Valor and glory - New public version 27/01/2019!

Leopold visette

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2016
My name is Leopold Visette, small time artist over on FA, and I've wanted for a long time to create something beside drawings. Today I'm presenting my pet project - Valor and glory (VaG), a heavily inspired CoC dungeon crawler with combat, character customization and plenty of smut.


Long time no see~ I've uploaded a new public version people can take for a spin

Download the game at:
New features include:

- Whole new perk system! It's become more visually enticing and more transparent in what perks the player will be able to choose from.
- The player's "perk board" is always brows-able from the character menu tab. It come with the ability to scroll in and out.

- The companion system is in! The first companion can be found in the southeastern area of Wetlock.
- Once acquired, a submenu will be available under the "Character" tab.
- In the companion submenu, you can equip items on your companion, check their stats and level them.
- Each level-up provides your companion with stats and a perk point that can be used in their unique perk trees.
- The companion comes with it's own unique combat logic. It can debuff enemies, and later it can attack multiple targets at once.
- Acquiring a companion unlocks a number of companion-recipes under crafting, for making companion items.
- You dying will still end the combat, even if your companion still has hp. You're the most important to keep alive.
- Currently the monsters will only attack the player. This will likely be so until I can code individual combat routines for all the monsters.

- Multi monster combat is in the game!
- Every area have been assigned an "expected player level", to fit its diffeculty. Players with a higher level than intended will now encounter 2 to 3 monsters, rather than 1.
- Every monster's gold- and xp reward is pooled together upon victory. Found items will require a code rework, and haven't been implemented as of yet.
- Victory sex scenes will always precedence based on the middle monster. So if the middle monster is a Ratling; it's a ratling you'll be banging/banged by.

- The bank has been added to Wetlock. Find it in the market area.
- Inside are two npcs, on being the teller and the other being the guard.
- The teller gives the first repeatable quest in the game. The rewards change up to a certain iteration, and afterwards it becomes sleazy (no smut yet though).
- You can store items in the bank, with the option of buying even more storage than first given.
- You can store gold in the bank, but only up to a given maximum.

- There's been added a new quest involving Bucky and her 'sis' Katie. Talk to Rodham at the brothel to begin it. It involves a good amount of fighting against the game's newest beasts, but some of the fights can be avoided by players with particular skills.
- After completing the quest, Bucky and Katie will have two sex-scenes for dick wielding players. Both scenes only has sketched art as of yet. One of the sex scenes is the winning scene from a few months back.

- Added new monster: (City) Guards. Attacks hard and can apply bleeding.
- Added new monster: (City guard) Sergeant. Has the ability to boost his fellow fighters. No monster portrait yet.
- Added new monster: Thief. Can apply poison and steal coins from the player. No monster portrait yet.

- Added new character: Old grumps. Meant for for future content. His artwork isn't finished. He can be found by the sewers in Wetlock.

- Added new player gender: The herm gender is now selectable in the character creation menu. Start out with both male and female bit

- Moohma is now romance able after having been saved from the great bulbkin. Has one scene for players with wangs.
- Feron the blacksmith has received a romance option, availble to all player types. Requires 30+ lust. - Added a new romance scene with the barkeep Moira. Requires a dong. Features amazing animation by the talented Brolaren!
- The "bang Katie" scene has received animated smut!
- The "Bucky double bj" scene has received animated smut!
- Added a new smut scene for beating the brownie. Requires a man-sausage.

- The steamy scene between Sal and Moira has received coloured artwork
- Symph's lap bang scene has received artwork!
- Symph's doggy scene has received artwork!
- Sal's female oral scene has received artwork!
- The moohmin milking scene has received artwork!
- The hidden barn orgie scene has received artwork!
- The pay guard a blowjob to enter scene has received artwork!
- The pay guards in ass to enter scene has received artwork!
- The sergeant and the thieves that's encountered during "Lost lamb" have received portraits.

