Stake a Claim (For Archangel99)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The city is certianly more alive than when they arrived late yesterday. The stalls are open and selling their wares. Two girls dance in front of the brothel is attract customers. The stores have their doors open and ready for business and plenty of people move about happily.

It doesn't take long for them to be out in the open grasslands. the long grass makes it hard to see everything in detail, but the constant breeze is a lovely sensation. 

Altra has already stripped out of her clothes, much prefering her body to be free of such binding. She tugs on Dryvus' hand and holds him a dark purple vial. "Here you go, drink it down and hold on tight. It will give you a second cock and increase the length and girth of your current one. If you ever want different cocks, like a horse cock or dragon cock, you will have to get me cum of that race....also, take your pants off before drinking, trust me."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus looks around, drinking in the sights with interest, and a vague homesickness. He did miss the vendor that sold fresh fried fish, beef, and chicken on skewers, the cute fruit seller who would always give him a free apple every day, even though he insisted on paying, the clash and clang of swords on shields of the training yard near his home... He sighs wistfully, then looks at Altra and Frasia. Maybe... Just maybe, it was better if he stayed... 

The gates are opened for them without hindrance, and Dryvus drinks in the sight of the huge sea of grass. "I always wanted a place like this. Far out in the country, grass everywhere, peace, quiet, and a beautiful wife by my side with our kids running around." He says dreamily. "I guess that's not happening now..." Feeling Altra tug at his hand, he looks down and takes the proffered vial. "Pants off? I'll wait till we're out of sight of the gate then..." Dryvus walks for a few minutes into the grass, and when he judged he was far enough away, he drops his pants and sits crossed legged in the grass. Then, he pops open the vial and swallows the fluid within. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Dryvus barely has time to hand the vile back to Altra before a burning pleasure ignites in his cock. It is instantly erect and leaking precum like no ones business. A pressure builds directly above his currently cock and before his eyes a second one looking just like his original cock pushes out...and out until it stops at ten inches long and two inches thick! The party isn't over yet though as his exsisting cock stretches out to match its new brother number for number. With a final surge, his balls grow out about an inch each and then he hits orgasm so hard that stars flicker in his vision. Massive ropes of steaming hot jizz arcing into the air and making a puddle on the floor.

Altra watches with interest, nodding along as everything happens. "Interesting! your body is very receptive to alchemy Dryvus! you got an inch more than I brewed for, bigger balls and your production raised! A triple win if you ask me."

Frasia just watches on with interest, licking her lips at the improved sex she is bound to receive later today.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Bloody- Fuck. Ow. I can't f-feel my legs..." Dryvus staggered into a standing position, unsteady on his feet and leaning on Frasia for support. "I think I'll be leaning on you for a while, Chomper..." Dryvus mutters, pulling his clothes back on and wincing as the rough fabric brushes over his oh-so-sensitive cocks. "Ow. Ow ow ow ow. This better be worth the discomfort I'm feeling right now..." He grumbles, standing on his own, albeit on slightly shaky legs. "Well, onwards!" He cries out before stepping forward and immediately slipping on his own cum and falling flat on his face. He lies there for a few seconds, trying to process just how embarrassing that was and ruminating on how he should have stepped out of the way of the cum puddle. He finally gets up and starts walking without a word, his face red with embarrassment. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Both Frasia and Altra fight hard not to laugh at what just happened, knowing it would just embarrass the poor guy further. So they just silently follow along for a while. "Don't worry, the sensitivity will die down soon enough. I mean, you just grew another dick...kind of expected yea?"

The trio travels for a while before they spot movement off to the north. When they move closer it appears to be...a simple cat woman wearing tribal clothes. She has soft gray fur and a lithe body build with small B cup breasts. She quickly spots them and jumps to her feet, drawing her bow.

Altra just rolls her eyes. "Wow....not much to worry about here Dryvus. Just a tribal cat girl. not very strong, or tough...but they are fairly fast. One good hit and she should go down."

