Where is NT going?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I have you know that if you are talking about this manga, it's full-on PSA done through hentai allegory, good sir. Processing humans aren't nearly as profitable.

Now I read throught it again, and like before I'm crying tears of shame while eating the stress away with ham sandwiches. Thanks, dude. :negative:

Your welcome. And yeah, it made me sad too.

Still, the reason overpopulation on NT isn't a thing is due to mandatory contraception...or something similar, isn't it? That's only what Steele is told though. Everyone knows NT has dark secrets and stuff. Secret evil cow-girl farms with speculated ties to Black Void-owned dairy markets is totally possible. Like mobster-owned flower shops. I mean, Evil.inc *ahem* the Black Void has pretty much cornered their market, so why wouldn't they expand and diversify?

Big T seems like a cool guy, but he's the perfect middleman to put in someone's pocket. NT has so much evil potential.

As for human processing not being profitable, if not burgers after milk, slaves and organs seem a tidy little sum for the Void. It could have a confrontation moment where Big T snaps and declares that it's the best position on the planet. A highly respectable post- kept from outsiders cause they wouldn't understand. They're taken care of, get lots of pleasure through sex and milking (isn't that what all the natives live for!?), and it's just a waste to bury perfectly serviceable meat. Everyone wins, right? In fact it would be vile of Steele to ruin such a utopia. (geez spit balling is kinda fun)

I'm not sure whether I'm serious or not... Btw, this site should have a Colenso emote...


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Your welcome. And yeah, it made me sad too.

Still, the reason overpopulation on NT isn't a thing is due to mandatory contraception...or something similar, isn't it? That's only what Steele is told though. Everyone knows NT has dark secrets and stuff. Secret evil cow-girl farms with speculated ties to Black Void-owned dairy markets is totally possible. Like mobster-owned flower shops. I mean, Evil.inc *ahem* the Black Void has pretty much cornered their market, so why wouldn't they expand and diversify?

Big T seems like a cool guy, but he's the perfect middleman to put in someone's pocket. NT has so much evil potential.

As for human processing not being profitable, if not burgers after milk, slaves and organs seem a tidy little sum for the Void. It could have a confrontation moment where Big T snaps and declares that it's the best position on the planet. A highly respectable post- kept from outsiders cause they wouldn't understand. They're taken care of, get lots of pleasure through sex and milking (isn't that what all the natives live for!?), and it's just a waste to bury perfectly serviceable meat. Everyone wins, right? In fact it would be vile of Steele to ruin such a utopia. (geez spit balling is kinda fun)

I'm not sure whether I'm serious or not... Btw, this site should have a Colenso emote...

Whitekitten plz go away


Aug 26, 2015
ShindoL-style Soylent Green farms would frankly make NT less interesting by making it cartoonishly evil.  The tension of New Texas comes from how their entire way of life is systemically, grotesquely oppressive towards not just women but anyone who doesn't fit a specific definition of masculine and feminine interests and roles, and yet the women are by all accounts totally happy with it.  Everyone is.  You basically can't not be happy when you're Treated.  You're happy literally all the time as long as you follow the base instincts being Treated encourages.  That's really sinister, and it tests our belief in allowing cultures to make their own decisions even when those decisions are morally abhorrent.  At what point do we decide that the autonomy of New Texas is less important than protecting people like Reaha, and how much should we intervene?  Should we ban the Treatment even though it makes everyone who takes it happy?  Is that compulsory happiness legitimate, or is it fake because it's chemically imposed?

Going "oh and there's evil secret things happening" throws that out in favor of black and white.  "Big T is working with Team Galactic, the unapologetically evil group of pirates with zero redeeming qualities" immediately eliminates the moral dilemma.  There doesn't need to be an evil conspiracy, the evil is staring you right in the face through every cow's dopey smile.

I don't like New Texas.  I'm on record as finding it distasteful, which made the year-plus of development that was back-to-back NT and Myrellion a really bad time for me.  But it presents a legitimate philosophical argument, and I'd rather not see that ruined by the desire for a scheme to blow open.


