Stake a Claim (For Archangel99)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She takes the money and nods to the large double doors behind her. "Communal room is back there...and if you get here by six in the morning that will give us two hours before the brothel opens and I have to work. I will be waiting for you." She winks and gestures for them to move inside.

Inside the communal room is a giant lounge like area. Many couches and chairs are scattered about and thankfully there are only about five or six customers being seen to right now, so there is plenty of free space. There are a large number of escorts here, mostly females though there are a few males about and only about three herms...maybe two as the third one looks like she just has a huge clit. The herms are a cat girl with orange fur, a naga with dark gray scales and a centaur girl with a huge horse cock.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus nudges Altra and Frasia and nods his head at the naga herm. "That one looks cute. Shall we go over and say hi?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Frasia nods with lust in her eyes and Altra smiles as well. "Sounds good to me. Dryvus, you take her pussy and ass. Altra, ride her cock like the good slut you are...I want her face in my crotch."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Sounds good to me!" Dryvus says, leering lecherously at the unsuspecting naga before walking up to her.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The naga girl greets the trio and does her best to hold a smile while looking at their lustful gazes. Frasia doesn't give her much time as she grabs the girl from behind, groping her tits and leading her over to the large flat carpet off to the side. She soon has the naga flat on the ground and her face pushed into her pussy. "Oh fuuuuuck she knows how to use that tongue!"

Altra happily skips over and examins the naga's cock. It stands at a proud six inches and is tapered at the tip making penetration effortless. She hops up and quickly sits on that cock, sliding it up to the base inside her still moist cunt. "Ooooh yes!"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus chuckles at his companions' over-eager antics, and looks down at the naga's butt. He runs a hand over it. It is scaled, obviously, but rather soft and warm, which was a little unexpected. Perfect for a spanking. He raises his hand and delivers a swat to the naga's ass, making her jerk forward, deeper into both Fraisia's and Altra's pussies. He grins, then stands up and unzips his pants, letting his dick flop out into the naga's butt. He grinds it back and forth for a few seconds before reaching back, lining up, and slamming himself into the hilt in her pussy in one thrust.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
the Naga is completely dominated at this point. She squirms under the trio currently using her like a fuck toy but doesnt not protest. She lifts her hips to thrust into Altra which also makes her grind into Dryvus' cock a bit more. Front Frasia's expression right now, that skilled naga tongue is hitting all the right places.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus groans in pleasure as the naga's tight pussy wraps around his turgid penis. He starts to slam into her roughly, abusing her pussy and treating her like the fucktoy she is. Noticing that the naga seems to have a bit of excess lubrication, he reaches down, gets some onto his fingers and immediately sticks them into her ass, thrusting away, trying to get the lube as deep in as possible for the imminent buttfuck. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
It would seem this naga like it in her ass, as she gets much tighter when Dryvus slides his fingers inside her like that. Her cock throbs inside of Altra and she seems to triple her efforts with her tongue as her excitement builds even higher. Altra..being how she is...quickly cums on the spot, soaking the Nagas cock and stomach with her cum. However, she doesn't stop bouncing, wanting more of the whore they paid for.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus slides his fingers out and presses his dick to the naga's asshole before ramming in with one thrust that takes him all the way to the hilt into her snug, spasming ass. The naga squeals in pain and pleasure, her sounds muffled by Fraisia's pussy. Dryvus pauses for a moment, allowing the naga to adjust and himself to cool off, not wanting to cum too quickly. When he judges himself sufficiently cooled off, he starts out with slow, languid thrusts, spearing her ass over and over again, taking special care to brush over her sensitive prostate as much as he can. He reaches down with one hand and starts playing with the naga's clit, twisting, pinching, and flicking it. The other hand wraps around the naga's waist, steadying her. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The naga spasms and moan into Frasia's pussy as her body is assaulted from all angles. Her ass is very tight and way hotter than Dryvus was expecting. She continues to thrust up into Altra to grind more into her pussy, but more to grind Dryvus' dick around inside of her ass. She reaches up and grabs Frasia's legs by the thighs, puling her down harder so she can get her tongue even deeper in the shark girl. it doesn't take much of thrist treatment for the naga to start blowing her load deep inside of Altra's pussy, forcing the goblin into yet another orgasm of her own.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus grunts and picks up the pace, pounding the naga's tight asshole without a care in the world. The slapping noises of their hips meeting fills the room, drawing attention and a few glances of envy their way. Then, he wraps both hands around the naga's waist and really starts to fuck her in earnest, his cock driving her to cry louder and louder, till he can't take it any longer, and cums, ropes of jizz blasting out to paint the insides of the naga's walls white. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The naga lets out one final cry and starts hosing Altra full of cum once again. Not only that, but her pleasure hit such a high peak that her pussy cums at the same time, leaking down and getting on Dryvus' cock. Altra is forced into a third orgasm and has taken enough cum to have a slightly pushed out belly. With a happy smile she falls off the naga and onto the floor. Frasia is the last to cum, soaking the Nagas face with her girl cum before getting off and letting her breath easy while she feeds Altra some numb weed so the slut doesnt get herself pregnant.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus pushes the naga off his dick, and sits on the floor, a little winded. "Ooh. Damn. That was good." He looks at the naga. "How much time do we have left?" He mumbles to nobody in particular. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Frasia grumbles and looks out the window "Uhh, probably still have two hours, hour and half at least."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus shrugs. "You guys go on. I need to do something." He looks down at the naga. "Plus it kinda looks like she passed out." He stands up on slightly shaky legs." Passed out girls are no fun! I'll see you guys back at the inn, okay?" He says, before making his way down. At the door, he pauses and turns to the succubus. "Six in the morning, right?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Frasia shrugs "Alright, don't get yourself hurt or killed. See you back at the inn!" She rouses the passed out naga and picks up Altra and starts sliding her up and down the nagas cock like a toy, making both of them groan and squirm at the excess stimulation. 

