Where is NT going?

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Jan 22, 2016
Where Big Tee is a possibly evil but certainly affable and supposedly competent governed, Zephyr is an aggressive, egotistical, hypocritical, rude bitch. Maybe that's why.

It's pretty easy to rule a planet when most of your population are bimbos and himbos who are happy as long as they get to fuck and not care about much else.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
If you've ever taken entactogenic drugs like MDMA, you already know exactly what Treated cows feel like during orgasm. That feeling of everything being right and not caring. It's not sci fi movie magic.

balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
I'll always think NT as what it is, a Tourist Trap designed to give people their boners at the hot cow people. So I don't really think to much of it. It's sort of like the Seaworld of the Tits-verse in a way. I mean, you go to the park to enjoy all of the little animals and fishes and sometimes their godawful rides. Sure, Seaworld has been known for their animal abuse towards some of the more talented animals but do you really think deeply into it? Nope! Your just their to see cool animals and try your best not to think of the shady, shady practices that they do.

New Texas feels more meta than anything. Most of the game runs on porn logic and we know that going in, so the idea of a cowslut planet certainly wouldn't be out of place. Once you get there, though, it's like the whole world is stuck in this government-mandated Porn Rules Are the Official Rules mentality - and that's where and why it gets a little creepy. We learn about how and why that world has porn rules. In general porn is built entirely on stereotypes, archetypes, and cliches and we can laugh at the absurd exaggerations and get off to them because we know it's inherently silly and unreal. New Texas makes something of an effort to pull back the curtain on the fantasy and remind you that you're playing a porn game while also crossing a sort of uncanny gash where the fantasy gets a little too real to just laugh off. Going into detail takes it from "haha milk and bimbos and horsedongs" to "oh wow they actually have to live like this 24/7".

So like if Seaworld was totes upfront about the whale cruelty and laughed it off with folksy charm.  

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
So like if Seaworld was totes upfront about the whale cruelty and laughed it off with folksy charm.  

Well at least they aren't sexually abusing them... oh wait... nvm lets not bring that up, I've seen stories here an there around the internet that ranges from whales and dolphins.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Porn Logic is Best Logic.


Aug 15, 2016
Well at least they aren't sexually abusing them... oh wait... nvm lets not bring that up, I've seen stories here an there around the internet that ranges from whales and dolphins.

They're often given 'release' before shows to ensure calm behavoir. But considering it's dolphins.. dolphins trying to have sex with people is more than a daily occurrence both there and in the wild.

Either way, NT strikes me as quite creepy as well, considering the nature of the Treatment. It's, in my eyes, exactly the same as giving someone MDMA and forcing them to have sex with you.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2015
They're often given 'release' before shows to ensure calm behavoir. But considering it's dolphins.. dolphins trying to have sex with people is more than a daily occurrence both there and in the wild.

Either way, NT strikes me as quite creepy as well, considering the nature of the Treatment. It's, in my eyes, exactly the same as giving someone MDMA and forcing them to have sex with you.

Well, to be fair, no one on NT is forced to have sex with the player character. In fact, I'd say it's the other way around. It's like someone was given MDMA and is constantly looking for sex with someone.


Aug 15, 2016
Well, to be fair, no one on NT is forced to have sex with the player character. In fact, I'd say it's the other way around. It's like someone was given MDMA and is constantly looking for sex with someone.

I'd argue they are forced. The thing is with NT is that the forcing doesn't come from Steele themselves, but from the very system of society there, with the Treatment.

Think about it, it's not too different from how people in history were forced to segregate or provide labour without a reciprocation. Nobody was individually responsible for it sure, but was it a crime? Certainly. However, the crime was perpetrated by society and the state as a whole, for it was the system that allowed and encouraged these crimes.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
How far will we go to get off? Even in written fictional smut?

For example, I once played an Nice Time for Roo game where all the females in a village were required to become sex slaves at 18. It was one of the best faps of my life but I was so pissed afterwards.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
How far will we go to get off? Even in written fictional smut?