Jan 8, 2016
I've mostly stayed out of the Internets Ethics Discussions but I want to at least echo Couch's sentiment. NT is definitely sinister and it's something I've alluded to in my own content, but that's all; allusions. The moment you go full "It's a slaughterhouse farm for cowpeople!!" it's overly edgy for the sake of edginess; the whole POINT of the sinister side of NT is that it's subtle, lurking below the surface but ever-present. If you just whip it out and rub it aaaaall up in the PC's face then you've reduced the moral grey area to a shitty one-dimensional cartoon and you might as well call in the Adeptus Astartes.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Add to the above that most likely even the distribution of Treatment no longer serves as a part of any sort of governmental ploy to control the populace, and we get the 'evil stemming from apathy and tradition' angle.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I can't help but chuckle a bit. Couch and below are certainly right, and I agree with you. I just wanted wanted to join in. Btw @Klaptrap, I don't understand your reference, so I'd appreciate it if you'd let me know what you mean.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I can't help but chuckle a bit. Couch and below are certainly right, and I agree with you. I just wanted wanted to join in. Btw @Klaptrap, I don't understand your reference, so I'd appreciate it if you'd let me know what you mean.

Whitekitten is just a person with some pretty messed up fetishes. I've seen several of his commission around that involve grinding up women that are not properly submissive to dickgirls/dicks in general and then feeding that to the women who are. Even the stuff that's not as far out there is still pretty gore-y. I've seen his stuff on several different places so I assumed that the name would be somewhat well known.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
it presents a legitimate philosophical argument, and I'd rather not see that ruined by the desire for a scheme to blow open.

This. Very much this.

The whole point of NT is the subtle, uncomfortable evil -- making Big T. into a mustache-twirling villain would ruin it.

That doesn't mean he can't be a villain, though. He's just an affable one who's much more interested in making you want to get bent over his desk as a permanent fixture than trying to force the galaxy to bend to his whims. 


New Member
Jul 11, 2016
I'm not sure if anyone has ever thought of doing this before but.. I've considered writing an actual amusement park on New Texas. Mostly because I feel like New Texas is such a cool place.. with not much to do. It is like a vacation spot.. and I like going to the gym and visiting Gianna.. But other than that.. Not much to do. It would a pretty big project... Bigger actually than I realized when I first conceived it awhile ago..

I'm not sure about it anymore.. I'd still like to do it. But I think if I do write something I'll start small and then tackle something bigger like an actual "Theme park" on New Texas. It's probably WAY too ambitious especially after reading what some people have said about writing for the game period. I just wanted to add things like a roller coaster, carnival games.. Maybe some weird side show or "freak show".. Like I said.. It would be a huge project that would probably take a lot of time. I don't know.. We shall see I guess.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I've mostly stayed out of the Internets Ethics Discussions but I want to at least echo Couch's sentiment. NT is definitely sinister and it's something I've alluded to in my own content, but that's all; allusions. The moment you go full "It's a slaughterhouse farm for cowpeople!!" it's overly edgy for the sake of edginess; the whole POINT of the sinister side of NT is that it's subtle, lurking below the surface but ever-present. If you just whip it out and rub it aaaaall up in the PC's face then you've reduced the moral grey area to a shitty one-dimensional cartoon and you might as well call in the Adeptus Astartes.
This. Very much this.

The whole point of NT is the subtle, uncomfortable evil -- making Big T. into a mustache-twirling villain would ruin it.

That doesn't mean he can't be a villain, though. He's just an affable one who's much more interested in making you want to get bent over his desk as a permanent fixture than trying to force the galaxy to bend to his whims. 


Having some underlying subtle evil adds some depth to New Texas. And as much as I would have loved a simple happy go fucky planet, I can´t say I hate that.

It works. And if it ain´t broken don´t fix it. It would be too cartoon-ish if Big T the man who took in and was nice to Gianna, turned out to be some evil mastermind who actually cares little for his fellow man.


I don't like New Texas.  I'm on record as finding it distasteful, which made the year-plus of development that was back-to-back NT and Myrellion a really bad time for me.  But it presents a legitimate philosophical argument, and I'd rather not see that ruined by the desire for a scheme to blow open.

This is what I hope will be explored. The treatment is more or less slavery in a medipen, the issue (atleast from my perspective) being that the people enjoy their position. Damn I feel sorry for those cowgirls (Just wanna take care of them all). Getting a look behind the slutty cowgirls and seeing how young people are forced into a lustful haze could be very interesting to explore. So yea, Reaha and Mia would be a good intro to this whole planetary cultural debate. Maybe a sentient being rights group will come into play, getting a hold of the Terran-Space Coalition and having them force New Texas into making the Treatment voluntary for the natives, or something along those lines.      