"that's right cutey. six in the morning. Two hours will have to be enough." She winks at him.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus grins back at her and leaves, heading straight to the inn and straight up to his room. When he gets there, he shuts and locks the door. He takes a few deep breaths, and then takes the staff out of its clasp, sits cross-legged on the floor, and lays the staff across his lap, thinking.

Okay. I know something is horribly wrong with me, and I need to figure out what it is before I end up hurting myself or someone else. I suppose I could try what I learned from those guys up in the mountains... 

He closes his eyes, and tries to focus, centering himself, and trying to find the source of his... Problem. He casts around in his mind for something. Anything, really, that could possibly be the source of this problem. He reaches deep inside his mind, sifting through childhood memories, when he feels it. Something dark. Alien.

Something that isn't supposed to be there. 

He zones in on it, and suddenly he experiences a sensation of falling. He jerks awake and looks around. The room of the inn is gone, replaced by... He couldn't see. It was dark. Too dark. Dryvus' heart started beating faster, a response to his sudden fear. 

"Who... Who are you?"

The voice is strange, like a snake rustling over dead leaves. Dryvus starts, his heart hammering against his ribs. "I- I'm Dryvus Maxin. Who are you?"

"My name does not matter. In fact, it has been so long that I've completely forgotten it. Dryvus Maxin... Why does your name sound...? Ah... You must be his son. I'm surprised Harak even had a son..." The disembodied voice says. 

Something shifts in the shadows to Dryvus' right. He turns, his fists raised. By this time, his eyes have adjusted to the darkness and he can see up to a certain point.

Although he immediately wishes he couldn't. What comes forward is a creature born of a twisted nightmare. Pale, corpulent skin, bleeding hollow sockets where eyes should be, long, grotesque fingers topped with sharp talons, and A face with no nose, simply a gash of a mouth filled with double brows of long, needle like teeth. 

Dryvus swallows, trying not to scream. 

"Terrified? As you very well should be. I am what you call Invunche. Born of your family's greed for power. Your many times great grandfather sought me out, seeking invincibility in battle. I must admit, the human tricked me into giving him and all his descendants the power. A power, which, I'm sure you've seen, comes at a terrible price. Now tell me, mortal. What are you here for?"

Dryvus swallows again, then, overcoming his fear after realizing that the Invunche didn't want to hurt him, he says "I want to get rid of the curse. Tell me how. I don't want to kill anymore." He says. The Invunche chuckles, a sound like multitudes of bones cracking. "You would give up invincibility in battle? As much as I would like to do so, mortal, I... Cannot. The curse will remain with you and your descendants till the end of time as you know it." The Invunche says. 

"W- what? But there has to he some sort of a way to alleviate it? To at least lessen the impact it has on me?" Dryvus cries out, grasping at straws. The Invunche is silent for a few minutes, then, "There is a way... It will work better for both of us. I tire of this form anyway." The Invunche fixes Dryvus with its hollow sockets. "To change this, you must commit an equally brutal act. Not killing, of course, but something equally brutal. Something that too, is a part of war." The Invunche murmurs, spreading its hands. "What? What is it?" Dryvus asks. The Invunche smiles, the gash of a mouth widening, almost to the point it looks like it split his face. 

"Rape." The Invunche says. Dryvus is hardly shocked. "I've been doing that the whole time. Why haven't you done anything?" He asks, annoyed. The Invunche simply tilts its head to the side. "Silly mortal. You are the first I have spoken to in nearly 500 years. My essence is trapped within you. And if you want it to change from one of death to one of... Life, I suppose I should call it, it needs both our permissions. Now, do you agree to my terms?" The Invunche asks. Dryvus nods once. The Invunche holds out its arm. Thinking it wants a handshake, Dryvus does the same. Before he can react, the Invunche has pounced on his arm, biting it hard enough to draw blood, and at the same time pressing its other bleeding arm into Dryvus' mouth. Surprised, he swallows some of the liquid. It was sour and salty, and tasted like every drink in the world that had gone bad had been mixed into his blood. Dryvus staggered away, spitting out the stuff in his mouth. 