For example, I once played an Nice Time for Roo game where all the females in a village were required to become sex slaves at 18. It was one of the best faps of my life but I was so pissed afterwards.

That is the point my friend, Nice Time for Roo is meant to give that sort of reaction xD


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
How far will we go to get off? Even in written fictional smut?

For example, I once played an Nice Time for Roo game where all the females in a village were required to become sex slaves at 18. It was one of the best faps of my life but I was so pissed afterwards.

Do you happen to remember the name?

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
@Ethereal Dragon: I'm not really sure what kind of reaction Nice Time for Roo is supposed to give, or why other people like it. I just play the games for the fappability. And even then only with certain types of games.

@Gamepapa: NTRPG, NTRP2, NTRPGXMas. They started off enjoyable because the guy had no spoken lines, but then you find out the truth about the village later.

On the other hand, Married Warrior Emma was enjoyable start to finish because her husband had like 2 lines for the whole game and there was no forced stuff at any point. Blackmail, seduction, etc, sure, but no dark stuff.

Still don't like Nice Time for Roo, but I can handle the light stuff and I do enjoy Netori.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2016
Where Big Tee is a possibly evil but certainly affable and supposedly competent governed, Zephyr is an aggressive, egotistical, hypocritical, rude bitch. Maybe that's why.

Thats really oversimplifying it. Growing up in a place like NT will give you a complex as we saw with Reaha and Zephyr's is compounded by the the male version of the treatment shooting her aggression and need for dominance through the roof while making her sexually crave specifically women who have been affected the very thing she wants to stop. Topped by her completely legitimate and justified resentment and outrage and yeah shes a bit messed up but she still holds the moral high ground on the issue even is she dips in to extremes sometimes out of frustration. Remember that she really wanted to do away with the Treatment all together and only came up with the global inverted treatment plan because she was sure that any attempted to completely get rid of it would be blocked. 

New Texas feels more meta than anything. Most of the game runs on porn logic and we know that going in, so the idea of a cowslut planet certainly wouldn't be out of place. Once you get there, though, it's like the whole world is stuck in this government-mandated Porn Rules Are the Official Rules mentality - and that's where and why it gets a little creepy. We learn about how and why that world has porn rules. In general porn is built entirely on stereotypes, archetypes, and cliches and we can laugh at the absurd exaggerations and get off to them because we know it's inherently silly and unreal. New Texas makes something of an effort to pull back the curtain on the fantasy and remind you that you're playing a porn game while also crossing a sort of uncanny gash where the fantasy gets a little too real to just laugh off. Going into detail takes it from "haha milk and bimbos and horsedongs" to "oh wow they actually have to live like this 24/7".

So like if Seaworld was totes upfront about the whale cruelty and laughed it off with folksy charm.  

I dunno, I would argue that the real strength of CoC and TiTS is in the detailed world building and realistic characterization. Yeah everything is insanely oversexed but its really easy to see the world a society that is just way more sexually open but still realistically functional. It has laws that make sense, ethics that affect how people view your actions, characters who have lives of their own and don't completely revolve around your satisfaction and perhaps most importantly plotlines that allow your actions to alter the world around you in real meaningful ways. That creates a sort of immersion that is unseen in games meant to get your rocks off, and in turn that immersion makes it waaaaaay more satisfying when you do get your rocks off. The only part that just blatantly follows porn logic is lust fighting and the extreme commonness of ubersexualized wildlife, CoC justified the later with the sex demon corruption so it did make sense in universe but it kinda stands out in TiTS. 

So I don't think NT is that different from the rest in that regard however the scale of the ethical issue there and how openly presented it is makes it way more obvious.

And here is that again. A lot of insightful and good points were already mentioned, so I won't repeat them. I'll just try to clarify and give a bit of insight on my personal opinion(s) about NT.