(Rolled a dice for your encounter, got a 5, easy mode)


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"But on the other hand, she does have a bow. That would hurt if it hit. Altra, hide. Frasia, circle around behind her." Dryvus unstraps his staff from his back and holds it at the ready with both hands, twirling it around his body. He runs forward, zigzagging from side to side to make him a harder target to hit, and when he's close enough, twirls, thwacking the staff into the cat's gut to wind her. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The cat watches his movements and lets an arrow fly the moment he moves in to hit. But his improved armor bounces the shot. She uses her cat like flexibility to twist out of the way of his attack, but quickly finds herself flanked by Frasia. She draws another arrow and fires it at the shark girl who simply slaps the arrow out of the way with her gauntlet. "ugh, Dryvus this is boring. She can hardly keep up already."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"The fight doesn't matter. What comes after does!" Dryvus says before darting forwards and slamming the staff into the back of the cat's knees, making her go down on her knees before twirling and spinning the staff into her head. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The cat drops her bow and falls to her knees with a hiss. The second hit bonks her on the head and knocks her over onto the floor, temporarily dazed. She lets out sad mewls as he fights to recover while laying face down on the floor.

Frasia just meanders over to where altra is hiding. "We will be over here, take your time. She doesn't interest me."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus shrugs. "Want not, waste not!" He calls out after he, chuckling, before he looks down at the helpless cat, her butt still in the air with her head in her hands. Dryvus reaches out and tugs her pants down, baring her plush tush to the world. His already stiffening erections remind him to quickly strip out of his pants before the rough material chafes his already sensitive dicks. He drops to his knees behind her and lining up one dick with her pussy, slams roughly in, the fingers of one hand already working to loosen up her asshole for his second cock. The other hand holds the catgirl's waist, steadying her as he roughly pumps into her. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The cat girl squeals in both pain and pleasure as she i suddenly violated from behind. Tears well in her eyes and she tries to get away but his firm grip holds her in place. With a bit of effort he manages to get her ass nice and stretched, at least enough to get his cock inside with some effort. She looks behind her and at her assailant. 

"P-please mister...let me go! Take it out!"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus simply rolls his eyes and ignores her pleas. He lines up his second dick and presses it into her ass, ramming the whole thing in in one go. Then he grabs her breasts, pulling her up against him, roughly mauling them, twisting and pinching her nipples. "Bitch, you're my slut now. I'm not letting you go until I'm satisfied!" He growls into her ear, locking his legs with hers and spreading them, easing the rough penetration. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"eeeek!" she screams as his second cock is quickly burried in her ass. His new tools are big enough to make a bulge form on her belly every time he thrusts in to the hilt. Her pussy freely leeks juices as pain and pleasure melt into one mind boggling sensation. The added work to her breasts bringing her further away from sanity as she is used like a fuck toy. no more complaints are voiced, only a stead stream of moans and groans, her insides squeezing at his cocks.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus starts to well and truly pound her in earnest, her moans and cries only fueling his dark lust. He slams her back down onto the ground, mounting her like a stallion, able to get deeper into her than before and pumping away like it was the last thing he was going to fuck. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The cat girl in now pretty much insensate. Her tongue hangs from her mouth and her eyes have mostly rolled up into her head. Her pussy grips and squeezes his cock while her untrained ass simply stats as tight as it can while being pounded by such a large cock. Much to Dryvus' surprise...she actually hits orgasm with a warning, a few small spurts of girl cum spraying onto the floor.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Oh, you're actually getting off on this!" Dryvus laughs cruelly, he grabs her hips, and starts up a rhythm of fast, deep strokes, slapping her ass every few strokes to make her tighten up around his cocks. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Noooo...." She mewls pathetically as her holes are treated even rougher and firm slaps come down on her ass. Slowly, her eyes fade from their normal blue to a reddish pink color. " this?" Her lust has spiked and she now takes Dryvus' words as commands, her mind shaping to his desires. Her pussy instantly begins to drip constant girl cum as her arousal grows.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Yes, get off on this! After I'm done with you, you won't want any cock aside from mine!" Dryvus says, completely unaware of what was going on with the catgirl. "I'm going to fuck you so raw, ungh~, that you won't be able to walk straight for days, slut!" He somehow starts going even faster, his cocks spearing her open again and again, her ass starting to gape slightly, but still sucking his turgid cock in. Her pussy is much the same, trying to suck his cock in, but only so much wetter. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
his words sink into her mind, her lust making them rules rather than suggestions. Both her ass and pussy begin to grab and squeeze at his cock as her stance switches from unwilling to complete slut and she starts pushing back into him each time he hilts. her mouth spreads into a smile and her now pink eyes shine with happiness. "Yes! fuck my slutty holes. Please, use me more!" She spreads her legs as far as she can to give him as much room as he needs to work with.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
It is at this point that Dryvus finally realizes that something was going on with the bottom bitch underneath him. She seemed to be accepting her position quickly. A little too quickly for his liking. He pulls out of her, picks her up, spins her, and slams her back down onto the ground before slamming his cocks back into their homes. He sees that the catgirls eyes are hazed over with lust, and remembers what Willow told him, about the Mark on his shoulder. Glancing at it, he realizes with slight shock that it seemed to be glowing a little. Shaking his head and focusing on the task at hand, he pulls his dick out of her vagina and very slowly forces it into her ass. Bending down over her, he whispers, "Take another cock in your ass. You're going to feel soooo much better. Loosen up and let me fuck you properly. Do that, and I'll let you have my seed." He buries his face in the soft fur of her neck, gently rocking his pelvis back and forth, forcing more of his dicks into her tight asshole. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Yesss, more cock in my ass." Her body goes nearly limp, her ass loosening as much as it can. Soon enough Dryvus has both his cocks stuff into her ass straight up to the hilt. She squeals in bliss and hits another orgasm, her ass now one giant erotic zone. "Cock....cock in ass!"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus pants and grunts, the tightness of her inexperienced ass almost painful. He slowly draws his cocks back out, only to roughly slam them back in to the hilt. Over and over again, he pounds the poor kitty's asshole, the wringing, spasming walls making his rectal ravaging all the more hard. Growling, he picks up the pace, his hands on her breasts, squeezing and pinching her nipples, at the same time forcing his dick in and out of her tight passage. It isn't long before he feels his balls swell, ready to bust a huge load in the kitty's ass. "I'm going to cum, bitch, and you'd better take it all! I don't want a single drop escaping!" He says, fucking her with reckless abandon until his dicks twitch and finally spurt a huge load of cum into her. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The cat girl nods and tightens her ass around his cocks. She shudders in climax as she is filled up like a water balloon, wave after wave pouring inside of her until he stomach begins to swell up nice and big. Amazingly enough she takes his entire load up her ass, leaving her with a fair chub to her normally flat belly. She doesn't even grumble out her obedience now, she just twitches and mewls as her body is overwhelmed with new pleasures.