"And now, the deal is done. Begone, mortal, we shall see each other again." The Invunche laughs again, Dryvus' blood still on its teeth. Then, the Invunche waves his hand, and before Dryvus can say anything, he's back in the inn room, covered in a cold sweat and shivering. It is only after a full minute that he realizes that Frasia and Altra were staring at him in concern. He looks down at his right forearm, hoping against all hope that everything he saw was a dream. 

On his arm was a double row of tiny cuts. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Frasia breaks the awkward silence. "So you ditch us at the brothel, lock yourself in this room, won't answer or let us in, we get the inn keeper to unlock the door only to find you passed out on the floor, sweating up a storm, grunting and gasping and groaning like a man possesed and your arm suddenly started to bleed before magically closing up again. Care to explain?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"It's a really long explanation... And let's just say... I took care of my little... Problem. Speaking of which..." Dryvus stands and immediately runs to the bathroom, puking into the toilet. After nearly five minutes of dry retching, he turns to Frasia. "How long was I gone?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Well, we played with that Naga for another hour, came back here and the door was locked. Took about an hour to get in so....two hours? Maybe more? You sure you are alright?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus is quiet for a while before replying. "Most definitely not. I met... I met the Invunche. I thought... I thought it was something psychological. Something that I had brought upon myself, but the reality was so, so, so much worse. My ability, what I called the Invunche, isn't an ability at all. It's a demon. A pure Greater Demon. Not the imitations you see out there." Dryvus tosses his head in the general direction of the desert. "It... We talked. It's genealogical possession. He possessed my unknown number of times great grandfather, who sealed him within our bloodline and now he can survive only by passing himself into all of my ancestor's descendants. In a nutshell, I'm possessed by a demon that's as ancient as the world itself. But at least it was reasonable. I'm not going to be killing anymore. Invunche agreed to stop trying to destroy my body from the inside if I didn't fight with intention to kill." Dryvus says, then slumps back against the wall of the bathroom. "Be a dear and get me some water, would you?" 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Altra already had that idea and quickly passes it to him.

"Alright, but demons never give one sided deals. What did he want in return for stopping the violence?" Frasia looks skeptical


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus looks at her long and hard. "He wanted me to perform something equally brutal, and with worse consequences if I refused. He wants me to rape instead. Rather than chopping their head off or something, I have to have sex with them." Dryvus says. "Frankly, it's more of an upside." He says, grinning. "Unless..." Dryvus face scrunches up as the sudden realization hits him. "What if it's a dude...? Oh this is going to be horrible if I meet a dude... Maybe I should carry some transformatives with me..." Dryvus looks faintly green. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Frasia rolls her eyes. "Helloooooooo. Earth to Dryvus. I could just fight them if they are male. Duh."

Altra suddenly looks very excited. "Oh! I can make gender change potions! You are going to fuck that succubus right?" She hands him a large vial with a cork in the top. "Here, gather as much of her cum in this as you can. The more the better!"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Frankly Frasia, I'd prefer going with Altra's idea... I'm not sure what he's do if I let you fight for me instead. But yeah. Well try you out too." Dryvus takes the vial from Altra and pockets it.

"The goblin is a good thinker..." Invunche murmurs into Dryvus' head, causing his eyes to widen with surprise, but doing nothing. 

"Speaking of the succubus... What time is it?" Dryvus says nervously. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Altra looks outside "Umm, the sun is gone so...probably somewhere between ten and eleven?" 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"I got time for a good long sleep, then..." Dryvus shakily walks into the bed and playfully collapses on top of Frasia. "Wake me up around six in the morning if I don't wake up, okay Chomper?" Dryvus grins tiredly at Frasia as the weariness of the day finally catches up to him. It isn't long before he falls into a dreamless sleep. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Frasia humphs but nods before he closes his eyes. After a while, Altra joins them in bed and the night passes in bliss as the three sleep while pressed up together.

All too soon does Dryvus can feel Frasia's hand shaking him awake. As the world comes back to his sleepy body, he can instantly make two things very clear. Firstly, he is naked. Second, So are they. Third, it seem she didn't bother to move them, so he has been laying on Frasia all night and using her breasts as pillows.

"Hey, choke hold, wake up. Time for your booty call!"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus grins. "Yeah. Booty call time. Haha." He presses down to either side of her, lifting up his torso and straddling her. "Mm. Now that's a nice sight first thing in the morning..." Dryvus says, running his hands over Frasia's breasts. He wraps his hand around her cheek and pulls her in for a quick kiss before rolling off and getting dressed. "Won't be long. Or maybe I will. Don't wait up. I have the keys." He jingles the keys in his hand before running out the door, down the steps, out of the inn, and into the Siren's Den. 
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