It is because this has already been discussed, and if I remember correctly it was turned down because it would be, if we were following what Zephyr's ideas for NT are, a TON of work. You'd have to either rewrite EVERYTHING about NT or rewrite half the stuff and delete the other half for this to make sense. Because it would affect everyone on NT, you would have to rewrite every talk-, sex-, purchase- and quest-scene, or at least most of them, and spending that much time for a small side-planet is just not worth that time (something that also has been discussed while NT was the main focus of development, since there was less time for other things to get written and/or coded). In short my own opinion on this: Please stop trying to fix everything that displeases you, because you will not be able to do that. If you do not like the fetishes that NT offers, do not visit it or just visit the gym and nothing else and you should be fine.

It is because originally these forms of the treatment were supposed to be rare. Problem is that rare stuff appeals to people, so now we have three rarities among the 18? (not counting the turkey, because silly and nonexistant in my own headcanon) encounterable inhabitants, which makes them not that rare anymore. I'd call that a loophole or something similar. They are supposed to be rare exotics, not really part of the main populance of NT as a planet. I do not mean that they are cast-out or something alike, but they do not play a significant role in NT's planetary society, so they have no say in politics or any social matter. At least that is how I explain this to myself.

I have a thing for openly forced, or socially forced sexuality and sexual behaviour, as long as extreme doses of it do not occur in reality. Social standarts regarding sexuality are a thing everywhere, this should go without saying. I am not the person to force anyone to do pretty much anything, I like to listen to and understand other points of view. I don't even like to persuade others to step away from their point of view because it is silly or dangerous, because I can and mostly do relate to them and their background and situation. That is not really the point, although it might explain my fetish for forced sexuality. The point is TiTS is NOT reality, but it reflects on and imitates reality up to a point where it is possible and beneficial for the gaming experience. Being able to change NT to be a planet of "free" will and to destroy NT's social system (that has been around quite a while longer that the player character) is way out of the PC's  scope (realistically speaking). Also the social and personal aftermath for the people of NT would be chaotic if not catastrophic. Another point is the already mentioned work for such a thing, this may be stuff for it's own game, but NT does not have that.

Obviously something that would require a total rewrite of the planet is a no go because of how big a pain in the ass it would be for those who work so hard on the game however that doesn't mean that implementing something to effect it is impossible, you have a considerable amount of pull as Steele and there are ways to work it in that don't require a rewrite. For example a quest that involves getting the Treatment made voluntary or banned from future use would not affect anyone on the planet already treated beyond maybe some alternate dialog. Alternatively an mediate global change that ends with you loosing access to the planet like with Tarkas, something like say using what Lash did to get on the most wanted list there and it resulting in the planet getting quarantined. Something like that would likely only require a single scene. Which of course raises more ethical questions about whether or not taking over the slow route to change the instant solution is worth the consequences and whether or not what you did was worse then the Treatment itself. As I said earlier, the fact that TiTS holds itself to RPG standards rather then porn standards is one of the reasons why is is so good and successful so the "if you don't like, it ignore it" attitude feels very out of character and way to close to a lot of the in game characters attitude towards the subject, RPGs are pretty much entirely about changing things. :p

Sorry to necro the thread, just had to get that out there.


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2016
Maybe when the Tainted Space plotline comes in (eventually[tm]) we'll have a bit more justification for the oversexed wildlife. Like maybe the cosmic horrors that live there are powered up by lust and sexual activity so they made sure all the races were sexually compatible and seeded stuff like the cuntsnakes and cockvines to make sure everyone was having as much sex as possible.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Obviously something that would require a total rewrite of the planet is a no go because of how big a pain in the ass it would be for those who work so hard on the game however that doesn't mean that implementing something to effect it is impossible, you have a considerable amount of pull as Steele and there are ways to work it in that don't require a rewrite. For example a quest that involves getting the Treatment made voluntary or banned from future use would not affect anyone on the planet already treated beyond maybe some alternate dialog. Alternatively an mediate global change that ends with you loosing access to the planet like with Tarkas, something like say using what Lash did to get on the most wanted list there and it resulting in the planet getting quarantined. Something like that would likely only require a single scene. Which of course raises more ethical questions about whether or not taking over the slow route to change the instant solution is worth the consequences and whether or not what you did was worse then the Treatment itself. As I said earlier, the fact that TiTS holds itself to RPG standards rather then porn standards is one of the reasons why is is so good and successful so the "if you don't like, it ignore it" attitude feels very out of character and way to close to a lot of the in game characters attitude towards the subject, RPGs are pretty much entirely about changing things. :p

Sorry to necro the thread, just had to get that out there.

