that upsets me so much. If men want to be bottom fuck sluts with their assholes constantly plugged then they should be allowed to feel comfortable with that, regardless of what all the submissive women who want to keep their positions as bottoms claim. (That last bit was a joke; I'm a funny guy.)

Ugh, I don't like talking about trans stuff because I'm afraid I'll offend someone (apologies in advance), and this is all just conjecture formed from my opinion, but I am so sick of every trappy guy being instantly treated like they were born to service men and they all have to be "taught" to be "girls" (looking at you Delilah). I'm also probably too mad and tired to be ranting about my opinions on the internets right now but I'm doing it anyways.

*Just an excerpt from Laura's Playground (A weirdly named site for trans-folk) about why men crossdress. Link to page

I know Crossdressing isn't quite the same as MtF but I think it's the same underlying principal.

Sorry for this wall of text :S

Every person is different, so they reasons are.

But I don't want to be a woman to not be gay (in fact I mostly prefear women or femenine persons, so that make me gynosexual I guess).


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2016
Every person is different, so they reasons are.

But I don't want to be a woman to not be gay (in fact I mostly prefear women or femenine persons, so that make me gynosexual I guess).

Um... no? It just makes you straight. 



Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2015
Gynosexual would also include feminine boys, so not quite.

Basically what Woider said.

I said Gynosexual to not say women, MTF transgender, CD, femboy, etc.

My point was, event if I change my gender, my sexuality would be the same...


Aug 26, 2015
My point was, event if I change my gender, my sexuality would be the same...

Interestingly that is almost never true in MtF.  The character usually either switches their preference or becomes bisexual, when they previously were either straight or didn't have their sexuality pre-transformation addressed at all.  This is because the character discovering the joy of hot dickings is part of the fun, which requires them to have not been interested in dicks before.

There's also the porno scenario of the newly-transformed girl now getting to hang out among other girls in more intimate settings and this leading to lesbian things, although this is much rarer.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
a MtF transformation can be used to fullfil so many different needs I can't catalog them all so

For me it is totally a bomb having a male character transformed into a women and then have sex with other men, or being sub to them, or enslaved

That's fine, what makes Mr tinkle happy or sets someone's joy buzzer to tingle is personal 

But given what I have gleaned of your sexuality, I can suggest an in for you

[warning the following suggestion is likely to reduce you decent human being score]

Try playing the game in the third person, not the first, do not empathize with the PC simply view them as a vehicle to guide your perception to locations where sexual activity occurs. Sexual encounters that you are free to enjoy voyeuristicly.

This is a milder version of my least favorite MtF trope [most commonly found in captions] where the transformation is carried out as an enabler and to reduce guilt. As one can then violently abuse and rape the individual, claiming that as they are not a real woman [having been a man and probably an asshole] so you don't have to deal with awkward gender politics questions. You didn't objectify a woman, you objectified a man who you turned into a woman completely different.

if you are wondering, my favorite trope is the "down the rabbit hole" where it simply shows all the old certainties simply do not hold.


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2016
a MtF transformation can be used to fullfil so many different needs I can't catalog them all so

That's fine, what makes Mr tinkle happy or sets someone's joy buzzer to tingle is personal 

But given what I have gleaned of your sexuality, I can suggest an in for you

[warning the following suggestion is likely to reduce you decent human being score]

Try playing the game in the third person, not the first, do not empathize with the PC simply view them as a vehicle to guide your perception to locations where sexual activity occurs. Sexual encounters that you are free to enjoy voyeuristicly.

This is a milder version of my least favorite MtF trope [most commonly found in captions] where the transformation is carried out as an enabler and to reduce guilt. As one can then violently abuse and rape the individual, claiming that as they are not a real woman [having been a man and probably an asshole] so you don't have to deal with awkward gender politics questions. You didn't objectify a woman, you objectified a man who you turned into a woman completely different.

if you are wondering, my favorite trope is the "down the rabbit hole" where it simply shows all the old certainties simply do not hold.

That is kind of an interesting point you make.

While it does not make this kind of game my new "OMG I really like it now"-type of a game, it at least opens up a way of thinking about it. Thanks for that :) . I usually very much personalize my gaming experience with the character I play and just can't get into it in more explicit games to play a woman, it might be helpful to think about it as a voyeur watching an ex-man now sucking a man's cock, for example. In a way I am also a traditional RPGler that gets behind the charakter I play, which might be more of a hinderance considering these games I am so confused/surprised about. I think I might save my human being score by still not being really attracted to it, though :D . If I want someone in an RPG to be ojectified its me, being a male, and acted upon by anonther, more powerfule male :$ . Sadly, there are not really that many games considering this special wish/fantasy, so I have to make do with what I find. Mostly, I guess, I was wondering about this special MtF trope because what happens to the the transformed character is mostly what I would like to explore happening to a male charakter (me) in an RPG. But I dont wanna have to be forced to be transformend into a woman to be able to play it out.