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
As long as we're throwing things out there, I want the option to take over and enjoy a whole planet worth of cow sluts. Give me that and you can do whatever you want in Dimension Goodfeels.

balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
This. Very much this.

The whole point of NT is the subtle, uncomfortable evil -- making Big T. into a mustache-twirling villain would ruin it.

That doesn't mean he can't be a villain, though. He's just an affable one who's much more interested in making you want to get bent over his desk as a permanent fixture than trying to force the galaxy to bend to his whims. 

Subtle is probs. the wrong word. The overwhelming sense that there's something wrong with the place penetrates even the thickest of skulls but it's not supposed to be some "they have a dark secret" grimdark sort of twist or even a twist at all. They're upfront about their skeev and they'll share it with you given half a chance: the whole place runs on archetypes that're supposed to be abhorred, at least outwardly, by us here in the audience. Uncomfortable's the best word for it. The whole place is meant to feel uncomfortable and give uncomfortable boners and girl boners. 

Outwardly they're mostly a bunch of down home "aw, shucks" affable people who've blatantly mandated that all their women be dumb bimbos and all their men macho studs to best take advantage of them. What makes it uncomfortable is how upfront they are about that and how willing they are to admit that their gene mods and culture both heavily discourage them from finding anything wrong with the arrangement. It ends up being like a trip through a theme park full of mascots with frozen smiles on their faces and the disturbing part isn't the sense that there's something sinister behind those smiles but rather that it's sinister in and of itself that they can't help smiling.

Wanting a quest for the place is fine and all but wanting one that blows the lid off the whole operation is missing the whole point. There is no lid.


Aug 26, 2015
Subtle is probs. the wrong word. The overwhelming sense that there's something wrong with the place penetrates even the thickest of skulls but it's not supposed to be some "they have a dark secret" grimdark sort of twist or even a twist at all. They're upfront about their skeev and they'll share it with you given half a chance: the whole place runs on archetypes that're supposed to be abhorred, at least outwardly, by us here in the audience. Uncomfortable's the best word for it. The whole place is meant to feel uncomfortable and give uncomfortable boners and girl boners. 

Outwardly they're mostly a bunch of down home "aw, shucks" affable people who've blatantly mandated that all their women be dumb bimbos and all their men macho studs to best take advantage of them. What makes it uncomfortable is how upfront they are about that and how willing they are to admit that their gene mods and culture both heavily discourage them from finding anything wrong with the arrangement. It ends up being like a trip through a theme park full of mascots with frozen smiles on their faces and the disturbing part isn't the sense that there's something sinister behind those smiles but rather that it's sinister in and of itself that they can't help smiling.

Wanting a quest for the place is fine and all but wanting one that blows the lid off the whole operation is missing the whole point. There is no lid.

This guy gets it.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
If you think NT is creepy you've clearly never played any of the Japanese RPG Maker games.

TiTS, for all its fetish fuel, is the perfect balance between Western and Eastern smut. Especially given the variety and gating.


Active Member
Jun 25, 2016
 immediately eliminates the moral dilemma.  There doesn't need to be an evil conspiracy, the evil is staring you right in the face through every cow's dopey smile.

That is the point. IMO, making "moralfag" decisions sometimes annoys me. In TiTS - you are the future CEO of SteeleTech, the first thing you need to consider is benefits and sometimes your own people, not some random "poor cow-sluts". Moreover NT is good only as a little buyer of ST products, nothing more.  Sowing where you can’t reap isn’t a wise thing to do. 


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Yeah, subtle was not the right word there. What I was going for was... less aggressive, I guess? Like, where the Black Void comes out and tries to murder you and your friends, New Texas is just sorta... there. The way they interact with the player is evil through temptation, like a siren, rather than through taking action against you. 


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2015
Am I the only one that doesn't find NT all that 'Evil' really? I mean, I can see where everyone on the planet is coming from and I also see where people (in game) are against it and it's not great parts about it.