My point about rewriting stuff was mainly regarding the make-Zephyr-governor-idea. However even just changing the mandatory treatment to be voluntary would wreak havoc with NTs society. May be just me, but this "I can change the world"-attitude is what makes most rpgs horrible IF they are not well written. In my opinion the investment of writing that would make such a change plausible would even in the simplest way be a ton of work and in the end not worth it. NTs citizens are not going to think "oh well, some rich asshole from another planet just axed the very law that makes our society successful, happy and prosperous. let us all be happy and give him/her the best time he/she ever had like always!"


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2016
Why does everyone assume Cosmic Abominations for that storyline.

Well, "taint" sure doesn't bring any pleasant connotations to mind. Unless...

Sav, is the entirety of TiTS-space literally a giant being and the taint is its literal taint? :p


Aug 26, 2015
Why does everyone assume Cosmic Abominations for that storyline.

People tend to recall that as being what would happen every other week on Star Trek.  It's actually closer to 5% of all episodes, but still.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I want to believe Fen's hypno&mc boner will align with mine for the Taint main story.

I would also accept tentacles.
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Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I want to believe Fen's hypno&mc boner will align with mine for the Taint main story.

I would also accept tentacles.

Tentacles are always welcome in my book but I sort of have to look down on writers a bit when they make ALL tentacles in the game plant tentacles. There is such a thing as fleshy non-plant tentacles. I mean the psionic tentacle beast is a good example xD Also speaking of that... don't know why but it makes me think that, that particular scene is intended to be a precursor to things to come and what kind of things we might be running into in the future in the Tainted space area.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
intended to be a precursor to things to come

God I hope so. Like I enjoy hyper furry futas as much as the next guy, but I wish Fen's priorities were the same but switched around in order a bit.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Why does everyone assume Cosmic Abominations for that storyline.

It's either that or the Mysterious Precursor civilizations, Sci-Fi everything has conditioned us well.

Also a strange spin on this concept, ripped straight out of Noon-verse books, would be the idea of a collective Precursor race that operates on a level incomprehensible for normal sapients, and consists of individual members of different races that has evolved/transcended past a certain threshold.

In TiTS, that will be the race of ultimate sex creatures that managed to 'know' the whole universe. So they decided to speed up the process of generating new members by making all the 'primitive' species sex-crazed.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Thats really oversimplifying it. Growing up in a place like NT will give you a complex as we saw with Reaha and Zephyr's is compounded by the the male version of the treatment shooting her aggression and need for dominance through the roof while making her sexually crave specifically women who have been affected the very thing she wants to stop. Topped by her completely legitimate and justified resentment and outrage and yeah shes a bit messed up but she still holds the moral high ground on the issue even is she dips in to extremes sometimes out of frustration. Remember that she really wanted to do away with the Treatment all together and only came up with the global inverted treatment plan because she was sure that any attempted to completely get rid of it would be blocked. 

Actually, Treatment is said to be specifically designed to curtail the aggression towards all other members of the community, especially females, who Zeph doesn't pity, but instead degrades and despises more than any other 'bullish' individual on NT, outside of maybe that asshole from Steph Irson show, and to ensure cooperation. As a minor correction, Zeph is omnisexual, like pretty much every other creature on NT. She may not be a hypocrite, and she may hold the moral high ground, although I'm not convinced by any of those statements, but she surely is an unpleasant, rude and aggressive bitch in her own right, Treatment or no Treatment.

