Stake a Claim (For Archangel99)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Willow is pacing back and forth. "Pale...long gangly arms....bloody eyes....A primal demon? The origins of demons is lost to us these days. Most just say we came from hell and satan but there is no proof. You say he has been inside you so long to forget his name? Ugh, that means details will be sparse. Hang on." She walks out of the room dripping cum from her ass as she goes, quickly coming back with a large book. She starts flipping through it. "This book is full of old demon lore and theory. Some people believe there are many primal demons, some think only idea myself." She stops on one and shows him the vaguely looks like the Invulnche. "Is this it?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
[Sorry! I had to run out really quick. No time for a warning. :p

Dryvus looks closely at the picture. "Y-yeah. Something like that." "Hey Invunche? Is that you? In the book?" Dryvus mentally calls out. There is a moment of silence, then suddenly, his hands shoot out, no longer under his own control, and start flipping rapidly through the pages... 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Kestral Skaath, a primal demon of power believed to make his will manifest inside of those foolish enough to bargain with him. Stories are told of warriors asking for power and turning into blood crazed fiends, mages asking for wisdom and going insane as they prowled the arcane depths, thieves being consumed by their own greed to the point of selling their very loved ones for more money. Any wish he would grant but as a horrible price. It is further believed that he only made these deals to entertain himself as he had reached a point where anything he desired would be in front of him. Like a puppet master he would watch as peoples lives were torn asunder. Though one day his influenced vanished. Some say he was killed, other claim he was sealed away. No one knows certain.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"But now we do." Dryvus' and Invunche, no- Kestral's- voices whispered as one. "Invu- sorry. Kestral... What does this mean...? Did my many times great grandfather seal you away in his descendants?" Dryvus whispers, almost afraid of the answer. 

"Yes." Is the only answer, before a long silence. "Since you're wondering... No. There is no way to get me out. Your ancestor used a spell that was far too powerful to break. Even for me. Dark blood magic. The blood of a mage, a virgin killed on her marriage bed, and the blood of another primal demon. I remember everything now... The spell... It was a custom spell. The mage, an extremely powerful one, had created it herself, specifically for me. She gave her life and soul to complete the spell, and your ancestor gave away part of his soul. He was never the same afterwards. Not after the mage died. My guess is, he was in love with her. Maybe she was even your mother. I know not, and care not. Bound here I am, and free I shall never be." 

"What... What does this mean for us?" Dryvus asks, stunned by the revelations. 

"For us? Nothing. We shall continue on as before. I am bound to you as your heart is to your body. Now, I need to process this. It was a little sudden, and now memories are flooding back." Kestral servers the mental connection before Dryvus has a chance to say anything. 