As a whole I learned a much about this type of game in this thread and found interesting points to think about; e.g. why the new-tformed women now likes dicks while he (the man inside the womans body) should still be into women. That kind of game usually does not involve Girl on Girl action, and thats is kind of surprising considering my understanding about "normal" straight males and what they like to watch in common porn. I still hold on to the notion that most players of erotic games are straight males ... mostly because I consider men to be a) more thinking about sex and fantasies etc and b) most male to be straight. That might be a prejudice in an enviroment like this, but I apologize if I step on anyone toes with a statement like that :)


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2016
mostly because I consider men to be a) more thinking about sex and fantasies etc and b) most male to be straight. That might be a prejudice in an enviroment like this, but I apologize if I step on anyone toes with a statement like that :)

The latter statement, not at all. Heterosexuality is our heritage because it's the only sexual pairing capable of propagating the species on its own. There's absolutely nothing wrong with same-sex pairings from a social standpoint, because no one can control who they're attracted to, but from an evolutionary standpoint a homosexual couple is a dead end - it's not going to result in any children. (PLEASE NOTE that I'm not being homophobic here at all. A celibate monk, a bodybuilder who's sterilized himself with steroids, or a woman who chooses not to have children is just as much of an evolutionary dead end as a homosexual couple. Everyone should be able to love who they want to love.)

As for the first statement... not so much. Women have traditionally had their sexual appetites suppressed because the dominant males in the society wanted their women "pure" and placed a huge emphasis on female virginity. The feminist revolution of the past half-century has removed a lot (but not all) of that stigma, and the more progress it makes the more female consumption of porn and smut increases. Women are exactly as lustful and horny as men are - no more, no less. (It's a common mistake, though, and I don't hold it against you.)


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
I've found that a lot of MtF games, and other media, focus on ahegao and bimbofication.  For the former it usually says that the newly transformed girl has a typical male libido while experiencing far more powerful orgasms in a woman's body than they ever did their old body.  The latter tends to be part of a mind control story, where a male character has done something to piss someone off (ranging from cheating on their girlfriend to just being a guy in the wrong place at the wrong time) and is punished by being transformed into a bimbo.

As for the first statement... not so much. Women have traditionally had their sexual appetites suppressed because the dominant males in the society wanted their women "pure" and placed a huge emphasis on female virginity. The feminist revolution of the past half-century has removed a lot (but not all) of that stigma, and the more progress it makes the more female consumption of porn and smut increases. Women are exactly as lustful and horny as men are - no more, no less. (It's a common mistake, though, and I don't hold it against you.)

That's somewhat debatable.  It's much easier for men to get aroused, pleasure themselves, and reach orgasm from sexual contact.  None of which has anything to due with social standards or stereotypes and everything to do with biology.  There's also the matter of physical reaction to arousal.  While both sexes experience an increase in blood flow to their genitals while aroused, it takes a higher blood pressure and a greater volume to maintain an erection.  It's also somewhat more difficult to ignore the hard-on visibly tenting your pants and bumping into tables than the more internalized reactions of the female body, if for no other reason than it forces you to consider public perception of your very noticeable arousal.  While the lustfullness is comparable between the sexes, I wouldn't call it exactly the same.

Daniel Tosh has a rather humorous bit about how women are actually hornier than men.  I couldn't find it on Youtube to link too.  But if I remember correctly, it's in his 2016 special People Pleaser.  You may have more luck than me or just see it on Comedy Central at some time.


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2015
Interestingly that is almost never true in MtF.  The character usually either switches their preference or becomes bisexual, when they previously were either straight or didn't have their sexuality pre-transformation addressed at all.  This is because the character discovering the joy of hot dickings is part of the fun, which requires them to have not been interested in dicks before.

There's also the porno scenario of the newly-transformed girl now getting to hang out among other girls in more intimate settings and this leading to lesbian things, although this is much rarer.

That's a misconception fault from porn.

And i blame them to set that as a "standard".


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2016
I think part of the appeal of male to female transformations could be curiosity or someone living vicariously. Or maybe some guys wish that another guy would just be the effeminate girl that he's always been. Like those guys who keep starting AND losing flame wars. It also ties into domination/submission in many respects. There's a ton of reasons but my favorite one is - if you lost your "man card" or if it was "revoked", what happens if you suddenly became the opposite gender?


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2015
I have never seen anyone accuse an actual transgendered person of being a nymphomaniac.  I've seen plenty of other forms of bigotry against them, but not that.