- Story text has been placed into .txt files, instead of storing them in the C# script files.
The scripts that handled stories/smut/text was becoming well above a thousand lines individually, so I had to change it into something more scalable.
If you spot a "; or some other error in a text, please inform me, because it was a giant, error prone process to do :/
- Texts taking place before arriving at Wetlock, have been revised for spelling errors, bad phrasing and has been broken down into smaller paragraphs for readability.
- The code has been refactored to follow the "factory pattern" where appropriate, which will help as the project grows.
- Some area-to-area transition descriptions have been changed, so they no longer repeat what was meant as a first time experience.
- Added some darkness to the map during nighttime. Only works on outside areas.
- Player's max level has been increased to 18, but the xp requirement for levels after 10 are far higher than the current xp rewards is geared towards.
- Events the requires free inventory space will now prompt a pop-up on the map screen, if player's inventory is full.
- Monsters in the farmlands and Wetlock have receiving a boost to their xp rewards, and the bosses: Great bulbkin and Uthgarr have received a slight power nerf.
- I've removed the combat music from the scenes following a fight, because it disturbed my reading of the smut
- I've removed trigger words as "rape" and "violate", just not to get ban-hammered by patreon for bad phrasing.
- The "gale" spell for the T'charn has received sound and animation. It's my first frame-by-frame animation, so it's very ragged.
- Unlocking monster journals now also displays what items a monster might drop.
- Added a new debuff type: "Offence lowered". Lowers basic attack damage.
- The quest "Cumquats on wheels" has been lowered to killing 4 instead of 6 cumquats. One for each wheel.

- Old save files have died again, because the new perk system isn't compatible with the those stored on the saves.

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Current patreon polls:

Support Valor and Glory on patreon:


Setting: Fantasy, a very perverted one.

Plot: The country of Euphoria, where adventurer and monster exploit each others alike, you've grown up with very little to your name. An unfortunate event then sees you thrown out of your community, as you're forced to flee from a scene. Awakening in an unknown environment, you must find your way and rebuild your life.

Adult themes: M/F, F/F, M/M, F/H, M/H with aspects of furries, rape, monstergirls and beastiality.

Screenshots: A few of the things you'll get to test your melee against. Euphoria is fuck-or-be-fucked world!

SlimeTJ.jpg BrownieWin.jpg RatlingWin.jpg


Running the game: Unpack the game from the zip folder. You run the game by double clicking the ValorAndGlory.exe file, which should start up the game application.

Feedback is of course welcome. So is new ideas for content, but there's no guarantee if they'll get included. Be prepared for spelling error and low-par grammar ;) Since my first language isn't English.

I hope you'll enjoy the world I hope to create.
~ Leopold V

- Copy over your old saves into the new save folder to continue on your progression :)
- Anyone willing to confirm a bug is gone or still occurs, is much appreciated :D

** I take no responsibility if you've downloaded the game from a third source. I have my own, and I know that one's legit. I can't say the same for others. (Good rule of thumb is to virus scan files before running them ;)
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Reactions: Vergil1989 and Ch0w


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2015
Great game love the art work. The only place that it crashed at was after I beat the spider. Any idea on how often you will be able to update the game.

Leopold visette

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2016
Great game love the art work. The only place that it crashed at was after I beat the spider. Any idea on how often you will be able to update the game.

Thanks for the crash report about the spider encounter, I'll look into it  :)  It's feedback like yours that helps a lot.

I'll edit some details into the top post about my workflow :)  


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I like the ui so far, it's very clear and professional. So far everything seems very well done, except for all the crashes.

I sometimes crash when fighting the spider, but not always. If if beat the spider I get  nothing but a blank screen, forcing me to quit.  Entering the clearing crashes most of the time. I also always crash if I try to equip any of the fur armor or the bow, or if I try to level past lvl 5.
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Leopold visette

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2016
I like the ui so far, it's very clear and professional. So far everything seems very well done, except for all the crashes.

I sometimes crash when fighting the spider, but not always. If if beat the spider I get  nothing but a blank screen, forcing me to quit.  Entering the clearing crashes most of the time. I also always crash if I try to equip any of the fur armor or the bow, or if I try to level past lvl 5.

All good feedback :D  I thank thee my good sir. And sorry for any inconvenience.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I did download the game, but I'll probably wait until tomorrow before playing the game.......and will probably wait for the mentioned crashes to be fixed.


