Well, this is pretty much obvious. Item, which transforms into feline-morph or feline -taur.
Status: fully coded and working with fair amount of testing.
Tired of TF items transforming things you don't want? Tired of duds? Rejoice and meet Catnip! A new-gen designer transformative, featuring new level of efficiency and consistency. Based on old frontier colonization species project, it causes the user to gain sleek, flexible and very animalistic feline form without any known side effects. No actual catnip included. Some more backstory and lore in code comments.
Racial (requirements are only applied when using default route):
* Dick becomes feline: short, barbed, tapered and sheathed.
* Vag change to feline, little pink hole with vestigal labia.
* Grow feline tail. One tail, since this is not Kaithrit TF. But will keep second kaithrit tail, if you already have it (yes, nekomata-morph!). Also, it bypasses cockvine transformation resistance, leaving you with a sheathed cock on feline tail's tip.
* Grow cat ears.
* Feline eyes. bright and with vertical slits. Need ears.
* Fur. Only after tail and ears.
* Change arm type to furred, padded feline. Only after tail and ears.
* Change leg type to furred digitigrade feline paws. Only after arms. Can keep tauric body if had more than 2 legs legs before (only by manual command, default route changes to bipedal). Will change naga body to bipedal.
* Feline muzzle, complete with moist nose, whiskers and bristly feline tongue. Requires fur.
* Dick shrink down to 4" if larger (6/3 for Hung/Mini perks, x3 for taurs)
* Balls shrink down to 1.5" if larger (+2.5 if have Bulgy perk, +6 for taurs) with possible uniball effect if they are small enough
* Elasticity increase up to 3 (or 4 if have Elasticity perk)
* Looseness and wetness (both vag and ass) reduction down to 1
* Breasts down to B-cup/flats (with/without vag) if larger, no growth if smaller
* Thickness down to 30, tone up to 65 (only procs when thickness goes down).
* Hip and butt rating down towards 2/3 (m/f).
* Femininity increase up to 100 with possible Androgyny perk, but without lip rating growth. Androgyny perk changes rules of face description, always describing as "would work on either a male or a female", with remark about overall impression based on score.
Well, this is first layer of transformation. Yes, there are two of them. Mention of "old frontier colonization species project" is intentional. Second can be accessed by overriding safety in transformation menu and overusing - this only can work when usual route does not change anything.
* Legs route. Switch to quadripedal tauric stance from bipedal.
* Genitals route. Grow cock/vag if missing any. Switch balls to internal. Grow genital slit.
* Tail route. Make your feline tail prehensile.
* Tongue route. Make your feline tongue long and prehensile.
Note: there are also changes to race detection and face description for Androgyny perk in Creature.as and some description changes in appearance.as
Status: fully coded and working with fair amount of testing.
Tired of TF items transforming things you don't want? Tired of duds? Rejoice and meet Catnip! A new-gen designer transformative, featuring new level of efficiency and consistency. Based on old frontier colonization species project, it causes the user to gain sleek, flexible and very animalistic feline form without any known side effects. No actual catnip included. Some more backstory and lore in code comments.

Racial (requirements are only applied when using default route):
* Dick becomes feline: short, barbed, tapered and sheathed.
* Vag change to feline, little pink hole with vestigal labia.
* Grow feline tail. One tail, since this is not Kaithrit TF. But will keep second kaithrit tail, if you already have it (yes, nekomata-morph!). Also, it bypasses cockvine transformation resistance, leaving you with a sheathed cock on feline tail's tip.
* Grow cat ears.
* Feline eyes. bright and with vertical slits. Need ears.
* Fur. Only after tail and ears.
* Change arm type to furred, padded feline. Only after tail and ears.
* Change leg type to furred digitigrade feline paws. Only after arms. Can keep tauric body if had more than 2 legs legs before (only by manual command, default route changes to bipedal). Will change naga body to bipedal.
* Feline muzzle, complete with moist nose, whiskers and bristly feline tongue. Requires fur.
* Dick shrink down to 4" if larger (6/3 for Hung/Mini perks, x3 for taurs)
* Balls shrink down to 1.5" if larger (+2.5 if have Bulgy perk, +6 for taurs) with possible uniball effect if they are small enough
* Elasticity increase up to 3 (or 4 if have Elasticity perk)
* Looseness and wetness (both vag and ass) reduction down to 1
* Breasts down to B-cup/flats (with/without vag) if larger, no growth if smaller
* Thickness down to 30, tone up to 65 (only procs when thickness goes down).
* Hip and butt rating down towards 2/3 (m/f).
* Femininity increase up to 100 with possible Androgyny perk, but without lip rating growth. Androgyny perk changes rules of face description, always describing as "would work on either a male or a female", with remark about overall impression based on score.
Well, this is first layer of transformation. Yes, there are two of them. Mention of "old frontier colonization species project" is intentional. Second can be accessed by overriding safety in transformation menu and overusing - this only can work when usual route does not change anything.
* Legs route. Switch to quadripedal tauric stance from bipedal.
* Genitals route. Grow cock/vag if missing any. Switch balls to internal. Grow genital slit.
* Tail route. Make your feline tail prehensile.
* Tongue route. Make your feline tongue long and prehensile.
Note: there are also changes to race detection and face description for Androgyny perk in Creature.as and some description changes in appearance.as
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