I saw a lot of places, sites, games, people acting like because you want to change your gender is because you crave for dicks.

Because I am not like that, but were able to proof with screenshots of messages on Fetlife, Yareel, Second Life, etc.


Aug 27, 2015
I saw a lot of places, sites, games, people acting like because you want to change your gender is because you crave for dicks.

That's less an accusation of nymphomania and more that the person is homosexual. Unpackaged, it's an expression of a widely held belief that someone cannot be a separate gender from the sex they were born. Hence, transexuals are simply deluded homosexuals. Who, as is well known, are predatory degenerates.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2015
That's less an accusation of nymphomania and more that the person is homosexual. Unpackaged, it's an expression of a widely held belief that someone cannot be a separate gender from the sex they were born. Hence, transexuals are simply deluded homosexuals. Who, as is well known, are predatory degenerates.

Dunno, really I don't like to talk shit but one of that person, were a couple looking for a "shemale" to do a 3some...

As I said, there are cases, but not every transgender is as portrayed on fiction, one thing is having fantasies, other is treating other people as if they were only alive to amuse you...


Aug 26, 2015
Dunno, really I don't like to talk shit but one of that person, were a couple looking for a "shemale" to do a 3some...

As I said, there are cases, but not every transgender is as portrayed on fiction, one thing is having fantasies, other is treating other people as if they were only alive to amuse you...

A shemale is a different thing from being transgendered.  It's a girl with a penis and no vagina: JDeko's desired body type, in other words.  Some people are into those, and they're popular in fiction because they let you have two women in a sex scene but also sex involving a penis.  This improbable combination of traits is appealing to a fair number of straight and straight-leaning men.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
A shemale is a different thing from being transgendered.  It's a girl with a penis and no vagina: JDeko's desired body type, in other words.  Some people are into those, and they're popular in fiction because they let you have two women in a sex scene but also sex involving a penis.  This improbable combination of traits is appealing to a fair number of straight and straight-leaning men.

JDeko seems to prefer the "trap" body type.  The effeminate but still androgynous cute male that can pass for a girl but has small/no boobs.  Some people get pretty detail oriented on the specifics of body type around here.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
exactly. I'd be kinda tempted to try to get estrogen if it wouldn't make me grow boobs [and tumors, and eat my bones...]


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
In men it will, I mean no matter what you do genetically you're still male and thus your body reacts terribly to flooding it with the wrong hormones 


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2016
Would it help if you somehow weaned your body off testosterone first? I'm just asking from curiosity, I doubt that's even possible.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
maybe once we have gene therapy to swap between Xs and Ys but as of now I think you're fighting your DNA


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
Um... no? It just makes you straight. 

GAH! You didn't use the LGBT defined "cisgendered" created by Dr. Volkmer! How dare you not kneel before the might of the minority communities demands! Especially when we have a german doctor defining reality for us! I will call the Schutzstaffel and the party will send the Gestapo after you and your Jerry Seinfeld inspired humor. We do not allow such humor here in the fatherland!

No, seriously. When can we escape all this genderfication crap >.<

Would it help if you somehow weaned your body off testosterone first? I'm just asking from curiosity, I doubt that's even possible.

The only way to wean off of testosterone is to remove the testes. But that produces the male equivalent of menopause (andropause). If you do so and take estrogen for the rest of your life, and progesterone for the next 2-4 years you are officially transgendered. Whether you keep your penor or not.

exactly. I'd be kinda tempted to try to get estrogen if it wouldn't make me grow boobs [and tumors, and eat my bones...]

In the long run of a life yes, many of these things can and probably will occur depending on the WHOLE body process. If the gonads are removed (presumably testes) MANY of these issues are ameliorated or removed as issues altogether. The problem is really how volatile testosterone is as a chemical. It's what causes the problems in the body. Progesterone comes in to try to shape the body into having female secondary characteristics (for the first 2-4 years of transition). But the transgendered person is also taking estrogen. Unless the testes are removed, THEY (not your genes) will respond to the increased estrogen by increasing testosterone. By FAR the easiest source for you body to make testosterone from is that huge dose of progesterone you just took with your estrogen. Soooooo, long story short. Speaking from a body perspective not a mental one, it's kind of binary. If you try to sit in the middle of the two human genders your body WILL hurt itself.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016

YES ABSOLUTELY THIS RIGHT HERE! I was chomping at the bit almost the entire time EVEN though I pretty much knew where it was going. But it's TOTALLY worth the payoff.

Damn you, @Tinman, you just sent me on a 2 hour bender into youtube! I have more important things to do than make myself feel better by watching the insanity that humanity produces.I hate you so much right now. No really I hate you . . . so . . . much . . . I feel so much better. >.<
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