New Member
Feb 8, 2016
Hi just found the game, and so fare i like it, i found some bugs, useing the path to the right when going to the area with the boars will crash the game, but the one to the lef Works just fine for me,.

any weapon other thant the stick that i have tried crashes the game. just wanted to mention that, good luck with the game, so fare i like the game, i will be watching :D.(also sorry if there are gramma mistakes here and there English is not my first language).
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Leopold visette

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2016
Hi just foun the game, and so fare i like it, i found some bugs, useing the path to the right when going to the are with the boars will crash the game, but the one to the lef Works just fine for me,.

any weapon other thant the stick that i have tried crashes the game. just wanted to mention that, good luck with the game, so fare i like the game, i will be watching :D.(also sorry if there are gramma mistakes here and there English is not my first language).

No need to apologize, I understand your message :)  Thank you, I'll add it to the list of bugs that needs to be fixed.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2016
This is really fun so far. Wish we could play it in full screen. Could there be a loot all button for after you win battles? It wasn't apparent that you had to drag the items from your defeated enemies so I missed out on gear in the first few battles. D'oh!

Leopold visette

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2016
This is really fun so far. Wish we could play it in full screen. Could there be a loot all button for after you win battles? It wasn't apparent that you had to drag the items from your defeated enemies so I missed out on gear in the first few battles. D'oh!

I do apologies about the lack of full screen, and it's a fair point to bring up :)  When I started making the game, I hadn't imagined I'd gets this far when I started out. I was like "that'll do just fine for now", and now were here where all elements scales with total screen width.. Whoops.  It's not an impossible thing to vision in the future, so I'll add it to a new the list of potential features :)  

About the "loot all" button, sure you can Mr. MMMm  :D  It's a great idea actually, and I'll add it under "must have". 


New Member
May 8, 2016
The window sizes in options are wrong way around, resolution should be given as Horizontal x Vertical.
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New Member
May 8, 2016
You can cast spells when you have 0 mana. I just used the spell normally and I don't know what causes it. At one point it displayed the sound and didn't allow me to cast, but I can cast with 0 mana more often than not.

Another thing: I entered the spider fight in first dungeon and lost it. I had a save just before entering that room so I loaded the game and entered the fight again, now I immediately got the victory message and all the items that come with it. Previously when I won the fight it just gave me blank text area and 'next' button that did nothing, and I was forced to exit the game.

Yet another thing: When removing item that gives you endurance boost, the health bar doesn't update correctly and goes over the numbers.

And more: When taking items in inventory after a fight, if you don't immediately combine stacks, you can't do so later in the victory srceen. Inventory screen still works.

EDIT: Item descriptions don't show if the item is equipped
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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2016
Would be nice to have a wait feature. I was low on health, out of potions and standing in front of the bar with no way to kill time until I could sleep.

Leopold visette

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2016
You can cast spells when you have 0 mana. I just used the spell normally and i don't know what causes it. At one point it displayed the sound and didn't allow me to cast, but i can cast with 0 mana more often than not.

Another thing: I entered the spider fight in first dungeon and lost it. I had a save just before entering that room so I loaded the game and entered the fight again, now I immediately got the victory message and all the items that come with it. Previously when I won the fight it just gave me blank text area and 'next' button that did nothing, and I was forced to exit the game.

Yet another thing: When removing item that gives you endurance boost, the health bar doesn't update correctly and goes over the numbers.

And more: When taking items in inventory after a fight, if you don't immediately combine stacks, you can't do so later in the victory sceen. Inventory screen still works.

Hehehe, and I just got done finishing the first list of bugs :)  Good, good. Thanks for notifying me so I can stamp out all the bugs and crashes.

Would be nice to have a wait feature. I was low on health, out of potions and standing in front of the bar with no way to kill time until I could sleep.

I can see that would be tedious. Okay, I'm gonna do two things: create a scene for the bar where you rent a room for a few golds, restoring your health during nap time. Secondly, I think a button that skips 4 hours ahead wouldn't do any harm, as long it only skips time. Thank you  :)  


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2016
Wonderful! Could there be a way to differentiate items? Such as a tag telling the player what it is at a glance. Or perhaps items of certain classes having a different colored border? I looted a club and because it looked like a stick, I didn't notice until later. The inventory can be cluttered so it would be nice to see what's a crafting item and what can be equipped at a glance. Would also be good if hovering over equipped items told you what they were.

I've been able to get the game to crash multiple times by double clicking equipped items, but other times nothing seems to happen. I'll tell you if I can reliably reproduce it.  Nevermind, already reported by someone else.