Because people aren't concerned about the wannabe Robutt Overlords.

But they should be. 

Nonsense, Robutts are organic sapient's best friends. Stop your meatbag fearmongering propaganda at once, citizen. Beep-boop.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
Is it possible for people to just accept the porn planet of fucked up fucking as exactly that? It's a game. If you learn something COOL don't turn the game inside out to prevent having to stretch your brain, or your hardon. If you stretch the latter enough they say you can make it bigger :D and the treatment will make you happy too!


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2015
...One thing EVERYONE seem to forget with NT: It has its own society. The people on NT had choosen to use the Treatment/change it/still use it.

Who are we that WE determine what is right and what is wrong FOR THEM? Yes they may be humans BUT they have developed their own values/society, no matter how fucked up they are. Also the people on NT would have the highground:

"We don't tell your people how we think you should act and YOU want to FORCE us to stop something we have done for MANY generations just because you don't like it? See the problem?"

Most we could do is get their government to make the Treatment a choice, anything else would be just forcing them to "fall in line" with OUR views how society SHOULD be, also: Destroying the treatment production would be nothing more than a act of Terrorism in the eyes of the (GALACTIC) public.

"Did you hear that the heir of Steele Tech blew up/sabotaged the treatment production on NT? Who do they think they are simply going around and choosing how people should live?!"

Don't forget people: "Good" and "Bad" are subjective, it always depends on your viewpoint which is which. You can't simply FORCE a whole group of people to follow your OWN views.
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The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
...One thing EVERYONE seem to forget with NT: It has its own society. The people on NT had choosen to use the Treatment/change it/still use it.

Who are we that WE determine what is right and what is wrong FOR THEM? Yes they may be humans BUT they have developed their own values/society, no matter how fucked up they are. Also the people on NT would have the highground:

"We don't tell your people how we think you should act and YOU want to FORCE us to stop something we have done for MANY generations just because you don't like it? See the problem?"

Most we could do is get their government to make the Treatment a choice, anything else would be just forcing them to "fall in line" with OUR views how society SHOULD be, also: Destroying the treatment production would be nothing more than a act of Terrorism in the eyes of the (GALACTIC) public.

"Did you hear that the heir of Steele Tech blew up/sabotaged the treatment production on NT? Who do they think they are simply going around and choosing how people should live?!"

Don't forget people: "Good" and "Bad" are subjective, it always depends on your viewpoint which is which. You can't simply FORCE a whole group of people to follow your OWN views.

Over/Under on the same people who rail against Snuggle and the thinly veiled euphemism for colonialism and White Man's Burden being all for shutting down NT?

I give two bucks.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Over/Under on the same people who rail against Snuggle and the thinly veiled euphemism for colonialism and White Man's Burden being all for shutting down NT?

I give two bucks.

I see your two bucks and raise you five plus a cookie. I'll go with over, since I believe in the good old fashioned morals buried deep down inside the pervs that flock to SavOxO games and Fenforum.

No mental gymnastics are needed to simultaneously be against blatant exploitation of natives, proselytizing or no proselytizing, and thinking that there are systems several aspects of which are appalling enough to warrant some poking into their internal affairs.

Also, what Misty said.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2015
>Implying that the mandatory administration of the Treatment doesn't do exactly this to all New Texans

Nuke option when.

Misty: As I said You could only "force" them to make taking the Treatment a choice. From there on out it either "gets better" or stays the same. Simply destroying something (the treatment production)/forcing them to stop treating their people isn't "legal" as it is THEIR planet and THEIR society. If you force them by any means to follow your idea you aren't really better than they are.

Also I DIDN'T want to start the can of worms that is Snuggle, their "workers" and their company policy regarding "helping natives"... Those are even worse.

It is one thing "enslaving" (via wahtever means) your own people for profit (even if it is part of their "culture"), but to "enlighten" and offering "employment" to natives of a planet/area which didn't reach a at least compareable society is just wrong.
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