Dryvus simply looks at Willow. "He... Um... He told me what happened..." Dryvus repeats everything that Kestral told him, including the part about the mage possibly being his mother.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Willow nods as he talks. "That...makes sense. A custom spell made to work purely on one target and one target alone would be very powerful...even a primal demon would not be able to rebuke it once the effect took place. But the blood of another primal demon? That is a scary thought, that another primal demon would work with mortals to seal him away." She flips through the book and closes it with a sigh. "I have nothing on the spell he spoke of. I wouldn't even know where to start looking." She puts the book down and walks over to Dryvus, wrapping her arms around him and planting a wet kiss on his lips. "But that is for later. I hope I at least left a good enough impression that you will come back one day."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus' mouth twitches, trying to smile despite what he just found out. "For an ass like that? I'd cross a thousand oceans." He pauses for a moment. "Hey, uh... Do you live somewhere nearby? I- I can walk you home. Least I can do after..." He gestures to the book in her hand and her cum-stained rump, the marks of his spanking still visible on her flesh. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Willow smiles at him "I live here actually. Second floor is private rooms, third floor is employee rooms, top floor is the madams room and office. If you work here you get free room and board, but you can't move out until you are able to pay the madam one thousand coins. Kind of like a contract. I don't mind, I like being here!" She gives him a peck on the cheek and steps back. "Alright, I need to clean up and get ready for customers. You should scoot as well before the madam finds out we used this room for free."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Yeah. I probably should. Goodbye, Willow. I'll see you soon. Hopefully very soon." Dryvus smiles, kisses her back, and leaves, waving over his shoulder. He goes back to the inn, up the stairs, catlike in his quietness, and unlocks the door, letting himself in quietly. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Frasia is up to her usual schemes...that is to say, she has Altra tied to the bed and is currently fisting her pussy wtih one hand while the other hand has three fingers in her ass. an improvised pillow case gag keeps her from crying out as Frasia has her fun. "Geeze, I knew goblins were stretchy, but I have my entire hand in there with some room to spare!"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Without a word, Dryvus climbs up onto the bed and immediately buries his face in Frasia's exposed pussy, tongue lashing wildly around inside her pussy. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Frasia lets out a high pitched squeak and looks behind her with an angry huff. "Dryvus! Don't care me like that, I almost kicked you!" She looks down to see the scare caused her to shove more of her arm into Altra who is now twitching on the bed. "Oops...well hey, I can finger your womb now!" and finger she does, causing the poor goblin to moan and wiggle at her embrace.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus is too busy eating Frasia out to reply. Instead, he holds two fingers next to his mouth, gathering up some lube, and presses the lubed up fingers into Frasia's tight backdoor, fingering her like crazy. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Frasia moans and leans back into his hand, her ass clenching at the invaders as she keeps on fingering Alras cervix. It doesn't take long for the hyper sensative goblin to climax, her girl cum washing out around Frasia's hand. Frasia slowly pulls her hand out so she can focus on rocking her hips back into Dryvus.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus adds another finger to the two already in her ass, then gets on his knees and rams his dick roughly into Frasia's pussy, just the way she likes it, and spanks her ass hard with the other hand. He continues to thrust hard and fast into Frasia's pussy, the sloppy pounding noises reverb wearing off the walls. And probably waking up anybody still sleeping. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Frasia moans in bliss and falls forward onto the exhausted goblin. Hre walls squeeze at his cock and in no time at all she reaches climax, her girl cum leaking out around his cock and her ass squeezing his fingers. "Ffffuuuuuuck, that is good!"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Now that you're done..." He picks up the pace, thrusting faster and faster into her. Ferociously slamming into her upraised ass, just wanting to get himself off. He forces a fourth finger into her ass, and then pulls the same trick he did with Willow, pulling out of her pussy and thrusting into her ass, then back into her pussy, laying smacks across her rear the whole while. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Frasia pants and moans as both her holes are violated one after the other, her tongue hanging out of her mouth. Lust burning bright one again she pulls the gag from Altra's mouth and captures her lips in a kiss, shoving her tongue into the goblins mouth and throat. Altra for her part can only moan and writhe as she is used by the shark girl once again.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Guh~ Fuck! So tight!" Dryvus growls and throws his head back in pleasure, settling with rutting into Frasia's tight ass until he finally cums, shooting his load into her bowels. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Frasia squeals into her kiss with Altra and soon they both fall still, panting and moaning as they come down from the sexual high. Frasia's ass gaped slightly from Dryvus' cock. 

"Geeze Dryvus, you sure know how to claim an ass. Thanks for that lover." 

Dryvus feels the mark on his shoulder get pleasently warm and his body feel rejuvenated, the normal soreness of sex being washed away slowly.

Frasia slowly unties Altra who rubs her limbs and looks at Dryvus. "You got that succubus cum?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus tosses the vial, which he had picked up right before he left, to Altra. Then, he collapses on top of Frasia. "Judging by how sore my dick is... We both agree we don't ever want to leave this place." Dryvus says, grinning, then rolls off Frasia and lies between them, his hands crossed behind his head. "I also think I got myself a new succubus slave." He says, grinning. "She fell in love with my cock!" He suddenly gets up and heads for the bathroom to take a shower and take care of other business. After half an hour, he traipses out of the bathroom completely naked, dripping water. "So. Where do we head? Grasslands, desert? Back to the forest? I'm itching for a fight 'n fuck!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Altra hands him a vial full of a cloudy pink liquid. "Here, this one is already done. If you fight a guy, make him drink it, all of it, and watch the magic happen. Do be warned, it is permanent so you won't make any friends like this...though you might make slaves."