Frasia walks up beside him and crouches down to look at the cat girl. "Wow....that is some power you got there. She went from teary eyed victim to will butt slutt over the course of twenty minutes!"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Yeah... Tell me about it." Dryvus yanks his cocks out, wiping them on the cat's inner thighs. "Now, you'll have my scent with you everywhere you go, slut. Keep that as a reminder of today!" He says before picking up her dropped pouch and rummaging through it. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Ten dones, a few hand fulls of blue berries and some dried meat is all she had.

" she going to be like that forever? constantly looking for a cock to go into her ass? Or is she now linked to you?" Frasia pokes the knocked out cat.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Frankly, I have no idea." Dryvus takes 5 dons and drops the pouch on her stomach. "I don't feel like outright robbing her, so we'll just take half her money. She does need to survive after all. Although that filling I gave her should keep her going for a few days, at least." Dryvus says, chuckling. "Come on. Lots more to see, I suppose!" He says, leaving the passed out catgirl behind and continuing to explore the Grasslands. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The trio adventure forth throughout the plains. Soon they come upon a path the leads off to the west a ways. They can see foot prints as it has already been traveled on recently! The tracks make it obvious, whoever is ahead of them has hooves.

Altra has been dashing here and there, picking the various flowers they come across and putting it in her bag while Frasia follows next to Dryvus. "So...hoof tracks. Shall we check it out?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Don't see why not. Could be a nice plump cow for the taking." He says, grinning, and turns down the path. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The trio follows the hoof prints and soon come to a small hidden alcove in some trees. A tent is set up and a nice fire is going in a pit. Sitting by the pit is a large woman, maybe seven feet tall with a thick body build. She has aubrun hair that falls to her shoulders, brown eyes, cow ears with black and white fur, and from the hips down she has more of that cow pattern fur over her legs that end in hooved feet. What really stands out though..are her massive G cup breasts barely contained in her shirt.

The holstaurus waves as they step into her camp. "Hello strangers! Please take a seat by my fire and take a load off your feet!"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Fucking called it." Dryvus mutters to Frasia before grinning at the bovine woman. "Hello there! Nice to see a friendly face out here!" Dryvus walks over and sits in one of the scattered chairs. "I'm Dryvus. This is Frasia and Altra." He says, nodding to the girls. "What's your name?"