I'll always think NT as what it is, a Tourist Trap designed to give people their boners at the hot cow people. So I don't really think to much of it. It's sort of like the Seaworld of the Tits-verse in a way. I mean, you go to the park to enjoy all of the little animals and fishes and sometimes their godawful rides. Sure, Seaworld has been known for their animal abuse towards some of the more talented animals but do you really think deeply into it? Nope! Your just their to see cool animals and try your best not to think of the shady, shady practices that they do.

In a way, NT is that for me. I know what they do is not the best morally but for business it makes total sense to me. Your gimmick is Cow People and doing lewd things with cow people, that is what draws people to NT in the first place as a successful tourist trap. As a future CEO of Steele-corp, I have to respect what they do for business and to keep it going. 

And another thing as to why I don't really find NT all that evil is that they have had this whole Cowification thing going for a long time, even longer than Steele has been around. It's certainly not my place to go around and casting judgement if I think the water taste funny, ya know?  


Active Member
Jun 25, 2016
Like, where the Black Void comes out and tries to murder you and your friends, 

Quite interesting idea: Start sort of a criminal conglomerate with your rich-"friends".  Black Void having trillions of credits? Your savings would be far more than a hundreds of trillions. They have an army and some ships? With your connections in your disposal would be a battlefleet and etc. 
P.S. Too much of Saints Row, I know that.  
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Active Member
Aug 9, 2016
New Texas is the Stepford Wives planet with a facade of southern charm. That being said I enjoy the planet immensely but it does give the heebie jeebies from time to time. I suppose it's somewhat related, but the titfuck scene with Yancy annoys me since it starts off as just a titfuck but the vaginal scene tacked on at the end isn't something you can choose but it's given a pass as "waving a red flag in front of a bull!" That kind of 'boys will be boys' mentality creeps me out more than getting raped by monsters do, and I wish the end part of that scene could just be removed, but maybe that was intentional?


Active Member
Aug 9, 2016
NT is essentially Male Power Fantasy: The Planet, so... Yeah, it probably was intentional.

I guess that's basically it. Don't get me wrong; I like the voluptuous milky sluts and the hard-bodied men but the lack of ability to choose, like with the Yancy scene, is what's creepy. I've got a Steele who's basically the perfect cowgirl except she's not mentally fucked over, she can still choose.
Jan 22, 2016
I'm really surprised how little Cowmazons or other Shin-Treatment cows get mentioned while people go on about NT.

Perhaps we could find a way of having Big T get a sort of secondary treatment that'd make him more like Cameron. Then Zephyr could keep him as her secretary/toy and maybe Steele could join for some double teaming action.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
For me, NT represents the dichotomy of "Stability vs Individuality.". Beyond all the excellent points brought up by others, NT is a perfect example of when following the norm supercedes being able to indulge in self-expression. Reaha is a great hightlight of this, wanting to be a cowgirl without taking the Treatment but not having that option available to her because to the vast majority...the 2 concepts are one and the same. 

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I guess that's basically it. Don't get me wrong; I like the voluptuous milky sluts and the hard-bodied men but the lack of ability to choose, like with the Yancy scene, is what's creepy. I've got a Steele who's basically the perfect cowgirl except she's not mentally fucked over, she can still choose.

I reallllllllly wish people would stop using that red flag/color myth about bulls. They're color blind in that they cannot see the color red.


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
I reallllllllly wish people would stop using that red flag/color myth about bulls. They're color blind in that they cannot see the color red.

The point is not that the flag is red that's just tradition. The point is the response produced in bulls when a (traditionally red) flag is wave about in front of them while they are already pissed off. The point is to communicate an understanding of a shared mental/emotional experience.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
And here is that again. A lot of insightful and good points were already mentioned, so I won't repeat them. I'll just try to clarify and give a bit of insight on my personal opinion(s) about NT.

I'm surprised no one has mentioned throwing a coup to have Zephyr govern the planet.

It is because this has already been discussed, and if I remember correctly it was turned down because it would be, if we were following what Zephyr's ideas for NT are, a TON of work. You'd have to either rewrite EVERYTHING about NT or rewrite half the stuff and delete the other half for this to make sense. Because it would affect everyone on NT, you would have to rewrite every talk-, sex-, purchase- and quest-scene, or at least most of them, and spending that much time for a small side-planet is just not worth that time (something that also has been discussed while NT was the main focus of development, since there was less time for other things to get written and/or coded). In short my own opinion on this: Please stop trying to fix everything that displeases you, because you will not be able to do that. If you do not like the fetishes that NT offers, do not visit it or just visit the gym and nothing else and you should be fine.