Dryvus remembered Willow's words, fill them with enough lust and give firm commands, their minds will be yours.

Frasia speaks up next. "Well, the grasslands is random, both weak and strong live there. Forest is pretty basic, so you have already seen what it has to offer. Goblins, shark girls and rape plants. You don't fight the slimes, they will fuck freely. So unless you want to go to some of the special locations...or try to fight Gawd, we should head to the desert."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Thanks Altra. We'll head out to the grasslands today." Dryvus says, then sighs and shakes his head. "Really? You guys didn't even notice? I came out naked on purpose, but you still didn't notice. Really makes me question your observation skills. And if you're wondering what the fuck I'm talking about..." He tilts his head to his right shoulder, where the mark of the Burning Fly was tattooed onto his skin. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Altra blushes and looks at the floor "I was focused on the potions....."

Frasia just coughs "Uhh, ok yea I just missed it, I was staring at your cock ok? When did you get a tattoo like that? the detail is amazing, not something that can be done during a two hour quickie with that succubus slut."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"I got it from her. Sorta. Demonic essence. Oh, and I found out eh Invunche really is. His name is actually Kestral Skraath, and they call him a Primal Demon." Dryvus says as he gets dressed. "Supposedly he twists the wants of whoever is foolish enough to bargain with him. Invincibility in combat is rewarded by psychotic episodes during battle, arcane strength is rewarded by insanity, etcetera. Frankly, I'm surprised I even managed to stay sane this long. Oh, and Kestral also told me that the spell that bound him to me was created especially for him. Basically I'm stuck with him. Oh, and the mage who cast the spell died, and may have been the wife of the first ancestor to take Kestral in."

He stands up, fully geared and staff on his back. "Get dressed and packed. We're leaving in two hours."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Frasia just blinks at him. "That is a lot to talk about so casually...then again, nothing you can do about it so why make a complaint right?" She gets her clothes on which is just some sturdy leather boots, some slacks, a regular shirt  and her gauntlets. 

Altra finishes brewing her potions for now and hands four more over to Dryvus. "Here, you got so much I will be making these for a while. I should be able to make fifteen more from this vial alone! If you encounter someone with powerful fluids I will let you know before the fight starts." She packs up her mini station and gets dressed. She wears leather boots, a skirt and a bikini top. "Ugh, I liked the forest better than here, I could just stay naked."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Indeed. Can't complain about it now... You know, you could just stay naked. I doubt anybody would complain." Dryvus winks at Altra and slaps her ass. "Say, I was thinking, could you make me a potion that would give me two dicks? A single dick is just insufficient here." Dryvus says, smiling. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Altra squeaks and blushes at the slap. "I tried that aren't supposed to walk around naked here. They turned me away at the gate. I will ditch these when we leave. As for another dick. yea, dick growth and creation is beginners potions." she hands him another vial. "Here cum into this and give it back, I can have that potion ready by the time we get out to the grass lands." 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus shrugs. "Er... Gimme a few minutes..." He goes into the bathroom and comes out around fifteen minutes later, the vial full to the brim and overflowing slightly. "Here you go. Also, maybe add an inch to both length and girth." He says, grinning. "Meet me on the ground floor after you're done packing!" He calls out as he leaves, heading down to the lobby to confirm the checkout. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The two girls meet him down stairs in only five minutes, packed and ready to go. Altra is already working on the potion as she moves so Frasia walks in front so she doesn't trip and spill anything.

Frasia walks up and pats Dryvus on the shoulder. "Ready to go boss."

(how big are his genitals, I don't think you ever gave me numbers XD)


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
[Oh yeah. That was pretty stupid of me lol. Anyway, length is 8 inches, thickness is one inch. Testicle size is 2 inches across, each.]

Dryvus nods and walks out the door, heading for the city gates and the grasslands beyond, observing the daily life that goes on around him.