Maybe the prologue could be expanded into a tutorial? It was a lot of text to read and you could introduce the player to the game world by having them experience these things they went through in their past. The orphanage could explain equipping items and talking to people, the blacksmith moving from locations. The murder scene exploring. The player wouldn't get overwhelmed then.

Would be great to have an unequip all button too.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I'd like it if you could change it so that mousing over equipment in the crafting section tells you what they do. I had to discover after crafting them that the leaf set was somewhat oriented towards defense while the fur set is more for magic. Same for weapons and potions.


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2016
Consistent crashes if I use the western Clearing entrance (rather than the eastern), or if I select 'sneak out' with the elf.

Leopold visette

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2016
I'd like it if you could change it so that mousing over equipment in the crafting section tells you what they do. I had to discover after crafting them that the leaf set was somewhat oriented towards defense while the fur set is more for magic. Same for weapons and potions.

That's a fair point. You shouldn't have to guess your way on how an Item work. Added to the feature list :)

Consistent crashes if I use the western Clearing entrance (rather than the eastern), or if I select 'sneak out' with the elf.

Consistent crashes if I use the western Clearing entrance (rather than the eastern), or if I select 'sneak out' with the elf.

Ealin 'sneak out' crash added to the bug list :)  thanks

Wonderful! Could there be a way to differentiate items? Such as a tag telling the player what it is at a glance. Or perhaps items of certain classes having a different colored border? I looted a club and because it looked like a stick, I didn't notice until later. The inventory can be cluttered so it would be nice to see what's a crafting item and what can be equipped at a glance. Would also be good if hovering over equipped items told you what they were.

I've been able to get the game to crash multiple times by double clicking equipped items, but other times nothing seems to happen. I'll tell you if I can reliably reproduce it.  Nevermind, already reported by someone else.

Maybe the prologue could be expanded into a tutorial? It was a lot of text to read and you could introduce the player to the game world by having them experience these things they went through in their past. The orphanage could explain equipping items and talking to people, the blacksmith moving from locations. The murder scene exploring. The player wouldn't get overwhelmed then.

Would be great to have an unequip all button too.

Let's see :)  I can do so when you hover the cursor over an item, it tells you what sort of item it is in a tooltip (weapon, pants, crafting component, masturbation aid).
Added to the feature's list along with unequip all button.
A tutorial is a bigger beast to slay, but if it would help the player experience, then it certainly would be worth it *nods* 

Leopold visette

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2016
The only areas so far are the caves and the forest, right?

Correct, it's a little short on content currently :)  More zones are in the works, but they are prioritized below new characters and already lacking scenes for monster, areas and items... Oh, and bug fixes! xD  


New Member
Feb 8, 2016
Hi i am back from a bug hunt and found somthing for you, if you click and drag the sling that gives 2+ endurance into an item slot then you can raise the HP by some points each time, i did it for 2 minuts and got 200 plus HP out of it. Hope it helps ;D.
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Leopold visette

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2016
Hi am back from a bug hunt and found somthing for you, if you click and drag the sling that gives 2+ endurance into an item slot then you can raise the HP by some points each time, i did it for 2 minuts and got 200 plus HP out of it. Hope it helps ;D.

Hehe, thank you :)  With some changes you won't be able to cheap yourself super healthy. Added to the bug list.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I skimmed through here and didn't see anyone mention this crash bug. But if you have one piece of equipment and try to click and drag another piece of equipment that fills the same slot into it to swap gear it will crash. If you want to swap gear you need to remove the old equipment first and then put the newer and better equipment in its place.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
Although this isn't a 'bug' per se, I did see a few typos that need proofread.  Adventurous where it should say adventurers, valids instead of merits, etc.  I'm also going to second the equipment replacing and spider crashes.  I was really looking forward to taming the little bugger too...

You're probably going to do this anyway, but IMO, the bar needs a rest option, and more monsters need a victory lust drain option, instead of just the goo girls.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
typo "You wonder.. Could these be potions like those used by adventurous". adventurers 
The feeling is so good, it valids a taste!" Valids I think you are saying the feeling is so good, it calls for a taste! ? 

Just a tiny sip though, since drinking unknown substance and being careful goes hand in hand. substances instead of substance and go instead of goes(only if you switch to substances though).

You stand up, wiping off the crosted scabs from" crosted should be crusted.
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New Member
Feb 6, 2016
How do you start the game without crashing? when i open it and then go to click new game it crashes