I'm really surprised how little Cowmazons or other Shin-Treatment cows get mentioned while people go on about NT.

It is because originally these forms of the treatment were supposed to be rare. Problem is that rare stuff appeals to people, so now we have three rarities among the 18? (not counting the turkey, because silly and nonexistant in my own headcanon) encounterable inhabitants, which makes them not that rare anymore. I'd call that a loophole or something similar. They are supposed to be rare exotics, not really part of the main populance of NT as a planet. I do not mean that they are cast-out or something alike, but they do not play a significant role in NT's planetary society, so they have no say in politics or any social matter. At least that is how I explain this to myself.

I have a thing for openly forced, or socially forced sexuality and sexual behaviour, as long as extreme doses of it do not occur in reality. Social standarts regarding sexuality are a thing everywhere, this should go without saying. I am not the person to force anyone to do pretty much anything, I like to listen to and understand other points of view. I don't even like to persuade others to step away from their point of view because it is silly or dangerous, because I can and mostly do relate to them and their background and situation. That is not really the point, although it might explain my fetish for forced sexuality. The point is TiTS is NOT reality, but it reflects on and imitates reality up to a point where it is possible and beneficial for the gaming experience. Being able to change NT to be a planet of "free" will and to destroy NT's social system (that has been around quite a while longer that the player character) is way out of the PC's  scope (realistically speaking). Also the social and personal aftermath for the people of NT would be chaotic if not catastrophic. Another point is the already mentioned work for such a thing, this may be stuff for it's own game, but NT does not have that.


Active Member
Jun 12, 2016
It ends up being like a trip through a theme park full of mascots with frozen smiles on their faces and the disturbing part isn't the sense that there's something sinister behind those smiles but rather that it's sinister in and of itself that they can't help smiling.

That sounds eerily similar to this scene.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Subtle is probs. the wrong word. The overwhelming sense that there's something wrong with the place penetrates even the thickest of skulls but it's not supposed to be some "they have a dark secret" grimdark sort of twist or even a twist at all. They're upfront about their skeev and they'll share it with you given half a chance: the whole place runs on archetypes that're supposed to be abhorred, at least outwardly, by us here in the audience. Uncomfortable's the best word for it. The whole place is meant to feel uncomfortable and give uncomfortable boners and girl boners. 

Outwardly they're mostly a bunch of down home "aw, shucks" affable people who've blatantly mandated that all their women be dumb bimbos and all their men macho studs to best take advantage of them. What makes it uncomfortable is how upfront they are about that and how willing they are to admit that their gene mods and culture both heavily discourage them from finding anything wrong with the arrangement. It ends up being like a trip through a theme park full of mascots with frozen smiles on their faces and the disturbing part isn't the sense that there's something sinister behind those smiles but rather that it's sinister in and of itself that they can't help smiling.

Wanting a quest for the place is fine and all but wanting one that blows the lid off the whole operation is missing the whole point. There is no lid.

New Texas suddenly sounds a whole lot more like Wellington (We happy few)

I'm not sure if anyone has ever thought of doing this before but.. I've considered writing an actual amusement park on New Texas. Mostly because I feel like New Texas is such a cool place.. with not much to do. It is like a vacation spot.. and I like going to the gym and visiting Gianna.. But other than that.. Not much to do. It would a pretty big project... Bigger actually than I realized when I first conceived it awhile ago..

I'm not sure about it anymore.. I'd still like to do it. But I think if I do write something I'll start small and then tackle something bigger like an actual "Theme park" on New Texas. It's probably WAY too ambitious especially after reading what some people have said about writing for the game period. I just wanted to add things like a roller coaster, carnival games.. Maybe some weird side show or "freak show".. Like I said.. It would be a huge project that would probably take a lot of time. I don't know.. We shall see I guess.

Amusement park + New Texas...all I can think of is Mizuryuu Kei land...But with more cows.

But yeah. Before getting on the roller coaster of writing a heavy project, you should probably start with something simple. Like an item or a small scene.


...and this was my 500th post (and I didn't even notice it before right after I posted it)
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